KND: Operation DCFDTL

By PedroMartins224

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KND Operation DCFDTL is a reboot / prequel of the Kids Next Tv show created by Mr. Warburton that tells the r... More

Chapter 1: Stay Strong
Chapter 2: A delightful meeting
Chapter 3: Strange cousins
Chapter 4: Delightfully fun
Chapter 5: Are they hiding something ?
Chapter 7: Happy Birthday, not our Birthday...
Chapter 8: Tricky codes
Chapter 9: The first escapes
Chapter 10: Save at all cost
Chapter 11: Hurting the puppeteer
Chapter 12: Rise of a team
Chapter 13: We're Kids Next Door.

Chapter 6: Happy Birthday, It's your Birthday...

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By PedroMartins224

( The next morning... )

Nigel (waking up): But what is that noise? (he walked out of the bedroom and saw the DCFDTLs coming out of the bathroom with a jar on their hands) Oh hey, hello.

DCFDTL (coming out of the bathroom and seeing Nigel): Ah, Nigel Uno. You finally woke up.

Nigel: Yes, I slept like a baby that night... (he caught sight of the jar with their toenails) Oh, that's... (he finally thinks in his head) No, If I say that I recognize this jar, they will ask questions. (he replied while the DCFDTL looked at him questioningly) I mean... What are you wearing in that jar?

DCFDTL: Oh, that? We keep our toenails like a collection. It seems that's what continues to grow with us.

Nigel: And... Don't you think if other people see this, they'll think it's disgusting?!

DCFDTL: Maybe, but that's not the case for us. Let's say it's a kind of hobby. Now, please, get ready for breakfast. (they went to their room to change)

Nigel: Alright...?

(After Nigel gets ready for breakfast, he and the DCFDTLs are at the table)

Jenkins (putting the breakfast on the table): And there you have it. Enjoy your meal !

Nigel and DCFDTL: Thanks, Jenkins.

(Jenkins left and Nigel and the DCFDTLs ate)

DCFDTL (finishing eating): Nigel, we have a question for you.

Nigel: Uh... so what?

DCFDTL: What were you doing last night?

Nigel: I was... In the bedroom. Why ?

DCFDTL: During his visit, Father not only saw our cats and a broken vase in the long hallway, but also the sound of footsteps. Can you explain to us? (they hear a ringtone coming from Nigel which makes them more and more suspicious)

Nigel: Uh... Excuse me?! (He goes down the long hallway and activates his communicator) Yes?

Numbuh 362: Hey, Nigel!

Nigel: Hi, Rachel. So what news?

Numbuh 362: The famous codes we found in the vases were analyzed at the moon base and they are not normal security codes.

Nigel: How so?

DCFDTL: Nigel?!

Nigel (hearing the DCFDTLs coming): Rachel, we'll call back later. They begin to doubt something. See you later. (he deactivates his communicator)

DCFDTL (arriving): Now that you have finished your call, can you explain to us about last night?

Nigel: Last night the footsteps were because I heard the vase shatter and Father scolded the cats but then I went back to bed. For the call I just got, it's because we might be late for school, hehe.

DCFDTL ( initially suspicious ): ............ We see. In this case, we will prepare ourselves as soon as possible.

Nigel (seeing the DCFDTL go talk to Jenkins to clear the table): Sure.... (after they're far enough away, Nigel breathes a sigh of relief)

(Much later, they arrived at school after Jenkins dropped them off with the limo)

Hoagie (waiting for Nigel and the DCFDTL outside the school gate): There you are, finally.

Kuki: The bell has already rung for the start of class.

Nigel: Sorry guys, I got up later than I should. Abby's not with you?

Wallabee: We saw her pass but she didn't say hello to us and she walked straight into the school.

DCFDTL: Looks like she's still mad about yesterday.

Kuki: Otherwise, can we come in? I don't want Mr. Thompson punishing us.

(After they arrive in class)

Mr.Thompson: All right, kids, for today's dictation...

Wallabee (whispering): Hoagie, Abigail is still sulking.

Hoagie: If only we could really do something....

Wallabee: I'll try to talk to her. Psst. Hey, Abigail!

Abigail (pouting): Leave me alone!

Wallabee: But we just want to know....


Mr. Thompson: What's going on here?

Wallabee: Nothing serious, Mr. Thompson. I just wanted to ask Abigail if she was okay.

Mr. Thompson: I'll take care of that, Wallabee Beatles. Get ready for dictation now. (He turns to Abigail) You too, Abigail. After class, I'd like to talk.

Abigail: Yes, Mr. Thompson. Sorry...

Nigel: Abby...

(So the class did the dictation. After that, in the canteen...)

Wallabee: Otherwise, Nigel, where did your cousins go?

Nigel: They said they had to do something big, but they didn't say why.

