Midnight Memories

By CallmeCristine

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• An Eremika Vampire Au The moon turns Vermilion The horror and nightmares Keeps her... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28 [Bittersweet]
Epilogue [Would they be able to have their happy ever after now?]
Final Note

Chapter 23

39 3 0
By CallmeCristine

Chapter 23

" I'm worried," Mikasa tells the mother Queen the next morning, as she sat to drink tea with the Queen. The Queen was obviously having the blood tree as her drink. The smell of blood was quiet strong.
"He wouldn't tell you but I know the Queen is smart to know. Have you notice it too?"

" Ah, " The mother Queen exhaustedly said. " That's the ominous feeling. Even with the years that I'm alive, my knowledge is not enough to comprehend it. I haven't heard of such a thing before, the ancient books doesn't tell either. "

Mikasa look at the Queen expectantly. " Could it be a new thing? "

" I couldn't tell, " The Queen smiled. " I'm sorry my dear Mikasa, I couldn't tell you anything. "

Mikasa sighs, nodding her head in understanding. " It's fine. You must be exhausted, then I'll let you-"

" Let me please talk to the Queen." A voice from the outside draws their attention as they look at each other before looking at the door again.

" I'm sorry, you couldn't do that right now, the Mother Queen is busy . Forgive us, Lord Ackerman. The Lord's should probably wait first. "

Hearing that, the Queen looks at Mikasa who seemed clueless. The Queen thought that Mikasa doesn't remember her family so she stood up before asking Mikasa. " Should I let them enter now? "

" Huh? " Mikasa was stupified, she couldn't understand why the Queen has to ask her. " Ofcourse, your Majesty. You don't need my approval. "

".. but it's the Ackerman's outside. " Mikasa blinks at her, before returning to her usual smile. " It's fine, your Majesty. It must be important, they seem to be in a hurry. Well, then. I'll takey leave. " Mikasa gracefully bows to the Queen.

" Very well, " Queen Carla replied. " Please let the Lord's enter. "

The guards open the door to let the two blue blood people enter but once they had entered, they were stupified to find a very familiar face. The face that Thad vanished five hundred years ago is infront of them right now and they couldn't find a single word to utter, especially the father who felt weak on the kneas upon looking at her face. Mikasa smiled at them, they feel so familiar, her mind says as her heart beat faster than before but she contain herself while the man almost stumbled to the ground but he was held back by the other man. They feel so familiar to her and she thinks it's because she had seen their face in the hall of Fame before when she and Eren decided to stroll on that path. Mikasa could remember what she saw perfectly so it's an advantage. Mikasa politely bows to them.

" Greetings Duke Ackerman and Lord Ackerman, I am very pleased to meet you however I must excuse myself."

Mikasa left in a hurry before the Duke fell on his knees completely.

" That's her, isn't it? " The Duke ask in which the Queen nodded to, understanding what he had ask.

" You've heard the rumour long ago however you didn't visit, what made you visit now? " The Queen sat again after she pointed the seat towards them.

" We are here to discuss about the blood tree, it's an experimentation that my friend had suggested. The Genius Armin and Hange had work on it. " The younger Ackerman, Levi didn't beat around the bush. " We are here to ask permission to conduct the research. "

" And if it died? " The Queen countered. " The thing you said in the letter is to risky, we only have one plant left and it's already dying. I couldn't allow you to do the experiment that easily, if you didn't succeed a lot of lives will be lost. "

" I understand, " The older Ackerman then replied. " So you must trust us your Majesty. That's what we are asking you to do. The research had been thoroughly reviewed and tested. Also, " he carefully added as the Mother Queen gave him her full attention. " I'm afraid that the qualification of the king has gone bad. "

" Tch, he was never a good leader to begin with. " The younger Ackerman, Levi, said in a low voice however, it was useless and he knows it. The Older Ackerman quickly apologized.

" No, it's alright. My son has been sick for a while now and I don't when he'll be alright but I'll be hoping that he'll feel better soon."

" Speaking of your son, " The older Ackerman spoke in a low voice. " He brought that woman didn't he? She looks exactly like my child, May I ask if he is still grieving?"

