The Phantom Thieves of Hearts...

By MCChuckWriting

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This is part two of my fan fiction series titled "The Phantom Thieves of Hearts" which is a reformatted versi... More

Chapter 1: Something Witty
Chapter 2: Another Satisfied Customer
Chapter 3: Yusuke Kitagawa
Chapter 4: Not Quite a Buffet
Chapter 5: It's Official
Chapter 6: An Early Christmas
Chapter 7: The Maid
Chapter 8: The Tutoring Session
Chapter 10: The Sayuri
Chapter 11: Status Ailments
Chapter 12: A Threat
Chapter 13: She'll Just Let You Down
Chapter 14: The Dangerous Student
Chapter 15: A Painter's Lies
Chapter 16: The Truth
Chapter 17: Truth is Stranger Than Fiction
Chapter 18: I Can't Believe You Made Another Friend
Chapter 19: Makoto and Eiko
Chapter 20: The Concert
Chapter 21: Someone to Keep Safe
Chapter 22: The Worst Mistake
Chapter 23: Weird Roommates
Chapter 24: The Grand Scheme
Chapter 25: This is Utter Nonsense
Chapter 26: Plan in Action
Chapter 27: I Will Never Forgive You
Chapter 28: The Warning
Chapter 29: It's Your Fault
Chapter 30: This World is Tough
Chapter 31: I Am Very Disappointed in You
Chapter 32: Done Running From Problems
Chapter 33: You Have to Look the Part
Chapter 34: Stealth Stat Level 0
Chapter 35: Too Soon To Hold Hands
Chapter 36: Aye, That's Pretty Good
Chapter 37: It Was a Big Deal to Me
Chapter 38: I'm Done Being Scared
Chapter 39: Purpose
Chapter 40: An Urgent Problem
Chapter 41: I Have the Right to Remain Silent!
Chapter 42: Is He Usually This Stupid?
Chapter 43: He Isn't My Boyfriend
Chapter 44: Knock Off Super Heroes
Chapter 45: Useless
Chapter 46: Consequences

Chapter 9: The Museum

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By MCChuckWriting

Ext. Yusuke's House – After School

The group leaves Yusuke's house as he escorts them out the front door. Persistently, Ryuji still attempts to warn him about the danger Madarame presents to him.

Ryuji Sakamoto: Come on, man, you have to listen to us; that Madarame guy is using you for your art...

Yusuke Kitagawa: You continue to try to insult my Sensei without any source of proof except for a former angry pupil's claim. MADARAME IS A GOOD MAN; HE TOOK ME IN WHEN I WAS MERELY A CHILD AND HAS TAKEN GREAT CARE OF ME SINCE THEN! I will not stand for any more slander against him, do you understand me, you delinquent?!

Upon hearing all of the commotion, Madarame, who is now much older, comes to greet Akira and his friends.

Ichiryusai Madarame: What's going on out here, Yusuke; why are you making such a racket? Oh, I didn't realize you were having guests over...

Yusuke Kitagawa: Sensei, I apologize for my loud outburst; these three were trying to spread lies about you...saying you steal's...utterly insane!

Ichiryusai Madarame: Yusuke, you shouldn't get mad at them; they are entitled to their own beliefs. They may think whatever they want; I'm an established artist and criticism is part of the profession. Trust me, I've heard plenty of rumors over these years; I've learned to just shrug them off.

Yusuke Kitagawa:'re right...I acted...brashly...

Ichiryusai Madarame: I don't mind the four of you talking but if you wouldn't mind, would you please keep it down; it doesn't bother me but the neighbors have a tendency to get annoyed easily.

Madarame notices Ann.

Ichiryusai Madarame: Oh, you must be the girl that Yusuke was getting all excited about painting; you are really pretty...

Yusuke gets embarrassed.

Yusuke Kitagawa: Sensei...

Ichiryusai Madarame: You know, that sparkle in your eye, reminds me of...

