Godzilla and Friends Season 2

By Ro1052003

10.3K 86 4.1K

Your favorite characters are back for another season! Ago and his army are still at large, but there's someth... More

A New Age part 1
A New Age part 2
Theme song
The Next Level
Quake Mayhem
Antarctic Mishap
Phantasmo the unfriendly ghost
Reunions and confusions
A hairy situation
Double relations
A stinky situation
The story of the gargoyles
Return of the gargoyles
Afros and Black Holes
Manhattan meyham
Reunions and situations
Return of the rescue bots
panic in Grand Central
Rise of the Monsuno
The dog show
Pterosaurs and Robosaurs
Playing with fire and water
The Metal Thief
Dino Knight Saturiko
The Kixx of irony
Plasma shooters and Stinging tails
Welcome to the Boiling Isles
Restoring the Boiling Isle
Little Fair of Horrors
Welcome to Rio
The Wild Side
Rio's biggest Showstopper
The traitor within
Logical Care
My Neighbor was a Teenage Robot
Art of the Idiots
The Metal Eating Monster
Welcome to Ferngully
Australian Victory
Genies and Plankton
Meet the DinoSquad
Dino Disaster
The Trojan Dinosaur
A Honking Catastrophe
The Snowball Effect

Animal Rescue

102 4 22
By Ro1052003

(Intro theme)
It was near dusk. The forest was as quiet as the trees in the warm summer breeze. The nocturnal life was just waking up for their nightly routines, it's here, in a secluded part of the forest, where the poacher and his boss made camp. The hunter, named Mac, was out on patrol while his boss was back at camp digging through his bag looking at all the things he had brought for the trip. But what he didn't see was a wasp landing on his heated hair straightener, and when he did...

He started freaking out in a stereotypical fashion when one sees a harmless insect minding its own business

Boss: AAAHHH!!! A bug!

He gets up swiftly and pats his short making sure the wasp wasn't on him. He then gets a weapon to use to squish the harmless bug, but all he brought was his telephone. Which was pretty useless on my opinion. I mean seriously, who uses telephones anymore?

Anyway, he makes due and starts slamming his portable table aiming for the bug who was thankfully out of the scene by hat point. But all the slamming as shaking his lit lamp closer and the edge. Finally he stops for a moment to catch his breath. He looks to his phone to see he had utterly destroyed it and looked to where the wasp was and found nothing but dirt

Boss: ehh. Just a bit of dirt

He then goes back to his previous doings as he digs into his bags before hearing a quiet yet loud hooting sound that could only be heard from miles away

Boss: what was that?

It was at that moment Mac and his dogs return to camp

Mac: relax boss. Just think of all the money we make when we sell those dumb animals in the truck

Boss: I'm trying to relax! I tell ya, Mac, I dunno how you put up with this outdoors life

Mac: ehhh. You'll do alright boss

He makes his way to a large log as he proceeds to lay down

Mac: roughen up the hair on ya chest

The boss looks to his chest to stare at the one chest hair he had

Boss: mmm. Maybe so, but I still prefer bubble baths and room service

Mac: mm. I'm with ya there

The boss looks up and sees the same wasp from before and swats at it hitting the lamp as he missed

Mac: careful boss. Don't wanna burn down a thousand years of rainforest do we?

Boss: what do I care? Wait a minute! RAINforest? How can ya set fire to a RAINforest?!

Mac: trust me boss. It'll go up. And if it does, it'll be the end of your little hunting trip

Boss: it won't just be the end of my hunting trip-

However before he could finished, he is continuously pestered by the wasp who is now mad at him for swatting him earlier, and was now doing it on purpose. However, Mac was unfazed by this and tosses a knife at the wasp, killing it as the blade squished him on the tree. Then he felt a tap on his hand and looks down to see one of his dogs panting at him

Mac: what are you looking at? Get over there and guard those dumb animals, Ya dumb animal!

