Entombed // Sebastian Sallow

By ginger_lala

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"From the day you arrived, I've remained by your side, in chains, entombed." Lara Radley is forced to move on... More

• lara radley •
• sebastian sallow •
one - the incident
two - the final battle
three - unwelcome sight
four - old friends
five - a rude awakening*
six - the snitch
seven - teams
eight - unlocked memories
nine - pensieve
ten - practice
eleven - quidditch
twelve - heartbreaks and stars
thirteen - the big game
fourteen - prefect duty
fifteen - bubotuber pus*
sixteen - rumours
seventeen - slytherin party*
eighteen - the room
nineteen - astronomy tower*
twenty - the tart
twenty one - boyfriend/girlfriend
twenty two - london*
twenty three - london pt 2
twenty four - christmas
twenty five - a new year*
twenty six - poppynis
twenty seven - love
twenty eight - reinstated
twenty nine - brocburrow*
thirty - mudblood
thirty one - a baby
thirty two - sunday*
thirty three - keeper
thirty four - anne
thirty five - fig
thirty six - birthday*
thirty seven - quidditch final
thirty eight - anne's letters
thirty nine - regretful goodbyes
forty - the bond
forty one - manor cape
forty two - hair cut*
forty three - reconciliation
forty four - sorry
forty five - training
forty six - ashwinders
forty seven - heist*
forty nine - N.E.W.Ts
fifty - a lonely graduation
fifty one - time
fifty two - corrupt
fifty three - home*
fifty four - news
fifty five - catch
fifty six - run away*
fifty seven - potion
fifty eight - the wedding
fifty nine - the nine months
sixty - baby bubble
sixty one - seb the cursebreaker*
sixty two - borneo
sixty three - complete
sixty four - epilogue*

forty eight - back to hogwarts

534 15 21
By ginger_lala

Sebastian and I managed to slip back to our common rooms, skillfully avoiding the bustling crowds. After a refreshing and well needed shower, I changed into my uniform. As I stood before the mirror, I noticed faint remnants of bruising on my stomach. When I told Sebastian he wasn't hurting me, I wasn't entirely truthful. My stomach still ached but I guess I was just grateful and horny. It was worth it at the time, but boy, was I feeling it now.

I pulled down my blouse and tucked it into my skirt, choosing to forgo a corset today for obvious reasons before layering a vest over the top and shrugging on my robe and red Gryffindor tie.

As I entered the Great Hall for breakfast, I spotted my group of friends already seated in our usual spot at the Slytherin table. Poppy, ever the exuberant one, leaped from her seat and dashed towards me, practically crashing into me with a bone-crushing hug. I winced at the contact, my body still tender.

"Lara!" Poppy exclaimed, concern etched across her face. She took a step back, scanning my body with worried eyes. "Are you alright?"

"Yeah. I'm fine." I smiled, lying a little.

She looked up at me, a look of pity in her eyes and linked her arm in mine. She pulled me down to sit next to her and took it upon herself to pile my plate full of food. She was definitely the mother hen of this group.

I picked a little bit at my food and saw everyone turn their attention to the footsteps approaching us. I lifted my head to see Sebastian walking towards us. I smiled when I noticed he'd shaved his face.

Poppy casually slid over to make space and Sebastian slotted himself in between us.

"Hey. How are you feeling?" He said, laying a kiss on my head.

"I feel good." I said, laying my weary head on his shoulder as he instinctively wrapped his arm around me, tucking me in closer.

"Wait, are you... back together?" Natty asked, her eyes widening as her finger wagged between us.

The heads of everyone at the table, including Imelda and Garreth who were sitting a few metres up, whipped to look at us.

"Uh..." I began, not even sure how to answer that question. Sebastian told me he wasn't going to ask me to be his girlfriend again.

"Yes, we are." Sebastian declared. He gently squeezed my arm, as if reaffirming the truth to me as well.

The group collectively broke out into 'aww's' and 'oooh's' and one resounding 'ughh' from Ominis.

"Alright, back to your breakfast." Sebastian demanded of them, releasing me from his grip and serving himself some food.

Sebastian's hand slid down my arm, his fingers tracing mine before finding their way in between each of them as he walked me to class. Beasts class. I was grateful to be outside rather than in a stuffy classroom.

Actually, Sebastian and I had all our classes together today. Which sounded nice in theory considering we'd just rekindled the love that we always had, but he was becoming a little suffocating. It was like he didn't want to let me out of his sight. He walked me to each class, stood next to me for every conversation, kept a firm hand on my thigh under the table during each lesson. It was becoming too much.

Just as I thought I might get a moments peace after a very uncomfortable dinner where I couldn't even use my knife to cut my potatoes due to him being so close to me, he suggested we go to the Room of Requirement to sleep.

"Seb, I need to go to the common room. I haven't slept there for days! What's going on with you?" I said as we left the Great Hall.

