oeyä tìyawn ~ neteyam sully

By grapefruitkat

68.5K 1.6K 217

a broken girl trying to live meets a boy trying to prove himself all characters aged up neteyam x oc More

chapter one
chapter two
chapter three
chapter four
chapter five
chapter six
chapter seven
chapter eight
chapter nine
chapter ten
chapter eleven
chapter twelve
chapter thirteen
chapter fourteen
chapter fifteen
chapter sixteen
chapter seventeen
chapter eighteen
chapter nineteen
chapter twenty
chapter twentyone
chapter twentytwo
chapter twentyfour
chapter twentyfive
chapter twentysix
chapter twentyseven
chapter twentyeight
chapter twentynine
chapter thirty
chapter thirtyone
chapter thirtytwo
chapter thirtythree
chapter thirtyfour
chapter thirtyfive
chapter thirtysix
chapter thirtyseven
chapter thirtyeight
authors note
book two
alternate ending

chapter twentythree

1.3K 33 1
By grapefruitkat

After breakfast, Beatrice quickly exited the pod, the tense air inside too much for her. As she stepped out, she took a deep breath, letting her feet take her wherever. When she finally looked up, she realized she had made it towards the center of the village, immediately giving soft smiles to the Metkayina around her. She continued walking, now a destination in mind, greeting people as she walked by them.

As she stood outside of the Olo'eyktans pod, she took another deep breath. She quietly stepped into the opening, her hands fidgeting with each other as she found Tonowari, Ronal, and Aonung all speaking with one another. Ronal noticed her first, giving her a graceful nod in acknowledgment as the men finally noticed her.

"I did not want to intrude, but i just wanted to thank Aonung once more for finding me last night. I am sorry for the scare, i had simply fallen asleep." Beatrice spoke confidently to Ronal and Tonowari, ducking her head in respect. She turned towards Aonung, giving him a soft smile. "Thank you again, for everything Aonung. It did not go unnoticed.." Her words were gentle, Aonung understanding the hidden meaning behind them, causing his cheeks to turn pinkish. The two nodded to each other before Beatrice turned back to Tonowari and Ronal, giving them a smile before beginning to turn.

"Would you like to come with me today to collect oysters?" Ronal spoke up, causing everyone to look at her with slight shock. She glared at her mate and son, causing the two to look around, pretending to be distracted.

"I would love that, Tsahik. Thank you.." Beatrice finally responded, a shy smile on her face. Ronal nodded her head curtly, clasping her hands together.

"I will retrieve you after midday. They are easier to see when it gets closer to eclipse." Beatrice nodded at her words, brushing her hand down her nose towards Ronal and Tonowari before smiling once more at Aonung. She quickly made her exit, unable to hide the excitement in her veins from being asked to join the Tsahik.

Beatrice made her way back to the pod, finding it empty save for Neytiri. The younger girl smiled at the mother, noticing Neytiri braiding her hair.

"Can i help?" Beatrice asked softly, Neytiri smiling back and nodding. Beatrice immediately made her way over to her, sitting behind her and helping braid her hair. "The Tsahik asked me to join her later."

Neytiri raised her eyebrows at Beatrices words, glancing behind her to Beatrice. "Really? That is very impressive, Bea. Ronal is very kind when you get to know her."

"You have been learning from her, right?" Beatrice asked, adding a few beads into the braid she was working on. Neytiri had almost completed her hair before Beatrice came back, the older Na'vi nodding.

"She has much knowledge. I feel better about being here, thanks to her."

Beatrice smiled at the mothers words, nodding her head softly. The two fell into a comfortable silence as Beatrice helped finish up the braids, their eyes moving up as Neteyam and Lo'ak passed by the pod. Lo'ak was the only one who noticed Beatrice inside with his mother, smiling at her before continuing his conversation with his older brother.

"What are your plans with Neteyam?" Neytiri asked gently, causing Beatrices fingers to freeze for a moment before finishing the final braid. She sighed as she moved in front of Neytiri, pulling her legs up to her chest.

"I do not know. It is not fair, what he has done. But it is also not fair for me to cause issues in your family like this." She murmured, resting her head on her knees as she looked down at the rug Neytiri brought from home. She sighed softly before meeting Neytiris eyes, chewing on her lip. "I think i will always love him. But i can not allow myself to get hurt by him." She whispered, Neytiri nodding her head understandably.