As he said that he smacks him upside the head with his hat, demonstrating his distaste. The dog then whimpers as he heads over to the truck, with the larger dog looking to him with concern and goes over to give him company

Later that night, the full moon was up. The dogs were still up. But they were exhausted for, staying awake all night thus far. Finally, after a few minuets, they fell fast asleep, wanting to get some rest. And it was at that moment, the little kangaroo, nugget, was able to break free from his bag. He checks to see that the dogs were asleep and frees himself from the bag. He then heads over or free his friends, but heard one of the dogs waking up. He then swiftly returns to his bag to avoid detection as the dog looks up onto the truck, and sees all was calm and the same. When he returns to sleep, nugget comes out, and releases his friend, wal the wombat and bandi the bandicoot from their bags.

Then he heads over to the cages to free the other young animals that were captured. However, since they didn't know the concept of locks, it was quite difficult. But nugget found a solution. He looks to see a stick that was conveniently then and there and puts it in the lock. He fiddles around a bit before it u locked and the cage opens releasing the young cassowaries and echidnas Inside. He then uses the stick to free the other young animals, birds and reptiles that were also captured

They then head to the edge of the truck, and to their surprise came an adult kangaroo. It was nugget's mom, mrs K them and there

Nugget: mom! Ya came!

Mrs K: shhh

She then lowers down allowing the young animals to slide down to the ground

Just as it was now Brandi's turn to slide down, the larger dog awakes and sees the commotion. The young animals hide under the truck just as Mrs K rears up to face the dog. Thankfully that was the time when Hanazuki and her gang came to the rescue. Waspinator them fires his stinger lasers at the dog getting his attention

Waspinator: Waspinator should've thought that through

The dog barks at the Insectobot as he screams in fear and flies off. With one of the to dogs out of the at, bandi leaps off the truck, completely forgetting about the other dog, whom she lands on waking up. Thankfully Mrs K was there and to her rescue as she fends her off while bandi joins her friends under the truck. The dog leaps at Mrs k, but she punches him square in the face and kicks him away with her strong kangaroo legs

Mac wake up to see the commotion and sees stag facing him, pinching his pincer and swiping his harm leaving time for the others to come

Pips: hey boys! We found us some action!

Arachnia: attack!

Stitch: hahahahaha!

They then charge wt the boss waking him up, and keeping him distracted with the insectobots blasting at him with this lasers, even though they caused little harm due to their now minuscule size

Stump: this guy should lose some weight!

Knotty: you oughta talk!

The gang then flies into a nearby berry bush, as the boss is steaming mad, with steam coming out of his ears making a train whistle sound in a cartoonish fashion. They then pull on the bush and fling the berries at him

Meanwhile with Waspinator, he was still being chased by the larger dog through the forest. Crysta was right behind him to insure he wasn't hurt. The dog continuously barking and snapping at the mechanical wasp. However, this was part of their plan. The next thing the dog knew, he collided right into a large mass. He gets up and it reveals itself to be Lou, licking his chops in a lustful fashion

Lou: dog food...

The dog looks to the camera breaking the fourth wall before howling and fright. And before anyone could say anything, he fled off horrified. Lou, Crysta and Waspinator then laugh triumphantly at the prank

Waspinator: haha! Giant goanna okay in Waspinator's book!

Lou: thanks. Uh...what's a book?

Waspinator: Waspinator explain later, right now we return to others!

Crysta: he's right, they'll need our help!

Lou: well little bug, less the way

Waspinator does so as Crysta and Lou follow. Back with the others, they were hiding inside the bush as the boss grabs a torch lit from the campfire with murder in his eyes

Boss: I HATE BUGS!!!!

He then swipes the torch at them just as the little animals were about to flee into the undergrowth, but while he was thrashing and swatting, he slammed the torch onto the grass, and before he knew it, he unintentionally set the forest ablaze! Trapping the little animals under the truck!