"I... I'm sorry, I'm just absolutely terrified. I don't want to leave you, let you out of my sights. I am so worried something bad is going to happen to you. I want to protect you."

I sighed, and took both his hands in mine, giving them a reassuring squeeze. "You have nothing to worry about. Harlow is dead. We're in Hogwarts. Besides, you'll have plenty of time to look after me once we graduate and get out of here, but we need to take our N.E.W.Ts and I highly doubt they'll let me sit on your lap for that." I explained.

"You're right, I'm sorry. I just don't want to lose you again... that's all. And the only way I can guarantee that is if you're with me." He admitted, dipping his head slightly.

"And you won't. I promise." I stepped closer, wrapping his arms around my waist and using his shoulders as leverage to stand on the tips of my toes and kiss him. "Now, goodnight. I love you, alright?"

"I love you too. I'll see you first thing tomorrow." He kissed me on the top of the head before leaving to head to the dungeons.

I threw myself on my bed with a loud 'fwooomp', not even bothering to remove my robe and closed my eyes.

"Lara?" I heard Natsai calling me.

I squeezed my eyes shut hard and opened them to see her sitting on the end of my bed.

"Are you alright?" She asked me.

"Perfectly fine, Natty. You didn't have to come all the way out to Manor Cape, you know? I'm surprised Sharp even let you go."

"We didn't exactly give him a choice, Lara." Natty smirked, a small chuckle exiting her mouth.

"Well, I appreciate it. Thank you."

"Not a problem. We were all so worried about you, why didn't you come straight back to Hogwarts, to the hospital wing?"

"You'll have to ask Sebastian. He apparated us. But, he did a great job of fixing me up and making sure I was okay."

Natty smiled softly, before dipping her head, her smile dropping.

"Do you truly love him?" She softly asked me.

"What? Of course I do!"

"Alright. That's all I needed to hear. I'm sorry. I just get so worried about you. He's broken your heart twice now and I hate seeing one of my best friends in such a state. When you didn't come back, we were so worried."

I dipped my head. I knew where Natty was coming from, and she was right. But Sebastian was complicated. I know he's a good person, but his deep seeded traumas and unresolved issues made him difficult to read sometimes and caused him to make rash decisions... but he was getting better. He was being better. I know I probably seemed insane running back to him all the time and to be honest I probably was but love makes you do crazy things, doesn't it?

"I'll be fine, Natty. You need to trust my judgement. I appreciate your concern."

No, I don't...

I kicked Natty off my bed and changed into my nightgown, hoping for finally a good nights rest though Natty's probing question about my love for him lingered in my mind. I knew Sebastian's past mistakes and complexities made others doubt him, but I believed in his capacity to change.

Sebastian's POV

A wave of anxiety hit me as walked back to the common room alone. I was never an anxious person so this feeling of overwhelming dread was new and uncomfortable. I didn't like it.

I slumped on the lounge in front of the fire place when I got back, ignoring the buzz of the common room alive with students walking around getting ready to study or go to bed or whatever else they do.


It was Ominis, he was standing behind me.


"Can I sit?" He gestured towards the seat.

"Obviously... it's the common room after all."

"Don't take a tone with me." Ominis seemed infuriated. "Why didn't you take her straight to the hospital wing? She was severely injured, and you're lucky she didn't die!"

His scolding tone echoed in my ears, and I sighed in response. "I had it under control, mate."

"But what if you didn't? That would be on your hands?"

"You know what else is on my hands? Harlow's death. I did it again. I cast that fucking spell. I didn't want to bring her back here, I didn't want to get in trouble, I didn't want anyone to know. I got away with it once by sheer luck, I couldn't do it again... it's lucky I even came back here at all!" My heart felt like it was pounding out of my chest and I was finding the air around me too thick to breathe.

"Sebastian... what you did to Harlow, it had to be done. He cast at you too, correct?"


"Then you did the right thing. Sebastian, you both would have died if you didn't do it."

"I know... I guess I didn't want to come back because I didn't want to let her out of my sight. I'm just so worried something will happen to her again. Seeing her that way... after what Harlow did to her... it made me realise that she is all I have left. She is it. If I lost her... I couldn't live myself. She's the only one."

The weight of my guilt bore down on me, suffocating me. Ominis lowered his head and let out a heavy sigh, placing a comforting hand on my shoulder.

"I know, Sebastian. I know she means everything to you, and it's clear you're meant to be with her. You have the bond and I heard about your wands too. But you can't let it destroy you like this. You need to trust her. Trust her judgment. As long as she's within these castle walls, she'll be safe. You can fuss over her all you like once we graduate."

A chuckle escaped us both, briefly lightening the heavy atmosphere.

"Alright," I conceded, "I'll take your word for it."

"And Sebastian?"


"You did the right thing. Don't beat yourself up over it. You're a hero."

Ha! Me? A hero? Cold-blooded murder isn't exactly what I'd call heroism.

