The Sweetest of Hearts.1| T.S

By PeakyB003

286K 7.4K 731

If anyone in Birmingham had asked Polly Gray when the ice around Thomas Shelby's heart had started to melt, s... More

The sweetest of hearts.
Original Characters.
•Secrets out.
•To a fresh start.
•Truly something.
•Billy Kimber.
•The Cheltenham races.
•Hand grenade.
•The Boogeyman.
•A Gypsy wedding.
•A boy.
•Now you've seen me.
•Dead man's heart.
•Worcester race.
•I love you.
•Expansion into London.
•A visitor.
•The baker.
•Polly's never wrong.
•Two files.
•Grand reopening.
•Digbeth Kid.
•Mr. Thomas Shelby.
•I do bad things.
•Like flies.
•Business first.
•Tommy always has a plan.
•Business is done.
•Maude Florence Shelby.
•In more ways now.
•English tea.
•Mourning me.
•Won't break.
•A woman in Whales.
•Driven crazy with longing.
•Good Friday.
•A little early this year.
•The wandering Jew.
•Someone took him.
•I need to know who spoke.
•The sweetest of hearts.
The end.
Book 2.


8.7K 218 12
By PeakyB003

V. Trust.

The following morning, Tommy came looking for her in the betting shop, ignoring all the stares of his men as he approached her table. "Maude, grab your purse and coat, you're coming with me." He instructed her.

She looked up at him with wide and curious eyes before getting up to her feet, grabbing her purse and coat without question. A few eyes followed the pair as they left the shop Tommy's hand pressed to Maude's lower back as he guided her.

"Where are we going?" She asked him as she shrugged her thick white fur coat on, eyeing the people who scattered out of their way as Tommy lead her towards his family's car.

"I bought a new horse, you said you like horses, so I'm taking you with me to see him." He explained as he opened the passenger door, gently taking hold of the tips of her fingers as he helped her into the car before closing the door behind her and getting into the driver's seat.

"You bought another horse?" She asked as she turned her body to face Tommy, quirking an eyebrow at him as he hummed in response while starting up the car. "Will he race as well?" She asked.

"When he is ready." He confirmed with a nod of his head, keeping one hand on the steering wheel as he pulled out his cigarettes and matches, handing them to Maude.

"Where do you keep them?" She asked curiously as she pulled out a cigarette and handed it over to him. He placed t between his lips and Maude stared for a second before lighting his cigarette for him. She pulled out a cigarette for herself as well, lighting it before handing it back to Tommy.

"My uncle's yard." He replied as he took a long drag of his cigarette, exhaling the smoke slowly. "Until I can buy them their own home one day." He said.

Maude smiled at the sentiment. It sounded sweet coming from Tommy, wanting to buy his horses their own home one day. She took a few silent drags of her cigarette before turning to Tommy with furrowed eyebrows. "Why take me with you?" She asked curiously, her voice ever so soft and gentle.

"You said you like horses."He replied as he glanced over at her, observing her side profile for a split second before turning his attention back to the road, Charlie Strong's yard coming into view.

"Still." She muttered softly as she stared ahead at the yard that stood in front of them.

"We should talk about the Cheltenham races," Tommy informed her as he cleared his throat, not shy about blatantly changing the subject. He couldn't tell her why he was bringing her with him, because a part of himself wasn't entirely sure either. All he knew is he wanted her close all the time, and he didn't know how he'd ever tell her that. "I want you to come with me to talk to the man I plan on doing business with." He said.

Maude's eyebrows furrowed as she looked over at Tommy. "Why me?" She asked softly as her head tilted to the side.

"You are an educated young woman who is good with numbers and words." He explained as he drove closer t the yard, and the gates were pulled open for him, the men curiously eyeing Tommy and the woman sitting next to him. Charlie Strong was among the men, and he could not remember a time after the war when his nephew stepped out with a woman. Tommy glanced at Maude. "You'll make me look more professional." He insisted.