The fire spread rapidly. Mac was on the side of the fore where the truck was and saw the animals under it. He then quickly grabs each of them by the throat, practically chocking them, before chucking them back into their bags and cages. The boss quickly gets into the truck just as Crysta and her group make it. Mrs K looks in horror was nugget was in his bag squirming and chargers to the front of the truck. But the truck rammed at her full speed, slamming right into her making her fall to the side hitting a tree, breaking her arm in the process. Everyone watched in horror as the truck left the forests, and the fire grew, consuming everything in its path. The dogs tried to return to their master, but the smaller dog wasn't quick enough as a wall of fire blocked him. The larger dog who made it assumed he was consumed by the flames and howled in a mournful tone as the fire grew. And by morning, the fire had ceased, but not without burning up the entirety of Ferngully in the process. Everyone could only mourn at what had occurred

Crysta: oh father, there's so much healing needed. I don't even know where to start

Crysta's father: there are many others to help. It will take all of our love and care. But something's my dear, even with all our magic, cannot mend quickly

They look to pips who sits by the river bank. And then to mrs K who was resting in her home, a large burrow underneath a great acacia tree, where she was being treated for her wounds

Hanazuki: how is she?

Fairy: she needs more water

Pips: I'll get it

He then quickly does so, while Crysta hovers over to the resting kangaroo

Crysta: oh, I'm so sorry. The children were in my care and were my responsibility

Mrs K: no Crysta, there is no way to prepare for the humans. I only hope he knows I love him

It was at that moment pips returned to the scene

Pips: we'll get him back so you can tell him yourself

Hanazuki: me and the beetle boys are going after those humans, and we'll rescue those animals

Later, we see pips and the beetle boys prepare for their long voyage, with the insectobots, stitch, Hanazuki, Kiyoshi, and shrink getting ready

Pips: well someone has to do it

Crysta: but pips! None of us has ever been outside ferngully

Batty: there probably all the way into the town by now!

Kiyoshi: town?

Arachnia; it's a large place, where the humans live

Batty: exactly! And a human infested place like the town is no place for little bugs like you! It's full of weed killer! Television! Taxidermies! Completely unreasonable car insurance! It's a horrible place!

Batty: you mean we should just give up?! Without even trying to find the kids?

Batty: in a word: yes!

Pips: well I'm not afraid of hats out there?

Hanazuki: yeah. I'm actually from a town myself, and none of the things there are dangerous. Well, except for weed killer, fly shatters, poison, rabid dogs, stray cats, hawks

Batty: see?! She understands the dangers of civilization! Your complete nut cases!

Stump: well if them rabid dogs do any funny business with me, whammo!

Knotty: but, which way?

Pips: batty?

Batty: no! I'm not tellin'

Pips: batty!

Batty: nope. No no no

Pips: batty, you know better than any of us the terrible things humans do to animals, that's what'll happen to nugget and the others unless we find them and rescue them!

Batty: so true!

With that, batty flares his ears, grabs an army helmet from out of nowhere, and a...black stick, thingie with a flag on it (if ya guys know what it is, tell me in the comments)

Batty: I'm coming with you! You wouldn't last two minuets in a human town without me!

Stag: (sarcastically) really? I thought you were scared of humans

Batty: scared? Hah! Of course I'm scared of humans! Ya gotta be batty not to be afraid of humans. I mean have ya ever seen one eat an oyster? It's terrible!

With that, they prepare to take off. With all the supplies they could use, with bark holding a bag of fairy dust Crysta had given her, and with that, they set off, with Crysta staying behind to help her fellow fairies to heal the forest.

The group, led by batty, proceed to follow the river through the landscape, until the forest is replaced from burnt down wasteland, to lush green grassy fields. They continue traveling before finally finding by reach where the water turned black and icky with pollution

Hanazuki could only look down in horror. How could humans be this cruel to the planet? They lived here too so shouldn't they take care of it as well? But then her thoughts were washed away as they look to a breathtaking sight in front of them

Bark: is they the town?

