At The End Of The Tunnel

Da jaydenkingg

622K 18.4K 9.8K

[BoyxBoy] Kai Carter has been through hell and back. His parents are abusive, homophobic and don't support h... Altro

1) Alone
2) Bad Parenting
3) Down Memory Lane
4) The Outcast Alliance
5) Sundays
6) Friendship Unlocked
7) I Feel Important
8) Paint Me
9) End Product
10) Is That Jealousy?
11) But, It's Midnight
12) Your Parents Are Jackasses
13) Deep Breaths Damien, Deep Breaths
14) Don't Lie To Me, Kai
15) You, Me And The Guys
16) The Lake
17) A Good Stalker
18) Oui
20) The Day After
21) The Drive
22) A Little Obsessed
23) Welcome
24) Senior Field Trip (Pt.1)
25) Senior Field Trip (Pt.2)
26) Boyfriend?
27) Welcome To The Family
28) Spilling Secrets
29) Happy And Free
30) Everyone Will Know
31) I Just Wanna Be Left Alone
32) Karma Really Is A Bitch
33) Somewhere In The Distance
34) Better Off Broken
35) This Is What It Feels Like
36) Never Alone

19) Bonfire

16.4K 459 315
Da jaydenkingg

Song: Easy/Lucky/Free by Bright Eyes


Third Person (POV)

Kai and his friends decided to sit on the lawn under a tree infront of the school, instead of in the cafeteria. The sun was sitting in the middle of the sky, smiling down proudly, making everything that it's magnificent rays touch a golden yellow color. The wind moved gently through the air with birds riding the gentle breeze as they glided through the air. The flowers too, were smiling, dressed in magnificent gowns, ranging from reds, to yellows and even blues. Kai was glad that he and his friends made the decision to have lunch outside today.

Today, Kai was having spaghetti and meatballs for lunch. It was yesterday's leftovers from the diner that he worked at. Martha, Kai's boss, usually allows the employees to go home with whatever that was left, because she swore an oath that she will only serve fresh food to her coustomers, and also refrain from wasting food. And Kai really admired her for that.

Kai took a bite of his food and almost moaned in pleasure. He was happy that he was eating actual food for once, instead of the shit that the cafeteria served. Kai needed to remind himself to thank M again for allowing them to leave with the leftovers.

"Are you guys going to the bonfire tonight?" Stacy asked causing Kai to snap back to reality.

The bonfire was an annual event that was hosted by the football team. It would be heald at the same lake that Kai was at almost two weeks ago.

"Will there be alcohol there?" Austin asked.

"Dude, thats like asking if water is wet. Of course there will be alcohol." Juan answered.

"Actually," Austin said. "Water is not wet."

"What? Of course water is wet. That's like saying that fire is not hot."

"Dude that's literally not the same thing." Said Austin shaking his head.

"Yes it is." Juan replied.

"No it's not."

"Yes. It. Is." Juan said. "If water is not wet, then fire is not hot. Simple science."

"Honestly dude I don't even know why I try to educate you." Austin told him.

Juan rolled his eyes. "How can you educate me, when you yourself is not educated?"

"Ok, stop it the two of you. Why do you guys always have to make everything an argument?" Stacy cut them off, sighing in frustration. "I asked a simple question. Are you guys coming or not?"

"That's like asking if water is wet. Of course I'm coming." Juan used the same reference to annoy Austin, causing Austin to flip him off.

"Austin?" Stacy asked.

Austin nodded. "Yes I'm coming."

"Kai?" Stacy asked causing all eyes to turn to him.

Kai stopped mid chewing and looked up to shake his head no.

"What? Why?" Stacy asked.

Kai just shrugged. Social events was not something that Kai enjoyed. Even though that they would be outdoors and not squeezed up in a small room, Kai just wanted to stay away from people. Normally he would do anything to be away from his house, but this was an exception.

"I just don't want to come." Kai answered.

"Come on dude," Juan said. "Have you ever even been to a party?"

"Nope." Kai said popping the 'p.'

"See? You have to come. All three of us will be here." Austin argued.

"Yeah." Stacy said. "What kind of friends would we be if we left you out? Plus Damien will be there." At her words Kai immidiately turned crimson red.