She looked at him with a quirked eyebrow and a small smile playing on her lips, showing that her words meant no harm. "If you want a professional business, you shouldn't cut people." She replied, with a hint of teasing in her voice.

"Bad men can still be professional." He insisted as he looked at her with a crooked grin tugging at his lips.

"When will you tell me who this man is we'll meet at the Cheltenham races?" She asked as the car came to a dead stop, and she flicked the stub of her cigarette out onto the muddy ground.

"Oh, I have a feeling he's going to show up sooner than later," Tommy said and Maude's eyebrows furrowed as she turned to him, watching as he got out and rounded the car, cigarette still between his lips as he opened her door and offered his hand. "Come on." He urged her on and she took his hand before getting out of the car. "Careful, it's muddy." He warned her, not letting go of her hand as he carefully guided her over the muddy terrain.

A soft scoff of amusement left Maude's lips. "I've not seen a part of Birmingham that's not muddy." She insisted as she followed Tommy down to the stables, their steps slow as she trudged through the mud with her heels, trying not to sink the expensive shoes.

A soft gasp left her lips as they entered the stables where a white horse stood tall and fierce. "Hey, boy," Tommy called out as his hand slipped from Maude's and he approached the horse, running a gentle hand up the side of its neck.

"My God, he is so beautiful." She whispered as she approached the horse, staring at him with awe-struck eyes and parted lips. Tommy observed her as she ran a gentle hand over the horse's nuzzle. The beast was calm around Maude, pushing against her hand to urge her to continue petting him. "What's his name?" She asked softly as she glanced at Tommy.

"He doesn't have a name yet," Tommy replied with a shake of his head as he pursed his lips.

"Poor boy deserves a name." She said as her hand moved through the horse's main, carefully combing her fingers through his soft hair.

Tommy threw down his cigarette bud and stomped it out, observing Maude and the horse for a silent second. "What would you name him?" He asked as he raised his eyebrows at her.

Maude softly snorted as she shook her head with a grin on her face. "If you ask all my childhood pets, they'll tell you I'm terrible at naming animals." She insisted and Tommy let out a soft breathy laugh as he smiled down at her. Maude looked at him, a soft blush coating her cheeks before she looked down at the ground.

Tommy took a deep breath as all amusement slipped from his face, and Maude could nearly feel the tension grow inside the stable. "I want to tell you, the story Grace told you, was a lie." He informed her as he shoved his hands into his coat pockets. "Asked around in Dublin, no one knows her around there." He said.

Maude's eyebrows furrowed. She was shocked, but not surprised that Grace had just spun her a sob story. Maude was smarter than blindly believing the blonde's words. "Why do you think she lied?" She asked as she turned to Tommy with raised eyebrows.

"Because she is hiding something." He muttered as he stared at the horse in front of them, his gaze far away as he thought of every question and answer, every possibility and scenario. Every danger the blonde could bring into their lives.

"What?" Maude asked softly as her eyebrows furrowed even further, her arms crossing over her chest as she sighed softly.

"That is a good question." Tommy hummed softly as he nodded his head, his gaze still miles away as he stared ahead of him, jaw slowly clenching as his head filled with more questions than answers.

The following morning, the betting shop was busy, buzzing with chatter as men came in to lay their bets before the races. Everyone was hard at work when Tommy arrived. His gaze ran over the room, satisfied to see so many men there to bet. His gaze landed on Maude who sat by her table, books surrounding her as she scribbled countless of numbers down on them, every number John wrote down on the board.

"Morning Maude," Tommy said as he approached her table, peering over her shoulder, eyes scanning over the book in front of her, observing her neat writing. As pretty and proper as she is.

Maude glanced up at him with a smile so sweet, that the corners of Tommy's lips tugged up at the sight. "Morning Tommy." She said softly before turning back to her work.

