Cariño (Miguel O'Hara x Reade...

By DNBread

608 15 3

2 weeks ago, you slept with a "variant" of Miguel O'Hara in universe 2785. 2 weeks ago, Miguel O'Hara slept w... More


2 Weeks Ago...

216 6 2
By DNBread

2 Weeks Ago. Universe 2785.

"Hey!" You call out to Peter, giving him a hug when you're finally on the ground. You can't see his face because of the mask, and you're already out of your gear.

"Y/N! Thank you for the help, couldn't have stopped him if it wasn't for your great moves back there. Jess is putting him back in his universe now."

You look up to the skyline and see the portal gone from the spot you had planted it at and the trap that the villain had fallen into. You were glad you all had been able to pull of the plan quickly, glad that everything was back to normal.

"It's no big deal, I'm glad everyone is safe." you say, smiling softly to him.

You were in New York City, a city that never sleeps; even in universe 2785, it's a hectic city. More than hectic. You and Peter had been swinging through the towering skyscrapers, navigating the intricate web of its streets above the bustling traffic of rush hour to take down your foe.

Multiversal "mistakes" had been popping up all over the place at an alarming rate, and your mission was to help the Peter Parker of universe 2785 take down The Vulture, the threat that soared above the city's skyline. You had succeeded in remaining as hidden as possible in this endeavour, and had completed it thoroughly with little to no mistakes. Jessica Drew had given you the mission, and seemed eager for you to go to this universe in particular; saying she had a "knack" for knowing where you'd succeed most in. You liked her a lot, she was easy on you, like a mentor type figure, and even backed you up when you got into disagreements with your boss.

Yeah, your boss; Miguel O'Hara. The guy was a real piece of work, as irritable as an allergy and as stoic as they get; but also one of your closest and dearest companions. You more than admired the guy, that was a given, and you thought you hid your madly out of control feelings for him pretty well, even though it was obvious to everyone around you how you felt about him, excluding the very man himself, who you assumed had his face in too much of his work pile to even notice your feelings.

During the mission, and several before this, you had almost lost yourself in inappropriate thoughts of your very own boss. It had led to mistakes and miscalculations that caught Miguel's attention and piqued his temper more often than you wanted. Today, you tried to push these thoughts aside and focus . With his advanced flight suit made out of twigs and branches and razor-sharp wings made out of large thorns, this particular menace posed a strange and unique danger to the city and the multiverse itself.

Luckily, with your joint acrobatic finesse, spider-like reflexes, and ingenious web-slinging abilities, you both were able to succeed. Bonus was that you stayed out of sight as much as possible, your suit blending in with the surrounding environment so that the threat was neutralized safely, and Peter got all the praise he deserved. Though you loved going on missions with Peter, your heart missed every moment you were away from the one it desired the absolute most; you longed for Miguel, just to be around him was soothing. It was getting so out of control, the thoughts had nearly gotten you to mess up many times recently, and you were almost managing to delude yourself into thinking there were a reality out there for the both of you to be together in. You knew the thoughts had to stop, you didn't want them to, but they were making your life more difficult and depressing than it needed to be.

Parker hijacks your train of thought by switching it onto another line, "Hey listen, they're talking about throwing a big celebration party down at Stantley's later, you know the bar by your apartment? You're welcome to stick around and join there. It's in the same spot in this universe."

You thought about it, you'd stayed in Parker's apartment above the bar when you needed to recharge, but had never gone downstairs into the establishment. Back home, you did like the place, and you'd never really stuck around for fun too much in universes after you'd completed missions. But now, your gut was telling you that it'd be interesting to stick around and see how different things were compared to home. On the contrary, you had been cautioned against going into familiar territory, bumping into your multiverse self could be dangerous.

You voice this concern to him, "I'd love to but... won't I bump into myself?"

Peter shakes his head, "I get your worry, but I really doubt you will. Your counterpart is at a conference today, they're miles away."

