KND: Operation DCFDTL

By PedroMartins224

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KND Operation DCFDTL is a reboot / prequel of the Kids Next Tv show created by Mr. Warburton that tells the r... More

Chapter 1: Stay Strong
Chapter 2: A delightful meeting
Chapter 4: Delightfully fun
Chapter 5: Are they hiding something ?
Chapter 6: Happy Birthday, It's your Birthday...
Chapter 7: Happy Birthday, not our Birthday...
Chapter 8: Tricky codes
Chapter 9: The first escapes
Chapter 10: Save at all cost
Chapter 11: Hurting the puppeteer
Chapter 12: Rise of a team
Chapter 13: We're Kids Next Door.

Chapter 3: Strange cousins

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By PedroMartins224

Nigel: You ?!

Mr Thompson: Did you know each other?

DCFDTL: Of course, teacher person. We are family. (they turned to the other children) Good morning, classmates. We introduce ourselves, the Delightful Children From Down The Lane, the new cousins of Nigel Uno.

Mr Thompson: Alright, Delightful Children. You can go and choose your seat.

Wallabee (whispering): And me telling myself that Nigel's cousins were weird when he described them but not at this point.

Hoagie (idem): I admit that it surprises me, indeed.

Kuki (idem): At least, you have to give them this: They are well dressed.

Abigail (idem): Yeah, but Numbuh 5 still finds that these five are hiding something. Nigel, I think you should find out more about them and send some more info about them for the KND

Nigel (ditto): If you say so ...

(After class, the students went to the playground)

Abigail: And your "cousins", Nigel, where did they go?

Nigel: They said they had something to do in the canteen and it wouldn't take too long.

Wallabee: I don't know about you but I feel they are not sharp at all, your cousins.

Hoagie: there are some weird things coming from them but how can you be sure they are not clear?

Wallabee: On a lot of things. Starting with their more than strange behavior and voice.

Kuki: Oh, come on. It's not like they're gonna hurt anyone, right?

Abigail: But anyway, we need to have some more info on them to make sure they're not a possible danger. (a noise is heard) Mmm ?!

Hoagie (hearing the noise): Did you hear that?!

Abigail (listening to the noise again): It comes from the canteen, let's hurry!

(They rushed to the canteen and saw two children fighting)

Abigail: Hey ho, you two, let's calm down! What is happening ?!

Boy: This girl wanted to humiliate me after I got to the playground

Girl: What? And you, you intended to shame me in front of everyone.

Hoagie: First, calm down and tell us who told you all this.

Girl and boy: They told me so!

Kuki: Them?

Boy: Yes, they are there, on ... (they saw that there is no one) But they were there! We're not crazy!

Girl: We swear, there were other people in the canteen before you arrived.

Wallabee: Just like that, were these people five kids glued together and dressed like rich kids ?!

Girl: Yeah, they were there in the canteen when they talked to me and when he arrived before our argument.

Nigel: The Delightful Children ... Look, I have to talk to them, they can't be far. (he left the canteen)

Hoagie: Nigel, wait ... (but Nigel was already far away)

Abigail: Okay, guys, let's take care of them while we wait for Nigel.

(Nigel did a long search and after a while he saw a butler between 40 and 50 who closed one of the doors of a limousine)

Nigel: Wait, sir!

???: What can I do for you, young boy ?!

Nigel: I'm looking for the Delightful Children From Down The Lane. I have something to tell them.

???: I regret to tell you that the Delightful Children have been called in urgently to ...

DCFDTL (rolling down the window): You can let him talk to us, Jenkins. It won't take us long. (Jenkins then let Nigel go to the DCFDTL) So Nigel? What is your rushed arrival worth?

Nigel: We have a boy and a girl in the canteen who told us that you spoke to each of them and that you were there when they argued in the canteen. That's why I went to get you and ... Who is this gentleman in front of your limousine?

DCFDTL: It's Jenkins, our butler. For the children we talked about, we mainly tried to give advice for their problems but unfortunately, they found it difficult to understand.

Nigel: And you didn't try to calm them down ?!

DCFDTL: We're very afraid not. We got the call from Jenkins telling us that we were expected for something important, shortly after the argument. Now, if you don't mind, we have to go. See you again soon. (they put the window back up)

Nigel: But wait! When will you be done with ...

Jenkins (blocking Nigel with his cane and backing him up before getting into the limo): You'll have plenty of time to talk to them after school. Sir ?

Nigel: Uh, Nigel Uno. I am the new cousin of the Delightful Children.

