
By adamabyss12

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This is Glitchtale, but the beginning is different. Instead of Sans being his usual self, he turns into himse... More

Dusty Megalomaniac
EVEN DUSTIER/☜︎✞︎☜︎☠︎ 👎︎🕆︎💧︎❄︎✋︎☜︎☼︎
Your Best Friend
A Near-Horrific Visit
Ashes to Dust
Another Unwanted Visitor
My Promise
Game Over
Twin Sanses at Near Death
Glitch and Abyss
Dusttrust and Seraphim
Bad Time Trio
Nightmare Beginning
Omega Timeline
A Glitched Thought
Paper Crane
Last Breath/Last Genocide
Fatal_Error and Anti-Error
Attack on the Omega Timeline
Protect All
Alternate Positivity Guardian
Royal Pain
Loading Fail(to keep)Safe
Let's Rock
Fearful Determination
Hollow Righteousness
Talk from the Void
The Punk and The Mafia
Dustbelief and Disbelief
LV20 Cross
The Strongest Error of All
Battle of God and Demon
MainFrame Battle
GlitchDust Sans Info
Purified!Dream Info
Rising Nightmare
Nightmarish Battle
Something New
The Parasitic Ruler
Betty's Revenge
An Unlikely Alliance
Unusual Partnership
Getting Closer
Battle between Alpha Brothers
Judge, Jury, and Executioner
The Battle Within
Mostly Back to Normal
An Invited/Uninvited Guest
Fatal Error Fight
One Left
Coded Cosmic Determination
The True King
Infectious Abomination
Destructive Abomination
One More
A Hacking Creator
Concern in Wattpad


542 14 19
By adamabyss12

Vivian looked around, as she began to try and wake up. She held her head a little bit, as she began to wonder what it is that has happened to her, and the thing is...she has no idea what it is that has happened.

"O-Ow...wh-where am I?"

She said, as she began to get up from the ground, and she held her head, unsure of what it is that has occurred from the battle prior. She held her head, trying to remember what had happened. She remembered, she was fighting inside of her new home, due to the presence of Anti-Flowey, and she was protected by...


Vivian cried out, realizing what she is forgetting.

Vivian then rose up and began to move around, with Braixen and Ninetales with her as well. They moved around, and saw Papyrus and Gaster being patched up, along with Undyne and the others, and Asriel and Chara, the both of them are still okay, and this time, their ages did not glitch, meaning that they are still adults. Papyrus and Gaster are closer however, as Vivian ran to them.


The 2 skeletons of GlitchDust turned and looks to see Vivian coming, as Papyrus spoke out.


Vivian nodded, as she spoke out.

"Yes, I am. But, where's Sans?"

This made Gaster worried, as he spoke out.

"What? I thought he was with you!"

Vivian shook her head, as she then spoke out.

"No, he's not here with me!!"

Core then appeared, as Gaster spoke out.

"Core, there you are!!! What happened to Sans?!"

Core then frowned, as she spoke out.

"That is what I want to talk about. Sans was battling against a being called Anti-Flowey, and during the fight, he got thrown into Mount Ebott. But when he went Omni-Sight had been blocked by some unknown force for some reason."

This made Papyrus spoke out.


But Core shook her head, as she then spoke out.

"I do mean it, Papyrus. My sight had been stopped by someone when I tried to find him. I have no idea what happened."

"And neither do we."

Another voice spoke out, that being Righteous!Error, as he came out of nowhere, along with Yukari.

Yukari also appeared into the Omega Timeline from the gap, as she then spoke out.

"I also had that problem, the same with Righteous. The both of us tried to see where he went to, but for some reason, he vanished as soon as he went into Mount Ebott. After the battle was over, we tried to find him, but he was gone. And when we went into Mount Ebott, the entire mountain was gone as well, before we can even see where he crashed. Because of this, we have know idea what became of him. But we doubt he died. He must have been brought somewhere else in the realms."