"I understand your resistance to express all of your emotions to me about the incident since he is my son, but please know i will always be here for you. May i be honest?"

"Of course.."

"He deserves to have to fight tooth and nail for you. What he did is unforgivable, and it is completely understandable if you do not want to continue your courtship. If i know my son like i think i do, though, he will do everything he can to win you back. He asks me many questions about love and how to make you happy. This morning he asked me for help to make it up to you. I told him that this is his mistake, and he must find the solution. You may want to prepare for whatever he has planned." Neytiri spoke firmly, her hand cupping the back of Beatrices head lovingly. "But if you have already made your decision to not give any more chances, please let him know now. Him trying to get you back would not help either of you move on."

Beatrice nodded slowly, sighing. "I do not know how he could make up for such a thing. But... i do love him enough for another chance." She admitted, causing Neytiri to smile. She always loved seeing Beatrice and Neteyam together, their love always filling the room with happiness.

"I am glad to hear that, Bea. But remember, you must do what is best for you." Neytiri murmured, rubbing the girls shoulder. Beatrice nodded once again, chewing on her lip. "What is it?"

"There is someone who said that if it does not work out with Neteyam, they would like to get to know me better.." Beatrice admitted quietly, too nervous to meet Neytiris eyes. She knew the love the mother had for her sons, and did not want to risk upsetting her in any way.

"Well, that is good..." Neytiri spoke guardedly, worrying for her son but still trying to be there for Beatrice. Beatrice noticed her hesitation, realizing she went too far. She fought the frown on her face, taking a deep breath.

"I want it to work with Neteyam, though. I meant my promise with him.." Beatrice continued, her heart aching. "What if he does not try to fix it?" She whispered, Neytiri seeing the fear in her eyes. She hummed softly to Beatrice, cupping her face gently.

"He has already started making plans to, my dear." Neytiri promised, Beatrice nodding slowly. Neytiri kissed the top of Beatrices head, the two hugging tightly.

A voice clearing their throat broke the two apart, Beatrice turning and finding Neteyam. She ducked her head down, her ears lowering as she felt anxiety building in her stomach.

"Mother, can i talk to Beatrice?" He said, asking for privacy. Neytiri squeezed Beatrices arm lovingly, exiting the tent to go find something to do. Neteyam slowly walked up to Beatrice, the girl wrapping her arms around herself as she took a step back when he got too close. Neteyam frowned deeply but took a step back as well, not wanting to make her uncomfortable.

"Yes, Neteyam?" Beatrice asked softly, her thumb rubbing against her side.

"I uhm.. i want to start off by apologizing again. I am so sorry, Bea. I do not know what came over me. I know words will not fix it... but if you will allow me, i can try and show you how much you mean to me. How much i love you, and want you." Neteyam spoke softly, looking over Beatrices face, silently begging her to look at him. A few seconds passed before Beatrice slowly pulled her eyes away from the floor, looking up Neteyam slowly until she met his eyes. She saw how his tail flicked behind him nervously, his eye already beginning to heal from Lo'aks punch. She watched as his tongue poked out slightly, him unconsciously grazing his busted lip with it, Beatrice feeling her heart ache at the motion. She slowly nodded once she met his eyes, Neteyam unable to hide the smile that grew on his face. "Are you doing anything tonight?" He asked softly, Beatrice nodding once again and watching as his face fell slightly.

"I am meeting with Tsahik in a few hours, and i will be with her until after eclipse, i believe." Beatrice spoke softly, the boy raising his eyebrows impressed. He nodded, his hand fidgeting with his loincloth band.

"What about tomorrow?"

"Tomorrow is your birthday, Neteyam.." Beatrice asked, her tone slightly confused.

"I could not think of a better birthday present than you allowing me to take you somewhere." Neteyam spoke, a small smile on his lips. Beatrice sighed softly, nodding her head.

"As long as your parents are okay with it."

Neteyam rocked on his heels happily, nodding his head with her acceptance. Beatrice watched as he almost took a step forward, catching himself as his smile fell slightly. The girls eyes moved back to the floor, staying silent as Neteyam watched her carefully.