Hoagie: I especially have the impression that the more one tries to find out more about them, the more there are things that remain secret about them.

Nigel: I admit... And Kuki, what is she doing at the moment?

Hoagie: She's trying to talk to Abigail but... It's not that easy...

Kuki (in front of Abigail): Hey...

Abigail: Leave me alone!

Kuki: Okay!

( a few minutes later )

Kuki: Hey...

Abigail: No.

Kuki: Ok. (she was going to leave but she comes back to Abigail) Are you sure that...

Abigail: No!

Kuki: Just to be sure! (she went to the canteen to have her lunch and walked over to Nigel, Hoagie and Wallabee)

Abigail (seeing Kuki pass in front of her): Kuki, no!

Kuki: Okay, I'll leave you alone. Anyway, I wasn't going to you. (she joined Nigel, Hoagie and Wallabee ) Jeez, she can be really mean and annoying when she's angry.

Nigel: Numbuh 11 really needs to take care of this case because it's getting more and more awkward.

Hoagie: And also that we're running out of ideas to help her.

Nigel: I'm going to have to call Numbuh 362 again because apparently the codes found in the vases are not ordinary codes.

Wallabee: In that case, let's finish eating and send the call.

(They went to a corner after eating and Nigel called Numbuh 362 back)

Nigel: Now let's call Rachel and activate the communicator's video mode. (he activates this mode and Numbuh 362 appears as a video) Hey, Rachel!

Hoagie: Nigel shared with us your communicator chat and that you analyzed the codes you found in the vases at the DCFDTL mansion and those same codes are not ordinary.

Wallabee: And we would like to know how they are not ordinary.

Kuki: What are they? What are they?

Numbuh 362: Well, from what we've analyzed, every code found in the vases at the DCFDTL mansion doesn't all match the same electrical system in the mansion, to begin with.

Wallabee: Different styles of codes, huh?

Hoagie: And you figured out what those codes correspond to?

Numbuh 362: That's what I wanted to tell Nigel before the call had to be dropped. We found that the codes are different but in our research, we were unable to decipher the source of these to tell which electrical system of the mansion they belong to.

Kuki: Oh.... I don't understand!

Nigel: That means there are still a lot of mysteries surrounding DCFDTL. (turns to Numbuh 362 in the communicator video) We'll try to see what more we can do about my cousins.

Numbuh 362: We are not going to let go so that we can have the end of the story on the DCFDTL and so that we can have ideas. Now I leave you. Numbuh 274 is asking me for something important. Good luck, all of you. (she cut off the call)

Hoagie: You were right on one point, Nigel. These codes are really not ordinary.

Wallabee: And we're still at an impasse regarding the DCFDTLs.

Kuki (hearing the school bell): Guys, classes are going to start again.

Nigel: (sigh) Let's have a call from Numbuh 11, please.

(They returned to class and towards the end of the school day, Nigel and his friends went to the tree house where Numbuh 11 was waiting for them.)

Numbuh 11 (seeing Nigel and co arrive): Ah, there you are.

Nigel: Glad to see you, Numbuh 11. We'd like to talk to you about Abigail's case.

Numbuh 11: Numbuh 362 warned me about this the day before yesterday, but what happened yesterday and today?

Hoagie: Well, me, Wallabee and Kuki, we don't know because we were kicked out by Jenkins and the DCFDTL before it happened.

Kuki: On the other hand, today, she got mean to us.

Wallabee: Also, she avoided us the whole school day, like we didn't exist.

Abigail: Numbuh 5 still told you she wanted to be alone! Also, how do you expect me not to be pissed off when Nigel protects the DCFDTL when we see they're hiding something?

Nigel: I told you, Abby, I'm not protecting them!

Abigail: And Numbuh 5 stands by her decision since you insist. You can always dream for me to help you if ever you are in danger!

Wallabee: Oh yeah?! And this is also the case for the rest of us, too? Not helping us if we're in danger for your nonsense, "Chief"?

Kuki: Especially since you were mean to us when we wanted to help you.

Hoagie: Yeah, Abby, you're making such a fuss for no reason. (he gets a slap from Abigail) Hey, why did you do that? I was not joking!

Abigail: Precisely because our job in the KND is not supposed to be a joke, nor a health walk and especially not a picnic! If you can't figure that out, then I don't want you on my team!

Numbuh 11: Abby, enough is enough!! Given your behavior, I can only believe the opinion of Nigel and the other members. So that's why I'm sending you home.

Abigail: What, but...

Numbuh 11: Do not insist, little sister! We'll talk about that just the two of us later. Now go home! (Abigail leaves annoyed)

Wallabee: But who does she think she is?

Kuki (sobbing): Why so much meanness to her friends coming from her?

Hoagie: Kuki, calm down. It'll be OK.