Gaster looked down in worry, as he spoke out.

"But...but if none of you know where Sans can we find him?"

Then, another voice spoke out.

"I might have a way that we can find him."

They turned and looked to see who it is that has arrived, and it is none other then Alpha, with his Conduit Soul activated.

Alpha, using his Conduit Soul of Change, was able to warp reality and summon a container from the GlitchDust Timeline, before it was destroyed. It is of an upside down soul made of DT, and it is as strong as Dust's DT Soul.

"What is that?"

Gaster said, as Alpha spoke out.

"I observed Dust making this. He made an artificial copy of his original soul, just as strong as his normal self. I'm gonna try and use it to locate Dust, and see if he is somewhere in the Multiverse. If not...then that means something is wrong, although I have no idea what happened to him."

He then touched the soul in the jar, as he spoke out.

"Let us hope that nothing bad truly happened to him."


Dust is now on the ground, as he felt the fingers on his hands twitch a little, as he tries to know what it is that he is feeling right now. He has no idea what has happened...but he feels that his back is now onto something that is hard, yet soft...and feels like nothing, like he is on a ground that is constantly shifting into solid, liquid, and gas. He looks around, and sees that he is inside of a black place of some sort, and spoke out.

"What the...where the hell am I? What the hell is this?"

As Dust said that he then felt a headache inside of his skull, he felt his head about to burst from within. He grabbed onto the sides of his head and squeezed his eye sockets shut, as he then tries to keep his cool together. But as that happened...he felt his teleportation acting up, as he then vanished out of the black void that he is in. He then landed onto something wet...and he looks to see that he is inside of Waterfalls. Or at least a version of the Waterfalls that he knew of.

Dust looks down at the ground, as he began to try and recollect on what it is that had just happened to him back when his AU is on the verge of getting destroyed. He had felt a big surge of power within himself when he used his Determination, but he felt something was threatening to take over his mind. Almost like a demon of some sort, but he has no idea what it is. And the other thing inside of his mind, it felt stronger then ever before, he felt it trying to take over his body, his very mind, yet the only thing that stopped it is the fact that he fell down somewhere...but where did he fall into.

As Dust grabbed his head...he noticed something glitch in the corner of his eye socket.


Dust then turned and saw that his sleeve is glitching out. But even more strangely...the sleeve is a grey color.


Dust's eye sockets widened, as he realized that something is wrong. He looks around, and sees a waterfall going down fast, and it is enough for a reflection to be made. Dust then walks up to the waterfall and pulls down his hood in order to see himself if there is anything wrong with him. And what he saw, has made him jump.

(Made by N0amart)

Dust was shocked at what he is seeing. He jumped back, as he spoke out.


Dust was shocked at what he is seeing before his eye sockets in the reflection of what he is witnessing now. He...he is now as colorless and monochromatic as Core! But how, and why?! And not only that...but his body is glitching like Error's body and the eye lights in his sockets are all gone! He can feel them, including his Mad Time purple eye lights...but they are not existing inside of his sockets anymore. He held his heads...and then he puts his hands inside of his eye sockets...and sees that they go through it completely...almost similar to Core Frisk's Void Eyes, which she uses to store objects inside of them. But not only that...he feels...stronger, far more powerful than he was ever before. But still...there is one thing that he still doesn't know.

" did this happen to..."

Dust then looks down, as he began to think of what it is that happened to him. He felt himself crash into Ebott and into the underground, and when that happened, he is sent flying through New Home, until he crashed into the wall of the Core, before he is then sent crashing into the floor of the CORE...Dust's eyes widened, as he began to realize what has happened.

"What...oh no. I...I fell into the CORE, like Gaster did?"

He grabbed the sides of his skull, and went onto his knees, and felt the panic within him start to grow. If he has fallen into the CORE, does that mean that, he'll be forgotten, just like Gaster himself? As he looked down...he then felt a familiar presence. One that he has not felt in a long time. This made Dust look up, as he then began to wander around Waterfalls in order to find where the source of such a familiar presence is coming from.