That was all the reassurance you really needed.

"Well, I guess I can for a bit, so long as the boss doesn't catch me fucking around too much"

" Oh, I'm sure he won't". You can't see Peter's face at all, but you're more than sure you can hear him grinning like an idiot under his mask. You're confused as hell about if he's planning something or choosing just to mess with you, but you shrug it off as nothing.

Soon, you arrive at Stanley's, and it's exactly the same.

You get to the door, and the bouncer is the same guy.

You greet him, but unlike at home, he doesn't give you his usual recognisable look or smile; he hadn't a clue who you were.

Great, no confusion so far!

You get into the party, and it's civil in every way, really civil. It's weird for this place; it's usually wild and out of control, drinks being thrown everywhere and music blaring as loud as an orchestra, but here it's nothing like that. Everything is the same though, just as trippy. People look happy talking to one another, it's more of a get together than anything, which is sweet since it's a nice way to congratulate your friend after his success. You smile, seeing him happy out of disguise acting like a big super fan for himself was adorable. You are about to go over to say hi, when you catch a glimpse of someone walking past. Someone you would recognize anywhere at any time and any place. It's him. Your boss. At least, it's his counterpart in this universe.

Or so you think.

"Hey!" you reach out and stop him. Miguel turns around, and he looks exactly the fucking same. You're shocked, in most universes people look completely different, but here he was the same, looks wise at least. Broad shouldered, thick dark curls and deep oak eyes with an ocean of genius and effortless spark coating them. He looks handsome out of his suit, you've seen him before like this so many times, yet for some reason it hits you more than it has before. You feel your cheeks light up, Even in this universe, I wanna be his just as much.

He looks more than surprised to see you, his eyes widening and his mouth hanging slightly agape.

Crap, he most know me in this universe you think, realising you must have fucked up.

"I didn't... expect to see you-"

"Y/N hey!!" Peter calls over, approaching the both of you, who are totally lost by the presence of one another in a place like this, but for totally different reasons so you think.

"Hey Pete, are you okay?" You ask, trying to shake off any weird feeling or moment you just had.

"Right as rain. Oh, I see you've bumped into our boss, Officer Miguel O'Hara. Chief of Police"

"I am?" Miguel asks, looking more confused than ever, like a lost sheep looking for his shepherd.

"Yes! God how much have you had? You're the chief of police. We both work for you?"

"Uh yeah... hey sir, how are you?" you grit, trying to add more confidence into your tone, trying to not get exposed for the fact you had never met this guy's counterpart.

In reality, Miguel was attempting with all his might to do the exact same. He couldn't fathom that he was talking to you with no boundaries, pressure or in totally otherwise normal circumstances, and it totally freaked him out.

"I'm... okay" he says, an uneasy smile showing on his face, though clearly meaning indifferent.

Peter smiles too, knowing too well that something is up. He knew exactly what was going on, just loved the drama and mischief of it all, very typical of his character in this universe.

"Well, I'll leave you both to catch up. I'm sure you'll have a lot to say O'Hara"

"Parker when you get back to HQ I am going to-"

He's already gone. Miguel sighs and you smile. Even in this universe, he must be just as stressed about work. Maybe it was a canon theme for him, just always trying to keep on top of everyone and everything, though here he looked a bit like a blind man navigating the world without his dog.

"So... how's work?" you ask, smiling, trying to get more information about yourself to run with this bit of you being from this universe. He won't give it to you though, he still looks uneasy, like he's guilty of doing something he absolutely shouldn't be.

"I don't think I can... The thing is I..." His sentences end quicker than they start. He's really struggling to talk to you. Why ? You wonder what must have happened between you and himself to make him this reclusive.

"Sir, is something wrong?"

He looks away, flustered. "Don't call me that. You don't need to"

"Hey, did something happen at work? Is everything okay?". You're trying to sell this, getting into your role as your own counterpart, perhaps overdoing it but it's not like you knew yourself here.

