My Best Friend's Brother | ✔

By lcvelyamour

125K 1.3K 449

❝ What if we could just be together, but keep it between us? ❞ ⋆ ˚。⋆୨🌞୧⋆ ˚。⋆ Morgan Irvine and Hailey Graham... More

author's note
01. morgan
02. matthew
03. morgan
04. matthew
05. morgan
06. matthew
07. morgan
08. matthew
09. morgan
10. four years ago
11. matthew
12. morgan
13. matthew
14. four years ago
15. morgan
16. matthew
17. alexis
18. matthew
19. morgan
20. matthew
21. morgan
22. matthew
23. morgan
25. morgan
26. morgan

24. matthew

2.3K 33 23
By lcvelyamour

The morning after my birthday party, I wake up around nine. I sit up and wonder what just happened. As the memories replay in my head, I feel a headache forming and I plant my feet on the ground so I can go get a glass of water.

Everyone in the house is still asleep and it feels.. peaceful.

I grab a glass and fill it with tap water. Sipping it, I hear footsteps coming from upstairs.

"Morning sleepy head." I say to Hailey who looks, if I'm being honest, rough.

"Ha ha real funny." She replies.

"Are you hungover or something?"

"No, not really. I just didn't get much sleep."

"Is it because of the fight with Morgan?"

"I guess. She was being a dick though, you have to admit that."

I stare at her for a second and she notices the look on my face.

"What?" She says sarcastically.

"Do you know how drunk she got so she didn't have to feel what she needed to feel? She loves you Hailey, I mean the girl worships you, so maybe you're too harsh on her sometimes."

"Well I'm not doing anything until she apologizes." She says, walking into the kitchen to make some coffee.

I sigh, knowing my day is going to be filled with this fight between them.

Shortly after, Morgan walks downstairs and sees us both in the kitchen. She stops and I nod at her to come.

"Morning." I say to her.

"Morning." She whispers back.

Hailey ignores the awkward interaction between us and continues doing what she's doing.

"Sleep well?" I ask.

"Uh, yeah."

"Would've been better if she was sleeping with you." Hailey mumbles under her breath, but loud enough for us both to slightly hear. We turn to look at her, Morgan had a surprised expression plastered onto her face.

"Okay, girls. This fight is stupid. You both need to drop it already. So what you both said some mean things." I immediately blurt out.

"Some mean things? She called me a slut!" Hailey remarks.

"You called me a creep obsessed with your brother!" Morgan replies.

"Because you are!"

"Okay, stop. Both of you. It's nine in the morning. That means it's too early for this." I shout and they both stop, "Morgan, you were wrong for calling Hailey a slut, and Hailey, you were wrong for calling Morgan a creep."

"Okay, whatever. I'm going to be the bigger person here. I'm sorry, Hailey." Morgan says.

"Okay." Hailey replies, before walking away.

Morgan sighs and presses her back into the wall. I grab her arms.

"It's okay. She's just being Hailey right now. She will get over it. She just needs some time." I assure her, although I'm not sure if Hailey ever will get over this.

Morgan gives me a kiss on the cheek before checking the coffee that was brewing. She grabbed herself a mug and placed it on the counter, staring at her feet. When the coffee was done, I heard footsteps quickly coming down the stairs.

"I'm just here for my coffee." Hailey says, pouring herself a cup.

"Can I have some?" Morgan asks.

"Only because you apologized." She replies and heads back upstairs.

About ten minutes after, I hear a knock on my door. Hailey rushes downstairs to get it and I hear quiet whispering between her and this other person. It kind of sounds like a guy.

Unable to hide my curiosity, I creep out of the kitchen and see her talking to Colton.

"Yeah, they're both just so annoying today I need to get out of this house." She complains to him.

"We can go to mine and invite some of our group?" Colton suggests.

"Sounds good, just text them separately." She says before yelling down the hall and I run back to where I was before, "I'm going out. I'll be back tonight probably."

"Okay, see you." Morgan says loudly, but receives no reply.