Madarame turns quiet and doesn't finish his statement as the others look at him in confusion.

Ichiryusai Madarame: Oh, I'm sorry, I got a bit off topic there; I have some things I need to work on, so you three have a great rest of your day. If Yusuke hasn't completely scared you three off, you three are welcome back whenever you want.

Madarame leaves as Yusuke looks at the group, sincerely.

Yusuke Kitagawa: I...shouldn't have gotten so angry...

Ryuji Sakamoto: I shouldn't have pushed you so far; my bad, dude.

Yusuke Kitagawa: don't have to come back and help me finish the painting if you don't want's sick that I used that as leverage for not calling the police. I'm disappointed in my actions; well, perhaps, our paths will cross, again. Until then, take care...and you have my number if you need to reach me, Ann.

Yusuke makes his way back into the house and closes the door behind him.

Ryuji Sakamoto: Damn, that could have gone better...

Akira Kurusu: I told you it was a dumb idea for us to come.

Ann Takamaki: I don't think you guys realize that he wants to paint me nude!

Ryuji Sakamoto: No, I do but I mean, I can't really blame him for wanting to do that...

Akira Kurusu: Maybe, I should get into painting...

Ann Takamaki: God, I feel like all you guys are just a bunch of pervs!

The group walks away from Yusuke's house and continue their conversation.

Ryuji Sakamoto: I have to say, Madarame definitely wasn't what I was expecting; like Yusuke said, he seems like a chill old man.

Ann Takamaki: Yeah, he didn't really seem like the guy that Nakanohara made it seem like he was at all.

Akira Kurusu: It could be a show; just because Kamoshida was so willing to show everyone how much a prick he was doesn't mean that everyone's that way. A lot of people want to hide that shit.

Ann Takamaki: I guess that's true.

Morgana pops his head out of Akira's backpack.

Morgana: I still don't trust the guy; when I was doing my recon, I noticed a locked door in that house. Who the hell has an actual lock, that needs a key, on a door, if they aren't hiding something? Mother fucker is up to something, I can feel it! I say we use the Metaverse navigator to see if he has a palace; remember, we need a full name, a place, and what his palace actually is!

Akira Kurusu: I guess it wouldn't hurt anything.

Akira takes out his phone and opens the navigator app on it, before speaking into it. Akira speaks into the Metaverse app on his phone.

Akira Kurusu: "Ichiryusai Madarame."

Navigation App: PALACE FOUND!

Ryuji Sakamoto: Dude, he totally has one after all; Nakanohara wasn't lying!

Akira speaks into the Metaverse app, again.

Akira Kurusu: "Madarame residence."

Navigation App: Location found.

Morgana: Now, all we need is what his palace actually is; Kamoshida's palace was a castle...we just have to brainstorm potential ideas. It could take a while but I feel like if we put in the time...

Akira speaks into the Metaverse app.

Akira Kurusu: "Art Museum."

Navigation App: All three key words have been entered; would you like to travel to the palace, now?

Akira speaks into the Metaverse app.

Akira Kurusu: Yeah, sure.


The world around the group begins to shift and change into the Metaverse, ending the scene.

Int. Metaverse – Continuous

The scene opens to the group inside of the Metaverse, coming to terms with where they are. The group are all in their Metaverse costumes and Morgana is in his anthropomorphic form.

Morgana: What the hell are you thinking, fool? Doing this shit out in the open like that?!

Ann Takamaki: Uh, guys?

Akira Kurusu: It's not my fault, I didn't see any issue with it at the time...

Morgana: Man, you are way too damn lax on this shit!

Akira Kurusu: It's not like anyone saw us or anything, relax.

Ann Takamaki: Uh, guys?

Ryuji Sakamoto: I knew that old man was up to something; he was acting way too nice. Good thing we checked his name in the navigation app or this bastard would have...

Ann Takamaki: GUYS!