Numbuh 11: You're in luck, cadets, because today won't be practice.

Nigel: And today, what will we do?

Numbuh 11: We're going to put together all the info you gave me and make a decision on when it's DCFDTL's birthday. Come on, everyone, gather!

( Much later )

Numbuh 11: Alright, everyone. It's the end of the day... (she noticed Nigel) Yes, Nigel, Any problem?

Nigel: Just to know, do you have any news from Numbuh 274?

Numbuh 11: Sorry, Nigel. I know he's your mentor and so many others but with this succession thing for the new Supreme Leader, he's been busy for a while. (Nigel is a bit disappointed) Hey, don't worry. When there's news from him, I'll let you know.

Nigel: Okay.... What about Abigail?

Numbuh 11: You can count on me to cheer her up. Now you should go back to the others. Kuki would also need to be comforted.

Nigel: Alright. Thank you. (He goes to Hoagie, Kuki and Wallabee)

Hoagie (seeing Nigel arrive): If I remember correctly, Nigel, it's only during the DCFDTL birthday party that we can still come in for information before we can help them, isn't it?

Nigel: That's more or less it. And for Kuki?

Kuki (crying): Waaaaaaaaaaaaah!

Wallabee: Kuki, stop it for a bit, will you?

Hoagie: Let's say consoling people isn't Wallabee's forte.

Nigel: I'll take care of that. Come on, Kuki, you can't keep thinking about what Abigail said for much longer, though!

Kuki (sobbing): I can't! Her words still hurt!

Nigel: I admit... But think of DCFDTL's anniversary. Everyone will be invited, whether for the cake or the games.

Kuki (drying her tears): Ah yes?! (Nigel nods and Kuki explodes with joy) Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaay!

Hoagie: It was fast, say so...

Kuki (overly happy and jumping around): Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay! Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay! Yaaaaaaaaaaaaay! Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay!

Wallabee: Alright, Kuki, we get it!

Hoagie: Okay, guys. I think we'll let Numbuh 11 handle Abby's case. Let's go home!

Nigel, Wallabee and Kuki: We're following you.

(At Abigail and Cree's house)

Mr Lincoln ( seeing Numbuh 11 arrive ): Ah, if that's not my big girl, Cree. Who's been busy for a while, with old friends, new friends... Ooooooooh, you know what I'm talking about.

Mrs. Lincoln: How was your day, Cree?!

Numbuh 11: Busy as usual, Mom and Dad. Where is Abby now?

Mr. Lincoln: Right now, she's still in her room with her angry face, her sulks,... It's like she doesn't want to see anyone.

Numbuh 11: I'll take care of this, Mom and Dad. (she walked to Abigail's room) We're all meeting for dinner.

Mrs Lincoln: Very well, ma fille ( my daughter ). So we meet for dinner.

(Numbuh 11 was in front of the bedroom door. She went to knock but seeing that the door was slightly open, she entered and saw her little sister in front of the window)

Numbuh 11 (closing the door and walking towards Abigail): Abby!

Abigail: ...

Numbuh 11: I don't know what took you to behave like that but I'm very disappointed coming from you. Are you aware that you are supposed to be the leader of this new Sector V and that your behavior, in addition to being immature, is anything but professional?

Abigail: What do you want me to do? I take it seriously and...

Numbuh 11: You still accused Nigel of protecting the DCFDTL when it's still thanks to him that we got information about them. A sector leader must know how to trust other members in the same way as they do. Today was not the case and Nigel, Hoagie, Wallabee and Kuki, especially Kuki, noticed it.

Abigail: Yes, but even so, these DCFDTLs are a giant puzzle: The further you go, the more other pieces are added. How do you expect things to go well this way? Especially after Patton's disappearance, the case where Numbuh 8A and 8B got chicken pox from those Teen Ninjas, the decomissioning of them and Maurice aka Numbuh 9 and soon you'll be there too...( she threw her hat ) There are too many members of the KND who have been lost since my arrival in the organization and I don't want to lose any more...

Numbuh 11 (taking the cap): Unfortunately, nothing can be done about these situations, little sister. But despite what happened to Numbuh 8A and 8B, do you remember why I gave you my hat?

Abigail: It was because you thought I did well on my second mission.

Numbuh 11: Indeed but not only. It's also because I could trust you after that. You know, when I and Numbuh 274 were just starting out, we had a lot of trouble getting along: I blamed him for being stubborn and he blamed me for being too passive, but as the missions progressed, we each of us understood our strengths while not neglecting our weaknesses and since then we have trusted each other for a long time. Wasn't it you who wanted Nigel and Hoagie in the KND because you saw potential in them?

Abigail: Yes...

Numbuh 11: In that case, don't lose faith in them, just like Wallabee and Kuki. Otherwise, you will never match Father or his allies.

