chapter 24

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Y/n's POV.

I woke in a small and confined room, the walls compressing me and making me feel caged.

My eyes stuck together, and I blinked furiously to force them open so I could take in my surroundings.

I was underground, in what looked like a sewer, and heavy metal chains bound both my wrists and ankles to a wall.

I could hear the slow dripping of water from above me.

I watched as my breath blew a cloud in front of my face. It was cold here, too cold to be anywhere else.


A cold and terrified shiver ran down my spine as I came to terms with my reality: the chances of me getting out of here alive were next to none, even if I played my cards right.

Normally, I was a strong believer in the fact that, as a woman, I didn't need a man, but in this situation, I did.

I needed Mikey's understanding of the criminal underworld and his knowledge of the different cartels and their whereabouts to help me survive here.

This world was his life; it was my inescapable nightmare.

From outside the heavily bolted metal door, I could hear someone coming, speaking in heavy tones.

Suddenly, from the door, there was a sudden banging and clunking, signaling that the bolts had been removed and someone was coming in.

Three guesses for the fuck who

"Does the pretty little girl like her new room?" The cold and drawling voice of Kisaki rang off the walls of the cell.

My face curled upward into a cringe.

"Or is it too cold in here for your precious little skin? Soft people, scum." He hurled and spat into my tired and worn face.

I shrugged my shoulder upwards to wipe my cheek, absolutely disgusted. I wouldn't even feel bad if I projectile vomited all over this asshole.

"Where the fuck am I?" I hissed through gritted teeth, looking up at his harsh and scarred face.

"Volgograd, in Russia," he said, matching my expression and hissing back at me.

"Stalingrad," I muttered more to myself than to him.

He nodded slightly, letting out a sinister smirk.

"This girl knows her history then," he spoke proudly, "Volgograd or Stalingrad, formally. Named after the greatest leader of this country has ever seen, and the world." I rolled my eyes; I didn't want to go on a political history roller coaster with this guy.

He noticed because his face turned from proud to angry in a split second, eying me off with such hate and disgust that it wasn't even funny.

"You know what this place is, smart little girl?" he mocked me, like a predator does to its prey before it mauls it to pieces.

"Do I want to know?" I rolled my eyes again. Tired and grumpy, I hadn't eaten for hours on end, maybe days. My buttocks were sore from this ground, and I wanted to drag my cramping body back home and to bed.

"This is one of the last remaining famous Gulag camps that operated during the war. However, most of the people in here were NAZI soldiers who had been left behind after the battle of Stalingrad, but I'm sure along the lines there were some others in here as well. And the best part that I'm really looking forward to showing you is right around the corner from your cell here, the torture chambers." I shifted uncomfortably in my seat, my heart rate beginning to rise rapidly and uncontrollably.

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