Senran Kagura X Male Reader O...

By Whoknowswhat900

258 1 8

Come into this book to read the many interactions between you (the readers) and the girls of Senran Kagura More


Murakumo: Just the way you are

91 1 0
By Whoknowswhat900

**We begin this chapter off with a high school teenager writing something in his room, with his only current source of light being a lamp on his desk**

"Date: April 2nd"
"Time: About 7:45 AM"

"Hey, Y/N here again. This is my second entry in my so-called 'diary' if you can even call it that. I'm currently a few months till the end of my second year of this school, and it's going great as of right now, but I'm expecting it'll change soon enough. Anyway, if there is anything you should know about me is that, well

**Multiple pictures pop up of Y/N screwing up most tasks he's doing. From holding a frying pan that is on fire, falling off a skateboard onto a pavement floor and him attempting to try and catch a baseball with a glove, only for said baseball to go right into his face and hit him in the eye and many other photos**

I'm not exactly good at most things any other person would be at least decent at. However, if there is one thing I could say I'm good at

**Then a photo appears of him holding a microphone and singing his soul out**

It's singing. I was always told by my friends and family that I have the voice of an angel. So much so that I was even invited to sing at some events, so there's that. Another thing to know about me is, well I may or may not have a crush on someone in my class. It's this girl named Murakumo, with brown hair and beautiful green eyes. As far as I could tell, I've been having this crush for at least more than half a year at this point, maybe somewhere in July when I saw her at the beach with her friends when she wasn't wearing her mask. It's almost as if something awoke in me when I first saw her. But the problem is the fact that she is almost always seen wearing this demon mask to hide her face because according to her, she's hideous. But honestly, I don't believe that at all, as other than when I saw her at the beach, I did manage to catch her with her mask off a couple of times, but despite everyone telling her she isn't hideous, she just won't believe us and she still wears the mask. I did manage to be friends with her despite that issue, and I still have that crush on her. So I want to do something that'll not only confess my feelings for her but also get her to believe that she's a beautiful woman. I guess I'll have to keep figuring out what that thing is"

**Then Y/N closes his notebook and puts it away on his desk, then he proceeded to grab his backpack before heading off to school. While walking there, he happened to come across someone wearing a brown paper bag around their head**

Y/N: Huh? That's odd. **He decided to ask the anonymous person something on his mind** Uh, why the paper bag?

???: **The person turned around to see Y/N, but they quickly turned back and began to walk a bit faster**

Y/N: Hey wait! **he began to follow her while keeping up with her pace**

???: **They suddenly began to walk even faster to the point where they outright started to run**

Y/N: **He just kept up to the paper bag individual** Hey, is something wrong? You can tell me!

**Eventually, the paper bag fell off the person's head and it was revealed to be Murakumo who was wearing the bag over her head. She then frantically ran to the bag where it fell off but Y/N did the same, and because they were too focused on getting it, they bumped into each other as they hit their heads by accident and they fall over**

Y/N: Murakumo? What's with the paper bag? **He asked while he rubbed his head**

Murakumo: **she looked away from him while covering her face with one hand and she started slowly scooting away from him** D-don't l-look at m-me p-please

Y/N: Why? **He simply walked over with the brown bag in his hands as he tried to hand it to Murakumo**

Murakumo: You wouldn't want to see someone hideous and ugly like would you? **She said almost sounding like she was going to cry while she puts on the bag back onto her head**

Y/N: **He sighed and helped her up from the ground** Look Murakumo, you aren't any of those things and that's a fact

Murakumo: Yeah right, I'm pretty sure everyone else would say otherwise **she says now standing up**

Y/N: **he just puts a hand on her shoulder** Listen to me Murakumo even if that is true, you're amazing **Then he outright hugs her** Just the way you are

Murakumo: **She's in all honesty surprised by the hug but she doesn't mind it. Then after the hug, she runs off without saying a word**


"Hey wait" I tried reaching my hand out to her, but unfortunately she was already far away from me to reach her. On the outside, I pretty much felt bad and worried about her not taking her low self-esteem into account. But on the inside.....


But there was no time for me to yell all of it out loud, so I just sighed and walked my way to school. I have no idea what through my head when I did that, but it's too late to change anything. In about 10 minutes, I arrived at school and I knew that judging from what happened back there, this really wasn't going to be pretty. However as I was heading to my first class, I saw a flyer for a singing contest of all things that was taped to a wall next to one of the bathroom doors. I walked up to it to see all the details and the flyer basically said the following:

We invite you to compete in Shinobi Academy's annual singing contest!
We gladly welcome any contest of all grades and we'll be more than welcome to hear your performances.
Contest date: Friday, April 12th!
Rules: 1, Any song (whether it be an already existing one or one you made up) is allowed as long as it doesn't contain any profanity or anything along those lines.
2, Should you be caught lip-syncing, you will automatically be disqualified from the competition.
3, Groups are allowed, but only up to 8 people. Anything above that number will not be accepted.
Be sure to sign up before Friday next to the entrance of the lunch room as we will be unable to accept any submissions after that date.

