Nat/Scar x Daughter oneshots

By scarsbabyyy

54K 771 63

Just random oneshots of Scar and Nat as a mom. I take request! Rankings- #25 in Nat 22/06/23 #31 in Scarjo 2... More

Sleepless nights {SJ}
Aunt Wanda! {NR}
Mommy issues {NR}
Shopping trip {SJ}
Little sister {SJ}
Forgotten {NR}
Mommy Issues(2) {NR}
Bedtime Struggles {SJ}
To young to date {NR}
Interview {SJ}
Overprotective {NR}
Naughty Words {SJ}
Disney World{SJ}
No means No {SJ}
Million Wishes {NR}
Blanket {SJ}
Bad Prank{NR}
Kittens! {SJ}
Sassy girl {NR}
New baby {SJ}
Demon {SJ}
Scare {NR}
Gone {NR}
Im sorry {NR}
Zoo {SJ}
Suprise Visit {MC}
Bath time {SJ}
You what! {NR}
Rainy Birthday {SJ}
Wisdom Teeth {SJ}
Babysitter {NR}
Boat day {SJ}
Pumpkin Patch {NR}

Babys First Christmas {NR}

1K 19 3
By scarsbabyyy

Y/N- 8 Months

Plot- Literally just Y/N having her first christmas with Nat and the Compound!

Steve and Nat did use to Date for about a year. So Y/N is Steve's daughter. But they aren't together anymore just close friends.

Nat's POV

I was so excited for today. It was finally Christmas, Ever since i had my daughter Y/N i had dreamed of showing her all there was to love about Christmas. And that's all i've done this December but today was Christmas which meant the food, presents, tree, gingerbread houses, the avengers annual game night, and Wanda's cookies! Even if Y/N couldn't eat gingerbread houses or cookies she could still enjoy the fun of making the mess!

I smiled to myself as i got up and got dress before i started doing my makeup. I was in the middle of doing my makeup when i heard Y/Ns cry's coming from the baby monitor making me get up and go to the nursery next to my room. I pushed open her door and smiled and the crying infant in the crib. " Hey солнечный свет."{sunshine} I cooed. She looked up at me before giggling and putting her arms up. I smiled and reached down picked her up then kissing her cheek making her push me away.

" Okay hun let's get you ready." She claps as i walked over to her dresser and picked out her outfit i had bought just for Christmas. A white dress with a red bow in the middle and a red headband with a pair of ruffle white socks and velvet red shoes. I set her down on the changing table before blowing a raspberry on her stomach making her giggle and try to wiggle away.

After i changed her diaper and changed her into her outfit i grabbed her pacifier from her crib and her stuffie she loved before going to my room to finish my makeup with Y/N on my hip. I sit down at my desk before putting Y/N on the floor close by with some toys i kept in her for mornings like this.

She giggles to herself and plays with her toys while i did my makeup. I was so glad that she woke up in a good mood today. After i applied the last of my makeup i looked over at my daughter seeing her looking at me with a smile. She looked identical to me with her red hair and her green eyes. I never thought i'd have kids after the red room but Bruce found a way to use mine and Steve DNA since we were dating. It didn't last long though we broke up when i was pregnant we had didn't opinions on what we wanted in life. We still are good friends and he takes care of Y/N and is a very good dad.

I bend down to pick up Y/N as she sucked on her pacifier and snuggled into my neck. I smiled and bopped her nose making her scrunch her nose. i walked over to my nightstand grabbing my phone before looking down at the girl. " Are you hungry солнечный свет? or do you want to eat later." {sunshine} she shakes her head and continues to suck on her pacifier. I shrug it's hard to know if that was a hungry now or later.. But i'll know when she starts whining.

I make my way downstairs to see the rest of the team in the living room. Y/N picked her head up as we walked into the living room and her eyes lit up when she saw the Christmas tree, all the Christmas lights, and presents. She starts wiggling making the team all look over at us. Ever since i had Y/N the team has grown to love her and they are all considered her aunts and uncles.

I laughed and looked and her, " Do you want down малыша?" {baby} She nods. I take her off my hip and set her on the floor on her butt and she looks around the room at everything and claps making us laugh. I walk over to Wanda whose beside me and whisper in her ear. " I need to run into the kitchen quick can you keep your eye on her?" she nods and smiles as i walked into the kitchen to make myself some toast and grab a water.