Abigail (a little relieved): Thank you, big sister. I'll just need time to digest all of this before DCFDTL's birthday and reunite with my friends.

Numbuh 11: I'll let them know. Now let's go down. Our parents must surely be expecting us for dinner.

(The two sisters ended up going down to have dinner with their parents)

(After that, until DCFDTL's birthday, Nigel, Hoagie, Kuki, Wallabee, and Abigail had to do their own thing: Nigel was thinking how he could help DCFDTL with Father's case. Hoagie was preparing the arsenal they will have to have in case of trouble. Kuki tries to see what she will wear for the party. Wallabee, with the help of his parents, tries as best he can to learn to swim and Abigail takes advantage of his free time to pull herself together before the time comes. And so, the big day...)

Sid Beatles (watching his son trying to swim in their pool): Come on, sport. We know you'll get there!

Wallabee (trying to swim): I'm trying, Dad.

Mrs Beatles (next to her husband): Don't forget to use the feet to move faster, my little Wallabee.

Wallabee: That's what I'm trying, Mom.

Sid Beatles: We can see that you do it but don't act like you're going to master it right away. You have to take your time.

Wallabee: Yeah, but if my friends ever see that...

Kuki (arriving with Hoagie and Nigel): Youhou, Wallabee!

Wallabee ( stopping ): Kuki? Guys? (sinks and struggles trying to stay on the surface) Argh, help!

Mrs. Beatles (helping her husband to get Wallabee out of the pool): We're here, don't worry.

Wallabee (spitting water): Crud. Now it is clear. I will never be able to swim.

Kuki: Oh, come on, Wally. It wasn't so bad.

Nigel: But when you stop swimming, that doesn't mean you have to let yourself sink.

Hoagie: Let's say you were this close to doing it.

Sid Beatles: You see, sport ? Even your friends think you were doing well.

Mrs Beatles: You can go change, Wallabee. In the meantime, children, you can also come to the living room. We're going to prepare something for you.

(They all entered the Beatles house and arrived in the living room)

Nigel (looking inside the house): I didn't imagine the interior of Wallabee's house would be very exotic.

Hoagie: Judging by how the house is, his family is Australian and apparently the accent would be quite odd... (they see Sid and Mrs Beatles come out of the kitchen) No offense of course.. .

Mrs Beatles: No problem, kids. It is true that the accent and the Australian English are very particular compared to those of America or the United Kingdom but it remains English. If not, children, we have prepared ANZAC biscuits for you (popular biscuits in Australia and New Zealand made of rolled oats, flour, sugar, boiling water, baking soda, golden syrup, butter ( or margarine ) and optionally desiccated coconut)

Sid Beatles: These are purely specialties of our native country. Hoping that you like it.

Hoagie ( taking an ANZAC biscuit just like Nigel and Kuki: In that case, I would like to taste these ANZAC biscuits. ( he starts eating ) It's delicious but tell us, what do you do with your days ?

Sid Beatles: Oh, routine. I continue to work in Mr. Boss' company. My wife takes care of the household but is actively looking for work... Ah yes, I forgot... (he put his hand on his wife's belly) We are going to have a second child in the family.

Kuki: A baby! But it's beautiful! When is it going to come out? Soon, I hope?

Mrs. Beatles: ("laughs") No, my dear. The baby won't come for several months.

Nigel: And you're sure Wallabee will take it?

Mrs Beatles: Don't worry about it. Of course he gave us his fears but he shouldn't worry too much. the arrival of the baby does not mean that we will love him less, it just means that my little Wallabee will be the eldest child of the family.

Hoagie: I admit that when my little brother, Tommy, was coming into the world, I had these same fears but in the end, I ended up getting used to having a little brother

Kuki: From my side, it was a wonderful moment when Mushi, my little sister, was born. If I had a little brother, I would have had the same feeling.

Wallabee (coming out of the bathroom after changing and joining his friends and parents): It's okay, I'm done. What did I miss?

Sid Beatles: Ah, my son, we were just talking about the future baby of our family.

Wallabee: Oh...

(And so, they continued to discuss. Only, the night began to fall and Nigel and his friends must prepare to go to the anniversary of the DCFDTL. On the side of Abigail... )

Mr. Lincoln: Abigail, it's almost time to go for those DCFDTL's birthday.

Abigail: I'm coming, Dad. (she came out of her room wearing a blue tuxedo and blue pants, a white shirt, a red bow tie and black shoes) How am I like this?

Mrs Lincoln: Oh, my daughter. You look parfait ( perfect ) like that with the smoking, the chemise ( shirt ) , the noeud papillon ( bow tie ), the chaussures ( shoes )... Oh, did I forget quelque chose de plus ( something else ) ?

Mr. Lincoln: You said it all. Before you go, Abigail, have you been better since last week?