The winner will receive a trophy and a cash price of 200$

We'll see you there!

Wow, that was an amazing coincidence. I feel this could be the thing I was talking about in my so-called 'diary'. You know, the thing that will not only confess my feelings for Murakumo but also give her the reassurance that she isn't ugly as she says? Yeah, that. I'll just need to figure out a song for it and do it before Friday. For now, I just need to head off to my classes

7-8 hours later

Well, that went by fast. Probably it was because it just felt like any normal day. Anyway, while walking out of the school, I saw Murakumo talking with her friends. But instead of a paper bag, it was replaced by a small cardboard box that 2 holes in it. I tried to walk toward her to try and apologize for what I did that morning, but when I attempted to walk toward her, she saw me and instantly began to walk away from her friends as she headed home as 2 of her friends Minori and Shiki walked to her to try and comfort her. I just stood there, now that confirmed it potentially ruined the friendship between me and Murakumo. Then the 2 remaining girls, just glared at me before Yozakura, the short blue-haired one asked me something

Yozakura: Is there something you want to tell us? We've been noticing that Murakumo has been acting anxious and sad since this morning, and you're the one who walks near her every day on your way here.

Then Yumi, the one with short gray hair joined in on the conversation

Yumi: You can tell us now, or you can just forget about us ever wanting anything to do with you again

Then after hearing that, I just spoke up while holding both my hands in front of me for me to explain myself

"Whoa whoa, okay then. Look this is what happened" I then go on to explain what had happened that maybe caused all of this "And so yeah, that's it"

They both gasped in surprise and surprise after what I just said to them, and I was prepared for at least one of them to hit me. But thankfully they didn't (Or at least they couldn't due to the area being so crowded and there being many witnesses)

Yumi: Oh so that's why. Look Y/N, we know your intentions are good, but I'm afraid there isn't anything you can do that'll convince her that what she thinks of herself are just lies

"Oh, but I do actually. That just might be the thing that'll get her to know"

Yumi: Huh? Then what is it then?

"So, you know the singing contest the school is hosting?"

Yumi: Yes, because Shiki signed up for that contest actually

Yozakura: Yeah, apparently she's going to sing some Lady Gaga song but she didn't specify which one it was

"Well, I was actually thinking of entering that contest so I can show Murakumo how beautiful of a person she is while also confessing my feelings for her"

Yozakura: Uh, are you sure about that? It'll probably just embarrass her, especially since we'll be there to support Shiki

"Don't worry about it, as long as I keep everything under control everything is going to go as planned"

Yumi: If you say so. By the way, if it does work out, I will feel very happy for both of you

Yozakura: Same here

"Now that's what I'm talking about. See ya!" I began to walk away as I waved bye to the girls. So, yeah everything is basically in place. The only problem is I just have to figure out a song for me to sing at the contest. I guess I'll just have to figure that one out when I get back home

3-4 Hours Later

I was at home, sitting at my desk while thinking of songs I could sing at the contest while I have the radio on in the background for some reason. So far, every single idea I had either didn't work or just didn't fit. So far, I was about to give up and forget all about it. But as I headed to the door...

Radio: Now to start the late night hours, how about we choose a very special song for this evening? This is Just The Way You Are by Bruno Mars!

The song began to play which caused me to stop dead in my tracks. I took a second to listen to the lyrics and I noticed that the lyrics sounded exactly like how I would describe Murakumo. Then I hurried back to my desk and wrote down the song's name on a piece of paper just so I don't forget about it later.


Over the next few days, YN would start to practice singing this song singing up for the contest just on the last to make sure Murakumo doesn't know about it. Speaking of which, during that time Y/N made sure there weren't issues between him and Murakumo and their relationship was even better than one would think. After days of practice, Y/N finally assured himself that he was ready to face the competition

**10 days later**


It's the day of the contest and I see more people come in than I expected. Friends, family, and anything in between. I'm standing behind the stage along with everyone else that was in the contest. I was just wearing all white while sitting in a chair to practice my lines. Apparently, I was set to go last which I made sigh because it meant I could prepare myself for this since I waited more than I week for this. I peeked behind the curtains and sure enough, I saw my parents, my older brother, and Murakumo with all her friends. Except this time she wasn't wearing her mask. That's odd, but I don't mind

Murakumo POV

I try to hide my face from everyone since I really doubt anybody would want to see a face as ugly as mine. This feels so humiliating. I was told by a teacher outside of the auditorium that I wasn't allowed to wear my mask so that I wouldn't scare any people, so it just made this entire a letdown for me.

"Aw man, how long is this thing anyway?"