"What's the deal with the two of you anyways?" Juan asked. "I'm like forty-seven percent sure that he likes you or something like that."

"There's nothing going on with us." Kai told him. Kai didn't want to tell his friends that he and Damien have kissed on many occasions, because he doesn't know how Damien would feel about that.

"Why forty-seven percent?" Austin asked. "That's a very random number."

"Why is forty-seven random but fifty isn't?" Juan asked already forgetting the conversation he was having with Kai.

"Because that's just how things work." Austin told him.

"Well things are weird." Said Juan.

"Dude, life is weird." Answered Austin.

"So Kai, are you coming?" Stacy asked.

"I'll think about it." Kai said causing Stacy to roll her eyes.

"I'll pick you up at seven. Send me your address."


After a few hours of some critical thinking, Kai finally decided to go to the bonfire. He knew that it would be chilly tonight so he decided to wear something that would keep him warm. He wore Brown cargo pants, white t-shirt, a brown bomber jacket and the pair of white sneakers.

When Kai got downstairs, he saw his father sitting on the couch in the living room watching TV. When Kai's father heard foot steps, he turned his attention from the TV to look to see who it was. When he saw that it was his son, his face turned into a scowl.

"Where the fuck are you going boy?" His father asked.

"I-I'm going to s-something at the s-school." Kai stammered, which is something he usually does when he is nervous, uncomfortable or afraid. In this case it was the last two choices.

"If you leave this fucking house, you better stay out for the rest of the night." His father casually said turning his attention back to the TV.

"What!" Kai cried out. "Where am I suppose to sleep." He asked before he could stop himself.

"I don't fucking care where you sleep. You can sleep in a dumpster for all I care." His father said and turned up the volume of the TV to signify that the conversation was over.

Kai quietly made his way to the door and left the house with his head hung low in shame. Is having loving and caring parents too much to ask? Well he definitely knew the answer to that question.

Kai made his way over to the park, which is where he told Stacy to pick him Up. He was deep in thought and was holding tears back from the conversation he just had with his father. Damien was the only person who knew where Kai lived, and to Kai, that was enough.

When Kai reached the park, Stacy was already waiting in her red Chevrolet beat. When Kai approached the door and opened it, before he could get in, Stacy asked him.

"Why did you make me pick you up at the park instead of your house?"

"My house is like two blocks away, and I didn't want my parents to know that I was going out." Kai lied and got into the car.

It seemed that Stacy totally believed the lie, because for the rest of the ride, she did not question him about it again. Instead, the ride was spent with light conversation and soft music playing in the background.

When they arrived, the lake was surrounded by parked cars, and the air was filled with the sound of loud music. Rowdy teenagers were scattered around, laughing and talking loudly. 'I would never believe that this is the same lake Damien, his friends and I went to. It looks so different with so many people and the smell of alcohol in the air.' Kai thought to himself.

As soon as Kai stepped foot out of the car, he immediately regretted his decision to come here. "I seriously want to go back home." He told Stacy.

"Stop being dramatic, and have fun for once in your life." Stacy told him, holding him by the shoulders to navigate him through the crowded lake.

"Where are we going?" Kai asked.

"To get you a drink, you need go lighten up."

"I don't want a drink." Kai told her.

She stopped and turned Kai to face her. "Why not?" She asked raising one eyebrow.

"Because I don't want one." Kai told her.

"Okay, be boring then. Everyone else is drinking." She told him.

"I don't care what everyone else is doing Stacy, just because everyone is doing something doesn't make it right." Kai told her.

"Whatever." She said rolling her eyes. "I'm going to go find Juan and Austin. Go get a sprite or something and don't do anything stupid."

"Anything like what?" Kai asked.

"I don't know, Kai. Just don't do anything you would think is stupid. You're smart, I'm sure you will figure it out." She said and walked away.

Great, Kai thought to himself. My first party and I'm left on my own. He sighed and made his way to the drinks to get something non alcoholic. He ended up getting a can of coke and decided to start looking around for Damien. Kai hadn't seen Damien for the entirety of the day because coach Phillips took them to train away from the school for the day.

