My Mafias | Yoonjinkook •° [B...

By Amy_709

36.3K 891 229

THIS IS A BROTHERLY FF Idols are not sexually attracted to each other.. It is as pure as me ( joke of the day... More

Guess what?
Happy Army day!!!!!


959 24 3
By Amy_709

It's been a week and now Jungkook's wound is thankfully healed.
Yoongi is fine too so in short everything is fine till now.

Keyword: till now

"Yoongi are you sure you don't wanna come?"
Jin asked Yoongi.

" Nah Hyung you both go I am not 0.0% interested. I rather sleep at home"
Yoongi said with boring look on his face.

"Hyung you should come what will I do there alone. Ik for sure this old man will start talking to people of his age and leave me" Jungkook made a whiny face.

"Sorry Jungkookie and to company you, you have your phone" Yoongi said and before Jungkook could reply he pushed both of them out of the house.

" Go now, enjoy!" Yoongi was about to close the door but Jin stopped him.

"Wait- i have some work for you, I wont let you just lay down like a sloth the whole time" Jin said in a sassy voice.
Yoongi just rolled his eyes and said a lil "go ahead"

"So as I haven't watered my precious garden today , all you have to do is on the garden shower and it will automatically water the plants AND turn it off in 20- 30 min. Don't let it be on for an hour or 2 or else my lil babies will die. Understood?"
Jin said dramatically.

"K fine! Now go" Yoongi finally closed the door.

Well Jin and Jungkook are going to a buisness party and yes in afternoon. It doesn't matter uk it just a ff. So back to the main topic, Yoongi isn't at all interested to interact with any of the those people so he is sending Jungkook instead. Yeah this all till now! Bye..

"Let's get over Hyung 's work first then I can chillax" He said and with lots of efforts he finally started the garden shower.
( Idk what it's called so for now we will call it garden shower)

"What should I do now? I don't really have any office work for now. Umm yes! Let's read a book for the time being"
He said and grabbed a book from Jin's shelf.
But our lil yoonie did not know that book and him can never match with each other and after 1 or 2 chps he dozed off.
Totally forgetting about the Jin's lil babies...

After 3 hours..
(Ok it's possible not only for Yoongi but for me too i also sleep for 3 hours straight)

The garden shower was still on and the whole was muddy.
And Yoongi's bad Jin and Jungkook has returned.

" Ugh! It was so boring!" Jungkook said while making faces.

"Wait- gguk can you smell something muddy?" Jin said trying to inhale the smell.

"Hyung it's coming from the garden ig" Jungkook said as Jin rushed to the garden.
The garden shower was on and a sleeping Yoongi was found.

Yoongi suddenly got up and saw here and there to see where the voice was coming from.
He saw furiousJin standing near the pool area.
He remembered about the plants and quickly went and turned the garden shower off.

" Kimm freaking Yoongi!! You come here"

"Nah Hyung if I come you will definitely not gonna leave me"

" I swear if I wasn't wearing this suit i would have dragged you by your ears"

"Hehe but now you cannot!" Yoongi teased Jin, which added fuel to the fire.
Jungkook who was enjoying the olders bickering but soon was called by Jin.

"Jungkook go bring him! Go!"

" No Hyung just like you I am also wearing a suit"
Jin took a deep breath and tried to calm a bit.

" Yoongi come here! I promise I won't beat you"

"Promise? You can't beat me after promise remember"

" Yes promise now come"
Yoongi came all way crossing the mud.

He was looking like he was jumping like Peppa pig in the muddy puddles and came.

"Ugh! Now go and change. I want you down in 20 mins. Did you hear me?"

"Yep Hyung" Yoongi quickly ran while Jin also went to have a peaceful shower.

"Ig I should make some popcorns. It's going to be fun seeing Yoongi Hyung getting scolded and punished by Jin Hyung" He also went to prepare his popcorns.
After 20 mins..
"Would like to explain yourself?" Jin asked Yoongi but he just shook his head. He actually did not have anything to explain as it was his fault for sure.

"As you are a grown up now I won't be spanking you or something like that BUT you will get punishment for sure"
Jin said and Yoongi pouted.

"Your punishment is....
You will first clean my garden, I want it as it was when I left AND as you have already slept you will not sleep tonight and clean the store room and complete these files too" Jin said and gave Yoongi the files and left.

"Hyung just hit the right point" Jungkook mumbled to himself and was about to go but thought to tease Yoongi a lil.

"Ugh! So tired now I will go and SLEEP on my bed. So comfy" He said emphasizing the word 'sleep'.

Yoongi just showed him his middle finger and pushed him off.

" If you can't help them just piss off. No need to tease me"
Yoongi said with an annoyed expression plastered on his face and quickly went to start his work.

Jungkook just giggled and went to sleep.

So as my school is going to start within 8 hours I mean at 5 am.  Basically I won't be able to upload daily ig.
But I will try my best.
If I have a free study schedule I will upload daily or else 4 chp a week.

Hope you understand me and hope you like this!

(I haven't reread this so maybe there might be spelling mistakes or something like that, please let it slide I will reread it after packing my school bag...)

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