"No it's just..." He scratches his neck awkwardly and scans you all over again from head to toe, wondering how on earth you looked just as beautiful here than you did every day he saw you. Miguel stares for a second and you can't help but stare back, almost flattered that he's paying so much attention to you right now. He takes a deep breath, collects himself and in the politest manner and delivery you've ever seen explains, "I don't think I can talk... to you here... I'm sorry. "He takes one more look at you and then quickly walks away.


You couldn't be more lost if you were coins down the back of an old couch, except here you knew from his face that something wasn't right; something was happening, a loose end that needed to be tied, perhaps?

You feel your gut telling you to follow him and just check up on him, you'd do it anyway so why not here? You wanna make sure he's actually alright and not spooked out by something traumatic or troubling. Also, you wanted your counterpart to keep her job after all. You follow him out of the main room, squeezing past the Spider-Man fangirls and creepy straight men eyeing you from the bar, and follow up the stairs he walks up.

At the top of the stairs is a way leading to the balcony on the back of the bar, whilst the other leads to Peter's apartment, which you have a key for since you would sometimes stay in his guest room to recharge. You follow Miguel out onto the balcony and see him alone there, expressionlessly leaning on the bars, watching over the city and it's traffic slowly dying down as the sun falls below the buildings. It's a cosy type of breeze the universe has chosen today, almost intentionally setting the scene up for a heart to heart. You pause and just look at him, watching out over a city compared to the whole multiverse feels so gentle to you, he feels human and genuine. That's what you want for him after all, for him to just feel at peace.

You approach him with caution as to not startle him, and talk slowly and appropriately.

"Hey, just... Please talk to me... can you talk to me here? Is this work stuff, sir?"

His face now appears scrambled, "I told you not to call me that".

You nod, "Right, sure, but Miguel... if there's something wrong, you know you can talk to me, right? I've said it to you countless times haven't I?". You almost forget yourself, bridging into conversations or things you're not sure you've told him in this universe. Would what I mean even apply? Is he listening? Nevertheless, it was still such a similar variant that you couldn't help but feel like things were exactly the same here. It's like your senses told you that what you were saying was alright, and that it wouldn't matter what you said here.

You think your power here is astronomical, you can say anything to him without any consequences, yet it feeling the exact same, a great advantage for you given your current situation. He lets out an exasperated sigh and turns to you, still looking at you confused, looking at you like you're the things that both confuse his brain and also soothe his mind too. He's caught in a stalemate of his own messed up feelings in the chessboard of chaos.

"Do you know how confusing this is? I mean... I see you at HQ everyday, I talk to you all the time, visit you and spend my time being with you, but in this place? I don't even know what to think."

You tilt your head, "The... bar?"

"Just... this place..."

You haven't got a clue what he was talking about, but he seemed concerned, but you related in some capacity. You saw him everyday, but wanted more than that. You'd give anything to wake up next to him, walk around and hold hands like normal people do, but you just can't, the universe couldn't let you do that. No universe could handle 2 spider people together in one forever, it would always leave another universe open for ultimate disaster.

"You know, I understand..." You say, leaning against the balcony and looking across the street. The sun was beginning to hide behind the buildings, not before lighting up the streets with a beautiful golden glow for miles around. You relish in the last few minutes of warm breeze for the day, and close your eyes

"We are... together at work, but... it's complicated if we spend an extended amount of time together beyond that... in other places... right?"

His brows raise, "You read my mind. At work it's fine, but I don't want things... to fall apart, even if I want to. Even if I would risk everything for it.". Your heart aches for him, being with him in this universe would be simple, since it's clear that he cares for you here. You imagine that your counterpart feels the same for him, you imagine that things will work out. You should leave, let him tell her all of this, it isn't fair. But you just can't, it feels so raw , it feels like when he's talking to you, he actually means you and not your variant.