"Tommy? Tommy?" John called out to his brother as he approached Maude's table, picking up one of the books and showing it to Tommy. "They're all here for Monaghan Boy." He informed his brother as he pointed at the long line of men waiting to lay their bets.

"That's what I like to hear, Johnny boy," Tommy replied as his eyes scanned over the book, nodding his head as he patted his brother on the shoulder.

"And Aunt Pol wants to see ya," John informed his brother as he nodded towards the kitchen on the other side, handing Maude her book back before he wandered to the board again.

Maude watched Tommy as he sighed, shoving his hands into his pants pockets before making his way over to the kitchen. While he had a short conversation with his aunt in the kitchen, Daniel made his way over to his sister, jotting something down in one of the books she had in front of her.

Maude's gaze shortly turned to the kitchen, watching as Tommy's discussion with his aunt grew heated before he stormed out of the kitchen. "Tommy?" Maude called out as the dark-haired man pushed past all his employees, storming out of the shop, slamming the door so hard behind him, Maude feared it would break off the hinges. Her eyebrows tugged together as she slowly turned to face her brother. "What's that about?" She asked as she quirked an eyebrow.

"Nothing good," Daniel muttered as he stared at the door Tommy had just slammed, his tongue pressing against the inside of his cheek, eyebrows raised.

Maude gave him a deadpanned look as she tilted her head to the side and raised her eyebrows. "Really? What gave you that idea?" She asked with a strong hint of sarcasm and Daniel huffed as he rolled his eyes at her, his attention turning to the book in front of him.

"Oi, you two fancy going to the Garrison tonight?" Henry called out as he appeared out from the back of the shop, an eyebrow quirked as a grin played at his lips, glancing between his siblings.

"I'd never give up free drinks," Daniel said with a nod of his head as he looked up at his brother.

Henry's gaze shot towards Daniel, eyebrows furrowing as the grin slipped from his lips. "Who said they'll be free?" He asked as he gave a small shake of his head.

"You invited us, so it's just polite to pay for us as well," Maude added, siding with her little brother as she shot Henry a side eye before continuing her work, scribbling number after number on the pages.

"Since when have I ever been polite?" Henry joked as he quirked an eyebrow, staring down at his brother with a questioning look, resting his hands down on his hips.

"That is a very true statement," Daniel muttered, completely wiping the amusement from his brother's face, as he slowly nodded his head while sharing an amused look with Maude.

"It was a question, you fucker." Henry snapped as he flicked his hand across the back of Daniel's head, eyebrows deeply furrowed as an upset scowl played on his face. His lips nearly pouted as he crossed his arms over his chest, sitting down on the edge of Maude's table.

"Yeah but when it speaks for itself, it becomes more a statement," Daniel replied, shooting his brother a teasing grin as he rubbed the back of his aching head.

"Yeah well, you're not invited anymore." Henry huffed as he flipped his middle finger in Daniel's face.

"Yeah?" Daniel asked with a raised eyebrow before flipping his middle finger back at Henry. "I'm still coming, and you're still paying." He insisted before turning to Maude, who had silently been watching her brothers with a quirked eyebrow. "What about you sister?" He asked as he raised his eyebrows and tilted his head to the side.

Maude looked between her brothers before smiling, shrugging her shoulders. "A free drink is a free drink." She said as her eyes landed on Henry, and Daniel let out a stifled chuckle.

"I never said they'd be fucking free." Henry huffed in defeat as he shook his head, pushing himself up from the table and sauntering off to his own, leaving behind his laughing younger siblings.

A long while after Tommy left, Maude debated on going to look for him. She had to restrain herself and force herself to focus on her work. But after her shift ended, she couldn't control her worries or her curiosity and went looking for Tommy.

Her first stop was the Garrison, and there she found the dark-haired Peaky Blinder, sitting in the snug with a bottle of whiskey in front of him. He had a cigarette in one hand, and a glass of his whiskey in the other.

