بواسطة wataluvsckthedck

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She's been taken hostage as part of Japan's most feared crime syndicate's sinister plans, along with dozens o... المزيد

chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
chapter 18
chapter 19
chapter 20
chapter 21
chapter 22
chapter 23
chapter 24
chapter 25
chapter 27
chapter 28
chapter 29
chapter 30
chapter 31
chapter 32
chapter 33
chapter 34
chapter 35
chapter 36
chapter 37
chapter 38
chapter 39
chapter 40
chapter 41
chapter 42
chapter 43
chapter 44
chapter 45
chapter 46
chapter 47

chapter 26

1K 26 0
بواسطة wataluvsckthedck

Mikey's POV.

I paced the room back and forth repeatedly. We had made it back to the compound in Italy safely and with no trouble at all, making me a much happier man.

I had guided Y/N inside, and much to my surprise, she hadn't even hinted at objecting in any manner.

I had taken her up to my room, telling her she could rest there while I worked, but in truth, I hadn't left her side since those delicate eyes of hers had fluttered shut.

My mind was racing a million miles a minute—what had the Valhallas wanted from her?

My organization is stable, right?

Everything was as it should be, fitting perfectly into place like one of those one-thousand-piece jigsaw puzzles.

Y/N was like that one last piece, the one you wait for so long to find, only to hold your breath wondering if the tiny details will be a match to all the others around, and when that piece does fit, well, you step back and look at everything you've created.

All the time and effort, the money spent, and the success you've worked for

Setting your heart at ease

My organization had everything: drugs, alcohol, weaponry, and numbers. I really couldn't ask for more materialistic goods to be at my disposal.

So why hadn't the Valhalla's gone for my supplies? They needed some of their own, but instead they took my 'party date', a girl of no specialty to the criminal world or heritage; she was just a girl from a nightclub.

Unfortunately, as Sanzu had reminded me on several occasions whilst flying back, we might never know the answer to all the anxieties in my mind because we had blasted those Valhalla scum full of bullets.

"Mikey," I said, turning around to look over my shoulder at Sanzu, who was sitting in my armchair, legs crossed over each other, and smoking a joint.

"What?" I replied, briefly snapping my head back to look at Y/N, making sure she was still okay.

"You're tense and sweating; what's on your mind?" Sanzu shifted to sit upright as I made my way and took a seat in the armchair next to him, mirroring his seating position.

"I still can't get over what those scum did to her." I took a breath and rubbed my forehead, trying to comprehend the whole situation and not only what had happened to Y/N but also what was going to happen to my organization as a result of all of this.

"This is going to sound really brutal, but Mikey, what's done is done. It's happened, and now the best thing we can do is plan for what will happen next." Sanzu gave me a short side eye before continuing, "You know as well as I do that in this world, people from across the globe get tortured on a daily basis for information; unluckily, yesterday that was Y/n." I huffed. It was true, people in every criminal organization were kidnapped by another every day and tortured.

It was within the job description for it to happen.

But Y/N wasn't like my Bonten's men; she was new and delicate to the ways of gun violence and torture.

It was an unfair playing field.

"I've seen the bruises; when I was helping her onto the plane, I saw where they electrocuted her; it's a war crime, and I won't stand for it." I hissed back, grabbing a bottle of Campari and two glasses from the side table and pouring two drinks.

"Hey now, I didn't say we had to stand for it." Sanzu clinked his glass with mine before we both took sips, him grinning slightly. I followed.

"Now that's what I like to hear." I took another swig from the glass and let out a low laugh.

"What are you thinking, Mikey?" Sanzu questioned as I sighed, looking up at the roof and thinking, "So many options.

"Well, we could do anything, you know; if you think about it, we are the strongest crime syndicate power not only in Japan but in the entire world. I say we throw a party," I said, a plan brewing in my mind.

"A party?" Sanzu asked, slightly amused.

"Yes, you heard correct, and I plan on inviting everyone I possibly can. Now as we know, the Valhalla's we wiped out were only a small portion of the organization, meaning that there are a lot more of them out there, and I want them all gone. We will send out invites to every criminal organization cartel in Europe, maybe Australia as well, and they will all watch as we annihilate the Valhalla out of existence."

"That'll send a clear message not to fuck around with you or to torture anyone here," Takeomi scoffed, chuckling to himself a slight bit.

"We need a venue though; do you know anywhere?" I asked. It needed to be massive; of course there would be a limit as to how many people from each organization could attend. I didn't need to be overthrown by bodyguards at my own planned assassination party.

"It's a simple decision, and we can easily use the place too, Miramare Castle; it's big enough and fancy enough to hold the guests and perform one of the greatest, most cunning assassinations of all time." It was perfect.

That would be where we got our justice, and I wanted everyone to witness it firsthand to know that you don't get to kidnap anyone in my organization, but especially Y/N, and get away with it lightly.

"When Y/N wakes up, I'll discuss it with her, take her out to dinner or something to at least try and make up for the shit I've caused her in the past few days," I sighed, running my hands through my head as I thought, a feeling boiling inside of me that I wasn't familiar with, guilt.