Minori: Don't worry Murakumo, it's only about an hour long. Besides we're here to support Shiki since she has been really looking forward to this

"Well, then An hour?! Do I really have to keep my face exposed for that long? Please just let this be over. Suddenly, I hear Yumi and Yozakura whispering something to each other. I tried to make out what they were saying but to no avail.

"Hey, what are you two talking about"

Yumi: Oh it's nothing important really

Yozakura: Yeah, don't worry about it. Oh look, the shows starting

"Fine then" I see the lights being slightly turned down as the Theater teacher came onto the stage and announced that the competition is about to start. Over maybe 13 performances later I was prepared to leave until Minori sat me down, also I just have to say Shiki sang pretty great

Minori: Look, there's one more performance left

"Oh, then who could it be?"


"I guess now it's my time to perform" Up until this point, I was basically sweating bullets since I didn't expect there to be many people attending this. I heard my name being announced and someone wearing a black suit and mask turned to me and told me "Good luck out there bro". I quickly put on a reassuring smile and thanked him before walking onto the stage. There I saw the many, I mean many people there staring at me as I just collected myself and spoke into the microphone in my hand.

"Now before I do this, I just want to say that I dedicate this one to a very special person who deserves to hear this. If you're watching this, just know that I mean every word I'm about to say."

Then the song started to play and I started waiting for the right time to start singing, just patiently tapping my feet as I started to basically sing my sucking soul out because I worked at least a week on this, and I wasn't about to let it go to waste. I was straight-up singing like there was no tomorrow like holy crap.

Murakumo POV

Wait, is that Y/N?! I never expected him to be in this contest. And wow, he really has the voice of an angel I just feel my face heating up and I just know my cheeks are slowly turning red from it. But then I suddenly start listening to the lyrics of the song. I then start to connect two and two together and then I realized that he was talking about me. Once I suddenly realized this, I started to form a big smile on my face and I think I even felt a few tears running down my cheeks. I didn't think he actually meant those words at all when he actually said them to me

3rdP POV

**Finally after the song ends, the crowd just starts to clap for him as his performance was outright phenomenal. After everything was said and done, everyone exited the auditorium, and most headed back home while others were congratulating and praising the performers. Then Murakumo and her friends exit and while the others are congratulating Shiki for her act, Murakumo is still trying to find Y/N. Eventually, she sees Y/N talking with his parents before they walk away and she walks to him from behind him**

Murakumo: Hey Y/N.......

Y/N: Oh hey Murakumo.

Murakumo: Can I ask you something? Preferably outside?

Y/N: Yeah sure thing.

**They went outside to a hallway and they both just looked at each other**

Murakumo: So, what did you want to ask m-

**He can't finish his sentence before Murakumo pulled him towards her and kissed him on the lips which caused both of them to turn red as if they were cherries. After a while, she pulls back as they both looked at each other's red hot faces**

Y/N: I assumed you figured it out

Murakumo: Yeah. At first, I didn't want to believe it, but after I listened closely, I began to realize that you realize you actually meant everything you said didn't you?

Y/N: You know I did **he rubbed the back of his head** Although, I was a little surprised that you kissed me

Murakumo: Oh yeah, that. Well, It almost felt like I just wanted to thank you for that performance because it really felt like it touched my heart

Y/N: Wow, well I'm kinda glad it did. Although, I did kinda like it since I had a thing for you ever since I met you hehe

Murakumo: What a coincidence, so did I hehe

Y/N: Really? That was unexpected

Murakumo: Yes, it's mostly because you're really cute and also because you're mostly the only person besides my usual friends that is nice to me

Y/N: Oh yeah that. Well, I can also the same about you actually

**Both of them rub the back of their heads as they are still blushing from the kiss that happened**

Y/N: So, should we make it official?

Murakumo: You know, I would like that very much actually

**This caused both of them to start kissing each other for what felt like at least 20 seconds since they were both alone in the hallway. Then they were interrupted by the sound of clapping, but it didn't come from any of their friends. Instead, the clapping was coming from the black suited masked boy who was seen earlier with Y/N behind the stage. He just gave a thumbs up before he said "Great job out there by the way" before he just exited the hallway and left the scene. The couple just stood there, confused really at what they just saw**

Y/N: So, that happened

Murakumo: Yeah......... Anyway, I should be getting back to my friends

Y/N: I understand, my family is waiting for me outside

Murakumo: Yeah, I guess we'll see each other later?

Y/N: Sounds like a plan. See ya on Monday babe

Murakumo: Hehe, you too

**Both walked away from each other, being more than happy they officially know that they like each other. Since that day, Murakumo has gotten more and more happier than she initially was thanks to Y/N's support showing just how great their relationship was. And it was thanks to one song that was played on the radio**

**PS, A student was caught lip-syncing on stage and was turned into the school's laughing stock for the next week. I know it's not important to the story, but I just wanted to mention it.**

The end

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