Maude eyed him cautiously as she stepped into the small room. "Thought I'd find you here." She said softly as Tommy looked up to meet her gaze. "May I join you?" She asked as she raised her eyebrows, weary of overstepping her boundaries.

"Of course." He agreed with a nod of his head before pointing at one of the chairs in front of him. "Have a seat." He insisted.

Maude sat down in front of him, taking the cigarette he offered her, and leaning over the table to let him light it. She took a long drag, carefully tying Tommy before she spoke up. "Forgive me if I'm intruding, but is everything alright?" She asked softly.

Tommy was taken aback. He hadn't had anyone ask him that in a very long time. He hadn't had anyone care, in a very long time. His eyebrows furrowed as he struggled to answer. "Why do you want to know, ey?"He asked after a second of being quiet, raising his eyebrows at her.

"Because you made a pretty big fuss in the betting shop today." She replied as she crossed one leg over the other, resting her elbow on her knee as she took a drag of her cigarette. "Doesn't look like everything is alright." She said softly.

Tommy was silent for a second again, running a hand over his face as he sighed softly. "No, everything is not alright, Maude." He muttered with a shake of his head.

Tommy didn't think she'd care any further, but then her eyebrows knitted together as she gave him a soft look, her blue eyes nearly melting the thick and hard ice on Tommy's cold heart. "Do you want to talk about it or will you settle for a drinking buddy?" She asked as she raised her eyebrows, nothing but sincerity in her eyes. She truly did care, Tommy assured himself softly.

He cleared his throat as he grabbed the bottle of whiskey, refilling his glass and pouring her a glass as well. "Let's drink." He replied as he handed her one of the whiskey glasses.

"Very well."She nodded as she took it from him with a soft thank you.

They drank and smoke in silence for a while, sneaking a few glances at each other every now and then. By the fourth glass of whiskey, Tommy took a deep breath before he began speaking. "My sister is pregnant." He revealed, jaw clenching at the words.

Maude's eyes slightly widened as she sat up a little straighter. "Congratulations." She said as she smiled softly, eyebrows slightly furrowing at Tommy's irritated and displeased look he carried on his face.

Tommy let out a displeased grunt as he shook his head, staring ahead of him with a distant look in his cold eyes. "No, this is not a happy vocation to be celebrated." He muttered bitterly as he took another drag of his cigarette before stubbing it out in the ashtray.

Maude's eyebrows furrowed even further, her head tilting to the side as she stared at Tommy. "I don't understand, does she not want the baby?" She asked softly, cautious of her words, because even though Tommy had been nothing but kind to her, she had heard many things of his temper. Only bad things.

"It's not about the baby, it's about its father." He revealed, and Maude watched as the muscle in his jaw grew tighter, his grip on his whiskey glass growing firmer. "He's a commie and he used to be my best mate." He revealed.

Maude's lips parted in shock as she raised her eyebrows, silent for a second as she took in his words.

"Yes, I can see how it's not exactly a happy occasion." She muttered softly as she nodded her head. "Are they together then?" She asked.

"She doesn't even fucking know where he is." He spat as he ran a frustrated hand over his face. "He left town after the cops raided the homes." He explained as he refilled his whiskey glass, emptying it again just as fast.

"Do you think he will come back?" She asked cautiously as she raised her eyebrows, picking at the rim of her whiskey glass.

"To spite me, yes." He muttered bitterly again as he took a deep breath to calm himself, silently telling himself not to show Maude that side of him. Not yet, at least. because he knew she'd see it sooner or later. And Tommy didn't think he could bare how she would look at him the day she did see it. So no, he wouldn't show her yet.

"What will you do?" She asked as she observed Tommy, watching as the muscle in his jaw relaxed, his gaze growing distant again and his grip on his whiskey glass releasing.

"I don't know yet." He admitted softly as he shook his head. "I might just put a bullet in the fuckers head."He said before pouring and finishing another glass of whiskey.