It is none other than Paper Crane, the Sans that Dust had not seen in such a very long time ever since the war between Team Hope and Team Void. This made Dust stunned to see him, before he then ran as fast as he can into him.

"Paper Crane, is that you?!"

This made Paper Crane turn to see Dust running to him, but the thing is, he does not recognize him, due to the fact he looks far too different to even be recognized.

"Who...who are you? And how do you know my name?"

This made Dust stop, and remembering what he looks like, spoke out to him.

"Don't you recognize me? It's me, Dust, the one that brought you to the Omega Timeline, when the Murder Time Trio tried to get to you!"

This made Paper Crane's eye sockets widened, as he spoke out.

"No it really you?"

Dust nodded his head, as he spoke out.

"Yeah, it is."

He held his hand out, and summoned his Scythe, which is a light grey color. This made Paper Crane stunned, but it is enough to realize that this is Dust. After all, he is the only one that has the Scythe of Fear.

"Wow, it really is. I...I can't believe it."

Dust smiled, seeing that Paper Crane is able to remember him. He felt very relieved that he is able to keep his memories. Of course, that's only on him. The other question is if the others can remember him.

Paper Crane gawked his head at Dust, as he spoke out.

"Woah...Dust. How did you become like this? You almost resemble Core, at least in terms of being colorless like her.

Dust looks up at Paper Crane, as he then spoke out.

"Well, I...I think I fell into the CORE, just like Gaster had done."

This made Paper Crane stunned, as he spoke out.

"You fell...into the CORE? How did that happen?"

Dust then began to explain the presence of Anti-Flowey, the fight that he had with him along with some other people, and the fact that Anti-Flowey thrown him into Mount Ebott, which made him crash down into Mount Ebott, and then into the CORE. When he finished, Paper Crane spoke out.

"Wow, that is some story. And it resulted in you looking as colorless as Core?"

Dust nodded his head, as he then spoke out.

"Yeah, and because of that, I have no idea how strong I've become. And even worse...I have no idea if my family and friends remember me. Like, can they still remember me inside of the Omega Timeline or what?"

Paper Crane looks at Dust and spoke out.

"I don't know. I doubt that they can forget you while inside of the Omega Timeline. I think that they'd need to be inside of your AU first in order for you to be forgotten by everyone."

But Dust is not so sure, as he spoke out.

"Well...hopefully this is the case. Because I don't know if that is true or not. After all, no one has ever forgotten inside of the Omega Timeline before."

Paper Crane nodded his head, as he spoke out.

"Well, then I guess it is fair that you go and try to figure out if that is the case or not."

Dust nods his head, as Paper Crane spoke out.

"So...what will you do now, since you are like this?"

Dust looks at Paper Crane, before he spoke out.

"Well, right now I need to find a way to get inside of the Omega Timeline. But now, I have no idea where to start. After all, I am still new to this whole experience of what I have become, and I have no idea what I am capable of."

Paper Crane then spoke out.

"Well, there is one power that you can do that Core can also do. You have control over the void itself."

This made Dust surprised, as he spoke out.

"How do you know that?"

Paper Crane spoke out.

"Well...because when I disappeared into the Void, I met someone who is likely, molded from the void itself, but in a different way. He taught me as much as he could, including about controlling the void, and you, Dust, should be the same also."

This made Dust unsure, as he spoke out.

" can I?"

Paper Crane smiled, as he touched Dust's shoulder, for some reason, Dust can feel happiness, but it is not his own. Paper Crane then spoke out.

"Let me show you."

He snapped his fingers, as both Dust and Paper Crane teleported into the Void. And needless to say, it is a very strange place to be inside of. It is both a place where everything is all dark and black, but at the same time, sections of the Undertale Timelines and AUs are all over, with the ground even upside down and at the sides, following no rules of Geometry, as it shifts and changes in ways that are very confusing. It is amazing that Dust has not thrown up from this sight.