You wish it were really him, you wish it was his words you were hearing, but even though it wasn't all him, it was still his voice, the thoughts, the looks; they all match perfectly, and you didn't want him any less.

"Can't we try?" Your voice squeaks out, getting ahead of yourself, disregarding any rules of morals. You wanted him, just once, just once you wanted to have him, and afterwards, you'd let go. You had to.

Miguel looks at you, like what you said to him touched him beyond anything he's ever imagined.

"Y/N... you just don't understand, I just can't let myself get carried away-"

"You're not." You said quickly, grabbing his hand and smiling at him. "You know I feel the same way, haven't you ever noticed how I look at you? The way I invite you places hoping to connect more with you? Invite you to my place to-"

You stop yourself. I'm pushing it, you acknowledge, realising you're mixing up feelings too much to handle, but still it seems to apply, since he seems intrigued.

"I thought you would have noticed me by now..." he mutters, a light tint spawning across his face.

"The amount of times I wanted you to stay at my place, I wanted you to be mine, I want you to be mine . But it can't... it can't happen."

You swallow, the conflict in his tone sounds so genuine, and you know it's so real for him as much as you.

"The thoughts of you have been really... affecting my work" You say lightly, attempting to level with him to put him at ease. He locks eyes with you, and it's like your minds are mirrors, reflecting the same destiny and process. "Mine too... but this can't be a thing. This can't happen, if we're together beyond HQ then-"

"It doesn't have to be forever." You promise.

"Just for tonight..." you whisper, deeply staring into his shadowy eyes, almost losing yourself in the process.


"Won't that be enough? Enough for us to both... move on?" You suggest, pressing up against his arm and moving him away from the edge of the balcony.

He tilts his head and looks away "I'm not sure if this is allowed. This is morally grey considering our... working relationship". You shake your head,

"Then you should use tonight to get it all out, then we'll both move on from the chance of things falling apart."

Miguel pauses, considering your proposition, but he knows tonight won't be enough. It absolutely won't, his head is too far over his heels for tonight to be "enough". Still, it was his only chance to regain focus, to move on like you said and to try and get it all out. He looks around, completely quiet. He looks down to the town and sees Parker going into town with some friends, clocking that he'll be out late. He then looks to the door of the apartment, and back then at you, looking into his soul with pleading eyes, desperation clouding both your senses.

"So what do you-"

"Y/N..." He leans in slowly, closing the gap between the pair of you and you don't dare to move. His face is closer, and you blindly await his actions.

Pressing his lips to yours was something far beyond comprehension. Like ACTUAL comprehension.

He was kissing you. REALLY kissing you.

This isn't a dream right? Some weirdly immersive dream, like a simulation? As much as you were expecting to wake up, you didn't. This was real.

You didn't care that it wasn't all him, it felt like him, for just one night it had to be enough.

He cupped your jaw gently in the palm of his hands to rotate it correctly to kiss you in the way he wanted to. You knew he'd clearly been thinking about this, it was in the way he held you and everything. Did he have a plan? Did he plan to kiss you? Or was this an impulse?

Regardless of his planning, he clearly didn't expect your grip to tighten around his arm as you gave more into it. You felt yourself whine slightly at the harsher contact as he moved his hand to your hip, making you surprised at the contact, especially since he lets his fingers dig into your hip in determination to keep you in the perfect position, all for him.

"Fuck..." he breathes, gripping you harder, hearing your quickened breathing in response.

You're focusing on your breathing, but also on revoking the temptation to open your eyes. God, you wanted this guy so badly, you'd thought about it a lot, not planned anything of course, not since it was clear you couldn't. But damn did you think about it a lot; you wanted him to know that you did. He pulls away slowly, but reluctantly.

You blush and your whole world freezes. You can't believe it, he's actually given in. The man you expected to hold himself back from this kind of thing, to never expect to give into bargaining or temptation has completely cast it aside.

His aura has changed, like he's become clearer and focussed on getting what he wants, you.