Hanazuki: no, it's a carnival! It's a place where people go to play games, eat food and all in all, have fun!

Pips: it certainly looks fun. And beautiful

They then land in a nearby tree, coated with lights that looked like ballerinas as they look I see all the people below having fun

Twig: hey! Looks like the fireflies are out tonight!

Knotty: yeah! Maybe they heard we was coming

Arachnia: their not real. Their just lightbulbs made to resemble ballerinas. They just so happen to be our size

Bark: I think their pretty

He and his lady bug head over to one of them and bark looks with warm but Scorpia grabs him and pulls him away

Scorpia: be careful! One wrong move and you could get electrocuted, and it is painful. Especially if your this size, which you are

They then hear laughter and look down to see people having fun, running with balloons, rudimentary the rides, playing games, and all in all, having fun

Stump: I never knew there were so many humans in all the world!

Knotty: yeah! Those humans don't look so tough

Hanazuki: that's because their having fun!

Kiyoshi: I'm all for fun! Who's with me!

Beetle boys: yeah!

Stitch: Ih!

Hanazuki; yeah!

Shrink: (chirps happily)

Batty; ooh! Bad idea! I see disaster ruined, peptic all search years of therapy!

Arachnia: don't worry, batty, we'll keep an eye on them

Stag: plus, we want in on the fun!

With that, the insectobots join the group as they head toward the carnival. All except for Scorpia who stays behind. She looks to her wristband activates the communication computer on it

Scorpia: Scorpia to Mechagodzilla, Mechagodzilla it's me, Scorpia

"Mechagodzilla copies. What's your statues?"

Scorpia: well where do I start?

"The beginning. Don't leave out any details"

Scorpia: okay dad. Well, it all started the other day....

Meanwhile the others were having the time of their lives. Flying down the roller coaster, while avoiding the carts, flying through the area where they kept the animals like horses cows and pigs, gorging themselves on delicious cakes pies and other kinds of pastries, and all sorts of carnival activities. Boy did they have a great time. Especially Arachnia, but she knew when to focus on the mission, so when everyone returned to the tree everyone panted and stretched after the fun they had

Stump: I can't get enough of this human world!

Knotty: yeah yeah!

Twig: sure is fun!

Arachnia: yeah. It was pretty fun, but let's not forget why we came here in the first place

Stag: yeah. We still have to find where the poachers are and where they're keeping those imprisoned animals

Batty: good! At least somebody remembers their responsibility, unlike those simpletons!

Pips: but we don't know where to look!

Batty: you don't even know where to look. Big surprise! "I ain't afraid o no weed killer!"

Pips: but this place is so big! And so many humans around!

Stump: and they all look the same!

Pips: those poachers could be anywhere!

Stag: we'll worry about that n the morning (yawns) I'm pooped out

Arachnia: stags right. It's getting late. We should get some sleep

With that they do, and whole that went on Scorpia was just finishing up telling HQ the situation

Scorpia: and that's all so far

"Wow that's a lot to process. I'll see if I can fix up a swift speedy Insectobot to help you out"

Scorpia: thanks. And we'll try to be careful

"You do that"

With that she hangs up and proceeds to fall asleep herself. Meanwhile pips was wide awake. He had a responsibility, and blew it. He promised Mrs k he'd get nugget and the other captured animals back, and almost forgot about it upon arriving. Plus, how can he even find them in a place like this? Well, and if by luck, the carnival ad right beside a large lake, and on the other side of the lake, was an abandoned run down werehouse

And inside the warehouse, was where Mac, his boss, and the remaining dog resided at the moment, as well as all the captured  animals they illegally hunted and poached against the human government

Mac: none of you stupid beasts are escaping tonight. Thrasher, heel. No use mourning for that stupid boo. Ya got a job to do

With that Mac left to close up while thrasher was now on guard duty, while macs boss was busy shooting bugs with a gun. (Seriously how stupid is this guy?)