"And that copper?" She asked curiously as she raised her eyebrows at Tommy. "How is business with him?"

Tommy went silent for a second before he nodded his head, humming softly. "I think I have come to an agreement with him." He admitted as his gaze flicked towards hers.

Maude's eyebrows furrowed, head tilting to the side. "Agreement about what?" She asked.

"Guns." He revealed without so much as a second thought. He watched as Maude's eyes slightly widened for a split second, her face looking like it would lose color at any second.

"Guns?" She repeated and Tommy hummed in response as he nodded his head. She bit down on her bottom lip, gulping at the lump forming in the back of her throat as she shook her head. "What guns?" She asked softly as her eyebrows furrowed.

Tommy was silent for a second again as he intensely observed Maude. He knew she was playing dumb, he could see right through hr. Already she was an open book to Tommy. He also knew she wasn't lying to him because of any ill intent. She had no secret motive, she merely just did not think it was her place to know thing someone didn't want her to know. But she was smart and observant, and she always knew more than she was supposed to. "You know what guns." He muttered as he kept an intense direct eye contact with her, Polly's words from the day the coppers searched the houses, floating through his head "You're a smart girl, I know you know."

Maude pursed her lips, staring at Tommy with furrowed eyebrows. Of course, she knew. It felt like everywhere she went, people talked about the stolen guns from the BSA factory."You have the stolen guns?"She asked softly.

"I do."He confirmed with a nod of his head and Maude's eyes grew bigger as a soft gasp slipped from her lips.

"Holly fuck." She whispered as her gaze diverted down to the table, silently staring at it for a second before looking at Tommy again."Are you insane?"She asked as she pressed her hand to the tabletop and leaned a little bit over to him. "You will hang if they find them."

"Oh, they won't find them, not unless I want them to."He assured as he shook his head, pouring himself another glass of whiskey, as well as offering her another glass.

Maude stared at him cautiously, weary of his intentions. Her eyebrows were tightly knitted together, and she bit down on the inside of her cheek."Why are you telling me this?"She asked as she raised her eyebrows.

"Because I trust you."He muttered softly as he stared back at her, silent for a long second as he took in her reaction. She was taken aback, but Tommy could see a spark slip into her blue eyes. Happiness. She was happy, that he had found trust in her because it opened the door for much more. "And I trust you won't share this information with anyone else." He added, the softest hint of warning in his voice.

"Of course not." She assured him with a firm shake of her head, her eyebrows furrowing again as she stared back at Tommy. "But I don't understand why you trust me so much."

"Neither do I." He admitted softly as his gaze flicked down to the glass in his hand. He stared down at the ombre-colored liquid for a second, eyebrows pulling together as his forehead creased. He stared for a quick second before lifting the glass to his lips, downing everything in one gulp.

"I trust you too, Tommy." She admitted softly as she stared down at the table for a second before her gaze flicked up to him. "Although I have no dark secrets I can tell you." She teased with a small smile and a breathy huff of laugh escaped Tommy. Maude sipped on her whiskey, playing with the strong taste on her tongue before she tried to test her limits. "Why did you steal the guns?" She asked as she raised her eyebrows at him.

"It was an accident." He replied with a shake of his head, sighing as he leaned back into his seat, letting his guard down. "My men were supposed to steal bikes. When we opened the crates, we found guns." He explained.

"Will you use them?" She asked as she finished her whiskey, pushing the glass away before Tommy could offer her more and she's drag herself through the streets of Small Heath, back home again.

"No, I'll give them back to the coppers once I get everything I want." He replied as he shook his head, a determined look in his eyes as he met her gaze. "This is all part of a bigger plan, Maude." He informed her.

She silently stared back at him, an unsettling feeling slipping into the pit of her stomach. Tommy's words made her believe, there was a lot more trouble to come Birmingham's way, and it was going to knock on all their doors.

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