Kate's Rock (Steve Rogers Lov...

By katieirene19

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Kate is the daughter of Phil Coulson. She's 19 turning 20. She was extremely close with her father. She was h... More

Chapter 1: The Wake
Chapter 2: Last Time Being Home
Chapter 3: New Home
Chapter 4: Date?
Chapter 5: Help
Chapter 7: Stay with Me
Chapter 8: He Loves Me?
Chapter 9: Love
Should I continue?

Chapter 6: Safe

275 4 1
By katieirene19

Kate's POV
I woke up to no sound whatsoever. Everything was so quiet and peaceful. That was the first thing that hinted that I wasn't at my "mother's" house. Usually everyday I would wake up to her and her boyfriend screaming at each other. I opened my eyes and say up. I was still in the clothes I wore the day before but I was wearing a comfortable jacket. I had no clue where I was all I remember was Steve saving me and carrying me. Oh god it was all real everything that I hoped I was dreaming about was real. Omg!! Steve saw my breasts!! Oh my god... That's so awkward. I'm just happy that he gave me a jacket to cover up with and didn't say anything or try anything.

I didn't want to see him though. I knew that he wouldn't say anything about the situation but that doesn't mean he wouldn't be thinking about it. I just laid back down curling up in the covers. I just wanted to fall asleep and pretend that I was dead. I didn't want to move anymore. Last night was the scariest and traumatizing thing I have been through. What would I have done without Steve? What if he didn't show up? I would've most likely been raped and left there in that horrid place. I am never going back there again. It's final I am talking to Fury and getting myself a new place to stay.

I apparently have been completely zoned out because outta nowhere I saw Steve shaking my arm and calling my name. I immediately flinched at his presence and spoke softly and quietly.

"Hi..." ~Kate

"Hello Miss.. Are you alright?"~Steve

I gave him a look that said "are you serious". Of course he knew I wasn't alright but I guess he needed to know that I would be.

"I will be.... Just need time..." ~Kate

"Of course, after what you went through I wouldn't expect any more." ~Steve

He sat down slowly on the bed next to me but he seemed to be very careful not to touch me. Was he afraid to touch me? Why would he be? It's not like he would hurt me. I trusted him. I looked in his eyes. He honestly looked extremely nervous and worried about me. Like losing me would be the worst thing in the world. I knew that he saw everything I did besides the whole situation. I sat up slowly and touched his shoulder. He jumped.

"Steve.... Just because of what happened to me doesn't mean that I don't trust people...." ~Kate

"I just don't want you to feel scared or nervous around me." ~Steve

"Steve you are probably the only person that I can actually trust in this world. You saved me and took me outta that horrid place. You gave me your jacket instead of taking advantage of me as well. You are the only person I'm not afraid to be around." ~Kate

His face went blank. He was in complete shock. I looked down at the bed. This whole thing was quite awkward. After a while of sitting there in silence he spoke.

"Are you hungry?" ~Steve

Really he was just going to ignore everything I just said. Why? I guess he just needs time to process it and think. I just nodded in reply to his question and he got up.

"There is a pair of clothes you could change into in the closet. It's an agent outfit so it might be tight." ~Steve

"Thanks..." ~Kate

As soon as he was about to leave I quickly stopped him running up to him and hugging him.

"Thanks for saving me." ~Kate

He hugged back after a few seconds.

"You're welcome Miss." ~Steve

I let go grabbing the clothes from the closet. Then I exited the room. I definitely found out one thing about Steve. He likes to keep everything organized and clean. His whole room was spotless and neat. He had some cute family pictures on the wall along with a few pictures of the Avengers. I looked at one picture that caught my eye. It was Steve as a soldier when he was a child then next to it was him older in one. I guess he always wanted to be a soldier. That's when he startled me.

"When I was a kid being a soldier was the one way you could prove that you were a true man. That's sorta one of the reasons I ended up becoming one when I was older." ~Steve

"Oh I guess that makes sense." ~Kate

"Ya..." ~Steve

This is starting to get even more awkward. I was in his house and obviously he doesn't seem to know what to talk about. It's like he doesn't know what to talk about.

"Hey Steve? Where is your bathroom? I wanted to take a shower and get cleaned up." ~Kate

"Oh of course where are my manners. It's the door at the right side of the end of this hallway." ~Steve

"Thanks. I guess I'll see you when I am finished." ~Kate

"Okay.... Do you want to have pancakes or waffles?" ~Steve

"Doesn't really matter to me. You can choose its your house." ~Kate

"Alrighty then." ~Steve

He gradually walked down the hallway the opposite way as I. Once I got to the bathroom I was in shock. The shower was huge. I would be lying if I wasn't excited about the whole shower seat thing. I quickly got undressed and got in. I sat there for a little while just examining my body. I had a few bruises on my body. They weren't that big but they were really dark. However the warm water hitting my body felt nice against my skin. I sat down in the shower. I couldn't help but sit there and let the tears escape. I just kept getting flashbacks to what had happened. How terrified I was and weak. I was so stupid I should've tried to fight back harder. I should've been able to get him away. I stayed there crying for quite a while. That's when a knock came at the door.

Steve's POV
I was finished cooking the pancakes and sat down waiting for her to finish her shower before I ate. As I sat at the dining table I heard a faint noise coming from the shower. I decided to get up to make sure everything was okay. As I walked closer toward the bathroom I heard crying. I stood there not knowing what to do. She must've seen the bruises on her stomach and wrists. That evil man had a really tight grip on her. It took all my strength to get him off. After thinking I decided to knock on the door.

"Kate? Is everything alright in there?"~Steve

She didn't reply so I spoke again getting a little bit worried.

"Miss Kate?" ~Steve

She finally replied after a few minutes.

"Ya... Everything is fine... Don't worry about it." ~Kate

She sounded like she was choking up. She must've had a lot going through her mind. She had lost her father, moved in with the one person she never favored, found out that the house was even worse, and then the events that took place last night. I decided to leave her be though. She needed to get those feelings out rather then hold them in.

"Okay.. I'll be in the kitchen when you're finished." ~Steve

"Alright.." ~Kate

I walked away and into the living room. I sat there on the couch and turned on the television. To be honest I don't think I will ever get used to the whole technology thing. I still use the remote instructions. After I found something to watch I sat there in silence. I felt terrible for Kate. She deserved to feel safe and be able to live a normal happy life. She shouldn't have to feel scared. I needed to find a way to make sure she would be safe and happy. But how? I mean she does hate the places she's staying in now maybe I should find her a place to stay. Maybe she could even stay here? It's not like I'm gonna try anything. I would never force myself on a woman. It's disrespectful and nasty. I would of course need to ask her what she wants. In fact when she gets out of the shower I'm gonna ask her. I mean what's the worst she could say no? I did really like her and I wanted to protect her. And let's admit it would be a lot easier to do so if she was closer to me. I don't know why but I needed to protect her. I am terrified of getting close to her because I don't want her to get hurt like... Like... Peggy... She was my life. I loved her. But I guess I should move on right? I'm not sure. I did care about Kate but did I really want to risk hurting her like I did Peggy. When I had "died" Peggy had never gotten married or had children and that was my fault. She had never left her house. All she did was stay home and morn. I didn't want that to happen to Kate. She is young. She should explore and have fun. If I were with her she would probably be worrying all the time due to me being a part of the Avengers. I don't want to put her through that stress.

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