Suddenly i hear a loud voice i could only assume was Tony. "Let's open presents!" Tony yells. I continue making my toast before i hear crying and drop my stuff on the counter going to see what they did to make her cry. I walked back in the see
Y/N in Steve's arms him walking around the room trying to calm her down as she's crying. She's frantically looking around the room before she sees me tries reaching for me but i'm across the room and cry's louder.

" What did you guys do?" i ask frustrated. She's a very calm baby she's doesn't get like this often. I walk over to Steve taking her from him sending him a sympathy smile. Y/N clings around my neck and she lets out little whimpers. I pat her back softly. " Hey she just randomly started doing it! Tony said presents then she let out noises and looked around and cried." Sam said while raising his arms.

" You mean when Tony yelled? You probably scared her with the sudden noise to she tried looking for me but i was making food. I've told you to keep your Volume down especially you Tony you have a loud mouth." i scolded him. " Yea yea. Can we do presents now?" i rolled my eyes before waving him off and walking to the kitchen with Y/N. I finished making my toast before Y/N started tugging on my shirt and whining.

I smiled at her and kissed her head. " You hungry finally?" i giggled making her whine more. " Okay okay! Hold on hunny." I grabbed one of the blanket of the chairs in the kitchen i kept down here for nursing before throwing it over me. Y/N let out grumbles making me laugh and i moved my shirt up and unlatched my bra. She immediately latched onto my nipple and started suckling. I grabbed my toast going back into the living room and sitting beside Wanda.

Sam and Bucky handed out presents and made a pile off to the side for Y/N. I smile to the two men. I went to lean over to grab my present but Wanda stopped me and grabbed it. " Oh thanks Wanda. I would have gotten it." i laughed but she shrugged. " Yea but i don't have a literally human attached to me so it's easier for me to move." she laughed making me laugh. " Yea that's true thanks." she nods.

We go around the room opening presents. I looked down the blanket a few times checking on Y/N to make sure she was okay most times she was playing with the blanket or my shirt then she's look at my and smile making milk dribble from her mouth.

I opened a gift from Wanda. It was a necklace. I looked at her and smiled. " Thank you Wanda, it's nice and very pretty! I'll have to watch the baby around it since she'll try grabbing it." i laughed making her giggle. They went around opening gifts as i checked on Y/N since she wasn't suckling anymore. I peeked in the blanket and she looked up at me and giggles before suckling again. I sigh, " Are t you done yet missy?" i question. She has been eating for like 35 minutes now. She gave me the nastiest look.

I raised my eyebrow as i pulled her off and switched her to my other boob and that one was getting sore. She grunted and kicked her feet making her kick Wanda. Since i had moved her, her feet were touching Wanda and when she kicked them she kicked her. " Ouch!" Wanda says as she rubs her ribs. I gasped and looked at her worriedly. " Are you okay? She's mad at me i didn't mean for her to take it out on you.." i sighed.

Wanda shook her head and laugh before wincing. " No worries i'm fine. She's definitely got some strong little feet though." she says as she poked Y/Ns feet making her move her foot around and then unlatch and come up and look over the blanket to see who touched her. " Oh hey you. Have you come to join us?" Wanda jokily tells my daughter making Y/N giggle then go back to my boob. I fix the blanket so i don't accidentally flash anyone as she latched back on. " I take that as a no." Wanda laughed making me laugh.

About 15 minutes later Y/N finally unlatches making me look underneath the blanket at her. " Are you done now?" i ask the small girl who giggle and nods. I laugh as i latch my bra and pull down my shirt as Y/N throws the blanket off me. " Jeez! I thought she just about flashed us!" Tony yelled as he clutched his chest making Wanda and I laugh.

I shook my head while rolling my eyes. " No no your okay! Now let's have this little monkey open her presents!" Y/N giggles as i set her on the carpet and Steve goes and grabs the gifts from everybody. She's really spoiled hell even Fury loves her he makes sure i have everything i need for her. Y/N look confused at the present before looking at me.

" It's okay baby look!" I got down behind her ripping open some of the paper to make it easier for her to open. She clapped her hands and started ripping the paper. She finally got it open and smacked the box when she was the blocks inside. " Okay baby we will play with them later. There more presents." She whines as i took it away but when she saw more paper she didn't care.

After she opened all her presents with some help from Steve. I had the guys go put it all up in the nursery so it was out of the way. " Nat?" I heard Wanda call me as i was talking with Pepper. I looked over and saw her in the kitchen. I walked over making sure Y/N was okay in the living room first.

