Ephemeral: Love, Pleasure and...

By Aishhhh1004

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Apo was stuck in an abusive relationship since he ended his college life. For five years Dan has planted into... More



582 30 16
By Aishhhh1004

When I said Part II for Dan's pov. I never said this chapter 🌚

Mile walked into his company, his mother had prevented him from going to work, but his worries were consuming him while resting. He grew restless as hours and minutes passed by. It's only been a day since his episode. He rested enough for just a day. He was fully glad that Apo had insisted on taking care of him. They knew Nalin's health started to worsen due to his old age. Mile was grateful for the younger worry, he had begged for him to rest another day, until he fully recovered from his cold, but he could not let time stretch any longer. The anxiety of leaving his work unintended had eaten him inside out. On top of all, he was scared of his own situation, he could not monitor his behaviour during Kinn's fronting. He could not get the footage from CCTV unless he had his phone on his hands, unfortunately it was left behind by the other man.

He walked with a straight back and controlled breathing despite the dreadful fear. Some employees who walk past him, immediately wai in respect. As soon as the elevator stops on his floor, Mile eye's only focus on his office door at the end of the hallway. His secretary stands up abruptly as she sees her boss walking straight into the door of his office, "Sir—," she called, catching his long strides.

She was cut off, Mile waving his hand, dismissing the young secretary. He walked confidently into his dark oak door, pressed his thumb on the high security door, it clicked open.

One step across the door, his step halted, his view was greeted by a man sitting on the chair in front of his desk. His broad shoulder and perfectly style hair was visible from the back. He wear black suit, the air around him was intimidating. His ear perked up as he heard the door open.

"I'm sorry sir. Mr. Brian insisted on waiting inside," Mile frowned at his assistant. She looks apologetic. Other than his mother and Apo, she is the only person outside of his circle who had the pass into his room. 

"And you let him in?," he asked, the tone starting to harden. It is out of ordinary, an incompetence act to let someone close to a stranger into his office, which is full of important documents. "We need to talk after meetings ," he said, closing the door on her face. He could feel a sensation of anxiety drumming through his skin.

He heard Brian chuckled, "Don't worry. I'm not touching anything, Khun Phakphum," Brian turned, hands hover on the side of his head, empty of anything. He looked at Mile's confident strut. Brian smirk formed, watched his every move like a hawk.

"What do you want?"he asked, truly hating the fact that Brian could smile freely as if not knowing he had crossed the line as a business partner. "We had a meeting in an hour. I don't think it was necessary to meet before that. You knew it could make people talk," he said,while his hand reached for the lowest drawer. To check whether it is locked. He silently sighs in relief. With the key in hand, he unlocked it. It soothes his heart, knowing his important document and pen drive was locked inside, securely.

As soon as it unlocked, he reached for the cold black pen drive, held it gently, "—I heard you rejected my sister at a fancy restaurant," he heard Brian say. Mile rolled his eyes, he sat straight and met Brian's blue eyes. It was intimidating, too clear to see the shrinking and enlarging of the pupils.

Mile took a deep breath, annoyed, jaw tight, "Anita was the one who took it too far. She deserves it," he casually said. Both siblings have given him headaches, in the working hour and out of it.

He could see Brian's eyes twitching. His lips smirk, "She is a bit childish. Forgive her. I don't want any of this affecting our bond in business," he said, flowing freely.

"I don't think it will affect anything. If your company still gives benefits to mine, then it's fine. I'm professional," Mile said, he let himself loose. Brian looks less intimidating. He smiles, dimples showing, it looks identical to Apo's boyfriend. If Dan is not 100% Thai, he would consider their relations.

Brian finally let himself sink on the chair, Mile frowning in confusion, this could not be the only reason he wanted to meet him. Quick talk after meetings is easier, he narrowed his eyes

Brian chuckled, "Khun Phakphum. I know you're smart, never look at me like you want to murder me. I almost thought you're someone else," Brian jokes, it was wholeheartedly a joke but his heart jumped at the mentioned of someone else

The man in front of him, did not mind his shocked face and mouth slightly gap open. His hand reached for his leather briefcase. It soon opened to his view, one document with a confidential bold on its hardcover caught his eyes. His shock turned into confusion, he observed Brian steady, no emotion eyes, "What the hell is this?," he spat. The man with blue eyes said nothing and laid the folder facing him.