"Just for tonight."

You enter the apartment slowly without another word. You can feel his gaze on you the whole time, even when you're not even looking his way. He then takes you into the guest bedroom, and you realize how strange it that you both come here often enough to have a key. But in your lust, you ignore the suspiciousness of the coincidences. The room is dark, the fading light from outside barely lighting the dim room.

"I should be satisfied with our working relationship... Should be happy I get to see you every day..." he says, closing the door and turning to you. He gets closer, and you don't move, you just stay stuck in place, gazing up at his every move

"But... I want more. Fuck , I want way more than I should".

Your hand moves to his chest whilst another moves to his face, working out already where this situation is headed. He's completely given in, and your senses focus on his rapid heart rate, his body quivering and his lust filled eyes. You're already in heat for him, feeling the cravings of him swarming back to you already.

"Tell me what you want, Miguel. Tell me things you want to do. You can't understand how much I need to know..." You're trembling, seeing him get progressively more needy for things out and in his reach is getting to you, making you want to remind him of what he has and why it's perfect.

There's no limit here, you don't care about what you say or what he does, you just need this night to last forever, to make it all happen. He's the same, only it's so much worse for him since his senses are more powerful than yours.

"I want to look into your eyes whilst I fuck you senseless, is that too much to ask?"


You go red, warm and completely frozen, like you've been put into ice but also the hottest oven in hell at the same time, about to suffer the biggest case of mental hypothermia of all eternity.

Needless to say, you almost lose your cool, your sense and your wits. Miguel he can definitely tell, since he's looking at the way your hand is trembling on his face and how you've frozen under his stature, the way that your breathing becomes unsteady also confirming that he's caused you to go feral. It has gone from 0 to 100 far too quickly, which you're not complaining about one bit. You'd love it if you could have a clear mind to think of a clever response, but your need for him to do what he said he wants to do is overpowering your desire to correctly form sentences let alone thoughts.

"Then fuck me senseless, right here, right now, and don't stop until you're satisfied." you plead, your breath and his becoming desperate; your brain scattering the moment Miguel pulls his next move.

You asking for him to fuck you was all the conformation he needed. His hesitation scatters and without questioning or any further confirmation, he practically rips forward, going straight to your face, kissing you desperately, as if he's a man who's been starved of oxygen. The feeling is electric, and its taste is addictive. It's like an instant buzz, the feeling of getting what you have been after for so long is unlike any other. It feels like he wants this just as much as yourself, if not so much more. You can do anything here, tell him anything and do anything and then escape and pretend it never happened, it was all perfect, nothing could come up again.

It's fucking perfect, yet tragic at the same time.

You try to keep up with the strength of his mouth, yet it's so insanely overpowering of your own, proving to you how much of an oath keeper he is, taking your request literally. He lets go of you, you're catching your breath and practically tearing your own clothes off you, your shirt hitting the floor and his hands retreating straight to your tits, cupping them hard as he kisses you, which has you stumbling and slouching against the wall that he's pushed you to. You let out a loud gasp as he falls onto your mouth again, letting his hands slip you out of your trousers whilst you blindly navigate your hands to get him out of his. He's managed to get himself out of his clothes well enough to be able to press his dick up against you for you to feel it between your legs already. You think he's going to fuck you against the wall of the apartment, senselessly take whatever he wants from you, but that's not what he does one bit, instead his force on you brings you downwards, your back to the bed and your head facing upwards, your eyes struggling to see with the darkness of the room, whilst your other senses become far more powerful.

His hands pin your arms back firmly against the mattress and he kisses your neck roughly. You enjoy the feeling of being completely at his will here, complimented by the fact that he wants you just as badly as you want him.

"You don't know... how badly I've wanted this." you say breathlessly.