Boss: I don't understand how anybody can get any sleep around here. There are creepy crawlers everywhere!

Mac: ya just have to get used to it boss. But just think. We'll be payed a fortune for those stupid little animals. Not everyday ya poach bandicoots cassowaries and kangaroos

Boss: but isn't that  illegal?

Mac: why would we care? I've been in the hunting business for years. Don't give a crap about some stupid legal Mumbo jumbo

Boss: good point. Plus, think of all the stuff we'll get with all the money

Mac: we'll have everything

With that, the two go to sleep on their hammocks as they dream about all the a,axing things they'll get when they sell the poor animals

Transition back to ferngully the next morning. It was starting to look like it was before as it was being healed quickly, yet at a slow and steady pace

Crysta's father: wonderful Crysta!

Crysta: thanks father. I can't believe the carelessness of those humans

Crysta's father: I believe the humans forgotten how they used to live along side usin harmony with nature and the Great Circle of Life

Crysta: well, at least not all humans are like them

She then looks down to see some bloomed flowers. She flies off to get them some water which was close to her area. She grabs a makeshift bag made out of a leaf and fills it with water, and that's when she heard a familiar howl.she looks behind her to see the rustling in the bushes. Crysta's curiosity gets the better of her as she goes to investigate. She flies over and is confronted by the small dog, alive and well! But separated from his friend thrasher nonetheless

Crysta: the humans hunting dog!

She then flies off in fright, but stops when she heard his whimpering. Lou the goanna was there as well, and was worried more for Crysta than the hunting dog. She then noticed his paw was caught in a bear trap and he was struggling to break free. When he noticed Crysta, 5e dog growls viciously at Jer

Crysta: it's alright. I just want to help

Crysta tries to open the bear trap, but she was too small, and the more she tried, the louder the dogs whimpering was

Crysta: oh, you poor dog

Lou: serves him right if ya ask me

Crysta: but Lou, he's helpless like this. He'll die if we just leave him here

Lou looks to Crysta with doubt, and then back to the dog. Crysta looks at the reptile sternly and he groans with frustration

Lou: your lucky I can't refuse a fairy request

With that Lou marches up to the bear trap, and lifts one of his arms. And with a strong swipe he breaks the bear trap freeing the dog from it. The dog howls in pain for a moment before licking the hurt. Lou then takes the bear trap by the chain and tosses it into the lake

Dog: (barks)

Crysta: I beg your pardon?

Dog: (barks again)

Crysta: oh. Your name is Boof? Well, it's a pleasure to meet you Boof

Crysta then examines his hurt paw and then heads to some nearby leaves. She then grabs one and wraps it around Boof's paw like a bandage

Crysta: there. Does that feel better?

Boof them licks her affectionately. But to to the size difference between them. Crysta is flung off and lands into Lou's hands, the reptile growling at the canine who whimpers

Crysta: it's alright Lou. Boof is a good dog

Lou: he doesn't belong in Ferngully. He's a pet. A toy for humans

Crysta: even so he's still a defenseless animal who's lost and needs help getting home

Lou then looks to Boof who whimpers, but in a hopeful tone

Lou: something tells me your not just gonna sprinkle fairy dust on his leg and send him on his way

Crysta: no. We've got to take him home. But where is it?

In that cue, Boof points to the river and to where the current was flowing

Crysta; of course. Down the river to the human town

Boof nods and leads the way, but due to his injured leg he trips and falls

Crysta: come on Lou, we'll need your help

Lou groans and mumbles to himself. He then grabs a tree log and placed it in the river. He then gets Boof into the log as Crysta points it to them. The canine and reptile then get onto said log as Lou uses his tail to push the log into the flowing current

Crysta: okay. We're in our way

Lou: how do I get myself talked into these things?

Meanwhile, back at the carnival we see a young girl and her grandpa dressed up like clowns. The girl dressed like a fairy ballerina while juggling, while riding atop a unicycle

Grandpa: this time, we're gonna get it right budgie. Don't forget to keep your eyes up at all times,

Budgie: well, I'll try

Grandpa: remember to keep counting, 1 2 3 4 feel the rhythm!