"Ghhh...this is so weird. At least make this normal for crying out loud."

As Dust said that all of the sudden, the void changed, now resembling floating islands over a dark void of sorts. This made Dust surprised and spoke out.

"Woah, your powers are already affecting the Void."

This made Dust surprised, as he then jumps onto the islands, and stood on top of it, as he spoke out.

"Woah, this...this feels strangely real."

Dust walks around, as he then spoke out.

"So...who is the one that trained you with your powers, if you don't mind me asking."

As Dust said that a voice then spoke out.

"That would be me..."

This made Dust look up, and he turned around to see who it is that has spoken to him. And he is stunned at the sight of who he is seeing before his ver eyes.

The entity that he is seeing resembles a Gaster of some sort, but different, for his outfit is far different compared to his father. And his eyes, his left eye resembles a pair of figure eights intertwining with one another into the shape of a cross of some sort. He stepped back a little bit, as he then spoke out.

"Who...who are you?"

Dust is a little bit worried about the sight of this strange entity. Like, is his friendly or is he a foe? He is not sure. The entity looks down at him and spoke out.

"I am known as Exul. And you do not need to worry, Dust. I am not here to hurt you or have anything to do with you that are bad. A common assumption to make when it involves me, especially to those that know my existence."

Dust is a little bit unsure, but he decides to not worry that much for Paper Crane's sake. After all, he did say that this guy helped him train. So perhaps he is a kind person of some sort. He eases up a little bit, as he looks at Exul, and spoke out.

"I saw everything that has happened, Dust. Your fight against that mad flower, you falling into the Core, everything. And I must say, it is amazing that you became in the same state as Core, but stronger."

This made Dust confused, as he then spoke out.

"What do you mean by that?"

Exul looks down at Dust and spoke out.

"Core's body has been one that is scattered, spread into everywhere in the Multiverse, as well as the Doodle Sphere and Anti-Void, but you...your body is not spread out. Instead, it has been concentrated into a single point, and now, you have gained a level of power unlike any other. You are possibly at a level comparable, if not slight greater than even Error."

This made Dust stunned, as he touched his chest, feeling his soul or at least trying to feel his soul, as he spoke out.

" can that be? I...I should have been erased."

Exul then looks down at Dust, as he then spoke out.

"Tell me...Dust. Is there one thing that you noticed in that fight against Anti-Flowey, mainly about yourself before you fell into the CORE?"

Dust looked down, as he spoke out.

"You know what...yeah. I did notice something about myself that felt wrong. For some unknown reason, my body felt stronger, and my DT increased, even had some vein-like cracks appear all over my bones for some reason. My attacks even got stronger for some reason, and I even saw something that said DT LV 2, which changed to a 3."

This made Exul touch his hands against one another, as he spoke out.

" that explains it. Your own Determination saved you."

This made Dust confused, and he speaks out in this confusion.

"What do you mean?"

Exul looks at Dust, as he then spoke out.

"Well...for all of you usually think that Determination is a soul trait of sorts that humans possess, as well as an enhancer and a small part of monster souls that can grow. are not close to the truth of what Determination is really like."

This made Dust very uneasy. Although he has studied Determination and its properties, including of the fact that they can melt monsters unless they have physical matter. So for the fact that there is more to Determination is very scary. But even so, Dust needs to no more, as much as he can and understand it.

"What...what is it then?"

Exul looks at Dust, as he then spoke out.

"Well...for you see...Determination is more than just a soul trait or an enhancer. It is the very aspect of the concept of Purpose, the foundation of a world's purpose, end goals, and the unpredictable outcomes of stories. It is an energy that is similar or comparble to the Cosmic Essence that your friend, Righteous has, or the Nexus, that Error404 possesses. Pitiful that grieved soul he has. not mistaken Determination for will. Will is based on what you want to do...while Determination is based on what you beleive that you can do."