"I miss you." Neteyam whispered, causing Beatrices ears to twitch. She felt the familiar burning in her eyes, the feeling pissing her off slightly, determined to not cry over him anymore. She raised her head back up to him, huffing softly.

"Well, you fucked up, so..." Neteyam nodded at her words, his ears lowering.

"I am going to do everything i can to fix it, Bea..." He responded softly, Beatrice seeing honesty in his eyes. She gave him a curt nod, dropping her arms and beginning to walk out of the pod. As she walked past Neteyam, her arm brushed his, electricity shooting over her skin causing her to shiver silently. She continued to move past him, taking a deep breath of the ocean air, fighting the urge to look back at Neteyam. She set off on a random direction, just wanting to clear her head for a while.

As Beatrice walked along the woven path, her ears twitched as she heard people speaking, looking up and seeing Ronal smiling with someone. Beatrice looked up at the sky, it being much later than she thought, shocking her slightly. She looked back over at Ronal, staying put until the Tsahik was finished with her conversation, sending a shy smile to her once she finished her conversation. Ronal caught Beatrices eyes, sending her a gentle smile in return, happiness bubbling in Beatrices chest. The two made their way to each other, Beatrice brushing her hand down her nose.

"Are you ready, child?" Ronal asked kindly, Beatrice nodding her head feverishly. Beatrice followed after Ronal, the older Na'vi leading her to a small group that waited with woven baskets attached to their hips. Everyone greeted Ronal happily, sending smiles to Beatrice kindly. Ronal handed one of the waist baskets to Beatrice, also handing her a small carving knife as well.

"My daughter tells me you are an exceptional student. We will see your progress today. Neytiri also mentioned you are gifted with exceptional healing skills." Beatrice blushed at all the praise, not knowing the others talked about her. She nodded to Ronal, chewing on her lip. "I will have to have you show me some of your skills soon, child." Ronal finished, Beatrice smiling. The small group jumped into the water, Beatrice following after them and diving along. She swam after Ronal, the group clustering around large rocks under the sea, large sea creatures that looked to have wings gliding around them. Ronal gracefully grabbed on, placing it onto her back. She signed for Beatrice to turn, placing one on Beatrices back as well, the younger girl feeling like she could breathe under the water. Beatrice was thankful she had been bugging Tsireya for sign lessons, being able to understand Ronal easily.

Beatrice swam after Ronal, watching as Ronal showed her the clusters of oysters under the large rocks. Beatrice immediately got to work with the small carving knife, harvesting the glowing creatures and placing them in her waist basket. The group stayed down there for hours, the sea relaxing Beatrice immensely despite her fingertips hurting slightly.

Movement caught Beatrices eye, looking over and seeing Ronal swimming towards something glowing brightly. She followed after, stopping next to Ronal and seeing Kiri playing with the glowing fish and controlling them. Ronal looked to Beatrice confused, wonder floating in her eyes. Beatrice let go of the coral she was holding onto, signing to Ronal.

She has deep connection to Eywa. It was strong in the forest, but seems to be much stronger here.

Ronal nodded at Beatrices explanation, looking back at Kiri with wonder. Shortly after the two met back up with the group, Ronal signing to everyone that their haul was enough for the day. Everyone made their way back to the surface, letting go of the creatures that helped them breathe and climbing onto the woven paths.

Ronal turned to Beatrice, giving her a smile as Beatrice handed off her waist basket. Beatrice turned towards the Tsahik, a bright smile on her face.

"Thank you for inviting me, Tsahik. I had a wonderful time, and enjoyed harvesting for the clan." Beatrice brushed her hand down her nose once again, Ronal placing a hand on Beatrices shoulder.

"It was nice having you with us. I will let you know the next time we do this, if you are interested?" Beatrice nodded feverishly, her smile widening at the Tsahiks words. Ronal smiled at her, shooing her off to go back to her pod, wishing her a goodnight.

Beatrice happily raced back to the Sullys, finding them sitting and waiting with their dinners in front of them. Beatrice blushed darkly, realizing they had been waiting on her.

"I am so sorry for making you wait.." Beatrice spoke softly, taking a seat between Lo'ak and Kiri, despite the open seat next to Neteyam. Out of the corner of her eye she could see Neteyams shoulders drop slightly, his eyes falling to the floor. Beatrice turned her attention back to the rest of the family, answering their questions about her adventure with the Tsahik happily.

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