I cheated on my boyfriend wit...

By LunaRose91

20.2K 586 121

One minute you're enjoying a getaway with your best friend next minute you're boyfriend catches you and your... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Epilogue Pt. 1
Epilogue Pt. 2
Epilogue Pt. 3 (Last Part)
Sequel Update
Sequel Update

Chapter 5

1K 37 4
By LunaRose91

Sky's POV

        I had stirred in my sleep as I had sat up stretching as I had finally opened my eyes to seeing an empty bed. I looked around the room as there was no sign of Rain or his clothes as I had quickly jumped out of bed in a panic grabbing my robe as I threw it on running towards the living room.
      "Rain!" I called out in a panic as I had finally seen him over by the small kitchen counter plating up food.
         I didn't think at all as my two feet moved on their own as I ran over to him. I threw my arms around him, hugging him from behind.
         "I thought you left me." I said as I buried my face into his neck. He turned around facing me as he ran his fingers through my hair before touching my forehead then smacking it.
        "Ouch!" I said as I rubbed my forehead trying to ease the pain.
         "What kind of friend would I be to leave a sick person alone?" He said jokingly as he had turned back grabbing the food before walking over to the table.
         "Come and eat and take your medicine. You were sweating all night. You should take a shower afterwards." He said before facing me with a slight smile on his face. I just nodded my head as I had walked over to the table sitting down with him following suit sitting across from me.
          "You didn't have to get so many dishes." I said as I looked at every dish on the table then looked up at him.
            "You need to eat to get better." He said as he picked up a spoon picking up one of the dishes and putting it on my plate. My face began to flush red as I wasn't really used to this type of Rain as I had lowered my head avoiding eye contact.
          "T..thanks…" I said as I had lifted my spoon and started to eat.
         "Why is your face so red? Do you have a fever again?" I heard as I soon felt a hand touch my forehead. My heart started fluttering as I had slightly pushed his hand from me before shaking my head.
         "N..no.." I said as I continued to eat. I saw the confused look on his face as he had just dropped the subject and started to eat himself.
       "How about going out?" He said as I stopped eating for a brief moment looking at him.
        "W..what do you mean?" I was confused.
         "Let's go out and do something. I think we both need it." I lowered my head as I thought that my mind was really imagining things. I pushed the thoughts aside as I had perked up trying to hide my sadness jumping up from my spot running over to Rain kissing his cheek and hugging him.
        "Okay, okay. That's enough. Go finish eating so you can shower and we can go." He said with a slight chuckle, ruffling my hair as I had just nodded going back over to my spot sitting down to finish eating before running to take a shower.

Rain's POV

         I couldn't stop thinking about how my heart was pounding so fast earlier when Sky had kissed my cheek. I couldn't help thinking about how cute he was acting towards me as he's never really done that before.
           "Rain…" I heard a slight whining next to me as I soon was broken from my thoughts as I had seen a pouty Sky looking at me.
         "Why are you spacing out? I thought we were going to watch a movie." Sky said as he had his hands wrapped around my arm swinging it like a little kid.
          "Where has that fierce Sky from last night gone to?" I thought to myself as my heart had started pounding loudly in my chest again.
         I shook my head from the thoughts, "Alright fine, which movie did you wanna watch?" I asked as he had pointed to the newly released horror movie as I had turned towards him confused.
          "Aren't you afraid of horror movies?" I asked him. He just lowered his hands from my arms as he had crossed his arms in that same childish attitude.
          "Fine, fine. We can watch it. But don't cling to me when you get scared." I said as he had happily shook his head as he had pulled me to the ticket booth.
          Walking into the theater, hands full with popcorn and drinks as Sky had just skipped his way to our seats he turned towards me waving me over.
         "Couldn't you have helped?" I asked as I had handed him his drink.
          "I'm sick, remember?" He said with a cheeky smile on his face before sitting down in his seat.
        "You didn't seem sick earlier when you threw a tantrum." I said as I had sat my drink in the drink holder in my seat before sitting down.
           "I like teasing you." He whispered as I had turned to face him, not knowing how close our faces were almost inches away from our lips touching. My cheeks flushed as I had quickly turned my face away from his, reaching to grab some popcorn, shoving it into my mouth.
           "What's wrong with you, Rain?" I thought to myself as the movie soon began to start.

Sky's POV

       It was halfway through the movie as I had started clenching my eyes closed as it had gotten too scary to handle. I started to get uncomfortable as I had tried my best to continue watching the movie.
     "Ahhhh!" I screamed out loud covering my eyes.
      "You wanted to watch it, why are you covering your eyes?" I heard from Rain next to me. I had slowly loosened up, uncovering my eyes as I had grabbed the armrests on our seats.
           Trying to relax to finish the movie, I felt something warm on my hand as I looked down to see Rain's hand holding mine. My heart felt like it was about to burst out of my chest as I had looked up at him confused with him all up into the movie.
        I had finally begun to relax as I had turned back facing the screen, finally able to finish the movie.

          We exited the theater as I had turned towards Rain, "I'm hungry." I whined as he had just rolled his eyes.
        "You're the one who ate most of the popcorn because your scared self couldn't handle the movie." He said as he walked off. I ran off after him grabbing his arm and started to whine again.
          "But, I'm hungry." He stopped turning towards me as I had rubbed my stomach as it had grawled. He just sighed, rolling his eyes.
           He then looked at me and leaned in, face close, "Fine. But I get to choose where we eat." He said as he walked off. There it goes again. That pesky heart of mine thumping loudly as I had dragged my feet while following behind Rain.

Rain's POV

       "I don't like noodles," he whined.
       "Stop whining. I said that I was going to choose the place and this is where I wanted to eat. Plus, they have rice dishes that you'll be able to eat."
       He pouted, crossing his arms across his chest as I shook my head looking down at the menu.
      "You're quite whinny and childish when you're sick." I told him as I heard a "hmmp" from across the table.
        "Quite cute really," I whispered to myself with a slight smile formed on my face.
       "May I take your order?" The waitress said as I had ordered ramen for me and a bowl of porridge for Sky since he's still a bit sick. The waitress nodded with a smile on her face as she took the menu from me and I turned towards Sky with a look on his face I've never seen before.
         "What's wrong with you?" I asked him but he didn't say a word as he just looked out the window. I was confused as I had just brushed it off as I had just picked up my phone checking the time before the waitress had came back with our food.
       "One bowl of porridge for your friend." She said handing it over to him before turning towards me.
       "And one bowl of ramen for this cutie." She said winking before walking off. I had started putting some chili's and vinegar into my ramen before stirring it up as I was about to take a bite as I had noticed Sky's stare.
       "What?" I asked as I had taken the first bite of my food as I had seen Sky just playing with his food.
          "Nothing." He said as he had continued playing with his food. I sighed, putting down my chopsticks as I had all my attention on him.
       "Stop playing with your food and eat. How are you going to get better if you don't eat and nourish yourself?" I asked him. He didn't say a word as he had started taking small bites of his food.
         I too had started eating on my food as the waitress had came back by the table.
       "Can I help you with anything else?" She asked as I shook my head no. She just smiled as she had placed the check on the table but not without her slightly caressing my hand.
        I had quickly moved my hand away as I heard a loud slam on the table looking over seeing Sky standing up from his seat with a look on his face that I couldn't read.
       "Sky, what's wrong?" I asked but got no response as he had just ran out of the restaurant. I couldn't think of why he would do such a thing as I had gotten up from my seat, putting money on the table before running out after him.

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