" Eren said that she was Mikasa's reincarnation and the girl also claims to be her, I don't have time to doubt, her stories seem legit. I guarantee that she is not faking it. However, it doesn't seem like she remembers everything that happened in the past."

When she look back at the Ackerman leader, he was already holding back his tears. Carla involuntarily sigh, knowing how much the man missed his daughter, when Mikasa was still a child and unmarried, she is very close to her father as they often fool around with each other, their close relationship is known throughout the whole land so when she died, they feel so sorry for the Ackerman family.

" My girl. "

" Anyway, Mr. Ackerman, about the experiment, I'm sorry that I couldn't give you the permission to use it on the tree so, I am thinking of an alternative. " The younger Ackerman, Levi, attentively listen to her.

" Yes? "
As the father tried to composed himself, the Queen speaks again.

" Try it on a dead animal and on an animal that's on the verge of death, it wouldn't hurt right?"

" Yes, it has minimal side effects." The Ackerman leader had finally composed himself.
" It's not hurtful though."

"Good." The Queen smiled.


" Sasha!" Mikasa shouted at her worried, as she bit down on her lower lip. " Is Eren alright?"

" Don't worry about him, he'll be fine. " Sasha brushed Mikasa's worries away. Sasha arrived at the Kingdom early in the morning upon the news of the King's illness, she didn't even have time to explain what is happening to the Confused Mikasa infront of her.

" Are you sure?"

"Yes, yes. I'm sure." Sasha nods her head as she look at Mikasa.
" Eren wound be fine, he's just sick and we, vampires don't really get sick that much and if we do, it's not deadly."

However, that didn't lessen her worries. She and the mother Queen is worried about Eren as they are the only people who knew about the shadow that looms around. Aside from that, they still haven't found solution to the blood tree. "But you die in a really silly way."

"Like the first time you did?" Sasha giggles as if her death was funny. "Don't be mad, sometimes you had to laugh thw bad things off."

"Why did you come back?"

"I came back for you." Sasha sighs, " The people getting bitten by vampires has finally died down, knowing fully well that they will die, they are probably all dead and the town is as peaceful as never before." She informs.

" Did they think it's a vampire? "

" At some point, they did. Some believe, some don't, you know i. The important thing is it will not happen again. " Sasha sat down on a wooden stool. " Have you met them? "

" Who? " Upon her question, Sasha scoffs and folds her arms together.

" So, you haven't? "

" Seriously, who are you talking about? "

" The Ackerman's, " Sasha answered with a smirk.

"The Ackerman's?" Mikasa blinks as Sasha nods at her.
" Oh, yes. Yes, the two Ackerman's were very nice. Isn't the head and the young lord?"

" Yes, however, don't you feel anything?"

" Anything? I think I know them from somewhere?" She answered, unsure of her own answer but she soon nods and smile to herself, satisfied. "They are an honourable family."

" Argh!" Sasha rolls her eyes as she picked a macaron present infront of her and bring it to her mouth. " Let me give you a clue, they look like you and they se familiar to you."

"I don't understand."

"I give up, you'll figure it out on your own." Sasha casually stood up, her brown eyes glimmering as she stares at the other girl.
" You can do it."

"Argh!" Mikasa rolls her eyes, her satin dress didn't become flimpsy even when she stood carelessly.
" Seriously? Give me an idea!"

"You can do it!" Sasha shouted from afar.


When Eren finally woke up, Mikasa immediately jumps at him and hug him, telling him how much she had missed him.

" You've been asleep for seven days, I honestly don't know what to do. " Eren was shock to know.

" I'm sorry, you must've been so worried."

"Ofcourse I am, your mother too. You should say sorry to her, she was handling a lot of things since you've been asleep." Mikasa berated. "There's a lot of problems since you were
asleep. "

" I'm really sorry. "

" Stop saying that will you? It won't fix anything. " She smiled at him. ".. and Eren please this time, tell us everything especially your mother, the Queen was worried sick. "

" You told mother? " He was shocked.

" I wasn't planning to but you fainted that day and the shadow, I feel like it is becoming stronger. It sent shivers down my spine. "

" I was so stupid back then."

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