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As the sun begins to set over the bustling cityscape, casting long shadows across the towering skyscrapers, you feel a tingling sensation coursing through your veins. Your heart races, and an inexplicable surge of adrenaline overwhelms you. You glance around, but there is no one else in sight. It's as if the world has faded into a distant backdrop, leaving only you at its center.

You and him that is.

It's always him; he's gotta be there. He's taken a liking to you ever since you got bitten by that spider a few months ago. The changes were immediate, and they were noticeable, even to multiversal overseers. And how could your stupendous abilities escape the eyes of one Miguel O'hara himself? Half spider, half man, half... vampire? You weren't too sure, yet you knew you connected to him. Your abilities were similar, yet you could not have been astronomically any more different. He was buff alright; shoulders broad, abs that looked as if he were an olympian. Effortlessly handsome, gorgeous deep brown eyes and tan skin, basically perfect in almost every single capacity. Almost...

His tempter. His fucking temper. He couldn't keep control of himself fo save his life. Miguel was orderly and he knew it, of course that's how he had to be, keeping the multiverse together meant neglecting keeping himself in check. You had been skeptical to befriend him, and he was no less cold than you thought when you had first interacted, but you understood that what he needed more than people like him was somebody that he could call his actual friend. A good friend to just look out for him, and you were by all means extraordinary, above and beyond for this lost man, even from the start. He too was hesitant, didn't want to let down his cold walls, but in a given time, he warmed up to you, let you hang around him and willingly brought you on missions.

He was a busy man, never without a free moment ever since his universe had collapsed years ago. You couldn't imagine what it had been like for him feeling as if no universe wanted him.

But, you tried your best to understand, gave him a universe to crash in, and a place to call home.

After a long day catching and returning a variant of The Vulture made from leaves, twigs and branches, you offer for him to come to yours for a bit. Much to your delight, although with his forced reluctance, he sighs and agrees.

It's the evening time when you get into your apartment, though you're surprised it's still slightly light with how long it took for you to get to the top floor. You always wished you could climb your way up, though you'd probably have a hard time explaining that one to passerbys. Miguel offers to carry you after your constant whining, and the offer is almost way too tempting.

You and Miguel enter your apartment, he's been here before, it's small, but it's cozy enough that it's a great place to live. You shut the door and put the takeaway bag labeled "MJ" on the table.

"MJ, you left yet?" you call out into the void, aka her bedroom door. Your roommate Mary Jane should have left for the hospital shift by now, that was unless she was running late. She's always been a caring girl, pretty and carefree, the typical 'girl next door' friend that everybody kind of wishes they had. You've known her since childhood, grew up and graduated together, and since her father passed away, you've lived together ever since. The poor girl should have been sad, she had every right to blame you for his death given that you couldn't save him in time, but MJ wouldn't even dream of it. Living together with her was for the most part completely blissful, she totally knew and supported your new 'superhero' role you had to play, and even met some of your multiversal friends from time to time. She'd heard of Miguel since you constantly went on about him, his missions, responsibilities, his temper, she knew just about everything just from your details.

Actually, she knew far too many details.
You accidentally spilled a few too many of your thoughts about him after a few glasses of wine to her, and she hadn't let it go ever since. Constantly fueling the fire of crushing on Miguel far worse than it needed to be.

Cariño (Miguel O'Hara x Reader)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant