♡ ༘*.゚ MANIAC | MIN-HO

By HeavenlyStarz

13.7K 393 126

༘*.゚ "You're a maniac Moon Sooha" "A maniac that you love, Minho." *.゚ Moon Sooha, and Moon E... More



1.1K 34 22
By HeavenlyStarz

"𝐒𝐨𝐨𝐡𝐚! 𝐒𝐨𝐨𝐡𝐚 𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐞 𝐛𝐚𝐜𝐤! 𝐈𝐦 𝐬𝐨𝐫𝐫𝐲!"

"𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐭𝐨 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐤 𝐢 𝐭𝐫𝐮𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐚𝐠𝐚𝐢𝐧."

—————— Sooha was on the phone with Minho before the party. She was in the middle of curling her hair while her roommates of course destroyed the place getting ready.

"Aren't you excited? You're gonna be singing today!"

"I'm a little nervous I mean I haven't sung infront of a group of people since I was like 14."

"You'll do great Sooha~ and plus even if everyone hates it I'll still love it."

"Yeah thanks for the encouragement."

"Don't be sarcastic!"

"Whatever. Anyways I'm going to change, I'll see you later Min, I love you."

"Can I see your dress!"

"No you cannot. Bye bye~"

Call ended.

Sooha laughed to herself.

"He's so annoying." Sooha smiled at herself in her mirror as she did her last curl. Just then kitty burst into the room with her dress and hair done. Sooha turned around and her jaw dropped. She was so shocked that she didn't realize her curling iron was so close her to neck, she ended up burning her neck.

"Ah, shit!" She dropped the hot object onto the ground and kitty ran over to her quickly.

"Sooha! Are you alright? Ah shit it left a mark." Kitty looked at Sooha's neck as said girl squeezed her eyes shut to try and ease the pain.

"Here Lemme grab some ice." Kitty ran out of the room to grab some ice. Sooha turned back around to look in the mirror and saw a dark purplish mark on her neck.

"Oh god. Minho's gonna freak." She moved her head around to try and get a better look at the mark before kitty ran back in with a small bag of ice.

"Here, put this on there."

"Thank you." Sooha took the ice and tried to put it on her injury, but the second it touched her neck she flicked hard.

"Fuck. It hurts." Sooha squeezed her eyes shut as she basically slammed the ice into her neck injury. She screamed with her mouth shut and bent over slightly trying to hide her scream. Kitty just looked at the girl apologetically. Sooha sighed and took off the ice bag.

"I'll just deal with it. That shit hurts way to much." She threw the bag into her mini trash can and went into her closet to put on the red dress that she bought at the mall the other day. She immediately started to change and kitty began to freak out.

"AH! SOOHA WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" She put her hands over her face and turned around. Sooha just laughed and continued to change.

"I'm sorry, should have warned you." She just laughed as she put on the dress that went just a little past her thighs. She then put on a red pair on heels that had a thick heel and strapped around her ankle. Afterwards she grabbed the necklace that Minho gifted her. It had his initials on it and it was made out of real gold. Spoiled girlfriend vibes for real.

She looked at herself in the mirror doing a few turns. She then looked back at the burn mark on her neck and prayed that no one got the wrong idea. Either way she had to go or else Minho would kill her for being late. The room was quiet which meant Madison was already gone.

"Kitty lets go." Sooha grabbed her purse and rushed out the room. As they were leaving they bumped into the other roommate.

"Woah, you guys look beautiful. Hope you have fun!"

"Thank you! Oh I never caught your name?" Kitty of course had to make conversation, that's just how she is. Sooha on the other hand was standing at the door praying that Kitty would hurry up. Their Uber was outside waiting.

"Oh I'm so sorry! My names Olivia Lee! I actually have an older brother! He's in your classes I think.. well he's a junior and I'm a sophomore." Olivia smiled at the two girls. Sooha smirked at that comment and walked back towards them.

"Well it was really nice to meet you Olivia! I'll see if I can talk to Felix, maybe we can all be friends." Sooha smiled at the freckled girl as she smiled back. She grabbed Kittys' arm and dragged her out of the dorm. They ran to the Uber and the driver sped off.

♡ ༘*.゚Now Playing : TASTE by danceracha

The two girls walked into the party with their arms linked. As they walked past everyone turned their heads to look at them. They smirked at each other as they made their way into the main party. They stood at the edge of the dance floor and watched the party. It was huge, but what else would you expect from Minho.