Akira, Morgana and Ryuji turn around to see what Ann is trying to point out to them; all three are shocked to see a giant art museum, made out of solid gold, guarded by a large garden. In front of the museum, there is a large group of people trying to get in, forming a huge line.

Akira Kurusu: Wow, it really is an art museum...a big art this what that old guy thinks his house is?

Ann Takamaki: I mean he is a painter, right? It makes sense that this is how he sees his house.

Ryuji Sakamoto: The real question is how in the hell are we going to get in?

Akira takes another look at the huge line of people to get through the front entrance of the museum.

Akira Kurusu: It doesn't seem like going through the front door is our best option unless we plan on waiting in that long ass line.

Morgana: It's like I said last time, frizzy-hair, thieves never use the front entrance, they always find a more clever and low-key entrance.

Akira continues to study the area and notices a large truck sitting in front of the garden, that's in front of the museum.

Akira Kurusu: Over there, we might be able to cut through the garden and find an entrance that way.

Morgana: Good catch, frizzy-hair! Maybe, you aren't so hopeless after all!

The group makes there way towards the large truck parked in front of the garden; the group uses their agility and they leap onto the top of the truck and then jump over the wall, guarding the garden. They group lands inside of the garden and, immediately, hear guards talking. Akira speaks, quietly.

Akira Kurusu: Shit, there's guards here...we aren't even inside, yet.

Morgana: We have to hide.

The group hides inside of some bushes as guards walk by, dressed as security officers, with a gun and flashlight in each of their pockets. The two security officers walk right by the group, who are hiding inside of the bushes; as soon as they're gone, the group leaves the bushes.

Akira Kurusu: So instead of knights, this time they're just regular security guards...

Morgana: Yeah but they be packing fucking heat...these guys don't have swords...if we get caught, they might pop a cap in our ass!

Ryuji Sakamoto: Well then, we just won't get caught; come on, let's get going.

The group makes their way through the huge maze of the garden, avoiding the suspicion of other security guards that they run into. Eventually, the group is able to get out of the garden and are standing by the side of the museum; there's a ladder, that leads up to the roof of the museum. One by one, the group climbs the ladder to the roof the building; once they reach the top of the building, they see an unlocked latch that leads to the inside of the museum.

Ryuji Sakamoto: That's convenient...almost as convenient as that ladder that led up here...I thought for sure we would have to do some parkour shit to get up here.

Akira Kurusu: Well, we have our way inside but...

Akira opens the hatch and looks inside at the long way down from the hatch.

Akira Kurusu: How the hell are we going to get down there from here; we can't jump or we'll break our legs.

Morgana: Don't worry, frizzy-hair, I GOT YOU!

Morgana hands Akira a long piece of rope.

Akira Kurusu: Uh...where the fuck were you hiding this, exactly?

Morgana: A thief NEVER tells!

Ann Takamaki: Gross.

Morgana: We can tie one end of the rope up here and then slide down there using the rope all smooth like.

Ryuji Sakamoto: I mean, as stupid as that plan sounds, it's not like we have an alternative.

Akira Kurus: Well, we've established an entry point...we'll leave the rope up here and come back another day.

Ryuji Sakamoto: Dude, why can't we...

Akira Kurusu: It's already late...we killed so much damn time at Yusuke's place...we should get some rest and come back.

Morgana: I agree with the smart...the slightly more...the one who isn't a complete dumb ass! Yeah, we'll go with that.

Ann Takamaki: I could use some sleep...all that posing was tiring.

Akira Kurusu: It's decided then...let's try to steal this asshole's treasure as soon as possible, before he does something to Yusuke.

Morgana ties one end of the rope to an object on the roof and the group leaves the roof.

Int. Shujin Academy – After School

The date is now Monday, May 17th; The group of Akira, Ryuji and Ann are standing in the hallways on the second floor of the school, next to the bulletin board, talking about different things until Ryuji notices a flyer on the bulletin board that catches his attention.

