By NoxDiggory

181 25 4

'' WHOA'' " Am I dreaming?'' '' Everyone can't dream the same thing shitheads!!" -----☾︎✰☾︎✰☾︎✰... More

Author's Note
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6

Chapter 7

10 2 0
By NoxDiggory

Palace Tour

"Ughhh I still couldn't ask her name"

The news of the return of the princess spread around like wildfire. All the people around Nefaris were excited to meet and create a bright kingdom and watch the princess rule Ravaryn. The cold air swept through the fallen ruins of Ravaryn reminding them their time had finally arrived. Eighteen years of wishing is finally going to be fulfilled.

"...will seek the kingdom..."

"...she will rise again..."

Ammelia buried her face into a pillow as she started hearing the lullaby once again. Someone snatched that pillow and hit her with it.

"I swear to God-" she started groggily.

" Sorry love, Bridget's order to wake you up. Says that we have so many truths to uncover" stated Theo.

Ammelia flipped over to the other side and covered the face with her hands as the light directly flashed into her eyes. Blinking slowly adjusting to the light she opened her eyes and sat straight.

"I literally forgot we are in another dimension, and it also might be the place I was born" said Ammelia recovering back to reality. The trio chuckled lightly.

A soft knock on the door caught their attention. " Come in," said Ammelia. A girl with pointed ears walked in, her head was bowed, she carried a tray of fruits and placed them quietly on the table. Her skin was pale, and her pink hair was tied into a bun. She wore a long peach colored cloak covering her knees. She turned to them " the king requests you all to have breakfast with him, he will be in the dining hall in fifteen minutes and wants everyone's presence" she bowed once again and left the chambers quietly like wind.

Ammelia looked at her friends Theo was smirking at Bridget and Bridget was looking for the way the girl went. Ammelia cleared he throat loudly to get their attention. Bridget shook her head and looked at Ammelia.

" So, let's just pretend we saw nothing for the sake of Bridget" Theo said laughing slightly.

" Shut up" Bridget said hiding her face. After a few seconds laughter broke out from them.

After trying out all the clothes from the new wardrobe Ammelia finally found something which suits her and is comfortable to keep her bow and arrow. Two guards guided them to the dining hall. When they entered the hall, their jaws dropped.

A huge blue chandelier made from gems and diamonds hanging right above the table, the walls of the hall were decorated with vines. Looking at the floor Ammelia let out a gasp, a thick glass has been placed right above various types of flower petals which might have been enchanted to be fresh.

Walking slowly looking around the table, three seats have been left out to them. Sitting slowly, they greeted the king.

" Good morning to you too, thank you for joining us for breakfast" he said.

'"thank you for inviting us" Bridget said because Ammelia was too busy glaring at Theo who already started eating.

Looking around the long table Ammelia found only two familiar faces: the king and the governor who looked like squidward. beside the king there was a guy who looked around Ammelia's age. He had blonde hair brown eyes he had the resemblance of the king. When he caught Ammelia's eye he smirked and winked at her then continued eating smiling to himself. Ammelia quickly looked away embarrassed.

But nobody noticed Theo glaring at the guy except for Bridget.

The trio followed the king into the meeting room. It was filled with so many books which had been there for centuries and written in different languages. By looking at the tall shelves we could say that it also has been taken care of very well.

The king insisted that he would give a tour around the palace by himself, the place which was to visit last was the meeting room. So, the four of them walked alongside the king looking around the bookshelves in the meeting room. Even though Theodore scrunched his face when he saw the number of books in the room.

Ammelia walked to the center of the meeting room a particular table catching her interest. Getting a closer look at the table she realizes that is a very detailed carved map of Nefaria. She leans closer to get a good look at the place which has carved 'Ravaryn'. Gently touching the carved image of her motherland, she looks up to see her friends giving her a sympathetic smile. Her eyes wandered to the rest of the lands: Tethoris, kestramore and Bloodborne which looks darker than the rest.

Leaning back rubbing the dust in her dress she walks towards the king who was in the other corner of the room looking at his portrait which seems like it was drawn a few centuries back.

Ammelia cleared her throat loudly "Kayran, if we depart tomorrow at dusk how long will it take to reach Ravaryn?".

The trio was waiting for answers like 'oh its actually not that long you will reach in 1 hour' when has something happened to their favor?

Kayran studies them for a while and answers " it'll take about 3 moons to reach Ravaryn if you travelled without resting. But it is a must to camp for the night because after the sun disappears below the mountains of Nefaris the things that roam in the moonlight aren't the same as the ones that roam in the daylight".

The trio gulped in sync and followed the king out of the meeting room.

Huddled together in a circle in Ammelia's bed chambers the trio was 'plotting' a plan to go to Ravaryn.

" Ughhhh, I still couldn't ask her name'' groaned Bridget burying her face into her palms. Yes, they are not 'plotting' they are having a very serious conversation about their lives.

" Don't worry bridge, I could use my charms that no other human being in existence has used to ask her name, for you obviously" Theo said dramatically flexing his muscles.

Ammelia rolled her eyes," we all know that your so-called charms wouldn't work on anyone"

" Well, it works on you doesn't it" Theo smirked, feeling all bold suddenly. They both maintained eye contact for an awkward amount of time. When Bridget thought that they were going to lean in someone knocked at the door.

Groaning internally for spoiling their moment Bridget walked to open the door. Only to eye to eye with the girl Bridget had a crush on.

" OH- um yeah, yeah come in" Bridget stammered heat rising into her cheeks making Theo and Ammelia chuckle softly.

The girl walked towards Ammelia and bowed down. " Majesty, the king wants you and your companion's presence in the war room at dawn. He also requested you to bring all your weapons because he wants you all to train" she said softly.

" Thank you for letting us know" Ammelia said. She looked at Bridget who was looking at the girl like a lovesick puppy. " Also, my friend Bridget over there wants to know your name". The girl looked up for the first-time shock written over her face.

She looked at Bridget, and Bridget's breath hitched. She didn't expect Ammelia to be straight forward. When Bridget looked at the girl properly, she got lost in her blue eyes which reminded her of the ice cream the trio ate when they used to bunk classes.

" My name is Asena" she said smiling at Bridget. Before Bridget could reply Asena rushed out of the room chuckling slightly, making Bridget's smile wider.

So, until dawn the trio continued chatting. Mostly it was filled with Theo and Ammelia horribly singing blue eyes by Billie Eilish to annoy Bridget.

Vote and comment lovelies <333
- Milo

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