He looks up and he crawls desperately on top of you, towering over you as if claiming you're his, "I can sense it, you can't hide anything from me here." His dick pressed up against your entrance, and he smirks feeling how wet he's made you in such short time. He pauses just to admire how good you look under him. You're embarrassed at how exposed you are right now, paranoid that he might not want you all of a sudden, and you look away in pure embarrassment.

A hand leaves your arm, and to your chin, tilting it back to the centre to face him once again,

"I meant what I said before. Don't hide yourself from me now."

You nod and smile at him gently, receiving the same one back and another kiss from him as he slides his dick through you slowly, and then inside you quickly, in a desperate attempt at getting more and more than what he had. He usually would be patient, let you both build yourselves up and take you after, but he's so overwhelmed with his lust that any reason or thought stays far away from him.

"Agh!" You let out a cry, hearing him grunt as he slides through you, your cunt tightening desperately around him as he pushes deeply inside of you. He doesn't bother going back to kiss you, not that you mind, he simply takes what he needs from you this time, disregarding any and all aspects of himself that could hint to this being forbidden. "Holy shit-" he grunts, feeling your hands retreat to hold his back, nails digging into it due to the shock of his impact on you.

You suppose he wants to work you up more, because he's clearly unsatisfied with the current situation. He wants to fuck you deeper and harder, that's what he said, to make it harder for you to take him. It's sadistic, but he wants you to struggle, he wants to hear you whine whilst you needlessly take him. He's frustrated, he knows this is the only time he can fuck you, so he has to let out nearly a year's worth of pure lust for you.

"Eyes on me, sweetheart." He commands when your eyes begin to drift elsewhere.

You're already loud under him, every noise you make speeding up his heart rate and breaths significantly, so you don't hold back a single bit. You want him to feel good, want him to regret limiting this to one night. You can't stand it, becoming quickly overstimulated, needing to get some more feeling from the present. You move your hands from his back to your own clit, your legs spreading more around him as you rub yourself slowly as his dick slams into you. It feels rough, but a good kind, your cunt only tightening with each movement of your own hand on your clit and each thrust Miguel works into you. Your palms become sweaty, your clit swelling as your legs start to shake uncontrollably.

You're both breathless and wordless, your mouth gaping open and your eyes screwed shut as your hands work themselves. He realizes you're about to cum, you haven't told him yet since you can't stop yourself, he's making you feel so good, and him fucking you relentlessly isn't helping. He stops his movement's completely, having you slow your own touches down, confused as hell as to why he's stopped. His mouth moves to dominate your own once more, his cock still firm inside you, pushing far back and slowly, causing a simultaneous groan between the pair of you as he lets you feel him completely, having you realize just how good he was making you feel.

You let out small gasps as you feel the build up almost take over once again as your hands match his slow pace. He slaps the back of your thigh, pressing into you hard again, hearing as you let out a loud gasp.

"Stop it, don't get too ahead of yourself". he growls.

"I want to so fucking bad, please let me" you beg as he taps your thigh again, grunting and picking you up, you feel weightless as you're taken off the ground.

"If you're gonna cum it's gonna be my doing, not yours" he says as he takes you into his lap, taking a hold of your two arms as you open your eyes to manoeuvre yourself backwards. You're facing away from him, slowly on top of him as you hear him desperately pull you back and have you move slightly.

"You think you have control here?" he says almost in whispers, your head looking down to look at his hard cock slowly entering you again.

"Fuck!" You sigh out watching as you struggle more to take him from this angle. He hits up into you slowly, hearing you struggle and twitch under his control, knowing you're about to finish any second.

"If this is just for tonight, I want it perfect. I want full control ". His hand moves to your swollen cunt, vigorously playing with your clit quickly as his dick remains solidly deep inside you, your moans causing him to throb as your cunt tightens

"I.. can't hold it..I-" you throw your head backwards, mouth gaping open as he pounds into you, your legs spreading wider, struggling to stay still as his fingers completely finish you off, you cum hard around him, your legs almost giving out completely as you feel wet all around his shaft.

