
By Writing-Doll

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Shuri moves to Infinity Willow Grove so she can experience an American college experience before taking her P... More

Act II


127 6 5
By Writing-Doll


"Who was it?" Lottie stakes the tent down making it sturdy.

"I don't know, I couldn't make out the voice."

"Do you think it was that Riri girl she had been talking to when you guys were together?" She throws the waterproof tarp over the tent and I grab it.

"Maybe, I feel like I've heard the voice before. Maybe she's back with Aniyah?" I secure my side of the tarp.

"Didn't they end on weird terms?"

"We never really talked about it. I wouldn't know. Has Simon said anything about her having a new girlfriend?"

"You know Simon and I are going through it right now. It's a good day if we say one word to each other." She scrunches her face in disgust.

Lottie and Simon's ride has been terrible, to say the least. It was bad when they first got together because Simon acts weird to her when they're around other people. He just continued to push her away after he had been recovering from his accident.

He went over there two months ago and cheated on her. His excuse was "I didn't know we were together.". I don't know what's up with him but he treats her awfully. I don't know why she stays with him. I get being in love but at some point, enough has to be enough right?

"Lottie, he doesn't deserve you. You don't need that in your life. I know that's my brother but he's a dick."

"Easier said than done. Once we get to a place of peace, it all would have been worth it."

"Yeah, but you two haven't had any peace yet." I state.

"We have momentary peace. It's like a switch flips and we get along when we're away from the world. It's enough for me." She lightly smiles.

"I don't know, that doesn't seem like enough. It doesn't even make sense." I rebut.

"It does to me, now let's get back to the topic at hand. Could it be someone from Wakanda?"

I don't want to upset her but I hate what he's doing to her. She pretends as if he isn't hurting her but I know her. Every time I try to be there and comfort her she gets aggressive and throws up my problems.

"Not anyone I would remember." I shrug.

"I think you shouldn't let it get to you. You broke up with her and for good reason. You'll never get over her if you keep obsessing over what she's doing." She says softly.

It's the truth all I've done is thought about her and now that she is back it's worst. I just have to keep reminding myself that it's all for the best.

"I know, I know. I just wanted to talk to her for my parents. That's all, it was nothing romantic if that's what you think."

"I'll tell you what, I'll sleep with Simon this weekend. You and India can have the tent all to yourselves and hopefully will get closer. The best way to get over one is to replace them with another." She wipes her hands clean.

She'll never under that what we had can't just be replaced, no matter how hard I try.

"Only if he isn't being terrible to you. If he does you can always come back to the tent."

We finish setting up and even though what Lottie said was true, I still can't help but think about the girl that answered the phone two days ago.


The air is muggy, the bugs are out and I'm starving. Why wouldn't anyone love camping? Ugh. I'll thug it out though because my friends are having a good time. Everyone arrived a few hours ago, tents are all set up and we're roasting marshmallows instead of grilling food. Simon said something about the bears, either way, I'll be leaving to go grab some food soon I can't survive off of graham crackers, chocolate, and marshmallows for the night.

Everyone is engaged in their own conversations. Lottie and Simon seem to be getting along pretty well for now.

"Did you hear me?" India asked.

"I'm sorry no, what did you say?"

She chuckles "I figured you were spaced out. I asked if you wanted me to get you a citronella candle from the tent. You've been swatting at bugs for the last fifteen minutes."

"No, it's fine. I'm going to get ready to leave in a few minutes to go get food."

"Ooh, I'm starving," Simon shouts from the other side of the fire.

"Well, maybe you should eat." I speak up.

"It's only right that you get food for everyone." Morgan says.

"When I suggested that we cook earlier everyone said they weren't hungry." I raise an eyebrow in a joking manner.

"Don't get snappy with me because you're still mad." She quips.

"Huh? What would I be mad about?" I'm generally confused, for one Morgan knows I'm just joking, and for two what reason could I possibly be mad at her for?

"Don't play dumb Rue." She snickers. I give her yet another expression of confusion. "Because I answered Shuri's phone. I was drunk I promise I didn't mean to sound so mean."

Oh, so she's the one that answered her phone. I didn't even think Morgan liked girls. I can't help but glance back and forth between the two. I just grabbed my car keys and ran off.

I heard someone running after me through the campsite but the damn car wouldn't drive off fast enough.

"You can pull off but you know just as well as I do that I can outrun this car, Angel." Shuri pulls on the door handle. I just unlock it. "What Shuri?"

"Why did you run off?" She asked closing the door.

"You and Morgan. Really?"

"No, we're not together. We all went out as a group, we drank and I asked her to pick up my phone. I don't know what she said but I didn't even know it was you otherwise I would've called you back."

I rub my forehead. "I'm so stupid, I thought it was someone you were seeing."

"No, we'd never do that to you even if she did like women. It was just Morgan being Morgan. My girl wouldn't dare pick up my phone and especially for you. She knows better than that." She adjusts herself in her seat.

"So you are seeing someone?"

"You're nosey tonight aren't you Angel? Yes, I am. She and I took some classes together last term and we recently started talking. She's really cool and we've been on a few dates. She's the reason I came back here for a week." She finishes.

I nod my head. To be fair we've been broken up for five months already. She's moved on and it's time that I do the same. Especially since she'll be coming back on campus. "I'm really happy for you." I smile.

"Thank you."

"Okay enough with the mushy stuff, get out of my car."

"Speaking of when did you get this?" she rubs the leather seats.

"When I got back here. I went to get my driver's license since I got comfortable driving while in Wakanda. As a gift, my parents got me this."

"Good, you won't have to bum rides all the time." She chuckles. The silence grows in the car but it isn't awkward, it's peaceful.

"I still don't like you." I lay my head on the rest and turn toward her laughing.

"The feelings mutual." She giggles.

"Seriously, get out. I have to go before it gets too late and I have to search for a place to feed ten people." I shove her out of the car.

"Fine, fine. Get your chubby hands off of me. Will you be okay?" She slightly opens the door.

"Always." I smile.

I went to go get food for everyone. We ended up having to eat pizza. Once we all had eaten and put everything up I changed and got into the tent. I saw India sitting there reading a book with her legs crossed.

"The best way to get over one is to replace them with another" Lottie's voice echoed in my head.

"Hi, beautiful." She smiles placing her book next to her.

"Hey pretty." I mirrored her expression.

"So the first night of camping wasn't all that bad was it?"

"No, besides the fact we almost starved to death." I take my place right across from her.

"We had You to save us Thank god." She slightly bit her lip.

"I wouldn't say saved but I did have to travel all over town." I stutter. She leaned up to me, grabbed my face, and kissed me.

"I've been wanting to do that since we got back to campus. I couldn't resist myself especially since I have you here all alone." She says seductively.

"Don't apologize, I enjoyed it." I say and she leans back in. Before I know it I'm on top of her.

Dating isn't as hard as I thought it would be.

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