Speaking of Minho, just as the girls were about to walk off someone spun Sooha around. She was met face to face with Minho. She noticed that he had on her necklace with her initials and she smiled. Kitty forced a smile and went to find Q.

"You look..." Minho couldn't get his words out. He looked her up and down before his eyes fell onto her neck. He grabbed her shoulders and looked at her neck. She froze under his touch as she knew exactly what he was looking at.

"Look! Before you get mad! I burned myself with my curling iron! Please don't get the wrong idea." Sooha out her hands together and looked down as Minho just looked at her. He sighed and pat her head.

"You had me worried for a second, but be careful next time." Minho kissed her forehead and she smiled. They walked to the dance floor hand in hand and noticed a crowd in the middle of the floor. It was yuri dancing with 2 girls.

"Hey you should go in there, don't you like take dance classes?"

"They aren't just dance classes Minho. I'm a trainee small problem though, if the paparazzi end up here and they see me I'm over." Minho pat his girlfriends shoulder as reassurance. She smiled up at him as she watched her friend dance with Dae. He seemed genuinely happy around her and it made her think if he actually started to like her.

Sooha looked down at her Apple Watch and saw the time.

"Ah shit, I have to get on stage." Sooha looked over at Minho who was just smiling at her. She smiled back and kissed him lightly.

"Good luck beautiful." Sooha giggled and jogged off to the stage. As she went onto the stage she saw the other person she'd be singing with plus the band. She walked up to them and bowed respectfully. The boy she was singing with had beautiful black hair and freckles. He kinda looked like Olivia.

"Hello! I'm Lee Felix, I'm excited to sing with you." His voice was deeper than expected and took Sooha by surprise. She smiled at him sweetly.

"It's nice to meet you Felix, I'm Moon Sooha but please call me Sooha."

"Moon Sooha?! Like the prodigy!" He gave her the most innocent and adorable smile she'd ever seen. He was the first person who acknowledged her as herself and not 'Eunwoos' Little Sister'.

"Come meet the band! They're really cool." Felix grabbed her hand and brought her to the other side of the stage.

"Oh I'm sorry, I didn't meant to just grab you like that."

"It's okay." She smiled at him and then looked at the band. Soon enough a boy with short fluffy black hair approached the duo.

"It's nice to meet you Sooha, I'm Gunil, the leader." The pretty faced boy bowed to the female and in response she bowed back.

"Let me introduce you to my band so we can get more accommodated." She nodded at him as she looked over at Felix. He was looking at the crowd.

"Alright the person on the keyboard is Jungsu. He has a baby face we know." Gunil laughed and Jungsu gave him a glare.

"It's nice to meet you Sooha." Jungsu smiled back at the girl and she bowed and smiled back.

"This guy right here is Gaon, one of our guitarists." Gaon waved cutely to Sooha. She laughed slightly and waved back.

"This guy right here is O.de, I know his name sounds like Soobins pet. We make fun of him for it all the time." Sooha laughed as she waved to O.de. He smiled and waved back and then shot a glare at his leader.

"This beautiful man right here is Junhan. A lot of people say he looks like Han Jisung, I can kinda see it." Sooha looked back over to the man and thought of Jisung in her head. She hadn't formally met him but she hoped to in the future.

"I can see it, the lip shape and nose are similar." Sooha agreed as she smiled and Junhan.

"Why thank you Ms. Sooha."

"Please just call me Sooha." She laughed as he laughed back.

"And last but not least the baby of our band, Jooyeon. We know his hair is extremely long and beautiful. He's always told he's the most handsome." Gunil put his hands on his hips as he looked at his maknae.

"Hey it's not my fault I'm good looking~" Jooyeon teased and Sooha laughed.

"You guys are funny, it's nice to meet all of you and I'm excited to sing with you guys! Hopefully we can hang out afterwards." Sooha smiled at all the boys including Felix and they all got excited.

"We'd love to hang out afterwards!" Jooyeon being loud as always made the people on the stage laugh.

"Alright well it's time to sing isn't it?" Sooha looked over at Felix who handed her a microphone. She smiled at him as the walked to the front of the stage, the band preparing behind them.

"Hello Everyone!!" Sooha yelled into her mic and the entire crowd went wild. Felix looked over at her and she looked back. They nodded at each other and screamed into their mics together.

"Are you ready!!" The crowd got even louder with Felix yelling into his mic. Guess he was popular as well.

Sooha turned around and nodded at the band. A slow beat began to play as Felix and Sooha swayed back and forth together.

"I think we could last forever"

"I'm afraid that everything will disappear."

"Just trust me."