" What's up Wands?" she smiled like always that is what i loved about wanda she is the best friend that a person could want she is sweet, kind, helps me with
Y/N if i need it, and cooks many things. " Are we still making cookies?" she questions. I raised my eyebrow. " Yea of course i was hoping Y/N could join in this year. She might make a mess but hey messy babies are the best!" she giggles before nodding. " Y/N can join us Nat that's okay." I smiled before hearing my name being called.

" Just let me know when you want to make cookies okay?" she nods as i went to go see who called me. I walked into the living room and not seeing Y/N where i left here on the floor with toys making me raise an eyebrow. Just then Steve came over with our daughter in his arms.
She giggles and bounced in her dads arms making me smile. " Hey monkey did you find dada?" she claps and babbles.

" Hey nat we are getting ready to do gingerbread houses i didn't know if you wanted to have her do them or not. But i found her crawling on the floor so i grabbed her." I smiled. " Thanks Wanda was talking with me about cookies. Yea she can do the houses i don't care if she gets messy it can be cleaned." I looked over at my daughter and smiled. " Do you want to decorate a gingerbread house малыша?" {baby} she giggles and claps making us laugh.

Steve and I walked over to the kitchen where the whole team was know gathered the gingerbread house things all set up. Steve passed me our daughter as i sat down. She squealed and smacked the counter. " Isn't she just a happy baby today." Bucky laughs. " Yea i guess so which is good though i was afraid she would be cranky all day or be tired." they laughed as Y/N grabbed the icing tube and squirted it making me quickly grab it.

" Whoa. no Y/N! That goes on here not in the air." she babbles to herself as walked me out icing on things to glue them together. After we all finished our houses minus Y/N who kept trying to smack mine or take stuff i was using. She eventually calmed down and later against my chest. Steve noticed that she was getting restless in my lap and came over.

" do you want me to take her and put her in the living room with toys?" he asked. I thought about it before nodding. I handed him Y/N who snuggled his chest. He went into the room and sat her on the floor. She let out a smile whine before seeing her toys and playing with them. Steve walked back over and sat beside Bucky.

We all made our houses as i occasionally looked over at Y/N on the floor playing with her toys and giggling to herself with the tv playing in the background. I smiled at the small girl on the floor so content and happy just by toys having no clue of the dangerous of the world around her. We all finished up our gingerbread houses before Wanda took a handful of icing and wiped it on my face making me gasp and look at her. She giggled and looked away.

" Wanda! it's not suppose to go on my face it's for a the houses." i scold the girl but then start laughing. " I'm sorry i thought it would be funny to do that!" she giggles. I shake my head and take sprinkles and dump them on her house then throw some at her. " Hey!" she gasped as i quickly got up and ran over grabbing Y/N and holding her up and
Y/N stopped in front of me. " I call baby!" i say as i held Y/N making her clap her hands.

Wanda groaned and shook her head. " I hate this calling the baby thing!" I laugh and kiss Y/Ns head. " I don't. Y/N saves me every time." Wanda suddenly smirks as she walked closer to me and my eyes grew big. " AYE NO! I CALLED BABY BACK UP!" i screeched at she suddenly grabbed Y/N then wiped icing on my face again. " Wanda." i scolded and i wiped off my face making Y/N giggle as the team walked us amused.

" I call baby! Ha ha." i quirked my eyebrow at her. " You can't call baby only Steve and I can. Make your own baby." i laughed as took Y/N back. Suddenly Wanda had a baby bump making me just stare at her. " Ha ha now i call baby! And you can't because you didn't make this one." she sticks her tongue out.

I just stare at her literally having no words as to what just happened. She pooped a baby into thin air? WHO IS THE DAD?! I'm so confused this is why i don't talk to witches. Wanda scoffs making me look at her as she rolls her eyes. " I should smack you right now for what you just said but since you have
Y/N i won't." I looked at her confused before i realize she read my mind.

" Hey! We have a no read each others minds rule for a reason Wanda." she put her hands up defensively. " I didn't mean too! You just think so.. Loud!" i roll my eyes before look at the child in my arms who pokes my face and giggles. Steve walks over to us both. " Um i'll take Y/N so you can get cleaned up Nat. Wanda.. You too? You aren't giving birth today right..?" Steve asked worriedly. She giggled before shaking her head. " No no probably in a few days silly. Your a father you know this!" He looked at her dumbfounded as the rest of the team came over.