"I don't want anything from you. Our past has nothing to do with this. But I had done some digging on your case," Brian said smoothly. He opens the folder, as he sees Mile hands tremble as it hovering on it. The sight he saw sent chills down his spine, the burn warehouse.

Mile closed it as fast as it opened, "Case was close. They caught Arthit," Mile spatted. His palm meets the table, a loud thump echoing through the room. "I know you wanted to bring justice to your father. I understand that. You might resent me. The evidence was clear. I'm sorry for your loss but I've also lost someone too—," he let his heart mourn. There's fire in Brian eyes. He looked at Mile, pleaded for something he couldn't see, "—I was a kid too," Mile's voice cracked.

Look akin to understanding flash in their eyes. Memory they once locked, rattle to open.

They used to be friends before the accident happened. He was Mile's real childhood friend. Even though Brian was 5 years older than him and acted as his older brother. He always looks at the older child as his true friend. Their father Arthit and Phassakorn were good friends too, a generational friendship. They grew up together even though they were 10 years apart in age. Arthit had been a good mentor for Phassakorn in his early business. Both were born from millionaire families but Phassakorn was gifted with the greatest gift of ideas, his family business thriving in his hands.

In a blink of an eye, he suppressed his older friend in all areas and everyone dubbed him the business god.

After the incident, the detective who investigated the case found a lot of evidence and a burner phone which directed to the kidnapping. It was obvious.

The kids' friendship ended as soon as Arthit was caught by police. His mother was also too heartbroken to keep in contact with the Channarong family. Only when Mile took over the company, he let that family continue their partnership in business. Then, Mile came to know that Brian had spent his life trying to prove his father's involvement. Mile had tried to keep the professionalism, but now Brian was scaring him again.

Mile kept quiet, the silence was dreadful. Brian knuckled whiten, his eyes moist with tears, "In the first court, there is no evidence of anyone else's involvement. But then suddenly your mother suggested my father's name to the investigation. I heard people talk, you mentioned his name, right?," he pointed out, his eyes flashing with accusations, just on the tip of his tongue. Mile knew someone bound to pointed finger into his memories. The involvement, the trauma. Brian continued, "But you also said that you could not recall", his eyes narrowed.

Mile breath hitch. Out of anger and fear, he took the confidential folder and threw it onto Brian face, the contents fell out of it, Mile kept his eyes on the blue piercing, "Out Brian. I had helped your dire company from bankruptcy. I did not deserve this. We are nothing now. I don't know you, and you don't know me. We are complete strangers with a tie of business. I wanted to keep this professional, but the power is still in my hand to discard you. So, while I still have my patience intact. Out and never spoke about that incident again," Mile yelled. Brian looks at him broken, eyes shine with moisture. He stood up, gathered the contents of the folder, and looked at Mile with disappointment. Mile keeps his angry eyes on Brian, afraid that if he looks down, the pictures of the aftermath of the event flash into his eyes.

Brian left soon after, with much disappointment. Mile could feel his mourning. But Mile is also a victim.


Brian nodded to the worried secretary, his eyes moist with tears, he kept it in, showing a sad eyes into everyone who sees him. It was to create gossip around this place. He walked into one of the bathrooms, locked the door. This is the only place without any cctv. Brian had noticed how Mile had put on the highest security in his company. He chuckled.

He wipe the unshed fake tears, the memory of employees took pity of him make him chuckled more.

The folder on his hands was heavy. He plopped it down on the bathroom floor. The photograph was mostly easily obtained from the internet, it was only a decoy, to find out which reaction the younger man would have shown him. He contained his laughter at how weak Mile could stand just by the mere photograph.

Brain trying to contain his laughter harder, it might ruin his plan if someone sees a sad Brain kick out of their strict billionaire boss Mile, suddenly laugh, it would sound unreal. He cup his mouth, took a deep breath, he looked at the picture of a young kid sleeping but battered in fresh injury, a photo that was taken by one of the police officers without consent and was posted on the internet.