You slowly push yourself down his cock before he can continue, but his hands move back to your arms to pull you back into place as he speeds up, hitting into you and groaning loudly.

"Dios mio, cariño, you're fucking perfect." he purrs.

Holy. Fuck . For some reason, his native tongue really does it for you, falls off his tongue perfectly and gets you feeling perfect.

Once again, his words leave you mindless, left only with a red face, and a heart outrunning an athlete. You lean against his shoulder, looking back as his pace slows; all he can do is stare at you. Your intertwined breaths, racing heartbeats and movements intertwine, and his shoulders tense.

"You just... fuck... look so good taking me- you're doing so well " Miguel praises. He's under your spell, in a brief haze, letting you have your chance of control with just your eyes. You slowly slide up and down his length, your hands holding his that hold you. Your eyes widening briefly at the quickening of his pace, though your gaze is fixed on his eyes staring back into your mindless ones, watching your every movement.

His deep groans, whines and short breaths totally contradict that coldness that he would usually show. This Miguel was certainly very alike your Miguel, too similar almost. You almost wanted to ask if it was him, ask if he would really risk shattering a universe just to fuck you in it.

"I'm yours... I wanna be nothing else, j-just yours, Miguel... You know it's what I want." you whine pathetically. You'd pinch yourself if you ever said that in any other context, hide under a rock and boil yourself alive from the cringe you'd feel, yet you aren't letting yourself feel anything other than the power trip feeling that riding him slowly gives you.

Like a dead man, his breathing completely stops. Everything fucking stops. His head slumps forward upon recognizing his name, like a dog to a whistle, like he likes it a whole lot. It's weird, but you haven't a clue if it's crossing boundaries or not, regardless of everything that has come before. You panic. Fuck. Is that overstepping your already stretched boundaries? Fuck, is he mad? Was he panicking? Was he-

"A-Again..." Miguel pants.

Is there a hint of emotion to his tone? Shock maybe? Something? Anything?


"Fucking... say it again, sweetheart. Say my name".

It almost sounds like a threat.

"Your... your name?" You question sheepishly, looking to him for the answer though he's already given you one. His calloused hands somehow get much firmer on your exhausted hip as he lets out a sigh, pulling you forward quickly, your eyes inches away from his lips, dick angled much deeper down your overworked cunt.

"Say it.... say my fucking name."

Sounds like a good threat, even if he does sound annoyed at your delayed understanding.

Your soften your eyes, word and wind tightens in your throat due the tight angle, yet his name slips out of your throat. And fuck it sounds desperate. "Miguel", the name it parts from your mouth in a hot, needy breath and utterly coats his mind. You barely have time to relish in the relief that getting permission to moan his name gives you, since he immediately revolts forward, shifting you backwards, your back hitting the blanket as you now writhe under him. His right hand remains firm on your hip as he pushes you forward, left arm locking around your stomach and bringing you onto your knees. You face forward looking out at the dark hull of the room, breathlessly panting and desperate for him. The clothes that are still on the bed are carelessly tossed to the side as his attention remains solely on fucking you.

"Stay still, cariño... "

And oh does he fuck you.

The underside of your thighs press up tightly against his own as he enters you, leaving no time for readjusting in the new position, only allowing his own desperate, fast, hard thrusts to echo through the silent room. His hands both dart back onto fully supporting your hips, thighs harshly slapping against your own as he fucks you.

"Miguel... fuck..." You mewl, gripping onto the blanket, slamming your eyes closed in your hazy stupor as he fucks you through your own climax again. The sound of your wetness completely coating him is subsided with both of your intertwined groans, and you swear you feel his dick twitch inside you when he rides through your release. He shows now sign of stopping, only speeding up his thrusts, getting you to whimper louder for him. You can't move yourself, he's hitting a perfect spot inside of you which makes you cum quicker than you ever have before, though he hardly lets you feel it since he just uses your wetness and ecstasy to fuck you faster, keeping you at the peak of his and your ecstasy. You ramble absolutely gibberish as he grips onto the back of your hair, tying it in a fist with one hand whilst the other still grips your hip.