" A few days??" Tony basically yelled. She rolled her eyes. " Yes stupid. Are all men like this?" I shrug as i look at her bump it definitely has grown in the last few minutes.. " It took Nat 9 Months to have Y/N maybe Nat's broken." Clint says making me glare at him. " I am not broken you dipshit! pregnancy is 9 months. Wanda is.. broken?" i replied as Wanda sent me a glare. I shut up i'm not scared of Wanda but a pregnant Wanda i'm definitely scared of.

They all talked as we went and cleaned up from our little food fight earlier. I can back down stairs to Y/N basically having a screaming match with sam..? I looked at them all and raised my eyebrow and it looked like Steve was trying to calm Y/N while she was screaming and fighting him and Sam was mimicking her. I rolled my eyes going over to them and crossing my arms. Sam immediately stopped once he saw the glare i was giving him.

" Fucking hell! Is Wanda going to be this scary too.. Is this like the mom look?" sam replied. I scoffed and bent down taking Y/N from Steve and she kept crying and tugging my shirt. " Thanks for helping guys but she's tired and hungry so i'll put her to bed." i smiled at them all before Vision spoke up. "Miss Romanoff? If shes hungry i can feed her." he spoke kindly making the others break out in laughter as bruce and steve sat their awkwardly not knowing what to say.

I roll my eyes at the immature men before smiling at Vision. " Vision it's okay i can feed her. Thank you though!" He shakes his head. " No no please i insist!" i sigh. " Vision you can't really feed her unless you have.. boobs." i giggled making him looked down. " Oh! I'm sorry i forgot!!" I laughed shaking my head. " No it's okay Vision maybe when Wanda has her baby you can help her okay?" He nods as i walked out since Y/N was getting more fussy.

I walked into my room closing the door before sitting on my bed and pulling up my shirt and unlatching my bra. I guided my nipple to Y/Ns mouth which she gladly took before suckling. I leaned back on the headboard while grabbing the remote. I flipped through channels before finding something i liked and watching it.

There was a knock at my door about 10 minutes later making me raise my eyebrow. Who could possibly be coming here? I paused my show before grabbing a nursing blanket on my chair and throwing it over me and Y/N started smacking it. I laughed and went and opened the door seeing Wanda with a big bump?!

I looked down at the bump then at her with a raised eyebrow. She giggles. " Yes yes i know i have a huge bump. And trust me it's not fun!" she groans. I wave her in as Y/N keeps trying to pull off the blanket. I held onto it and peeked down it at her. " Hey you stop trying to take it off and go to sleep." she giggled as milk came out of her mouth making me shake my head. I walked over sitting beside Wanda.

" So why did you.. Do this?" i question pointing to her stomach. She laughs and rubs her stomach. " Honestly? I've always wanted kids and it didn't help you always calling baby. But Y/N is the cutest little girl and she just made me want them more so when you said to have my own i thought about it and my magic can allow me to make my own." she shrugs. I nod.

Just then i feel Y/N pinch me making me yelp and look down the blanket. " Missy you did you pinch mama? You're tired go to bed or mamas taking you off." She whined but then gave me a small nod. I sighed and Wanda gave me a questioning look. " What?" I laughed.

" Does that not hurt?" she says as she motions to me nursing Y/N. I shrug. " It did right after i had her yea. But now it only does if she bites or nurses to long on one side." She nods. " Are you thinking about nursing the baby?" She thinks for a second for nodding. " Yea i might i'm not quite sure though i might bottle feed too." I nod. " I bottle feed for a little with Y/N that was before you joined the team though. She hated bottles i have no idea what it was about them she just didn't like them." She laughed and shook her head. I looked down the blanket to see
Y/N finally asleep. I unlatched her before latching my bra again and pulling down my shirt. I took off the blanket and cradled Y/N as she snuggled me.

Wanda smiled and looked at our interaction. " Well we should get back downstairs so i can get cookies made then we can eat." I nodded. I got up and followed Wanda downstairs making sure to grab Y/Ns pacifier from my dresser.

We both walked into the kitchen to loud talking. " Shh! Y/N is sleeping!" Wanda scolded the guys making me smile. She always cared deeply for Y/N that's why after we because close friends i made her Y/Ns godmother. They all look over at me and quietly apologized. I nodded as i sat at the barstool at the counter putting Y/Ns pacifier on the counter.

Wanda made her cookies as some of the guys helped some got kicked out for being no help. I would usually help every year but with a sleeping baby it would have been to hard, Wanda understood that though and never made me participate in things as she knew Y/N came first. After the cookies were finished Wanda let me taste them first making the boys grumble as they wanted a cookie. I laughed and ate it.