Jenkins: In that case, ... Have a nice day, Mr. Uno. (he drove the limo and left school)

(Meanwhile, on Monty Uno's side ..)

Sid Beatles: So how's your son, Monty Uno?

Monty ( with his things ): He's doing well although lately he's been spending more time with his friends than with his mom and dad.

Sid Beatles: Welcome to the club, buddy! My little Wallabee is much less present with me and my wife than before. And knowing that my wife is holding our next child, we are really afraid that something will happen to our Wally.

Monty: Yeah, I understand. Especially since you told me he was a bully and finally stopped being one.

Sid Beatles: My son can get in trouble sometimes but he's a brave boy who always tries to solve problems. However, I say good luck to you for the future.

Monty: Thanks, Sid. I still need to confirm my departure to Mr Boss.

??? (arriving): Who is going to go?

Sid Beatles: Betty Giligan. Yeah, Monty Uno just told me he's going to retire as an employee here.

Betty: Oh, that's a shame. You will be sorely missed.

Monty: Oh, don't worry too much about me. I feel much too old to continue working like this when you still have a lot of time ahead of you. Hope you don't miss me too much .... Even though Genki Sanban doesn't seem the emotional type.

Betty: You know, Genki Sanban can be cold but deep down I think she will feel something when you leave.

Sid Beatles: If you say so. It's not always easy to know how she feels.

???: Mrs. Giligan ...

(So they saw Genki Sanban, Kuki's mother, who was behind Betty Gilligan)

Betty: Oh, Mrs. Sanban.

Genki: Mrs Giligan, you should have been at your post for a few minutes already.

Betty: Yeah, right now. I'll get started right away! (she returned to her post)

Sid Beatles: Look, if that's in relation to what I said about ...

Genki: I'll pretend I haven't heard anything, Mr. Beatles. Please resume your work. Neither of us want Mr. Boss to come and tell us afterwards that we're lazy. (Sid returned to his office.) So, Mr. Uno, are you leaving us?

Monty: Yes .... It must be said that age does not always help us, even for work. Otherwise, how are your husband and your children?

Genki: My husband is fine even though taking care of our youngest daughter Mushi alone makes him more and more stressed. As for Kuki, she seems to be doing well even though I have the impression that she's been a little too absent lately.

Monty: It's a bit the same with my son. I have always felt for some time that he spends more time with his friends than with his family. The only thing I hope is that he doesn't put himself in danger.

Genki: It may not be visible but I'm also worried about Kuki. She's been spending a lot less time with us and Mushi for a while and I hope whatever she does that she stays out of trouble. Nevertheless, Mr. Uno (she gave a discreet smile), Enjoy your retirement and I hope we will see each other again one day or another.

Monty: Thanks .... Okay, I'll go. We'll probably meet again outside of work.

(After that he walked over to Mr. Boss's office with his things)

(After school, in the park ...)

Wallabee: So, Nigel. Did you manage to talk to your cousins?

Nigel: I spoke with them, yes, but for a short time. They told me that they wanted to give advice to the two children we saw in the canteen and that they misunderstood them. Long before I spoke with them, I ran into their butler.

Abigail: A butler ... Numbuh 5 sees that your cousins are well surrounded.

Hoagie: Still, don't you find it weird that they had to leave during recess without even trying to resolve the argument between the two children in the canteen while they were in the same room?

Abigail: Now that you say it, Hoagie, it's true that it's weird.

Nigel: Especially that in addition, they want to invite all the children in the neighborhood for their birthday, next week.

Kuki: Hey, Nigel. For the DCFDTL anniversary, next week, will there be activities like games?

Nigel: I guess ...

Kuki: Yay!

Wallabee: I have to imagine too much their birthday where just in the presentation they show that they are "perfect" kids when they look more weird than anything else.

Abigail: Uh ... Wallabee ...?

Wallabee: What? It's true ! Besides, it's not like ...

DCFDTL: Silly Wallabee Beatles, we're right behind you.

Wallabee (startled): Argh!

Hoagie: Ah, since you're here, can you tell us exactly what you left school for?

DCFDTL: It was an emergency meeting. Our father wanted to tell us that from the day after tomorrow he will be on a business trip for several days.

Kuki: But you're going to be all alone on your birthday! Do you have anything planned for this? Like waiters?

DCFDTL: Well ...

Abigail: But coming back to the canteen, Nu ... Abigail would like to know one thing: Why didn't you arrest the kids during the argument in the canteen when you were in the same place as them?