Sooha and Felix's voice fit together perfectly, they sounded like sirens, pulling everyone into their deep spell.

"I'd rather be lost in the lights~"

"Lost in the lights~"

"Lost in the lights~"

"I'm out of my mind, can you help me numb the pain?"

As they sang Minho noticed their chemistry on stage and felt his heart sting somewhat, but he knew that Sooha would never hurt him but he couldn't help but feel insecure. And that caused him to do something extremely stupid.

As the song came to an end Sooha looked into the crowd to see if her boyfriend was watching the performance. But what she saw made her wish she never looked into the crowd.

There he was.

In the center.

Holding...Madison? By her waist?

And he was...

Making out with her?!

Soohas eyes went wide. Tears started to form but she held back until the song ended.

"This will break me, this is gonna break me."

"No, don't you wake me."

"I wanna stay in this dream, don't save me."

As Sooha sang her heart broke more and more as she watched Minho from the stage. Felix noticed her current state and brushed his finger against her hands, as if saying 'when this is finished talk to me'

"I need a way we can dream on~!"

"Alone again, what's the point?"

As the song ended the duo and the band bowed. Sooha ran off the stage and Felix followed. The boys in the band just stayed out not wanting to interfere. Soon enough Yuri was on stage Djing.

"Hey, hey, hey what happened Sooha?" Felix and Sooha had left the big area and found an empty spot with a couch. Sooha sat on the couch and Felix sat next to her. The beautiful girl was now a face full of tears and ruined mascara.

Sooha turned to look at Felix and she just started to cry more. Felix didn't know what to do so he just hugged and and stroked her hair. She held onto his waist and cried into his neck.

"He.. sniff he promised.. he promised he wouldn't hurt me again. He promised me Felix!" Sooha began to sob again and held on tighter to the black haired boy. He didn't know how to respond.

"What did you see?" Sooha sat up and had her hands in her lap. Felix came closer and put his hand on hers. She looked up at him and saw how soft and gentle he looked. The complete opposite of Minhos' strong features and resting bitch face.

"He's was...making out this girl. The one girl I knew I couldn't trust. And right in front of my face as if he was teasing me! I mean did we mean nothing to him?! After thinking I could trust him again!" Soohas' sadness turned into rage and she was now yelling.

"If you don't mind me asking, what do you mean by again?"

"He cheated on me last year..I thought that he changed over the summer and actually gained some human decency but I guess I was wrong." Sooha looked down at her lap as a few angry tears fell from her face.

"I'm sorry Sooha..if you need anyone I want you to know that you can talk to me okay?" Sooha looked up to see Felix smiling at her sweetly. She caught herself looking at him for longer than she should have. She just smiled back at the boy with tears still coming down her face.

"Thank you Felix. I'm glad I now have a friend like you." Sooha hugged Felix tightly to thank him. They pulled away from the hug and looked at each other. Felix pulled out a tissue from the box on the table and handed it to Sooha.

"Your mascara is all over your face." He laughed as the tear faced girl snatched the tissue and tried to wipe away the mascara in embarrassment.

"You still have some. Here." Felix grabbed another tissue and wiped her face. Sooha found herself counting on the freckles in his cheeks. His eyelashes were so long and beautiful. His puffy lips, the way his eyebrows slightly furrow when he's focused on something.

"And done, now you're back to being beautiful. Wait! I didn't mean like that! I mean like you're always beautiful I was just saying—"

"Felix it's okay. Thank you." Sooha smiled at the bashful male as he shyly smiled back. As they were talking someone or more like a group of people came running into the room. It was Eunwoo, Dae, Q and Florian. Kitty was no where in sight and neither was...Minho.

"Sooha! I saw what happened!" Dae ran over to his friend and hugged her tightly.

"Soo, when we're you going to tell me you were dating Minho?" Eunwoo walked up to his younger sister and sat next to her. She just shrugged and looked down at her lap.

"I don't know. But now that I'm thinking about it I should have never gotten with him in the first place." Sooha sighed and looked over to her older brother. She hugged him and burst into tears again. He hugged her and her friends watched as she broke down. They could really tell how much she loved him.

"Oh hey!, I'm sorry I didn't notice you Felix!" Dae had saw Felix sitting down watching the siblings.

"Oh it's okay, good to see you Dae!" Felix stood up and they did a small handshake.

"Thank you for taking care of Sooha. She's not the type to trust people easily so I'm surprised that she even let you see her like this." Dae looked back over to his female friend who was getting comforted by her older brother.