Abigail: Yes, I'm much better now. Cree was able to convince me of what I did. Just a pity that she is absent tonight.

Mr. Lincoln: She told us that she wished you well for this evening with your friends, the DCFDTL,... Oh, you know what I mean. Also hoping that you can be on better terms with your friend, Nigel Uno.

Abigail (a bit embarrassed): I'll think about it, Dad. (she sees the time on the clock) Okay, well, looks like I have to go.

Mrs Lincoln: Have a nice soirée ( night ) with your friends, Abigail.

Abigail (coming out of the house): Thank you, mom. Have a good evening, too.

(Nigel's side)

Monty: Nigel, are you ready for your cousins birthday?

Nigel: Almost, Dad.

Mrs Uno: Do you have your shoes?

Nigel: Yes, Mom.

Monty: The bow tie is on your shirt?

Nigel: Yes.

Mrs Uno: The flower is on your tuxedo?

Nigel: Yes, I have everything on my costume. (He left his room with his suit, namely a white shirt with a red bow tie, a black tuxedo with a white flower on it, black pants and black shoes) You see?

Monty: Indeed and you are perfect like that. Just one last thing. (he looked in a drawer and showed his son the object he took) Take the flash, my son.

Nigel: What for?

Monty: If ever there are people who bother you, it could be useful to you.

Nigel (taking the flash and putting it in his pocket): Whatever, I have to go. Have a good evening !

(On Hoagie's side..)

Betty: Oh, look at you, my son.

Tommy: You almost look like a secret agent.

Hoagie (wearing a blue shirt with a red bow tie, gray blouse, white tuxedo and pants, two-tone (white and black) shoes, and a white top hat with a blue middle): Hehe, thank you. It's true that besides a secret agent, I almost look like a gentleman.

Lydia: Well, the almost gentlemanly secret agent had better go and not cause trouble because otherwise...

Hoagie (walking slowly towards the door): Alright, alright, Grandma. I'll go. Good evening everybody.

Betty and Tommy (seeing Hoagie leave): Good evening!

(On Kuki's side)

Genki (behind Kuki's bedroom door): Kuki, please hurry up!

Mushi: Abouga di midu.

Kani (bringing Mushi down from the table): No, Mushi. We already told you to stop climbing to jump off the table.

Kuki (coming out of her room, wearing a pink and white dress with pink shoes and a small white cap on her head): There, I'm ready! How am I ?

Kani: You're radiant like that.... (he quickly looked at the clock and started to worry) Oh no, the birthday party will start in a few minutes.

Genki: So we have no choice but to take the car. Kuki and Mushi, we're leaving right away.

Kuki: Okay! (She picked up Mushi) Let's go, Mushi!

Mushi: Gaba Gi Kuki.

( So they took the path to the Delightful Mansion From Down The Lane. On the spot... )

Numbuh 86: Well, what are they doing? the party will start soon.

Numbuh 362: Patience, they will arrive soon. (She saw Nigel coming towards them) Ah, precisely, here comes Nigel.

Nigel: Hi, Rachel and Fanny. I have to admit you look gorgeous in those dresses.

Numbuh 86 (embarrassed): Stop it, Nigel. It's already embarrassing enough for me.

Numbuh 362 (flattered): Hihihi, thank you for that compliment, Nigel. You too are not too bad with this tuxedo.

Nigel (flattered and blushing): Well.... Hehe....

Hoagie (coming in): Hey, guys!

Abigail: Looks like Numbuh 5 came at the right time.

Nigel: Hoagie and Abby, you finally came. But... Where are Kuki and Wallabee? (he saw two cars pass by)

Wallabee (wearing a white shirt with a red bow tie, a black tuxedo with a red ribbon with black lines on his shirt, light blue pants and white shoes and going to get out of the car): Okay, well... Mom, I'll go.

Mrs Beatles: Wait, my little Wallabee. Didn't you forget something for your mother before you went?

Wallabee: But mom, my friends are right there...

Mrs Beatles (looking demanding): Wally... (Wallabee sighed and gave his mother a kiss before getting out of the car) Have a nice evening, my little Wallabee. (she left with the car)

Wallabee (seeing his mother's car drive away): To you too, Mom! (he spoke in his head) I hate when she does that to me.

Kuki (coming out of his parents' car): Wally!

Kani: You can go join your friends...

Genki: But above all be very good during this party. Have a nice evening, Kuki.

Kuki (seeing his parents' car leaving): Ok. Have a good evening, you too! Good evening to you too, Mushi! (she walks over to Wallabee) Hey, Wally. You look cute with these clothes.

