Love Is Never Wrong HTTYD Hic...

By destinycopley134

5.7K 101 9

Alexis was always gifted ever since her birth. For Alexis her life has never been easy. Always running from d... More

Alexis Human Form
Alexis Wolf Form
Meeting Alexis
When Lightning Strikes
Eye Of The Beholder PT 1
Eye Of The Beholder PT 2


266 5 0
By destinycopley134

"Afternoon milady. Where have you been?" Hiccup asks as Alexis and Dulce find him and Toothless near a cliff.

"Flying around. As usual. The real question is where have you been?" Alexis asks as she goes over to Hiccup while Toothless excitedly begins playing with Dulce.

"Avoiding my dad." Hiccup says as Alexis sits next to him.

"Oh no. What happened now?" Alexis asks concerndly.

"Oh you're gonna love this. I wake up. The sun's shining. Terrible Terrors are singing on the rooftop. I saunter down to breakfast thinking all is right with the world and I get son we need to talk." Hiccup says as he gets up and tries to imitate his father's voice as Alexis giggles slightly.

"Not now dad. I've got a whole day of goofing off to get started on." Alexis says as she imitates Hiccup's voice receiving a slight annoyed look at him.

"Okay first of all I don't sound like that. What is this character? And second... what is that thing you're going with my shoulders? A truly flattering impersonation. Anyway he goes you're the pride of Berk son and I couldn't be prouder." Hiccup says as he imitates his father.

"Aw thanks Dad. I'm pretty impressed with myself too." Alexis says as she imitates Hiccup causing him to laugh.

"When have I ever done that with my hands?" Hiccup asks as he imitates Alexis's actions causing her to giggle.

"You just did." Alexis says as she smiles as she stands up.

"Okay... just... hold still. It's very serious. You're all grown up and since no chief could ask for a better successor I've decided-" Hiccup then gets cut off by Alexis.

"To make you chief! Oh my stars! Hiccup that's amazing!" Alexis says as she punches Hiccup in the chest causing him to groan as the fin on his flight suit goes in.

"You're gonna wear out the spring coil. The calibration is very sensitive!" Hiccup says as the fin pops back out.

"Whoops. Sorry. You okay?" Alexis asks as Hiccup puts the fin back in place.

"Yeah. I think you've been hanging around Astrid too much lately." Hiccup says before Dulce and Toothless knock Alexis and Hiccup into each other from playing.

"Whoa! Man Dulce really wants Toothless's attention." Alexis says as she and Hiccup sit up.

"Well toothless is a Night Fury and a cousin of the Furfangs. Besides Dulce is the only Furfang we've really seen in a long time. Just surprises me that Toothless isn't doing more than being protective of her. Anyways yeah. So... this is what I'm dealing with." Hiccup says.

"What did you tell him?" Alexis asks curiously.

"I didn't. By the time he turned around I was gone." Hiccup says.

"Well it's a lot of responsibility. The map will have to wait for sure, and I'll need to fly Toothless, since you'll be too busy..." Alexis says as she stops talking among realizing what she is saying.

"It's not me Alexis. All those speeches, and planning, and running the village... that's his thing." Hiccup says as Alexis places her hand on his.

"Hiccup honestly I would be pretty excited if I was you. I mean becoming chief is an incredible honor." Alexis says.

"I'm not like you. You know exactly who you are. You always have. But... I'm still looking. I know that I'm not my father... and I never met my mother... So what does that make me?" Hiccup asks as Alexis looks at him sympathetically.

"I didn't always know who I was Hiccup. But take it from someone who has traveled ever since losing their family. I speak from experience when I say you're not going to find what you're looking for out there. Sometimes it takes meeting the right people to realize who you truly are inside and know where you truly belong. I didn't realize all this until after I met you and the others. Maybe you just don't see it yet." Alexis says as she kisses Hiccup's cheek.

"Maybe. But you know... there is something out there." Hiccup says as Alexis sighs.

"Hiccup.." Alexis says before Hiccup gently grabs her chin and points to a large cloud of smoke in the distance before the two get on their dragons and fly over to investigate.


"Stay close. What happened here? Easy bud." Hiccup asks as he and Alexis fly around ruined boats and ships as Toothless gives a stressed sound.

"Hiccup!" Alexis shouts as she sees people on the ground below fire nets at them.

"Alexis! Look out!" Hiccup says as a net is fired and misses Toothless but instead wraps up Dulce as she and Alexis begin to plummet toward the ground.

"Hiccup!" Alexis shouts as she falls off Dulce before toothless catches Alexis while Dulce is captured by the people below only to get loose and begin attacking the people around her.

"Stop!" Hiccup shouts as he hands with Alexis and Toothless.

"Dulce! What are you doing?" Alexis asks as she shifts to wolf form growling while Hiccup takes out his flame sword while men are tying Dulce up.

"Back again? Soil my britches... that is a Night Fury. Thought they were all gone for good. Looks like our luck's had a turn for the better lads! Don't think Drago has one of those in his dragon army. Same with this here Furfang." A man with brown hair says.

"Dragon army?" Alexis asks as she growls.

"Look we don't want any trouble." Hiccup says.

"Ha! You should've thought of that before you stole all of our dragons and blasted our fort to bits!" The brown haired man says.

"Yeah look at it!" A smaller male says as he points to the fort around them.

"Wait.." Hiccup says.

"What are you talking about?" Alexis asks as she growls warningly.

"You think we did this?" Hiccup asks confusedly while gesturing to the destroyed fort.

"Dragon trapping is hard enough work as it is without do-gooder dragon riders sneaking in to rescue them." The brown haired man says.

"What do-gooder? There are other dragon riders?" Hiccup asks curiously.

"You mean other than your thieving friend from last night? You tell me. You may have an ice-spitting dragon on your side but we still have a quota to fill. How do you suppose we explain this mess to Drago Bludvist?" The brown haired man asks.

"Drago what-fist? Does anything you say make sense?" Hiccup asks.

"He's expecting a new shipment of dragons for his army by tomorrow." The smaller male says.

"And Drago don't take well to excuses." Another man says.

"This is what he gave me last time I showed up empty-handed. He promised to be far less understanding in the future." The brown haired man says as he lifts his clothing to reveal a scar on his chest.

"Well sorry but I don't take kindly to someone attacking my dragon or my friends." Alexis says angrily as she growls causing Dulce to try and get loose from the ropes.

"Alexis easy. Look we don't know anything about a dragon thief or an ice-spitting dragon. Or your lunatic boss and his dragon army okay? Just give us back our dragon and we'll go Strange-Hostile-Person-Whom-We've-Never-Met." Hiccup says as Alexis growls lowly.

"Oh where are my manners? I'm Eret. Son of Eret. Finest dragon trapper alive. After all it's not just anyone who can capture a Night Fury or a Furfang." The brown haired man says as Toothless roars.

"And this is Toothless. He says you've got our friend Dulce and we're going. Now." Hiccup says sternly as Eret laughs.

"Heh. They all say that. Rush them lads!" Eret shouts as Hiccup and Toothless begin fighting with Eret and his group while Alexis works to get Dulce free.

"Dulce up girl. Go go!" Alexis shouts as she frees Dulce before shifting to human form and flying off on her back with Toothless and Hiccup behind them.

"You will never hold on to those dragons! You hear me?! Drago is coming for them all!" Eret shouts as Alexis and Hiccup fly away.

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