The officer who took the photo lost his job, again Mile ruined someone's life just by how much money and influence they had. He step his leather shoes on it, dirtying the printed photo on simple A4 paper

Oh he's gonna have so much fun destroying him again.

"Mile Phakphum. That was my last string of sanity. I give you a chance to redeem yourself, you just throw that away," he mumbled, "I will make everyone on your side suffer. I'll make you watch them slowly die. Then I'll kill you with my bare hands," he punctured each word out of anger. Rim of his eyes red due to anger and madness.

His phone suddenly rings. Andrew's name flashes on the screen. He sighs, nothing good comes from him. He answered it not without rolling his eyes.

"Dan planning something," that's all he said.

Brian chuckled, "He took the bait then. Let him do anything. But make sure to keep an eye on Nattawin. He is our wild card. Easy target for Phakphum," he mumbled, slow enough for only them to hear, but his voice still intimidating. Without waiting for any answer he ended the call.

He tidies his suits. There is a meeting he needs to attend.


Mile  his fist on the table, his hand reddened due to the impacts. He controlled his breathing, he could feel the anxiety bubbled up his skin. Without wasting any time, he swallows up his pills. He took another minute to feel his heart rate slowing down, his breathing even.

There fifteen minutes left before his meeting, they had been informed that he couldn't attend that meeting by his mother, but Mile insisted on going. Now his mood sours.

This madness should end, Nalin had told him to cut any ties with anyone who was involved in the event. When Brian came to ask for help a few years ago, he almost turned it down. Then he realised the older man was also a victim of the situation. With a heavy heart and a lot of persuasion to his mother, they help the almost bankrupt company. It raises too much gossip about the rekindled relationship between Romsaithong and Channarong.

Then his short relationship with Anita came out in the media unexpectedly. It drives people to believe the good news of a wedding between two rich families. And when the relationship ended, people still talked about the incident and their family in the media. It makes him sick.

Mile took another deep breath, his mind fuzzy and calm due to his pills. He takes the 12 minute left to open his laptop, scrolling through the folder. The security footage was already stored inside their company's security files. Without wasting any time, he opened the specific video at a specific time.

He observed the video with eagle eyes, he could see how he was fainting. His secretary frantically laid him down on the floor, running to call other staff. In a minute of her disappearance, Mile could see himself opening his eyes. Looking blank a minute before sitting up. He looks around, hunching and laughing. Then his eyes look directly into the CCTV, he wink and smirk. Aware that Mile watching

There three staff rushing into the room, but he sees himself dismissing their present. Worried looks on face, but nonetheless obeyed. As the door closed, Kinn was walking leisurely, tracing and opening the document on the table, mostly about the new building of the hotel and mall. He flipped it away, uninterested. With my leg up the table, swaying his foot left to right. He opened Mile's phone, his personal phone.

Trying to call someone, Mile frown. Kinn knew someone?

Then he stood up, took off his red suit coat, looking at the camera intensely.

He mouthing

Sleep, Loser

He closed the CCTV with the coat. It was dark. Nothing could be seen, until his most trusted bodyguard opened it the next morning after placing the pendrive into his locker.

Kinn was calling someone, but when he checked his phone log. There is no history of the receiver that day and time. If Kinn knew someone, is it good or bad? He is known to act impulsively, what if someone hurts?

He immediately reached for his phone, "Shin, I need you to get every detail on whose I calling, on the 13 February. I need it as soon as I step out of the meeting room this morning" he barked the order.


Apo walked into his apartment building slowly with a heavy heart. He had left Dan on bad terms with Kinn. He must have had too many questions to ask. Apo himself did not have any words to explain. It is complicated. The darkness already consumes its like, moon shine the night, he had lost track of time, helping Nalin since morning as soon as Mile stubbornly insisted on going to work. His body is still weak, Apo could see the dark circle under his eyes. The eyes that avoided him for a day, he sighs, he remembers how Mile had been avoiding his eyes as soon as he mentioned sex. Did he think Apo into bdsm? Is he ashamed to face him? It unconsciously made him sad.

The elevator moves fast, he looks at floor after floor. The 5th floor shone, mocking him. The elevator ding. He stood inside for a few seconds, the old woman looking at him concerned. Now he was wearing one of Mile white dress shirts, the faint redness on his neck is still visible. Nalin had seen that too but he insisted it was nothing. It took much time to convince her. He knew Nalin would keep an eye on Dan, her mother's instinct.

The door almost closed, he immediately oit of the elevator, avoid the worried eyes of a stranger. The elevator door closed, he faced it, the redness was faint. Memory of Dan choking him brings a shiver down his spine. The fear consumed him. Will Dan do his worst? Dan would do his worst. But he needed to brace himself, it was his fault for leaving.

He punched Dan.

Apo took a deep breath, controlling his spiral thoughts.

Slowly he walked along the empty silence hallway. Now, he is facing the door of his apartment. Fidgeting the hem of Mile's dress shirt nervously, he didn't know if Dan was inside or he was busy with his friends. He prayed for the second option. He is undeniably afraid of the consequences of his actions. That's why he insisted on staying at Nalin house. With trembling hands, he keyed in the door password. It unlocked. From the crack of the door opening, he could see the light switch on, his step halted. Almost contemplated running.

While his mind swirling, the door was pushed open, he took two steps back in shock. Shockingly, Dan's big smile with a cute dimple greeted him, his breath hitch. Whether fear or shock, he could not describe.

Dan looked at his questioning, like nothing happened to them. His smile shone through Apo's eyes, it instantly melted his heart. Unconsciously Apo mirrored the smile.

"What took you so long, babe?," Dan said with a honeyed voice. His eyes sprinkle with gold dust of love. His right hand slowly reached to caress Apo's cheek and brought him into a short sweet kiss.

This is the first nice welcome he had received in almost 3 years of their rocky relationships. He can't help but to smile, melting into the touch "Babe?," he smiled, missing the sweet nickname. An electric shock of happiness dancing in his stomach. Dan hummed, taking his hands into the older one. Tugged him into the apartment. The hold of hand makes him notice Dan is wearing an apron, there is a new stain of red chilies on it. Apo giggled, this not what he imagined to see, it warmed his heart, "Did you cook?," he asked softly. Dan nodded. Take the younger one to the living room.

Apo gasps in shock, his cheek to his ear redden out of shyness and happiness. Dan had made a candle light dinner in their living room, the soft melody of his favourite song echoing through the room. The candle was lit, Dan switched off the light of their apartment as they walked into the room. The moonlight, street lights and the city of Thailand shine through their windows. It is the most romantic Dan had been for their whole relationship.

Slowly he could feel Dan's strong hand snake into his waist, back hugging him, "I love you," he heard Dan whisper.

He tried to reply, but words stuck in his throat, he hummed. Pretending to listen to the melody. Their bodies sway left and right. Enjoying the quietness.

What he did not notice, is how Dan's eyes darkened, his smile dropped and his body turned slightly rigid. His silence was Dan's last straw of sanity.


Bible was waiting for Jeff to arrive in the airport. He was nervous, it had been more than 4 years that they lost every way of communication. It is not that they lost the contact number but the scar both of them shared in the past was too hard to ignore. They choose to stop talking. But now, for Apo safety, they leave the past behind and meet.

Bible had high hopes that Mile's would call him back, but after days without reply, he gave up.

Mile did not receive the message, he reasoning

The flight from Los Angeles had just landed, with sweaty palms he waited for the beautiful long haired man. He was ready to meet him again, or so he thought. The sight of Jeff's uninterested eyes took his breath away, again.

"Hey," the words were uttered for the first time in front of each other.

Jeff only glared, "I don't have time to catch up. Lets go to Apo's house," he walked away from him. Just like he once did before.

Still cold, untouchable

p/s: To be honest I am excited to write about Kinn pov too. There'll be more of his pov later. And I need you to remember that Bible is in relationship.

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