Wallabee (blushing): Uh, thank you... Hehe.. You're cute like that too. (Kuki chuckled flattered)

Abigail (turning to Hoagie): Otherwise, Hoagie, in addition to having the idea that we had our own clothes under our evening clothes, you were supposed to take care of our arsenal in case of trouble. Where are our weapons?

Hoagie: Very simple. (he took a small black box out of his pocket) They're in this box that I called the CASEHOLE (Container And Shrinker Extending Holding On Little Equipment). This little marvel identifies our gadgets and weapons and shrinks them to contain them inside until we deactivate it.

Numbuh 362: I see... However, since everyone is here, maybe we should go into the mansion.

Hoagie: Yes otherwise it would be an outdoor birthday party. Hahahahaha... (Suddenly, he received blows on his back from his friends, including Kuki who does it because she thought it was funny) Ouch! Alright, Alright... Ouch! We enter the mansion. Ouch!

(They entered the mansion which was visibly filling up with guests)

Jenkins: Mr Uno and his friends. We were waiting for you impatiently.

Nigel: It's been a long wait for us too, Jenkins. However, you're not just welcoming guests, am I right?

Jenkins: I also check that guests don't have items that are too distracting. (turns to Hoagie) May I know what you're holding, Hoagie Gilligan?

Hoagie: That? But it's just a box.

Jenkins (taking the box from Hoagie): Well, I'll take it too.

Hoagie: What, but...?

Jenkins: You get it back after the party is over. Other than that, welcome and one last thing... (Wallabee trying to get in, stumbles) Watch your step! (He left and Nigel and his friends entered)

Kuki (helping Wallabee up and entering the mansion): Let me help you, Wallabee. And also, relax, Hoagie. Look at all these people. This party looks better than I thought.

Wallabee: Yes, but it's precisely the dance that scares me.

DCFDTL: Well, well... If it's not the guests we've been looking forward to the most.

Numbuh 86: Funny you say that since Jenkins said the same thing.

Numbuh 362: You did not crowd for the presentation and in addition you also called waiters.

DCFDTL: Jenkins knows many of these waiters in the finest places in town and they are loyal to him like a soldier to his boss.

Abigail: What was on your mind, DCFDTL?

DCFDTL: Relax, Abigail. Our birthday party is supposed to be a time of celebration and we and Jenkins would be very unhappy if anything unforeseen happened. Now enjoy the party. We'll be joining you shortly.

Kuki: Yay! Let's party !

(They all went to join the guests. After a while...)

Numbuh 362 (with a drink in hand ): This first part of the evening was not too bad, although from what I see, Kuki brought her My first Rainbow Monkey too.

Nigel: Hehehe, limit if she and that Rainbow Monkey are inseparable.

Kuki: Oh, Wallabee. It's time for a slow and Abigail and Hoagie participate. Let's go together !

Wallabee (nervous): Kuki, I'm not really a good dancer and with everyone in this room...

Kuki: Oh, it's just a dance and it will pass by itself. Let's go!

Wallabee: Did you at least listen to me...? (He gets dragged away by Kuki taking him by the hand on the dance floor) Argh!

Nigel: Poor Wallabee. He is nervous because he has never danced.

Numbuh 362: And since even Abigail and Hoagie also joined the dance, you'll have to choose a partner too.

Numbuh 86 (embarrassed): Uh...

Nigel: Fanny, are you okay?

Numbuh 362: Go ahead, Fanny. If you want to tell him, say it!

Nigel: Tell me what?

Numbuh 86 (embarrassed and blushing): Uh, well... I was wondering if,... For the good old days,... I could be your first partner for this dance.

Nigel (in his head): Ah yes, it's true, she confessed to me that she was in love with me during kindergarten. ( he answered ) In that case... Since it's a moment of festivity... I accept your proposal. (he took Number 86's hand and went to join the other dancing guests)

Numbuh 362: I'll wait my turn until you're done. Have fun !

(So Nigel and Number 86 slow danced on the dance floor)

Numbuh 86 (looking at Wallabee and Kuki during their dance while she is with Nigel and thought): This Wallabee is indeed a very bad dancer. Oddly, he seems more modest with Kuki and they really seem to be having fun.

Nigel: Fanny, how are you? You look evasive.

Numbuh 86: Huh? Oh, sorry, Nigel. I was distracted for a moment.

Nigel: Alright... Nevertheless, I hope you won't be too disappointed when this short moment between the two of us is over.

Numbuh 86: Maybe, but it's a short moment that I want to enjoy until the last second.

Nigel: In that case,... I'm flattered that I accepted you as a partner for this first dance.

Numbuh 86: On the contrary, Nigel. I'm the one who's flattered.

(After a while)

Numbuh 86 (leaving the dance floor with Nigel): Thanks for that dance, Nigel. I had a good time with you.

Nigel: You're welcome, Fanny. It's always a pleasure to help you.

Numbuh 362: Well, looks like you had a great time.

