Sweet Truth


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Gulf was the youngest son of the Patinpul family, one of the richest generations in Thailand. But now they we... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11

Chapter 12

413 28 1

Gulf went to the restaurant one last time to say goodbye to all his coworkers but mostly to his boyfriend Mew. When he arrived he was greeted with warm hugs from his co-workers and his parents. Mew came up to Gulf and hugged him tightly as tears welled in his eyes.

Gulf's mother hugged Mew and said,'' Thanks for taking care of my son.''

Gulf's father then showed his hand, with a wedding ring, and said,

''Mew, I know that my son was in love with you, so why not make it legal?'' Gulf blushed and tried to stop his father from teasing his son's boyfriend.

Mew laughed it off and said, 'Thanks, Dad.' Gulf hugged Mew even tighter and kissed him, saying,

''I will miss you.'' Mew playfully replied,

''Me too!, Hey, don't find any man that looks more attractive than me!'' Gulf just laughed and shook his head.

Mew pulled Gulf in for one last hug, and whispered in his ear, ''I'll be waiting for you when you get back.''

It was time to go and Gulf and his parents got into the car and headed for the airport. Gulf was leaving to go back to the US and start his new job as the CEO of the company his brother had passed down. His brother wanted to focus on his own family, so he asked Gulf to take over.

For all the months that they call called the phone and then it stopped he tried to call Mew but he can't reach it he tried to call Pond.

"He's not here."Pond always says that Mew was always not in the restaurant.

There was a time that Gulf thought that Mew was giving up, but he understand Mew if he give up because their relationship was a long distance.

It was February today and Gulf celebrating his birthday, his friend Phuwing was holding the cake while singing happy birthday to Gulf.

"Happy birthday, Gulf!" Phuwing holding a cake

'Thank you, Phuwing" Smiling and blowing the candle

"Are you gonna sit there and work all day?" Phuwing puts the cake on the table

" It's my job, that's what I do." focusing on his monitor

" But Gulf, it's your birthday today. Don't you wanna have some fun?"

" I haven't had much fun since my evil boyfriend ghosted me." Sighs.

"What happened?" Phuwing ask in concern.

"Mew's been ignoring my calls for over a month now. I tried calling him countless times, but I can't seem to reach him. Pond keeps saying he's not at the restaurant whenever I ask." frustrated

" I'm sorry to hear that, Gulf. Long distance relationships can be tough." Sympathetic

"Yeah, I know. I think he's giving up, to be honest. But I can't blame him. It's not easy to maintain a relationship from a distance." Gulf nodding sadly

Phuwing looked at Gulf with hopeful eyes. "We can go outside to have a meal."

"Why do we have to go outside when we have that cake?" Gulf replied, pointing to the cake on the table. Phuwing laughed.

"But I wanted a good meal, please Gulf, can we?" Phuwing said cutely.

"Okay, fine! But after we eat, I have to come back here and finish this," Gulf said, picking up his things. They both went outside.

Phuwing took out his phone and showed Gulf the map. "No! We are going here, Knowhere dishes!"

"Knowhere dishes?" Gulf asked.

"Yes, it's new, but they said that this restaurant is delicious," Phuwing replied, pulling Gulf towards the restaurant.

After they found it, Gulf went inside and accidentally bumped into a man wearing a chef's uniform. Gulf remembered the first time he met Mew.

"Are you okay?" the chef asked.

"I'm fine," Gulf replied, continuing to walk inside. The restaurant was cozy and had a welcoming atmosphere.

They both ordered their food and when it arrived, they were delighted by the presentation and the taste. They both praised the restaurant for its unique dishes and delicious meals.

"I'm glad we came here," Gulf said.

Phuwing smiled and replied, "Me too, I knew we would love it.".

While they eating Phuwing suddenly pointed at a man manning the cashier and exclaimed,

"Look, there's a cute guy!" Gulf stared straight ahead, recognizing the man. He was sure he had seen him before when he was in Thailand.

"I think I know him," Gulf said, standing up and making his way to the cashier.

"Pond! What are you doing here?" he exclaimed when he got there.

"Hey, Gulf! Long time no see," Pond replied, clearly surprised.

Gulf was confused. "Wait, are you in Thailand? Why are you here?"

"I'm working here," Pond answered.

Gulf was further perplexed. "What about Mew's restaurant?"

"You mean our restaurant?" a familiar voice spoke up behind him. Gulf was scared to turn around, but he slowly did and saw that it was Mew.

He smiled at Gulf, who immediately burst into tears. Mew knelt and showed him a ring on his hand.

"Gulf Patinpul, my only love, and only Sunshine, my sunflower. Will you take responsibility to love me and marry me?" Mew asked, waiting for an answer.

Gulf wiped away his tears and nodded.

"Yes, Baby," he said and hugged Mew tightly. The two men held each other in a long embrace, overcome with joy and love.

After 6 months of planning their wedding, after exchanging I do, the room was filled with the sound of clapping as Gulf and Mew made their way onto the stage.

As Gulf and Mew made their way onto the stage, the room erupted into resounding applause.

"Wow, Mew, can you believe it? We're finally married!" Gulf said as he took his hand.

Mew beamed at him. "I know, right? It feels surreal!"

The two of them stood there for a moment, just taking it all in.

Suddenly, the DJ announced to the excited crowd: "Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome the newlyweds - Mr. and Mr. Suppapit!"

The room once again erupted in cheering as Gulf and Mew finally stepped onto the dance floor.

Gulf went in for a kiss, but Mew pulled away playfully. "Not in front of everyone, silly!"

He grinned. "Sorry, I just can't help it. You look so beautiful tonight!"

Mew smiled back at him, blushing slightly. "Thank you, Gulf. You look quite dashing yourself."

The two of them danced to the music, completely lost in each other's company. It was like time had stopped just for them.

As the music died down, Gulf leaned in close to Mew. "Thank you for making me the happiest man alive tonight, Mew. I love you."

Mew's eyes were filled with emotion as he replied: "And I love you too, Gulf. I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you."

The newlyweds shared one final dance as the crowd watched on, a symbol of the love that they shared.

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