" Mhm! Wanda i don't know how you do it but these just get better every year!" She smiled and tried one. " Oh! These ones do taste better. It could just be i was craving cookies though and i'm pregnant so it either taste good or bad." I laugh and nod. " Very true."  Tony runs over taking a cookie and eats it making Wanda glare at him. " Yum! These are good. Now stop glaring at me and let eat Christmas food!" We all chuckled as i got up and walked to the table making Y/N shift in my arms and whine. I put the pacifier in her mouth as she suckled it and fell back to sleep.

I sat down next to Steve since he was at the end of the table. He smiled and looked at Y/N with nothing but love in his eyes making me smile. " Okay! Now it's time to eat so everybody grab some food!" Clint and Tony say. I roll my eyes before looking to Steve. " I'm sorry to bother you. But with the baby sleeping i can't exactly bend over the table and get food, can you make my plate please..?" He smiled and nodded. "Of course Nat. JUST tell me what you'd like and i'll put it on there."

After Steve made my plate and set it in front of me i thanked him before holding Y/N with one arm and eating with the other. After i finished eating i felt Y/N start to move in my arms making me look down and see her emerald eyes opening. I smiled and poked her nose making her scrunch it. " Hey hunny." i cooed as i sat her up in my lap as she suckled her pacifier. She looked around the table at everything and clapped making me laugh.

She saw Steve beside me and reached over for him. " детка dadas eating right now." {baby} i told her making her whine and reach for him more. He chuckled and shook his head. " No no it's okay Nat. I always have time for my baby girl." He said as he picked her up setting her in his lap as She giggled. I smiled, " Okay she shouldn't be hungry she ate about an hour ago." He nods as he finished his food.

After everyone was done it was time for annual game night and i was so excited to include Y/N this year it might be tricky with Wanda being pregnant but hey, i was pregnant like 5 months pregnant i think last Christmas and i still did game night even though the team didn't want me too. But Wanda seems a lot more pregnant than 5 months maybe 7/8 months..  I laughed at my thought.

Steve set Y/N on the floor with some toys as she played and crawled around like normal. I sat on the couch and watched her play as Tony started announcing what games we would be playing. " Okay guys! This year since Nat isn't pregnant. Wait you aren't pregnant again right?!" I look at him mortified. " Tony no i'm not pregnant! Y/N is only 8 months old plus she doesn't need a sibling for a couple years." he sighs. " Good good! But Wanda messed up the plans!" he glared at Wanda who chuckled nervously.

" Tony leave her alone and get on with it." He rolled his eyes. " Fine fine! We are playing twister, monopoly, and guess the drawing." Sam groaned making us all laugh. " Tony fuck you! I hate monopoly i always lose!" I glare at Sam. " Watch your mouth Sam i don't need Y/N repeating anything that comes from your mouth!" He huffs before leaning back.

Y/N crawls over to me and rugs on my pants making me lift her up and sit her on my lap. " Yes детка?" {baby} she lays her head on my chest and suckled her pacifier. "m..mama." i looked down at her shocked. That was the first time she had ever said a word. Steve wiped his head around and stared at Y/N then me. " That wasn't you right??" i shook my head. " Nope nope! All her!" i squealed happily and lifted her up. I whined and looked at me. " детка why did you say? Can you say it again for mama?" i asked.

She whined before trying to lay on my chest again. I sighed and laid her on my chest. "m..mama." she clapped. Steve chuckled and i smiled as everybody watched us. " Yes baby girl mama. Can you say dada?" steve tried but Y/N just sent him a glare making me chuckle. " Well she's got romanoff attitude.." Tony chuckled as i rolled my eyes.

We eventually played all of the games minus Wanda who sat out on Twister her bump just didn't allow her to move the right way and we didn't want her getting hurt so she happily sat out while holding Y/N. Who constantly kept clapping and saying mama so i had my personal cheerleader. Then Sam lost monopoly and banned it from the compound before throwing it on the floor making us all yell at him.

We even played Guess the Drawing and had Y/N try to draw but she just tried to eat the crayon.. Anyways Wanda won that game which also made sam mad and he banned that game because he said " he was the best and not some witch." This definitely had to have been the best Christmas i've ever had i had my family, my beautiful daughter, hell she even said her first word " Mama!" Christmas is my new favorite holiday forever and ever!

Written- June 14, 2023
Published- June 15, 2023

I've never written this much before omg.. There's almost 5k words😭 Anyways if there's spelling errors or something doesn't make sense i'm sorry i made half of this last night while i was half awake.

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