Wallabee: Yeah, it's like you let them do it without reacting. How do you respond to that?

DCFDTL: As we said, it was an emergency. Our father would be more than dissatisfied if he knew we were arriving late.

Nigel: Let's not get carried away, all of you. Yes, they could have stopped the dispute from going any further but like on the other hand, the DCFDTL had an emergency. Nevertheless, Delightful Children, since we have no school, tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, I wondered if during this period, we could not try, you and I, to know each other better. (the DCFDTL looked at him questioningly)

Hoagie: Huh?

Abigail: Nigel, what are you trying to ...

Nigel (whispering to Abigail) Calm down, Abby. Trust me. (he turned to the DCFDTL) Like, one day I show you my hobbies and the other day you do it. What do you think ?

DCFDTL (smiling a little): We will speak to our Father for this invitation but know in advance that we will be more than happy to spend these two days with you, Nigel Uno. On the other hand ... (they turned to Wallabee) We already hate you!

Wallabee (seeing the DCFDTL go away): Okay ...

Kuki: Does that mean we won't have fun with you?

Nigel: On the contrary, if we want to have a little more information about them, we will have to put them in a less stressful position with those around them and since they seem to like me, the best would be for me to be alone with them while you are trying to sneak information from them.

Abigail: Wow, Numbuh 5 is surprised at this shot coming from you. We should go to our tree house and discuss where we can investigate.

(They walked to their tree house. Once inside, during the late afternoon ...)

Abigail: Okay, now's the time to suggest where Nigel can bring his "cousins".

Hoagie: For me, the first place I have in mind to be able to spy on them is the amusement park.

Wallabee: As long as it's not the Rainbow Monkey Fair, that's fine with me.

Kuki: You can also spy on them in a snack bar. All kids love snacks, right?

Nigel: For that, I will have to ask them first.

Abigail: Better. Numbuh 5 wouldn't like to be taken there so that nothing was found on them.

Wallabee: Yeah, it shouldn't be a waste of time for us either.

Nigel: I know .... Okay, if I ever have other places where I can take them, I will contact you.

Kuki: It's gonna be a neat operation to spy on DCFDTL.

Hoagie: That's what we hope ... Well, it's getting late. We should be going before our parents worry.

(The children went to their respective homes. Arriving home, Hoagie was greeted by his grandmother, Lydia)

Lydia: Where have you been during this time, little rascal !? (she hit him several times with her cane) You're going to answer, you little ...?!

Hoagie (receiving the blows of the cane on his head): Ouch! But ... ouch! But grandma ... Ouch!

Betty: Mom! Stop bothering Hoagie and get ready to go to dinner!

Lydia: Yeah, yeah. We arrive ! (she turned to her grandson) You are lucky, Tommy. Very lucky.

Hoagie (entering the house and following her grandmother): But grandma, ... My name is Hoagie!

Tommy (seeing his big brother arrive and jumped towards him): Big Brother Hoagie !!

Hoagie (pulling him down): Hihi, easy, Tommy. I was only absent during the day.

Tommy: Yeah, but it felt like you were gone forever for a while.

Lydia: Well, he better not be too smart or he's going to be dealing with me, I guarantee you that! Betty, where's dinner? I'm starving myself here!

Betty: It's coming, it's coming, Mom!

(So they sat down to the table and ate dinner)

Hoagie: Actually, Mom, what did you do at work?

Betty: Oh, the routine ... or rather almost. One of our colleagues, Monty Uno, no longer works with us.

Tommy: Hoagie's friend's father? He stopped ?

Betty: Yeah, Tommy. It's sad that he's leaving but he's already old enough and probably wants to spend more time with his son.

Lydia: Ha, at least one enjoying life. (she turned to Hoagie) And you, what do you plan to do tomorrow?

Hoagie: Well ... I had thought that since I don't have school, I could go with my friends to ... an amusement park?

Betty: It's a good idea, Hoagie. Just a pity you can't take your little brother with you tomorrow.

Tommy: It's not fair. Why can't I not have school like you?

Hoagie: Tommy, I don't make the rules and I can't do anything about it. However, I am sure that one day we will be able to do more things together.

Tommy: Really?

Hoagie: Of course. Or at least when we have time for both of us. (saw his granny looking at him) Uh ... Granny, is there a problem?

Lydia: Are you going to eat this? Because your mom doesn't want to throw away good food.

(After dinner is over, the family spends some time together before going to bed)

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