Numbuh 86: Yes, Rachel, it was. (she regained her seriousness) That's not all of that, but I'm going to take a break and have a little snack. (she goes to the stand where the food and drinks are)

Numbuh 362: Looks like you managed to make her smile, Nigel. Still... (she held out her hand) I hope you're not too tired for a second dance.

Nigel: Not even close, Rachel. (he took her hand and went to the dance floor)

(Kuki and Wallabee's side)

Kuki (dancing with Wallabee): You see, Wally? You weren't doing so badly.

Wallabee (same with Kuki): Uh... Yes... I seem to feel light during this dance, mainly with you.

Kuki (flattered): Aaaah, hihihihi... (she started to turn on herself with Wallabee whom she holds by the hands): It's so nice that you can have fun in the best party ever, hihi!

Wallabee (beginning to feel dizzy): Take it easy, Kuki, I'm starting to get a headache and... (suddenly his hands slip out of Kuki's and is propelled towards a waiter) Aaaaaaaaaaaah! (he crashed into the waiter, causing him to fall with what he was holding)

Kuki (going to Wallabee after he crashed on the waiter): Wally? Wally, are you okay?

(On Hoagie and Abigail's side)

Hoagie: Ouch, that was a hard crash for Wallabee. (he saw Abigail staring at him) I wasn't joking there.

Abigail: Yeah... (she looked at Nigel and Numbuh 362 dancing) Abigail sees that there are two who are having a good time this evening. (she gives a small sigh)

Hoagie: Oh, it's also not like you want to be Numbuh 362 instead of Numbuh 362 to dance with Nigel. (Abigail glared at him again) Now that was a joke.

Abigail: ("sigh") Abigail never quite knows when you're joking or when you're serious. (looks at the cake) Wait...

Hoagie: What? Something wrong with the cake?

Abigail: It's just weird. It's as if... (and then one of the candles on the cake went out on its own without a blow, which surprised her and Hoagie and Abigail walking towards Nigel and Numbuh 362)

Hoagie (seeing Abigail leaving) Abby, where are you going?

Abigail: I have to tell Nigel what we found out and quickly!

(On the side of Nigel and Numbuh 362)

Nigel (seeing the guests staring at them): Well, it looks like we've become the center of attention.

Numbuh 362 (idem): Indeed, everyone is watching us.

Nigel: It's still a little disturbing since they may think we're more than friends.

Numbuh 362: That's true... However, is my company really disturbing? (Nigel blushed a little but remained silent)

Abigail (arriving and interrupting the two, causing the guests to go back to what they had to do): Nigel! Well, Abigail has something to tell you!

Nigel (seeing Abigail coming): Abby? What's the matter ?

Abigail: This is very important, Nigel. (turns to Numbuh 362) I didn't interrupt at a bad time, I hope?

Numbuh 362: No, no. We had finished our dance anyway. I am going to leave you. (she left the dance floor with a disappointed look and, not to create too much suspicion, Abigail went dancing with Nigel)

Nigel: So, Abby, what did you want to tell me?

Abigail: Hoagie and I saw something weird coming from the birthday cake. Look ! (she showed the cake to Nigel who saw that one of the candles went out without blowing out)

Nigel: Three candles have already gone out and no one has blown them out? Would you try to say that...?

Abigail: I can't concretely say DCFDTL are behind this, but this cake shows that something is wrong with this birthday party. If the DCFDTLs and this Jenkins ever come along for anything that involves you, I'd just advise you to be on your guard.

Nigel: Alright...

Abigail: ("sigh") Listen,...I know I haven't been very nice to you or even to the others, last week, but...It's just that...I'm scared. to lose people who are close, especially after Maurice, Numbuh 8A and 8B were decomissioned and Patton Drilovsky disappeared, and I don't want that to happen to you, Hoagie or even Wallabee and Kuki.

Nigel: So that means...

Abigail: Nigel...I...I am....

DCFDTL (crashing with Jenkins on the dance floor): Well, well, Nigel... Now we understand why you and Abigail Lincoln are so close.

Nigel (jumping with Abigail, seeing them next to them): Argh! (he regained his composure) Is it for the surprise that you wanted to give me for my participation in this party.

Jenkins: That's exactly it. (he called the guests) Our dear guests! Soon it will be time for the guest photo. Please stay in this room while we prepare our new camera model. If you ever see a light on the wall, that means everything is ready (he turned back to Nigel) Nigel Uno, if you will follow us...

Nigel: Uh,... Alright.

Abigail (throws a whisper at Nigel): Remember what I told you about the cake. (Nigel went after that to follow Jenkins and the DCFDTLs)

Numbuh 86 (seeing a room with the door wide open, letting a faint light shine through): Mmm? What is this light? (she walks quietly towards the room)

Hoagie (seeing Numbuh 86 leaving the room): Abby, any idea what Fanny is going to do when she leaves the room?

