
By AB_Monnette

27.8K 1.4K 82

"I don't want to be the strong independent woman. I'm tired of having all that responsibility, I'm tired of n... More

Ch. 1
Ch. 2
Ch. 3
Ch. 4
Ch. 5
Ch. 6
Ch. 7
Ch. 8
Ch. 9
Ch. 10
Ch. 11
Ch. 12
Ch. 13
Ch. 14
Ch. 15
Ch. 16
Ch. 17
Ch. 18
Ch. 20
Ch. 21
Ch. 22
Ch. 23
Ch. 24
Ch. 25

Ch. 19

714 43 2
By AB_Monnette


"Adonny did I do something wrong?" 

My eyes leave the door and I look down at Zosia who has left her room again. I pick her up and give her a kiss on the forehead, "What makes you say that little Zo?" 

"Mommy left me again and your girlfriend just left," She pouts, rapidly blinking a sign that she's about to start sobbing. 

"Mommy and Psyche just have something to do, you didn't do anything I promise." I coo playing around with her, tickling her so she doesn't cry. 

She giggles and laugh, "Daddy stop." 

I stop and laugh at her, she stops and scoots back, eyes tearing up again. 

"Zo, babygirl what's wrong?" 

"I'm sorry, for calling you daddy." She starts sobbing. "Please don't be mad at me." 

"I'm not mad baby, please don't cry you're making me sad," I cradle her, she keeps sobbing, snot running down her nose and hiccupping. "Why would I be mad at you calling me daddy? You do know I'm your father right?"

She nods, talking in broken sobs, "M-mommy said not to call you that, th-that you hate that word and she will t-take me away if you do." 

"Is that why you've always called me Adonny?" 

She nods still hiccupping, I pull her into a big hug, "Zo I will never leave you, you calling me daddy makes me very happy." 


I nod, "Yes, and thank you for telling me what your mommy told you." 

We stayed like this for twenty minutes before she falls asleep. I leave her on my bed and make my way downstairs to make, angry at what Zosia just told me and disappoint at myself for not realizing. 

I thought her calling me Adonny was because she was use to everyone calling Donny and wanted to put her own twist to it, how did I not realize it was her mother's doing. 

After sending a message to Theodore telling him I'm going to be late to the office today, I called Princess, "Can you come over to babysit?" 

"That's pretty last minute Donny," She yawns, signaling that I work her up from her sleep. 

"I know, Kayla didn't give me any warning." I answer. "You know I wouldn't be asking if I wasn't desperate, Zo likes you more than my mom." 

"Because I let her eat ice cream before lunch," Princess laughs. "I'm on my way, I miss my favorite niece anyways." 

"She's your only niece," I deadpan, earning more laughter from Princess. 

I check on Zosia who was still sleeping on my bed, Venus laying next to her and guarding her. I walk in the bathroom to take a shower, my eyes fall on the folded clothes Psyche wore last night and my heart tug. 

The way she looked at me before leaving, I wanted to run after her and beg her to let me explain but I had to stay with my daughter. 

Although her mom and I fight a lot, Zosia is my special little girl, her birth was one of the happiest days of my life. I changed my life around the minute I Kayla told me she was pregnant four years ago. 

I didn't hide her from Psyche with malintent I just refuse to be the type of parent that introduce everyone they date to their kid. I had made a promise that the only girlfriend of my Zosia would meet, is the person I'm going to marry. 

I hope Psyche understands where I'm coming from. Even though I love her, my daughter comes first. 

Holy shit, I love her. 

I hear Princess loudly announcing her arrival downstairs. I finish buttoning the last button on my dress shirt and make my way down.

"Where's my favorite niece?" She asks smiling ear to ear, holding a doll that she no doubt bought for Zosia on her way here. 

"Sleeping, her mom brought her pretty early." I say gathering all of my stuff for her. "She had a bottle this morning, if she's not up by then wake her up in an hour to feed her, if there's any trouble call my personal cell, not the office, if you can't reach me for whatever reason, call Theodore, his personal cell, not the office." 

"Yeah, yeah I know the drill," She says rolling her eyes and plopping on the couch. "What's this?" 

She points at the bags from the museum yesterday, I walk over and pick it before she says anything. It was a bag of everything Psyche had me buy for her last night, "Stuff for Psyche." 

Princess looks at me concerningly, "Is everything okay? You're acting weird." 

I sigh, not hiding the truth from her since there was no point, "She was here when Kayla dropped off Zosia." 

Princess nods, understanding the situation, "I'm sure everything will work out once you explain yourself."

"Hopefully," I say giving her a kiss on the forehead. "Take care of my babygirls." 

"And you say I only have one niece, like Venus isn't your child also." She mutters making me smile. 


Today seem to be the day everyone at work decided to be incompetent fools. Dumbasses couldn't come with proper fucking reports, wasting my fucking time with irrelevant meetings. 

"Theodore, why the fuck are my papers out of order?" I watch some of the people in the hallways flinch at my words, I pay them more attention. 

"Michelle is still getting use to the system we have." He says, I look over at the stuttering intern. 

She always have a look on her face like she's going to start crying out of nowhere. Her face was red as she avoid eye-contact and stuttered out an apology, "Get it fixed before I get back." 

"W-where are you going?" She stutters out, Theodore hurry up to shush her and I raise a brow at her. 

"You're fired." She looks at me in shock, bursting out in tears. I ignore her and walk away, an intern is suppose to help with the workload not make it worse. 

The nerve. 

I left and made my way out to my car, calling Princess to check on Zosia, "Did she eat yet?" 

"Yeah yeah, we're having a princess party and you're ruining it?" Princess says rolling my eyes. 

"I just wanted to check on my girls," I laugh when Princess flip the camera showing me Zosia and Venus on the floor wearing matching hat and dresses. Zosia was giving Venus 'tea' and she was playing along. 

"See we're fine, you can go and do the thing you're dreading to do." Princess says calling me out. This girls know me too well. 

I make my way to Psyche's office, everyone seem to be walking around in eggshell today. 

"She's in a meeting." Anne says before I could even open my mouth. 

"When will she be back?"

"In about a minute or so, she's pretty busy today but I think you'll be able to get five minute." 

"Thank you," I say and follow her to Psyche's office. 

It didn't take long for her to walk in and I was face to face with her, "Mr. Vos, can I help you?" 

I feel a dull pain in my heart at words, "Psyche, can we talk?" 

"I have a busy schedule Mr. Vos, I don't have time for social calls." 

"My love please, allow me to explain," She stays quiet and look me in the eye for the first time since she walked in her office. "I was going to tell you about Zosia, I just wanted to make sure we had a stable enough relationship to do so, I'm not the type of parent who lets everyone they date meet their kid." 

"I understand that Adonis, but we've been dating for three months," She says her face void of emotions. "I'm not mad that I didn't meet her, I'm hurt that you didn't tell me you had a child." 

"I'm sorry my love, I was going to tell you." 


I say nothing, her eyes burning through mine waiting for me to respond to her creation, "Please get out." 

"Psyche, please." 

"GET OUT!" She yells pushing me towards her door and slamming on my face. I ignore the looks I got from everyone in the office. 

By the time I was in my office, I was fuming thinking about the conversation I had with Psyche. I wanted to be mad at her, but I couldn't because she had a point. It was dumb of me for not informing her about having a child, especially since we've been dating for three months. 

Adonis you dumbass. If she leaves its your fault. 


I just noticed a lot(if not all) of my female leads are only children because I suffer older daughter curse and want better for them lol. 

It wasn't even on purpose I was just mapping out a story and realized that I never mention a sibling. 

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