"It's okay." I say.

"No, it's not. She's going out without me at her lake house that she invited me to. I should probably just text my mom to come get me."

"Okay, well I don't know many people here either. Could you just spend the day with me before you leave?" I beg, and she gives in.

We go into the lake and jump in. I carry her around before falling with her. I try my hardest to get her mind off of what happened last night.

After going in the lake she comes into my room after getting changed. She sits on my bed and we talk.


"Okay, kiss marry kill, Margot Robbie, Madelyn Cline, Lily Rose Depp." I say to him.

"That's the hardest one you've given me so far. I don't know if I can do that one." He replies, acting like he got stabbed in the heart.

"Come on just tell me what your answer is." I encourage.

"Okay if I have to choose, but I love them all, it would be kiss Madelyn Cline, marry Margot Robbie, and kill Lily Rose Depp." He say as I laugh so hard I might get abs more defined than his.

I falls forward and grabs onto his arm. Pulling myself up, my face is only an inch away from his. I look into his eyes and he sees my face burning up. He cups my cheeks and I see him coming closer as I close my eyes, letting myself get lost in him.

Our lips press against each other and its slow and meaningful. He grabs onto my hips and pulls himself closer.

"You're so beautiful, Morgan." He says, shortly pulling away before bringing myself back in.


I push her hair behind her ears which smells like lavender. She tilts her head slightly as I lay down and she follows. We pick up the pace and our tongues eventually get involved. I grab onto her hips and pull her down onto me, losing control.

"Can we?" I ask, not even being able to finish my sentence.

"Yes." She replies before going back in.

"Can we what?" I hear a voice say behind me. We both sit up and turn our heads like it's a reflex.

"Hailey?" Morgan says, shocked. "I thought you were coming back.."

"Tonight? Yeah well, change of plans. Turns out my best friend has been lying to my face for who knows how long. Alexis told me. I can't believe you told her before me. And my brother? I thought you said you guys weren't together." She yells, tears flowing down her cheeks from anger.

"Hailey, it's not what it looks like." Matthew says, out of breath.

"Really? Cause it looks like you were about to have sex with my best friend." She shouts, "And Morgan, you should make some calls to your mom to pick you up, I don't think we're going to talk again after this."


She runs upstairs and I hear her car start as she drives away. I grab my phone and immediately start trying to reach her any way I can.

"Morgan, hey." Matthew starts.

"Stop. I can't do this." I say, leaving his room as fast as I could.

I storm into my room, crying.

I cannot believe this happened.

I left her 34 text messages, 33 calls, and 11 snaps.


She has every right to be mad at me, I mean I would be mad at myself too. Why did I have to do this. Why did this have to happen.

I look at the photo of us. A tear rolls off my cheek and falls onto the picture frame. I put it back on my side table and curl up into a ball on my bed. This was such a bad idea. Why didn't I just ask her first? All of those years of friendship, gone. I would do anything to change it. To make it so we never got together. Why did I have to follow my heart without thinking about it.

I rub my eyes as I remember I still have my mascara on. The mascara that she bought me for my birthday. I tear up even more as I put my headphones in and start listening to music. It doesn't help that much but it takes my mind off of it.

I change my clothes into my older brother's t-shirt and my biker shorts while I try to get my mascara off my eyes.

"Morgan?" I hear from downstairs.

I pause as I realize who's calling me. I'm so surprised that I don't bother wiping the tears off my face to go make sure it's not just a voice in my head.

It was not a voice in my head.

It was my best friends brother.


- Author's note

It happened.. Hailey knows now..

I hope to have only a few more chapters of this book and don't worry, it will be a good ending :) I really want to continue working on another book I'm making and I don't really know what else to write for this story.

I'm planning on having about 3-6 more chapters and then Matthew and Morgan's story will be done :( but that leaves many more opportunities for stories and maybe I could turn this into a series??

Anyways love you all and thank you for 2.4k reads! I am so glad you guys like my story :)

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