This made Dust shocked, as he spoke out.

"What...that is...what Determination is all of this time, an aspect of a concept of sorts?"

Exul nodded his head, as he spoke out.

"Yes, and it changes in order to meet the goals that you want to fulfill, especially in the use of its Determination Levels or DT LV, which should not be mistaken for the LV as you know of as, Level Of ViolencE, as unlike usual LV, there are certain requirements to increase your DT LV, such as be at LV 12 or higher, no longer striving for more LOVE, shed all forms of empathy, which is the few main requirements, for the symptoms in not meeting these requirements can be disastrous to those that host DT.

Dust touched his chest, as he felt very scared about himself, as he spoke out.

"Shed...all forms of empathy...but...I couldn't have rid myself of that, right?"

Exul then shook his head, as he spoke out.

"Well, not by your choice. But subconsciously, you had it inside of you, a shedding of empathy. And thanks to this, you no longer need code. You see, all beings have small amounts of Nexus and Cosmic Essence that gave them existence. Although they do not and will never be able to control it, they do require it in order to exist. But no longer possess it, as you now only have your Determination to keep you existing, a true existence of your own."

Dust looked down at himself, scared of himself in the fact that he lost the ability to feel empathy when he had his DT. So it is amazing that he can feel it again. He then looks at Exul and spoke out.

"Do you mind telling me about the DT Levels, especially on how many levels there are?"

Exul nodded his head, as he spoke out.

"Well...there are actualy 5 levels. But let us talk of the 3 that you had went through. Let's start with DT LV 1. 1 is basically a normal level, where you are aware of the RESET, you can use a RESET, you refuse to die, and infuse your own DT with your magic, or make weapons out of DT. But to DT LV 2, this is when you began to change. Now no longer requiring Cosmic Essence or a Nexus, you begin to rely on DT as your sole source of power, a thin line in the system, or rather a 1% in the goals that lead to the justification of your own existence, untethered by by systems numerical or nit. However, there is a few catches in this, for if one were to fall off of this path, they will suffer 2 horrible fates, which is either falling back into code, be divided as a 0, and be erased from existence, or become a Cosmic Being, and with an unknown role of a being filled with Cosmic Essence, you will be overloaded with unfathomable information, roles, abilities, just to name a few, explode into a confetti of Cosmic Essence, and erased from existence from all stories.

This made Dust shiver, as he felt himself sweat. He had been at risk this whole time, and he didn't even know of what was happening to him. Exul, however, was not done.

"However, even none of these pale to a fate that would have happened if you walked the lime improperly. Had you walked the line wrongly, and your mind delve in the wrong way, you would make yourself succumb to the effects of a condtion called DT Madness."

This made Dust confused and worried, as he then spoke out to him.

"DT Madness? What is that?"

Exul looked grim at Dust, as he then spoke out.

"It is a result of delving further into the minds of the DT Demons beneath the veil. The DT Demons are...things that didn't exist previously in your plane of existence. And unfortunately, there is no way to stop this. Here, let me show you one Sans that has been affected by DT Madness, and possessed by the DT Demon."

Exul then made a screen in front of him, and showed a picture of some sort.

Needless to say, Dust is a little bit horrified at the sight before him. There is a Sans, unlikely another Murder Sans, and the right side showed what has happened to this Sans. Exul, seeing the horrified look on his face, spoke out.

"As you can see, this is a horrible fate that can await certain people. The moment that you are taken over by a DT Demon, there is no coming back. You are a drone to a thing that is beyond your control, only desiring for more DT to gain for itself. You'd see the sign by loss of pupils or even a loss of a mouth, extreme signs of it come from melted skin/bones, constant sweating, massive headaches at all times, talking to oneself, deathly gaze or eyes, ghastly appearance and eventually mass hysteria."

Dust touched his soul for a little bit, as he then spoke out.

"Oh god...that is horrible."

Exul nodded, then got rid of it, as he then spoke out.