Meanwhile back up in the tree, the gang were having a disagreement on how to find the poachers hideout, whilst pips suggested asking the people below for directions, and of course, Batty was currently protecting to

Batty: oh no. No no no no no! Bad idea, pips, bad idea!

Pips: batty, we're stuck, we don't know which way to go. We need help

Batty: why can't we all just split up and look separately? Well, not entirely separately. We should stick together, especially around me!

They then look to the people below

Stump: those don't look like regular humans

Twig: they look like us!

Arachnia: that's just because they have makeup and costumes on

With budgie and her grandpa, she trie her best to balance in the unicycle, but she kept moving around. Even with her grandpas support to concentrate it wasn't enough, and in the end, she slips and falls face first to the ground

Grandpa: ooh! Budgie, you've got no sense of balance! I don't think your ever going to be ready for the clown act

With that he heads off. He doesn't mean to be like that around his granddaughter, he was just trying to coach her for when she was ready to partake in the circus they were a part of. He then gets into his clown car and heads off to the big top, whole budgie was crying to herself regarding the fall, and what her grandpa had said. Worried for her, pips flies down with th others following

Pips: did that mean human hurt you?

Budgie: who? Who...?

Pips: that funny looking guy with the red nose. Did he hurt you?

Budgie: hurt me? Oh! No no no, he's my grandpa. What are you?

Pips: a fairy, of course! Oh. I guess you've seen one since your a human. That's okay, I won't hold it against you. It's been a while since I've met a human like you before, so, I guess we're kind of even

Hanazuki: you never told us you met a human before

Pips: ya never asked

Budgie is taken aback by the arrival of the others and defends herself, but the group stand their ground

Waspinator: don't swat us! We come in peace!

Stag: we're not going to bite you, or sting you, or anything you stereotypically think bugs will do!

However budgie was too afraid to listen, and in the end, she accidentally hits pipe and slams him onto a pole

Budgie: oh my gosh!

She then runs up to the dizzy fairy and picks him up

Budgie: I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you

Pips: I'm okay. I think. You humans sure pack a punch

Budgie: I really hurt you

Pips: no, I'm fine. Really

Budgie: no your not. You need to rest

With that she takes him into the house, with batty struggling to process what was occurring

Batty: ow! Did you say personal injury attorney?

Budgie: you and your friends should come inside. You'll be much safer here

Pips: thanks. Oh, my names pips by the way

Budgie: I'm budgie. Pleased to meet you

With that, they enter the small trailer cart she and her grandpa used as a house, and she goes back to practicing her clown act

Batty: mayday! Mayday! Batty to ferngully! Do you read me? Pips captured by human! Mission a disaster! Warning mr Phelps, your toast. Come in ferngully! Do you copy!

With that batty takes matters into his own wings as he heads off to find the hideout of the poachers. He then see a sign reading PRIVATE: NO ENTRY. He then looks to see the warehouse. He then sees the door and saw a symbol with a bull in it. The same symbol on the truck of the poachers that stole nugget and the other animals

Batty: a clue! Oh joy, hallelujah! I found a clue!

Just then, the door opens right on him, and Mac stepped out before locking it behind him. Batty was dizzy but still sane as he realized he had just found the hideout. With that, he takes to the skies as he flies off to get the others. He flies to the trailer and looks through the window, to see pips and the beetle boys absolutely gorging themselves on peanut butter and chips

Stag notices and flies up to the window, opening it so batty could enter

Stag: what is it?

Batty: I found where the baby animals are! I found them!

Arachnia: really!

Hanazuki: hallelujah!

Stitch: yay!

Batty: I know! Pips did ya hear me?

If only they could. They were too busy relishing all the modern conveniences in, like the sink, the lamps, the microwave, the food, and especially the tv

Batty: oh great! They're turning into humans!