Abigail: Only one reason to be sure. Let's follow her!

Wallabee (following Abigail and Hoagie as he leaves the room): Hey guys, where are you going?

Kuki (ditto): Yeah, we were supposed to wait for the photoshoot!

Numbuh 362: Guys, what are you doing? (she goes to follow them)

Jenkins (arriving and blocking Numbuh 362 with his cane): Miss Rachel, where are you going?

Numbuh 362: Jenkins, I...

Jenkins: I made it clear, Miss Rachel. You should all stay in this room until everything is ready for the guest photo. I take care right away to see if other guests have left the room, but you stay here! (Numbuh 362 turned back)

(in the room where Numbuh 86 is)

Numbuh 86 (seeing the dim light on a hole in the wall): So the light came from there. Let's see... (she looked in the hole in the wall)

Abigail (followed by Hoagie, Wallabee and Kuki): Fanny, why did you leave the room?

Numbuh 86: I saw a light coming from this room but the source of it is behind this wall. Mainly electrical cables.

Abigail: Let me watch. (Numbuh 86 steps to the side and Abigail looks behind the hole in the wall. After that, she looks surprised) Oh no...

Hoagie: What, is it serious what you saw?

Abigail: It's worse than that. I remember a plan that the old Sector V, led by my big sister, was about a project Father had been working on for years. No doubt possible: the cables behind this wall come from a... Delightfulization Chamber.

Numbuh 86: The Delightfulization Chamber is here? (she turns to Hoagie, Kuki and Wallabee) Guys, the Delightfulization Chamber is not a normal machine. This machine was designed by Father to lobotomize any child to make them, of course, good children but also completely emptied of any individual thought.

Wallabee: Of all the places in the world it could have been, it had to be in this mansion...

Kuki: So... Does that mean there's no photoshoot for us?

Hoagie: So we'll have to get all the guests out of here before... (he heard the door close and lock) But... Oh no, we've been locked in this room and our gadgets aren't there!

Numbuh 86: And Numbuh 362 is still in the party room!

(Nigel's side)

Nigel (arriving with the DCFDTLs in a room where their cats are, screens showing the birthday party room and a kind of cannon aimed at a hole in the wall): What is this place?

DCFDTL: This is what will allow us to take the photo of the guests. What took us the longest was linking the cannon with the remaining energy from the Delightfulization Chamber.

Nigel ( thinking ): The Delightfulization Chamber ? Don't tell me... (he replied) Just like that, wouldn't this Delightfulization Chamber be the place that was your first memory that you remember?

DCFDTL: Sure, but now it's time to activate the Neural Suggestion Ray.

Nigel: A Neural Suggestion Ray?

DCFDTL: The cannon you helped us complete. If you only knew how powerful the Delightfulization Chamber was when it made us what we have become. Now, the energy from the machine is now much less powerful but that should do the trick... To make the guests just like us.

Nigel: Are you kidding me!?

DCFDTL: Do we look like we're joking right now? With this canon, We can make good children out of them.

Nigel: But with this Delightfulization Chamber it will also destroy their individual thoughts!

DCFDTL: We don't know how you came up with this idea but... No. This will allow them to have the same perfection as us.

Nigel: ...I won't let you do that!

DCFDTL: Hehehe, we would like to see that. (Nigel went to attack them but they blocked him and pushed him) It's not very smart of you to attack people who are flawless.

Nigel: You can't call yourself flawless forever.

DCFDTL (blocking Nigel's attack and knocking him back): Then why are we able to foresee your attacks before they reach us? (so their cats got behind Nigel to trip him up)

Jenkins (arriving and blocking Nigel with his cane): Sorry for the delay but I had to take care of some little quibblers.

DCFDTL: This issue will be resolved shortly. (they turn to Nigel) For someone who has only known us for a short time, you know a little or even learned about the Delightfulization Chamber. Right,... Kids Next Door?! (Nigel jumps) Surprised? That's what we thought. Father warned us about you and your activities and we are disappointed coming from you, dear cousin.

Nigel: I don't believe you!

DCFDTL: No big deal. Either way, the last candle will be extinguished and some way or another you will find yourself with your friends and the rest of the guests as minions (they activated the Neural Suggestion Ray and in the party room the guests turn to the light emitted by the cannon while Numbuh 362 wanted to leave but, as for Hoagie, Wallabee, Kuki, Abigail and Number 86 in the room where they are, the door is locked) But before deciding on your punishment, Nigel Uno, let's end this birthday party on a high note. Hehehehehehehehahahahahahahahahahahaha...

(And in an instant, the Neural Suggestion Ray fired like a giant flash that encompassed the entire room with the other guest children.)

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