"Quite, and being at 3 made your risk even greater, you might have even began to feel it's affects when you were falling down from the CORE. At 3, you become stronger, if I believe, at universal level. You also gain DT Veins, the markings that you had seen, and DT Physiology, which is to be without source, to be without hinderance or drawbacks besides what you bring upon yourself. Basically, if the Nexus is the 1 and the Cosmic Essence is a 0, you are basically in the between, a 0.5 in the system. And it seems that this state saved you for being erased as well as being consumed by the DT Demon that was about to take over. You are basically lucky that you were able to avoid such fates that is as horrible as these."

Dust gripped his shirt, as he looks down at his chest, before he then spoke out.

"Wh...what about Papyrus, Undyne, they have DT, would they-"

But Exul held his hand up, and spoke out.

"Do not worry, they'll be okay. They are still at DT LV 1, and they have not been able to reach the power that you have. So they are safe."

Dust sighed, as he held his head, his relief appearing.

" what? you know what I can do?"

Exul then spoke out.

"Unfortunately, I only know when I see it happen. You have demonstrated your power of Void Control, which is impressive, but not at the extent that I have. What else do you notice?"

Dust looked down, as he then spoke out.

"Well...I can feel emotions that I am not feeling, like they are not my own. And I even was able to fit my hand inside my eye socket, and not touch the inside of my skull

Exul understood what he meant, as he spoke out.

"That must mean you are empathetic. You can feel the emotions of other people, and it is possible you may have the same Void Eyes that Core!Frisk possesses. Is that all you know?"

Dust nodded his head, as Exul then spoke out.

"Well...I guess you'll have to find out what else you can do. And unfortunately, although the Omega Timeline is a Void, I have never entered it before, nor have I tried to. So you'll have to find your way to the Omega Timeline alone."

Dust sighed, as he spoke out.

"Okay. I guess I'll have to start looking around."

Dust turns to a direction and he then suddenly vanished, as he began to go to parts unknown, in order to find a way into the Omega Timeline. Paper Crane then looks at Exul, as he spoke out.

"Do you have faith that Dust can go there?"

Exul nodded, as he spoke out.

"Yes, after all, he has now become like Core, and I doubt that he can die as a Void Denizen of sorts."

Omega Timeline...

Righteous!Error scoffed a little bit in frustration, as he sat onto his bed. He is a little bit unhappy about something, and not without good reason. His ally, Dust, had suddenly vanished inside of the AU that he was fighting Anti-Flowey in. All Core!Frisk and Yukari know is that he had crashed into the side of Mount Ebott, but something ese along the way had prevented them from seeing what it is that had happened Dust exactly. They know that he is still alive in a way, but now they can't find him, much less sense him.

Righteous!Error gripped the sides of his bed, inside of a room that he is using in a house of his own, as he then spoke out in frustration.

"Damn it. Should have tried to find him instead of paying attention to Anti-Flowey. Now I have no idea where he is."

Then, as soon as he said that, a Gap opened up from within his room, as Righteous turned around to see who it is that is coming inside.

Yukari came out of another Gap, as she went inside of the room that Righteous is now using, as she then spoke out to him.

"Oh, you are still here. I assume it is because of not knowing what happened to Dust, right?"

Righteous nodded his head, as he then spoke out.

"Yeah, it is, though I ain't blaming you for this, Yukari, if that is what you are wondering."

Yukari sat down next to him, as she then spoke out to him.

"Of course, you don't. You love me way too much to even consider blaming me for anything. You can't even blame Core for this as well."

Righteous does blush a little bit, although she is not necessarily wrong about that, as he really cannot blame other people for this. He looks down at the ground, as he felt a little bit worried that something bad may have happened to Righteous. As he did, and as he kept looking down at the ground, he felt a hand touch his own hand, and he turns to loom at Yukari, who is feeling a little bit worried for him, but at the exact same time, assuring for him.

