Chapter 8: He Loves Me?

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Kate's POV
As I started to fall asleep against Steve I heard his voice lightly say that he loves me. Before I could even process what was happening I passed out. I have to admit I was probably in the most comfortable position I've ever been in. I never wanted to leave this spot.

When I woke up I saw that Steve was still holding onto me. His arms around me felt safe. I trusted Steve with my life and I didn't want to admit it but I honestly think I love him. I've never felt the way toward anyone the way I feel toward him. Every time he looks at me I get all nervous and worried about how I look. Looking into his eyes make me feel like nothing in the world matters. When he speaks it's like heaven to the ears. I honestly can't believe he loves me.

Yano what the worst part about knowing that someone loves you is? The fact that you have to wait for them to confess their love. Steve woke up a few hours ago and took a shower then left to go to the avengers building. Honestly I would've went but I just don't want to see everyone look at me like I am a sick puppy. They all know what happened and they all knew my father so they feel bad for me. I don't need people to feel bad. I need them to be there for me. Like Steve. He obviously feels bad for me but he doesn't try to make me feel bad. He just tries to make sure that I am safe and happy. He doesn't talk to me about touchy subjects like everyone else. Anyway he left a few hours ago and now I'm left alone at the apartment. It's weird to think that I am now living with Steve. Many people think of him as a famous person but to me he is just my best friend. That I happen to love. However he was a superhero. I know this is cheesy but he's my hero. He just is so brave and strong and encouraging. He is an inspiration.

When he left I decided to head back to my "mother's" house. I know that you're probably thinking that I'm crazy but I need to get my stuff if I'm staying with Steve. When I show up nobody is home which makes me beyond happy. I just casually walk into my old room and pack all my clothes into a bag I borrowed from Steve. I also put all of my other belongings such as perfume, jewelry, and my drawings in the bag. I honestly don't have a lot of stuff since I just moved here.

On my way back to Steve's apartment I saw Oliver. I began to speed walk hoping that he didn't see me but it was too good to be true. He saw me and ran right up to me.

"Heyyyy sweet thang!! Whatcha doing walking around here without your little boyfriend?" ~Oliver

"Oliver could you please just leave me alone. And he isn't my boyfriend." ~Kate

"Oh so your single are ya?" ~Oliver

At these words he smirks and stands in front of me with an evil look in his eyes. I am done with the men in this town completely. I just pushed him aside using all my force. He was clearly shocked because his eyes got bigger and his mouth hung open.

"Listen Oliver I don't care if you want to be my friend but if you ever touch me or even try to I will have my "little boyfriend" kick your ass" ~Kate

After I said this he started acting all weird. He put his hands in his pockets and just casually walked beside me.

"I'm sorry I just don't have many friends. You are the only person that really even acknowledged my existence. I thought that girls liked the odd perverted guys?" ~Oliver

"No not at all actually. Girls like a gentleman who is mature and treats her right. Who knows exactly what to say to make her feel better. Who can make her feel safe no matter where they are just by being there. Who makes her smile without having to say a word. Who makes her feel like nothing could ruin their relationship. Who is just perfect in every way possible." ~Kate

Okay I will admit I started to daydream about Steve as I said this. But how couldn't I? Everything about Steve was what I wanted in a guy. And based on what other girls tell me they want that too. Every girl wants a guy like Steve. He is a gentleman but also has that slight mysterious side to him.

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