Ryuji Sakamoto: Guys, check this out; it looks like Madarame is having some kind of art show in Shibuya...he'll be showing off various paintings from his collection.

Akira Kurusu: Yeah, but if him or Yusuke see us at the art show, they'll probably just make us leave. It's obvious that Yusuke, at the very least, wants nothing to do with us.

Ryuji Sakamoto: Valid point...Ann, you should go to the art exhibit by yourself.

Ann Takamaki: WHY ME?!

Ryuji Sakamoto: See if you can get any more information from him about Madarame; the more we can get on him, the easier infiltrating his palace will be. Plus, Yusuke likes you...a hell of a lot more than us two.

Ann Takamaki: But...I don't know if I really want to...

Akira Kurusu: You'll be fine; we don't know when another chance to get more information on this guy will arise so we have to make use of the opportunity.

Ann Takamaki: I mean...I guess no harm can come out of it...

Akira Kurusu: That's the spirit; way to be a team...

Makoto walks by the group and stops next to Akira, staring at him, intently.

Akira Kurusu: Uh...yes?

Makoto Niijima: Just making sure you remember that we have another session tomorrow morning; oh, and if you can, try to eat beforehand. It's hard to concentrate when your chewing on disgustingly unhealthy food the entire time.

Akira Kurusu: Yes, mom...

Ann Takamaki: Aw, are you two a thing?

Akira Kurusu: Yes.

Makoto punches Akira in the arm harder than she means to, causing him a lot of pain.

Makoto Niijima: No, not even close...

Akira, despite still being in pain, proceeds to speak, anyways.

Akira Kurusu: You're in love with me, you just don't know it, yet.

Makoto Niijima: Do you want to get punched, again?

Akira Kurusu: It''s kind of hot when you...

Makoto Niijima: This conversation is over.

Makoto walks away from the group as Akira continues to hold his arm in anguish.

Ann Takamaki: I can't believe she hit you, that was so mean...that girl has anger issues.

Ryuji Sakamoto: Doesn't seem like your fool proof plan of winning her over is working very well.

Akira Kurusu: If there's anything I've learned in this life, it's that nothing comes easy; she'll come around.

Ann Takamaki: Aw, that's so cute; see how much work he puts in, could learn a thing or two!

Ryuji Sakamoto: ME?!

Ann Takamaki: Yeah, Akira is working his ass off to get a girl while your lazy ass just does nothing but bitch and complain about being alone.

Ryuji Sakamoto: That's not true...the girls love me!

Morgana pops his head out of Akira's backpack.

Morgana: What girls; your mom?

Ryuji Sakamoto: Don't talk about my mom, cat, or I'll serve you as a Japanese dish.

Ann Takamaki: Well, that art show is tomorrow after school so I think it's best if we just take the rest of the day off. Get some rest.

Akira Kurusu: Yeah, I agree, there's no reason to rush this...are you sure you're okay with doing this, Ann?

Ann Takamaki: Yeah, it's fine; Yusuke seems nice enough...

Ryuji Sakamoto: ALRIGHT, since Ann will be busy after school tomorrow, it looks like the boys will finally be causing some hell.

Akira Kurusu: We will?

Ryuji Sakamoto: Yep, we sure will.

Ryuji smiles to himself as the rest of the group including Morgana look at him in confusion.

Ext. Shujin Academy – After School

The date is now Tuesday, May 18th; Ryuji and Akira are standing outside in the courtyard of the school doing stretches while Morgana is inside of Akira's backpack which is placed on a bench. Both are exhausted from the run that Ryuji made them both do.

Akira Kurusu: Fuck, I'm whole body feels like ass.

Ryuji Sakamoto: Been a while for you too, huh? Yeah, I really need to be more consistent with my running; my ankle wasn't hurting too bad today, though, so that's good.

Akira Kurusu: Remind me again why I'm here?

