The Only One || Jungkook

By Lucythor_xoxx

90.9K 3.4K 357

We all have a price, what's yours? *** Pairings: mafia!jk x reader Warnings: smut, violence, mentions and use... More

45 | Epilogue
Thanks, everybody!


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By Lucythor_xoxx

"Doll, you really have no idea who you're messing with. But don't worry, you'll know soon". Those words kept replaying in her head hours after he said them, as she tried to understand what he meant by that. She tried to think about the many possibilities that came to her head, while she fought her own self so she wouldn't end up turning on her seat to look back at him. That deathly look he gave her last time he spoke to her was enough. She didn't need a second check, nor a second turn, to see that glare again.

Her head fell to the side as soon as she fell asleep and lost any type of control over her body, letting Jungkook know she was totally vulnerable -even more.

Snapping his fingers at one of his men, he made him stand up from his place, just to point at Y/n to guide him towards her.

—Put her head in a more comfortable position —he ordered.

Yejun looked at Jungkook confused. That woman wasn't doubting on giving his head to the police, she didn't hesitate to throw him to the dogs, yet his boss was worried about her waking up with a neck ache.

—I still think this will be a bad idea —Yejun finally said—. When Namjoon, or any of the rest know...

—Then they'll have to deal with it —Jungkook interrupted him—. And maybe they'll have to be grateful to her.

He secured a territory and loyalty with barely any effort, even if he knew all of it could jump straight at his face at some point -considering the way that business works. It could only take Pedro to find a weak spot to ruin it all. Too bad he didn't have any weak spots that he could use.

—I just meant...

But one look in his direction, and Yejun already knew there wasn't anything else to discuss regarding that topic. It was a decision that was taken long before they decided to land in Palma -probably long before Jungkook got to even know what was going on with her since he was away.

Without saying another word, Yejun simply nodded and remained his lips sealed for the rest of the flight.

Jungkook also tried to sleep during the flight, and he actually managed to take a nap and rest for two hours, while the remaining time inside the jet was him thinking with his gaze lost in the calmness of the views from the window. Specifically about Yejun's words about the rest of the gang knowing about Y/n.

Everybody seemed to be acting as if his father wasn't the main head of the whole crew, and Jungkook wasn't the one who took control of it as soon as his father died, when he was nineteen. Even if the others were older than him, he was the one who took charge of the business. He didn't care how old Namjoon and Jin were, and how much power they thought they had, he always would be above them for the mere reason that neither of them would be where they were if it hadn't been for his father and him.

One of them trying to lecture him? That thought made him scoff internally, as he thought of the many reasons why he was untouchable. He built all of that himself. And it wasn't like the rest were any better when it came to trying to keep it lowkey. And he remembered how he had to get involved in fights, problems with the police and leaking issues because they kept trusting the wrong people.

He didn't understand why he wanted Y/n, he couldn't understand what was going through his head that made him want to have her only to himself... to the point of cornering her so she would fly to Korea. She was simply his, and that was everything she needed to know and understand.

Jungkook stood up from his place as soon as the jet landed, with confident steps that got everyone's attention until he stopped beside her so he could take the free seat in front of her.

It was funny to him to think that all that calm expression on her face would soon turn into that deathly glare, and tense jaw, that she had before she fell asleep. Also, he found it impressive how she didn't look like herself right now. No makeup on, no wig, not a fake smile, just her face in pure display, succumbing to her own body's inner peace.

Y/n opened her eyes slowly. First finding a blurry figure in front of her, that would slowly turn into Jungkook after the third wink. She sat straight on the jet, eyes never leaving him as she tried to fake some control and confidence. It was all facade, and she was sure he knew it.

—Did you sleep well?

—I would've slept better if an asshole hadn't forced me to get here —she rolled her eyes.

That comment made Jungkook chuckle, and look back at her with a cocky expression. Either she was too dumb, or she had nothing to lose. And, actually, the second seemed to fit more with her -even if she apparently had her family back in Spain.

—Forced is an ugly wording though —he tilted his head—. You violated the contract, and you're dealing with the indemnification for your own choices. I could've done something worse to penalize you.

But instead of talking back, Y/n just moved her eyes away, looking through the window at the many lights from the airport. Confused, she wondered for how long she had slept, and how the hell she even allowed herself to sleep in that condition.

—Should I be thankful? —she raised one of her eyebrows—. I'd love to know what's even worse than this.

—You'd love to know? —he asked, being pushed to his limits because of her, but still trying to remain as calm as possible—. You were given a chance, and still you're acting like you're the one in the right. Last person that violated my trust, ended up without a tongue. So are you sure that you want to know?

But no answer from her.

Y/n gulped thick, too scared to look back at him straight in the eyes after what he said. Of course it didn't surprise her, but the fact that he openly said that to her, with no doubt nor regret in his voice... It for sure was a threat to make her watch her own words, while she kept thinking that being a pain in the ass for him would change a thing for the better for her.

Slightly squinting his eyes, he tilted his head and finally came to an answer for all of her questions and reproaches.

—Is the car ready? —Jungkook asked Yejun, still with his eyes fixed on her.


He didn't talk to her, nor guide her, he simply stood up and started walking towards the door of the jet. Either she'd get off the plane by herself, or one of his men would make her. But he definitely wouldn't waste more energy on arguments with her.

He had pretty clear what he wanted to do, and what would make her stop acting entitled for a while.

One of the men in black approached her. He didn't say a word, he didn't move his hand towards her, a simple look down at her got her knowing what she was to do and where she had to walk next. As she stood up, she felt her legs weaker and shaky, probably going to make her body fall at any point as she made her way outside of the jet.

The light breeze took her body by surprise, after being closed inside that jet for almost a whole day. Although breathing fresh air was something that she was thankful for.