Scorpia: let them have their fun. They'll remember in due time. Right now it's up to us

Bark: I'm coming too!

Batty: okay, guess it's just us

With that, batty, bark, the insectobots, moonflowers and experiments set out to the rescue. They then make it to the warehouse as batty heads into an open window. The gang could only listen in horror as they heard batty screaming, then Mac and the boss shouting, then the sound of thudding and a cage locking. That meant one thing: batty has been captured

Arachnia: we've got to warn the others

Waspinator: Waspinator not afraid! Waspinator says we attack!

Hanazuki: no! Arachnia's right. We need to get reinforcements

Waspinator: grrr. Fine!

With that, they head off to alert the others. They then find the beetle boys by one of the parks shooting games

Bark: guys! Guys! Batty's been captured! But we found the poachers hideout, and all the captured animals!

Stump: woohoo! Way to go!

Twig: let's go tell pips!

They then head off to find said fairy, who was with budgie on one of the slide rides, as pips surfed down on a makeshift lead surfboard

Budgie: woah. How do you do that?

Pips: it's not that hard

Budgie: I've been practicing my clown act for years concentrating my brains out! But the harder I try, the worse I seem to get

Pips: maybe your trying too hard. Thinking about something, and doing it, are two different things. Just do it

Budgie: show off

Cut back to the captured animals. They all try to escape confinement, but to little use. They then hear beeping, and see a massive truck backing up towards them

Wal: what's gonna happen to us batty?

Batty: ooh...zoo exhibits, laboratory testing, hand bags, ya don't wanna know the gory details. Ya always wanna go on cruise to strange exotic places?

Wal: no

Batty: me neither but that's what we're gonna do

Meanwhile, far far away, far within the core of Ayer's rock

An ancient essence senses the ongoing happenings. Ayer's rock then trembles and quakes, until finally, it bursts apart. Dust and debris block the figure, as we can only see its silhouette as it roars to the heavens baring its claws and bill, ready for what it was about to do next

To be concluded
Authors note

And I'm back. Sorry it's been a while but I've been busy with a lot of stuff. Like figuring out I'll spend every other week at my step dads for the summer, even after he insulted me to my face saying I was candy eyed autistic or whatever the fuck that means, and just learning today that he hasn't payed child support in THREE SOLID MONTHS!!! Can ya believe that?!?

Anyways onto the story. The bit with Scorpia talking to Mechagodzilla, that's a nod to what will happen next chapter. And with Lou joining the party, I figured he needed more screen time since he didn't have that many scenes

As for the ending, if you read up on Australian folklore, you know what's coming. And next chapter will be about the gang rescuing the captive animals, meeting a new Insectobot, and a new titan that I shall reveal the full body of. Whatever thoughts and opinions you all have I would love to hear them

In the comments down below

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REMAKE OF THE FOURTH TGOC'S SEASON New adventures, new friends, new foes? Season 4 - Episodes 17
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𝐈 𝐰𝐚𝐧𝐧𝐚 𝐛𝐞 𝐘𝐨𝐮đĢđŦ Ü´āŗˆ āŠˆ 𝘛𝘩đ˜Ē𝘴 đ˜Ŗ𝘰𝘰đ˜Ŧ 𝘧đ˜Ļđ˜ĸđ˜ĩđ˜ļđ˜ŗđ˜Ļ𝘴 𝘮𝘰𝘴đ˜ĩ𝘭đ˜ē 𝘩đ˜Ļđ˜ĸđ˜Ĩ𝘤đ˜ĸđ˜¯đ˜°đ˜¯đ˜´ đ˜Ŗđ˜ļđ˜ĩ 𝘸đ˜Ē𝘭𝘭 đ˜ĸ𝘭𝘴𝘰 𝘧đ˜Ļđ˜ĸđ˜ĩđ˜ļđ˜ŗđ˜Ļ 𝘴𝘩īŋŊ...
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