It didn't take Kai a long time to spot Damien and his friends. They were all sitting on a fallen log near the fire, talking and laughing.

However, when Kai spotted Wendy with one of her hands draped over Damien's shoulders, he had the sudden urge to walk away. He didn't know if he wanted to push Wendy in the fire, or Punch Damien in the face. Instead he decided that he wanted to get away from them and forget about the night.

First his father, now Wendy pressing up herself on Damien. Kai couldn't take it. That is why he decided to make his way over to the bar once again. And this time he would not get a coke, oh no, he wanted something stronger.

Kai Carter would be getting drunk for the first time tonight.

He made his way to the bar. "I'm looking for something that will make me forget my name." He told the guy that was mixing the drinks.

The guy smiled at him. "I know just the thing." He said and poured something in a red solo cup, handing it to Kai.

Kai held the cup up to his mouth to take a sip but the smell of alcohol almost knocked him out. He looked up at the guy. "What is that?" He asked.

The guy smirked at him. "That, my friend is vodka. Drink it. After a few more drinks of it, I can promise you that you will not remember where you are. And do yourself a favour when drinking this and stay away from the fire." The guy told him.

Kai nodded and walked away. When he took the first sip, his face scrunched up in disgust. Kai didn't understand the hype around alcoholic beverages, it didn't even taste good. But, his goal was to get drunk, and the only way to accomplish that was to drink the drink in his hands, so he did just that.

After drinking five shots of vodka, Kai was drunk. He was sitting on a rock just staring into the distance. Although the music was loud, he could hardly hear it. But he was not satisfied. He wanted another drink.

Before he could properly stand to his feet, someone placed a hand on his back. "Sit down dude. You look wasted." The person said.

When Kai looked up, he realised that it was a guy named Ethan who was in the same year as him. Ethan was known for experimenting with different drugs.

"Butiwantanotherdrink." Kai slurred.

Ethan laughed. "I have something better than a drink. It will make you feel like you're on top of the world." Ethan told him and pulled something out of his jacket pocket and handed it to Kai.

"What is that." Kai asked, grabbing Ethan's shoulder for support.

"It's a joint." Ethan said steadying Kai.

"Whatsinit?" Kai slurred.

Ethan moved his mouth to Kai's ear and whispered. "It's weed...mixed with that white stuff."

Kai gasped loudly and hiccuped. "No." He said like he couldn't belive it.

"Yes." Ethan said.

"That white stuff?" Kai asked and did what looked like he was snorting something.

"That's the one." Ethan laughed.

Kai put his finger on his chin and thought for a moment. "Will it make me feel good?"

Ethan nodded. "It will make you feel the best. You will feel like you're on top of the world."

"Shit!" Kai said a bit too loudly causing Ethan to hush him.

"Sorry." Kai whisper yelled. "Shit, I wanna feel like I'm at the top of the world."

"Then follow me." Ethan told him.

"Whydoihavetofollowyou?" Kai slurred once again.

"Because we can't do it in front of everyone, we could get into trouble." Ethan told him.

"Fuck, I don't want that to happen." Kai whispered.

"Right, then follow me."


Before Kai and Ethan could leave, a very familar voice stopped Kai.

"Kai, where are you going with this guy?" Damien asked sizing up Ethan.

"We're going to feel at the top of the world and you're not invited." Kai laughed like a maniac.

"Jesus Kai, are you drunk?" Damien asked.

"Yes, and it's half your fault. So that's like thirty-five percent your fault." Kai told him.

"That's it, I'm taking you home." Damien said grabbing Kai so that he was not leaning on Ethan.

"Noooo" Kai wined. "We have to go feel good." Kai said flashing Damien with the joint in his hand."

"What the fuck is that?" Damien said turning his attention to Ethan.

"Shhhhh" Kai said placing a finger on Damien's lips to hush him. "Its a secret."

Damien ignored Kai's actions and kept his gaze on Ethan. "I said what the fuck is that?" He repeated himself.

At this point Ethan looked like he was about to shit his pants. Damien was a big, well built guy who could easily snap Ethan in two if he wanted. "It's weed and coke." Ethan rushed out.

Damien looked livid. He grabbed Ethan by the scruff of his shirt. "You tried giving him fucking drugs." He seathed.