She was guided to the black car that was waiting in front of the stairs. To her surprise, Jungkook was also there. She didn't know why she had the impression that he could leave the place in a different car, and leave her by herself. But probably it was to make sure she wouldn't try to play with her men, the same way she did it back at the airport in Germany.

If she had only been smarter, it could've worked out.

As they drove past the airport, she got completely lost in the sight over the window. Mesmerized by the long bridge, just to be welcomed by the city lights from Seoul almost an hour later. So lost in the tall buildings, the blinding lights and the big streets that she forgot why she was there in that exact moment. She gulped nervously as reality hit her. She indeed was at the other side of the world, with a man that she didn't know, only because she chose to play smart.

Jungkook looked next to him, seeing her eyes shine while being reflected with the lights, while her lips parted slightly as she tried to look at every detail of those buildings he was tired of seeing. And he saw her expression slowly changing as they started getting deeper into the city. He asked Yejun to drive to Gangnam, to one building in concrete just so he'd be able to test her limits. And socialize with other gang families, why not?

She tried to keep control of her own emotions as all those lights disappeared and turned into the depressing lights in a garage.

Jungkook got off the car first, and expected Y/n to do it as well with no fighting nor arguments. And for the first time since he found her again, she did as she was expected, getting out of the car when the door was opened for her.

The environment was too dense in the elevator, almost unbearable for her, while her heart beated with rage against her chest.

She was too absorbed in her own way to calm herself to be aware of what was going on when they left the elevator at the fortieth-something floor. There was something different in the air.

Music was calm and elegant, in combination with the suited men and some well dressed women that kept walking around with glasses on their hands. The place was sophisticated, mostly decorated with white and beige marble, barely any furniture in it, except for a few white long couches and some golden and black statues around the place.

Although her focus was on the big group of people looking at something in particular. She followed Jungkook up close, being able to look at it better, scared to realize all of them were looking at a woman standing in the middle of them all. She was barely wearing anything, only the thin fabric of her pink underwear, while male and female voices chanted things in Korean. And all she could guess was that they were auctioning by the way they kept raising hands one after the other.

Jungkook scoffed when he realized Park Minji got the girl at a fair prize, and probably would expose her as the golden item in her club for a few days -until she got bored of her. Grabbing Y/n's forearm, he started walking towards the pink tinted man that was in charge to present the girls.

—You gonna earn a lot of money with this one —the man assured Jungkook.

Y/n kept fighting Jungkook, trying to let go of his grip as she tried to backtrack on her previous words back in the plane. But he was determined to teach her a lesson. And no pleading would change that.

He threw her in the middle of all those people without looking back, making her fall on her knees as she lost balance.

Her eyes were unable to keep the focus on one person in particular. They kept flying from one to the other, shocked by all those mocking smiles as they kept saying things in Korean. She tried to look for Jungkook in a desperate attempt to make him get her out of there, but he was nowhere to be seen. Her chest felt like closing up at any time, as she kept assuring herself there wasn't a way out at that point.

And maybe it was for the best for him. While he kept hearing the different offers they were giving for her, he kept thinking about the money he'd get, and how she'd stop being his problem. He grinned, thinking how easy it'd be if she weren't his, if that tattoo wasn't on her chest and her body didn't belong to him.

—Choi Sanhyuk —he heard a male voice saying on his back.

His grin suddenly disappeared when he heard his name, and the amount of money he was willing to pay for her.

Yejun tried to stop him, but Jungkook moved faster as he tried to walk in between all those people just so he could get to Y/n. He saw hope in her eyes, and some brightness he had never seen before when her eyes landed on him. And genuinely, she had never felt more relief to see someone in her entire life.

Those were the worst ten minutes of her life.

—She isn't up for sale —he simply said.

A hand on her elbow forced her to get up and walk away from that circle, followed by complaints and grunts -that he genuinely didn't care about. He just wanted to get out of there after getting the reaction he wanted from her.

—You're already leaving? —he heard the masculine voice behind them— Fun was just getting started.

—That's exactly why I'm leaving —Jungkook replied, letting go of her arm slightly as he turned around—. And maybe you should, too. Your daddy must be looking for you.

He made Sanhyuk scoff with that comment, knowing perfectly fine it was a weak spot for him. They both had known each other for quite a long time,always when he tried to do some business with his father, while he just sat around bothering, or being an obstacle for his own father as he tried to get involved in their businesses.

He genuinely thought he was at his level, when actually Sanhyuk was several leagues underneath.

—You didn't even let me pay for her —with both hands in his pockets, he pointed at the girl next to Jungkook.

—She isn't for sale. I said it.

—Then maybe you shouldn't have thrown her in the auction circle —he shrugged, with a sided smile.

—We can backtrack whenever we want —Jungkook replied back—. Keep your money and use it on other people. I'm leaving.

Y/n was hearing the conversation, without understanding a word, as she tried to take some tiny steps behind Jungkook so she could hide behind him. The man he was talking to looked at her at the end of the conversation, offering her a wicked smile before he finally disappeared among the crowd again.

She didn't think of asking who he was, and why Jungkook turned so tense as soon as he saw him. She just wanted to get out of there, even if that meant no exchange of words between them until they got in the car.

—Either you're loyal, or you're dead to me —he harshly said, looking through the window—. I have many options to get rid of you. And trust me, those people up there would make what you did in Mallorca feel like a paradise.

Especially Choi Sanhyuk and his sadistic nature. He wouldn't have hesitated to ruin her awfully if he had the chance, and not in the good sense. She probably wouldn't have made it past that night.

—I'm giving you a second chance, Love —he finally looked at her—. Use it well, because I don't give second choices to anyone.

She nodded, knowing too well she'd need to either be smarter and more cautious with her moves, or simply accept the life she was given. 

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