"You know how badly I want this? Mierda, even after I'm done... I'll want it more... I'll come back more, and more just to fuck you" he splutters out, hands gripping tightly to your hair as if he was controlling you like a puppet on a string.

"I... I want that too..." you reply brokenly, feeling his hands sink down and cover yours as he fucks you deeper.

"That's good. Nothing could keep me away."

Fucking hell, he's got stamina . More than you'd ever imagined, though you were surprised given that this "variant" wasn't inhuman, he was supposed to be like any man you'd ever met or slept with, but he just wasn't. The way he fucked you with measuring pace and hard speed was the inhuman part of it all.

But he's definitely reaching his limit, his groans becoming deeper and his pace becoming a little sloppy.

"I'm gonna fucking cum... sweetheart... Are you ready to take it?" He interrogates desperately, questioning you as if you're one of his foes or some kind of outlaw. You nod as much as you're allowed to with your neck being locked in place and your hair being yanked harder. You screw your eyes shut, helplessly begging for him to finish.

In the moment, you absolutely don't care about the consequences, nor if the universe breaks apart, the way you're feeling could never be replicated. You knew you couldn't have this, how would you explain if Miguel happened to be watching you at this exact moment? But you don't care, his pace becoming completely unrhythmic at the sound of you begging makes his hands retreats to your waist once again, pulling you tightly on his last lap.

"Shit... shit shit-". You've pushed him to his absolute limit, even he can no longer stand to keep going, though he doesn't want this to end. He forces his way to the back of your cunt and releases inside of you, breathing out heavily as he does. He's just as, if not much more vocal upon cumming than before. He lets himself remain inside of you whilst you both catch your breath. His right hand reaches your hair and combs through it gently after this. Your legs shake hard at the aftershock of your combined orgasms and he continually thrusts slowly and lazily in and out of you, hands soft on your overworked hips.

It takes a minute of him just holding you this way before he pulls himself out of you and sits back on his heels as you practically collapse onto the bed on your front. Fuck , you're completely spent, he's worn you out, and all you wanna do is crash and lull until someone finally notices that you've been missing and calls you back go HQ.

You get the feeling he's looking at you, so you look back and catch his gaze. You think he's probably wondering why the hell you're so breathless after he's just destroyed your legs, but he's not. He's admiring how beautiful you are, how this was everything he's craved for months, how crazy he had been to even do such a thing as this, but there's no way he can tell you.

All you are met with is a warm relieving hand, his own hands, interlocking with your own. You sit up and turn to face his direction. You should be used to it, damnit you should be grateful you get to have him at all. You ARE grateful, you've accepted it that this isn't him . You're happy, yet why do you always seem to want more?

He must've realised that you're hurt since he takes hold of your hand and guides you through the darkness and into his arms in the bed. You sit next to him, facing forward at first before his arms wrap around you and pull you tight to his chest, lips touching your own. It's like a trick you think, whenever he kisses you, you start feeling better, like it doesn't matter that he's not him . You kiss him back tenderly, lips trembling when you push past feelings of significant sadness. You wouldn't let anything interrupt this moment with him, those questions, those queries would have to wait. Hell, the world could wait for now.

Miguel breaks off the kiss and holds your face in his hands

"You are... everything and more to me, understand?"

When you say it like that, it almost feels real.

You get the feeling that he's looking at exactly where your eyes are right now, so you look back blindly to where you think they are as you tearfully listen to his reassurance through the darkness of the room, and you nod in your own understanding, feeling like words won't generate in your mind even if you tried. "Good," he affirms, planting a kiss on the top of your head and laying back in bed, cuddling up with you, your mind drifting into a soft state of sleep, retreating in your dreams into a universe where this is possible. Would it ever be?

2 weeks time, anything was possible. 

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