"Yeah, I've never seen her cry over someone like this." Q and Florian came up beside Dae watching the siblings.

"I just hope she's alright. I know I just met her but I feel the need to stay with her a protect her for some reason.." Felix's eyes softened as he thought about keeping Sooha from ever getting hurt again. Q and Florian could sense something about him and they looked at each other knowingly.

Suddenly everyone heard the sounds of running and the group turned around to see the head of the school and Lee.

"RUN!" Was all the group heard before they took off.

♡ ༘*.゚Now Playing : Like Crazy by JIMIN

Soon enough the group made it back to the dorms. Sooha went back to her dorm alone and when she got there the place was completely empty. She didn't know what to do so she called Dae really quick.

"Hey Soo Soo what's up?"

"Hey dae..do you have Felix's number?"

"Yeah, why?"

"I just need to talk to him."

"Alright..? It's ——————————"

"Thank you..goodnight."

"Night Sooha."

Call ended.

"I hope he's still awake.." Sooha nervously put in his phone number and hesitated before calling him.

"What if he doesn't answer.. should I go to Eunwoos dorm? Hell no. Whatever fuck it." She pressed the call button and held the phone up her her ear feeling her stomach twisting and turning.

"hmm hello?" His voice was deep and groggy like he had just woken up.


"Oh Sooha, what's up? Are you alright?"

"Yes I'm fine but uh, are you busy right now?"

"No I'm not. Do you need something?"

"Yes..I was wondering if you could come to my dorm..No one's here and I don't want to be alone. Of course you don't have too because we just met and stuff! But I feel like I can trust you so.."

"Of course, just tell me the number I'll be there."

"Thank you so much Felix.. it's 308 by the way."

"Alright I'm on my way."

"Okay, bye bye."


Call ended.

Sooha held herself back from screaming. What had she just done? She looked at herself in her mirror and realized that she was still in her dress.

"I'll shower before he gets here." She unlocked her dorm door just in case he got here before she got out the shower. She grabbed a towel, a fluffy gray hoodie that had little panda ears on the hood and some biker shorts. She hopped into the shower.

♡ ༘*.゚Now Playing : Love Shot by EXO

There was a knock on the door but no one answered it. Felix turned the knob and noticed the door was open.

"Did she leave the door unlocked?" Just as he said that he heard the shower running and that answered his question. He closed the door and locked it then made his way to the living room couch. He sat there until he heard the shower stop. Sooha walked out of the bathroom drying her hair with a towel. He natural hair was wavy and puffy so when she took the towel off her head her hair looked huge.

She heard a snicker come from her right and she snapped her head in that direction and saw Felix laughing at her. She looked up and realized her hair looked crazy. She pulled her hood on and ran into her room. Felix got up and knocked on the door.

"Soohaaa~ I'm sorryyy" Felix laughed as he tried to apologize to the girl. She opened the door slightly and peaked out.

"Promise you won't laugh again.."

"I promise!" He put his hand in his heart and made Sooha laugh a little. She opened the door all the way to invite him in. The black haired boy looked around the girls room. She had posters of kpop groups all over the place. He mostly saw Day 6 and G (idle).

"You sure do love music huh?" He asked as he sat down on her bed. She sat next to him and laughed.

"Yeah, I'm actually a trainee right now but I wanted to finish my education before I commit 100%." Sooha looked into Felix's eyes as she spoke. He nodded and paid close attention while she spoke.

"So did you need something?" Felix was wondering why she actually invited him over.

"I just couldn't handle going to my friends dorm since Minho lived there and my roommates are gone. Your sister lives here actually. I don't know where she is right now, she's the one who told me about you."

"Really? Guess that means I'll be coming over more." Felix smiled at the girl and she smiled back.
After they talked for what seemed like hours they finally began to feel sleepy.

"I can sleep on the couch if you want." Felix was standing up as Sooha began to get comfy in her bed.

"Oh uh..I was gonna ask if you wanted to like cuddle Y'know? I usually hug a stuffed animal or something but your hug earlier was really comforting so.." Sooha looked away as she could feel her face turning red. Luckily it was dark so Felix didn't see her. Felix hesitated for a second but then climbed into the bed. Sooha got closer to him and laid her head on his chest. Felix wrapped his arms around the girl and they fell alseep peacefully, forgetting about everything that happened that night.

———————♡ ༘*.゚
Incorrect Quotes

Felix: I made Brownies!

Minho: No one wants—

Sooha: BROWNIES!!!!

———————♡ ༘*.゚

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