"Don't worry, Righteous. I'm positive that Dust is alright. If I were to believe, he may have found a way out of the AU that he is in. He should be okay from it all."

Righteous looks at Yukari and spoke out.

"Well, I hope that's the case, because if he is not alive, and something bad or worse happen to him, then that's on me."

Yukari nodded, and knows she needs to distract him, as she then spoke out.

" about we sleep together...just the two of us?"

This made Righteous confused, and he turns around, as he sees Yukari, and what she is doing made his soul stop and made his face blush.

Yukari smiled a little bit, as she laid onto the next to Righteous, almost in a rather seductive way.

"Well...what are you waiting for?"

As Righteous is about to move, Core spoke out.

"Hey, no one does that but me, Yukari!"

Righteous jumped and turned to look and see that there is someone behind him, and it is none other then Core herself.

Needless to say, Core is not too happy, as she then grabs Righteous from behind, and Yukari hugs him at the front, although it is embarrassing, due to what part of her body that Yukari buried Righteous' face inside of. Righteous tried to move, but he thinks that he will make things worse. So he stays out and let's it all happen, as he spoke out.

"This is never gonna get old, is it?"

New State: Core!Dust

Info: After crashing into the CORE of GlitchDust, the DT within Sans saved his life from being erased, but in the process, turned him into a Core version of himself, being in a similar state like Core!Frisk, except that his body is concentrated into a single point, giving him tremendous monstrous power.


The same, with the addition of the Chroma Hands and Duality, only amplified even more then before, as well as some additional powers.

Void Eyes- Like Core!Frisk, Dust's Eye Sockets can transport any fit-able objects to themselves at another place and time.

Void Manipulation: Dust is now able to manipulate the void to an extent, and can even make portals to other AUs inside it.

Void Body Immorality: Exists in a state of existence and nonexistence, and is rendered an entity that does not conventionally exist, yet does exist at the same times.

Regeneration: Dust is able to regenerate his body, even if it seems to be completely destroyed.

Codeless Body: Thanks to his DT, combined with the Void Essence making Dust become this state, he cannot be manipulated in anyway, and even King Multiverse's code-changing powers would not affect him.

Empathy: Dust is able to sense and feel the emotions of others, allowing them to know how they really feel even if they hide their true feelings.

Technopathy: Dust can manipulate electronic machines to an extent, using it to communicate with other people. He can even call on someone else's phone, despite the fact that he does not have a phone with him. When in the presence of cameras, they malfunction and become static, until he leaves the area that the cameras are looking at, although Dust can allow the cameras to see him if he chooses to.

Void Flight: In the Void, Dust has the ability to fly around, but cannot fly in the AUs or ATs Themselves.

Self-Sustenance: Dust does not need to eat, sleep, or breath in order to keep going, although Dust does breath because it feels comfortable and he is rather used to it.

Multiverse Teleportation: Dust's ability to teleport is now magnified to immense levels, giving him the ability to teleport in the Multiverse.

Reality Warping: Dust's ability to warp reality, after learning it from a Gaster, is amplified immensely, now being able to warp not just his own personal reality, but can now warp the reality of an AU.

Grey Magic: Dust can now use Grey Magic, which has gravity properties more different then blue magic, allowing the opponent to go onto surface and change where they need to go all by jumping, which is difficult to move around with.


Dust's ability to control electronics is from a scrapped power that Core once had in an early concept.

Dust possibly no longer has DT after becoming his Core self, but is now much more stronger then his original self, strong enough to slightly surpass a normal Error, although GlitchDust's Error slightly surpasses him due to training with Error404 and getting a Glitch Ray a bit more earlier instead of getting it as a Righteous!Error.

Dust, had he not fallen into the CORE, would have succumbed to the DT Madness with no way to return back to his normal self.

It is unknown if Dust's clothes are now a part of his body, or if he can get them off.

Dust is now at the same height as Error, in which he is now 5'4.

Dust's physical strength has increased to give Error immense trouble.

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