I felt bad, and it was unfamiliar and uncomfortable.

"My, my, who is this? Your changing Mikey, apologizing, thinking about how you've made another person feel?" Kokonoi let out another laughing joke with me; it set my teeth on edge, and my blood boiled.

"I'm not changing," I stood up and brought my gaze out the window before sending him a dangerous side eye, "and besides, she's not just another person."

"Ahhhh, no, she's certainly not just another person, my dear; she's a lady, and you actually fancy her." I felt the hair on the back of my neck stand on edge, and my hands were becoming clammy as this conversation deepened between us.

"And?" I sighed, "theoretically, purely theoretically, say that I did fancy her. What would you say about it? Because let me remind you that there is nothing you can do or say that will override my authority here in this Bonten. If you dare to question me or anyone of you, I am still the cold and ruthless Bonten's leader that everyone knows me as, and I can put a bullet through your brain if I really want to."

"Did I say that I was questioning you?" Kokonoi took another sip of his drink, and suddenly I felt my face go bright red.

He had merely brought up the subject.

"This doesn't seem too theoretical to me, Mikey." He stood up also and set himself next to me, gazing out the window to look at the Italian coastline and the waves crashing against the shore.

"I'm just taking her out to dinner, that's all. So what if I apologize? I'm still a gentleman." I shifted my suit collar and adjusted the jacket as Kokonoi continued to press the topic, even though I was quite happy to be done discussing it.

"That you are." Kokonoi nodded and patted me on the back before making his way to the door and swinging it open before looking back at me.

"I could help set you two up, you know, for real this time, not just for business," I let out in a degrading scoff.

"Please, you can't even set yourself up with anyone for longer than a night," and with that, he took his leave and left the room silently.

I looked back at Y/N, who stirred in her sleep, eventually slowly and uncertainly opening her eyes to look up at me, standing there and watching her.

And now this was awkward.

"You and I, dinner tonight." I nodded firmly as she blinked a few times, still waking up.

After a considerable amount of time, she answered her reply, "Yeah, sure, it's been three days since I've had anything." She let out a weak and awkward laugh; my heart sank, and I couldn't even help it. ....

I buttoned up my suit jacket and tied my shoelaces tightly, grabbing three guns and slipping them into the inside lining of my suit.

I took a glance at myself in the mirror before heading out the door and down the corridor to Y/N's door.

I knocked three times before hearing a faint 'come in'.

Opening the door, my jaw dropped; she was stunning.

A dark blue dress, her hair curled, and her make-up done.

My eyes fell to her bruises on her arm, where my heart again plummeted into next week.

She looked uncomfortable and hugged her shoulders, attempting to hide them, her feet shifting on the ground, and her eyes darting everywhere other than mine.

"Did you, um, want to take my jacket?" I offered as she gave a brief and almost unreadable nod.

I handed it over to her and awkwardly cleared my throat before offering to take her hand.

Hesitantly, she did, and we made our way out towards the car.

We drove for around forty minutes; the whole time, silence burdened the both of us as Y/N merely stared out of the window and watched the road as it flew behind us. Driving at a dangerously fast pace was one of my many not-so-legal talents.

Again, I cleared an uncomfortable lump in the back of my throat, taking my eyes off the road to look at her resting her head against the window.

"It's a nice sunset," I stated blankly and awkwardly, nodding to myself.

"Yeah, I guess," she muttered back at me.

I pressed my lips together and brought my gaze back to the double white line in the middle of the road.

"Were there nice sunsets in Japan?" I asked, scraping the bottom of the barrel for conversational starters.

She just shrugged and continued to face away from me.

"I guess they were nice," she finally answered.

I sighed and pulled the car over swiftly; this got her attention, and her eyes met mine.

"If you don't feel up to this, we can go back; this isn't a business deal or anything like that, so we don't have to go to dinner," I told her, heavily under the impression that this dinner was more like a chore to her, and to be honest, after all she's been through, I wouldn't even be offended that she didn't want to go out.

"You're not doing this for business." Her furrowed brows indicated confusion.

I shifted in my seat uncomfortably.

"Not this time, no," I replied shortly.

"Then why would you take me out to dinner just because you can?" she questioned, emphasizing the 'you' as if I was incapable of doing nice things for people.

"Because," I sighed, now slightly offended, "I actually feel bad for what happened with the Valhalla, and I believe I owe you an explanation at the least." She looked taken aback.

"Yeah, then, I guess we can continue on." She nodded as I pulled back out onto the highway.

I had dug myself a hole, no, a grave, and now I had to explain to her what had happened and why.

That was never easy, and I had never been good at communicating in a positive manner with anyone, no matter what the topic.

Taking a deep breath in, I pulled into a parking lot and looked forward at the restaurant. The crashing waves on the shoreline were my only source of comfort at the moment; tonight I was an open book.

No bodyguards, no Bonten guidelines, nothing.

I was an average man tonight, taking a beautiful girl on somewhat of a date, and I was terrified.

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