Ryuji Sakamoto: Cuz Ann is getting information on Yusuke and the two of us need to increase our stamina so we last longer in battle; that last battle in the Metaverse with Nakanohara made me realize how shit our stamina is. Ann had to save our asses...we went down way too easily.

Akira Kurusu: I guess that's valid reasoning...

Ryuji Sakamoto: Ya know, I think I might start doing some weight training know a lot of girls love that six pack look, right?

Akira Kurusu: They do?

Ryuji Sakamoto: Oh yeah, especially the quieter and more shy ones...they act like that shit doesn't appeal to them but deep down, they love it!

Akira Kurusu: Good to know...

Interrupting their conversation, is a group of students, all wearing the Shujin track uniform. They approach Akira and Ryuji with their arms crossed.

Akira Kurusu: Damn, don't look too excited to see us.

Track Athlete # 1: What the hell are you two doing here, anyways, especially you, Sakamoto?

Ryuji Sakamoto: The two of us just got back from a run; it's...been a while since I've seen you's...

Track Athlete # 2: Are you seriously going to ask how's it been going; fuck you dude, you got the track team disbanded!

Track Athlete # 1: You just couldn't control that stupid temper of yours; you had to go ruin it for everyone!

Ryuji Sakamoto: Yeah, I'm really sorry about that, guys; I feel real bad about fucking that up for all of you.

Track Athlete # 3: An apology...really? Like that'll fix everything...

Akira Kurusu: He said he was sorry, take it easy on him.

Track Athlete # 2: Stay out of this, transfer student, this has nothing to do with you; it's pretty sad to see, though, Sakamoto, that the only kid willing to hang out with you is the transfer student. I guess you haven't pissed him off enough to make him leave, yet, huh?

Ryuji Sakamoto: It's not like that; I know I messed up...there isn't anything I can do about it now, though.

Track Athlete # 1: That's just fucking perfect fuck everything up for us and you can't even fix it. At least Kamoshida got taken down finally but you need to leave too, Sakamoto; nobody wants you here at Shujin anymore.

Ryuji Sakamoto: Just shut up and leave us alone if all you guys are going to do is talk shit! Can't you see the two of us are stretching here!

Track Athlete # 3: There's that temper, again; good to see it hasn't gone away...I'm sure it's only a matter of time before it fucks something else up for someone.

Track Athlete # 1: Come on guys, let's get the hell out of here and leave these two to their pathetic stretching. Just stay the hell away from us, Sakamoto...

The group of former track athletes leave.

Akira Kurusu: Wow, was that your old team; they seem nice.

Ryuji Sakamoto: They weren't always like this; Kamoshida abused all of us back when the team was still around, not just me. I feel like all of them are holding onto just as much anger as I am; still though, I wish there was something I could do to fix this. I ruined the track team...just because I let Kamoshida get to me.

Akira Kurusu: Well, I'm sure you will one day; for now, though, just give them some space, mainly because it seems like they want to kick your ass...

Ryuji Sakamoto: You really don't sugar coat things, do you?

Akira Kurusu: Where's the fun in that?

Ryuji Sakamoto: I'm sorry about all that...didn't mean for you to get involved...they've been mad at me for a while.

Akira Kurusu: It's all good, they don't phase me; trust me, I've had my fair share of abuse in my life...this isn't anything new to me.

Ryuji Sakamoto: Well, it's nice to that at least you have my back...and Ann I'm not alone.

Akira Kurusu: Exactly, look at things that way.

Ryuji Sakamoto: Well, I have to hurry and get back to my mom's house; she'll probably have dinner ready in the next hour or so. Let's finish our stretching real quick before catching the subway home!

Akira Kurusu: Shit, if I do any more stretching, I might pull something...

The scene ends with the two boys proceeding to finish their stretching, while Akira continues to complain about the discomfort it's causing him.

Author's Note:  The next chapter of "The Phantom Thieves of Hearts Pt. 2" will be released, tomorrow, June 14th.  Thank you so much for reading!

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