Hours passed as I lay on the lounge, gazing at the dwindling flames in the fireplace. Sleep eluded me, and the thought of tossing and turning in the dormitory only intensified my restlessness. Instead, I remained on the lounge, my eyes fixed on the lofty ceiling, listening to the gentle ticking of the watch Lara had given me.

In a momentary lapse, I closed my eyes, seeking solace from the world. Just then, Lara's tawny-brown owl, Petey, swooped in, landing heavily on my chest and thrusting a letter in my face.


Couldn't sleep much, I missed you. Maybe the Room of Requirement wasn't such a bad idea after all. Anyway, Sharp wants to see me this morning before class. Could you join me? I have a feeling he wants a run down of the weekend.

I love you, see you soon.

Lars x

Hm, I wondered why Sharp only wanted to see Lara and not me. But of course I would accompany her. I was probably too eager to see her, collecting some parchment of my own and writing back to her.


Good to see our sleeping patterns have stayed much the same. I didn't get a wink. I'll meet you outside his classroom.

Love you!

Seb xxxxxx

Yes, I needed to go overboard on the kisses. I gave the envelope back to Petey who'd taken a seat next to me and sent him back on his way.

I grabbed myself an apple from the bowl beside me, decided that it would probably do for breakfast and changed into a fresh uniform before heading down to Sharp's classroom, keen to see Lara.

I arrived before her and leaned against the cold wall, basking in the anticipation of seeing her again. When Lara finally approached, weariness etched on her face, I couldn't resist brushing her hair behind her ear and planting a tender kiss on her lips.

"Not a good night sleep?" I asked.

"Nope. I guess you didn't get much either, judging by those bags under your eyes," she replied, her thumb tracing the tired lines on my face.

"Not a wink," I confirmed. "Shall we?"

I held the door open for her, and together we entered Sharp's office. We knocked gently, announcing our presence.

"Ah. Well, I'd hoped to just catch Miss Radley this morning... but never mind. Please, come in, have a seat." Sharp said, placing down his quill. I pulled two chairs up to Sharp's desk, letting Lara sit down and tucking her in before taking a seat of my own.

"Well, I had summoned Lara here because we have a slight issue."

I placed a hand on Lara's thigh, helping her stay calm.

"The Ministry has heard about Harlow's demise. I would have thought they'd be happy to see the tail end of him, but it seems they aren't. They want to arrest whoever is responsible for it."

Lara's reaction was immediate, jumping up from her seat in disbelief. "What? Do they know what he did to me? Do they know he cast the Killing Curse first? What the fuck!" Her words were filled with anger and frustration, her pacing back and forth mirroring the storm inside her.

"Lara, that language is highly unnecessary. We ca-" Sharp began, attempting to calm her.

"I don't give a fuck, Professor! This is wrong! How can they... they can't... what do they... shit..."

Her anguish weighed heavily on me, and I pulled her into a comforting embrace, stroking her hair as she released her pent-up emotions. Meanwhile, my eyes remained fixed on the table in front of me, unable to summon any emotion.

"Fuck..." I muttered.

This was bad.

The weight of the news settled heavily upon us as the realisation sank in. The Ministry's intention to arrest whoever was responsible for Harlow's demise sent shock waves through our already exhausted minds. Lara's outburst was understandable, her frustration and anger pouring out like a torrential storm. I held her tightly, trying to provide her even a inch of comfort .

Sharp cleared his throat, breaking the tense silence that had enveloped the room. "I understand your concerns, Lara, but we must approach this situation with caution. The Ministry's actions might seem unjust given the circumstances, but we have to remember that they operate based on laws and regulations. We need to find a way to address this matter without jeopardising anyone's safety."

Lara took a deep breath, attempting to compose herself, still gripping onto me wildly. "What are our options, Professor? Is there any way to prove that what we did was self-defense?"

Sharp leaned back in his chair, his gaze contemplative. "It won't be easy, but we do have a few factors working in our favor. Firstly, Harlow's use of the Killing Curse against you can be considered a legitimate threat to your life. It will be crucial to gather evidence and testimonies to support our claim that you acted in self-defense. I'll let you know where to go from here when I know more. For now, stay in the castle and lay low. I'm looking at you, Sebastian. No more secret trips outside the castle."

This man had eyes everywhere... how did he know?

"Understood Professor." I nodded. I held Lara's hand as we left the classroom and she finally let out the rest of her emotions, sobbing uncontrollably in my arms.

"What do we do? I can't let them take you!" She sobbed into my arms.

"Shh..." I said, stroking her hair gently as she rested in my chest. "I'm sure Sharp will figure something out. He's an ex-auror. I trust him."

Lara nodded and composed herself, linking her hand in mine again and leading me to breakfast where we managed to put on a brave face to smile and laugh with our friends, despite the news so lovingly dropped on us this morning.

Despite my earlier calmness... I was getting shit scared.

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