"I-I'm sorry, I didn't r-realise that y-you knew him." Ethan stammered out.

"Whether I knew him or not, you shouldn't be going around giving drunk people your fucking drugs. Do you understand." Damien said in a deadly tone.

"Y-yes." Ethan stammered out.

"Yes what?"

"Yes I understand."

Damien then pushed Ethan with enough force to cause him to tumble to the ground. He then turned to grab the joint from Kai's hand that he was about to put in his mouth, and threw it in Ethan's face.

"The next time I see you talking to Kai, I'll punch you in the face so much that not even god would be able to recognise you." Damien said grabbing Kai's hand and stomping away.

By that time, a few people had gathered to watch the commotion, but Damien didn't care."Where are we going?" Kai asked trying to keep up with Damien but failing miserably. When he almost tripped on a tree foot, Damien heald him closer to his chest.

When Damien made it to where his friends were, he told them what had happened. "So I'm going to take him home." Damien said to which everyone nodded in agreement.

"If I got my hands on that Ethan dude, I'd break his fucking legs." Rob said.

"Trust me man, it took everything in me not to do it." Damien said. "Anyways I'll see you guys later." Damien said and started walking away.

Before Damien coukd leave, Wendy was standing in front of him. She looked at Kai in disgust, then looked back at Damien. "You never answered my question." She said putting her hands on her hips.

"Wendy, right now, I'm seriously not in the mood for you and your questions. And whatever the question was, the answer is no." Damien said and walked passed her, pulling Kai with him.

"Damien, get back here!" She yelled, but Damien played her no mind. He just continued walking.

"My feet hurt." Kai complained.

Damien stopped and looked back at him. "Sorry darling." He said and scooped Kai up, holding him in bridal style.

"Why don't you go back to Wendy." Kai said folding his arms.

"Why would I go to Wendy, when I have you right here?"

"You like her." Kai accused with a hiccup.

"No I don't." Damien defended himself

"Well she likes you." Kai told him.

"Alot of people like me. That doesn't mean I like them back." Damien told him.

"I like you." Kai said barely above a whisper causing Damien to send a genuine smile down at him.

"I like you too Kai." Damien said. "I hope you're not too drunk to remember this conversation by the morning."

Kai then looked up at Damien and placed a hand on his cheek. "Dame," He whispered. "Kiss me."

Damien smiled and kissed him on his cheek. "There you go." He said.

Kai pouted. "Not on my cheeks. Here." he said pointing to his mouth.

"No." Damien said shaking his head. "You're drunk, I'm not going to take advantage of you like that."

"Fine," Kai huffed and proceeded to take matters into his own hands by pulling Damien's head down and placing a sloppy kiss on his jaw. "Thereyougo." He slurred.

Damien just smiled at him, shaking his head not even bothering to see if anyone saw that.

When Damien neared a black range rover, he put Kai down and unlocked it causing Kai to gasp loudly. "You stole a car." He accused.

Damien laughed. "No I didn't. It's mine."

"That is not you car." Kai said drunkly. "You have a grey car." He hiccuped.

Damien ruffled his hair. "I have three vehicles, now get in."

Kai did as Damien said, and Damien buckled his seat belt for him because he refused to do it himself.

"Am I taking you home?" Damien asked.

Kai shook his head frantically. "I can't go home. My father told me go sleep in a dumpster." Kai said causing his face to change into sadness.

"Hey," Damien said softly, caressing his cheeks. "You have your father know that me bed is not a dumpster."

Damien then started the vehicle and started driving. "Kai." He said but there was no answer, only soft snoring as the white haired boy breathed in and out.


Fun fact: Did you know that there are three different types of third person POV?

The main differences between third person omniscient, third person limited, and third person objective are in the level of access the narrator has to the thoughts and feelings of the characters. In third person omniscient, the narrator has access to the thoughts and feelings of all the characters. In third person limited, the narrator has access to the thoughts and feelings of only one character. In third person objective, the narrator does not have access to the thoughts and feelings of any of the characters.

Thank you so much for reading, I really hope you enjoyed this chapter. I know that this was a longer than usual chapter.

Lol I finished writing this at 4;40 am.

Love ya


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