Tailream Short stories

By AdamDrought

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Join Tails, Cream and the rest of the Sonic gang, on how the now older Tails and Cream go from friends to lov... More

A Heart A Ring, & a Gun (part 1)
A Heart A Ring, & a Gun (part 2)
Halloween Fiasco
Halloween Fiasco 2/3
Halloween Fiasco 3/3
A "Just friends" Date
Cream: JAG
Red on a White Christmas (TailsxCream)
Red on a White Christmas (2/2)
Tails and Cream Babysitting Date
Revealing secrets
Creamy Valentine ♥ (CreamxTails)
13- Meeting the Prower's
Ch.15- Clousher
Short story #1

Ch. 16- A new beginning

58 1 0
By AdamDrought

Tails POV... Roughly 2- 2 1/2 years have past since last chapter.

        "That's a lovely choice Sir." The store clerk told Tails the Fox. "Would you like a warranty, for repair or replacement on it?" The clerk asked. "Yes, and just put it in the box." Tails told her with a big and nervous smile on his face. The clerk charges him and puts the ring in its box for him.

        Tails walks out of the jewelery store and takes a deep breath. 'You can do this, Miles!' He incouraged himself. He and Cream the Rabbit have been together for little over 2 years; now he wants her to be Mrs. Cream Prower. 'Now just got to talk to Vanilla.' This is because he already told Vector, Creams step father.

         It's a long walk to Vanilla's house, when he did he knocked on the door before entering. "Tails." Liza greeted him. "Hey Dino girl. Is your mom home." Tails already knew Vanilla was home. "Ya, Ms. Amy too, and Maré!" Liza says pulling Tails into the Living room. "Mom! Tails is here for you!." Liza calls thru the house.

        Amy greets Tails, "Hey, Tails." Tails is greeted by Amy and Marie. "Hey, Amy. How's the little strawberry?" Tails asked. 

        "Asleep." Amy tells him, shifting her arms so he can see the swaddle pink and red baby Hedgehog. It's hard to believe sometimes. "Hello, Tails." Vanilla greeted, bringing in some tea for them. Tails gets right to the point, telling Vanilla that he wants to marry Cream. "That's why I want to be with her. If you let me...?" Liza answered for the girls, "YES!! " 

        Vanilla agreed with her daughter, "However, you should go talk to Shadow about this too." Amy adds in, "Sonic went to go see him later, maby you two can go together?" Tails nods and smile at Amy, while he played with the baby's hands. It hasn't been easy for her, and he knows it's complicated being with Sonic after giving birth to Shadows daughter.

          Tails takes a bus to get to Shadow. On the way he sees advertisements for, Sonic products, and the new game, "Sonic X". Tails smiles at it. After everything Sonic had to retire the whole hero thing because of the abuse he's done to his body and the promise he made. Sonic thru the recent years had developed Runners' Knee, and at one point ripped his ACL. So to make ends meet he's turned his World Ranound name into Commerce, to help take care of Amy and Maré.  

        Tails has done something similar, thru all his contacts he's built a Corporate business. With growing deals every week, and with Cream as head of the Legal department it's on its way to becoming a Corporate Giant.

         Tails starts walking down the stone path, when he runs into Sonic the Hedgehog. "Hey, Tails. What you doing here?" Sonic asked. Sonic is wearing a black suit coat and he has his crutch/cane with him today, must be hurting. 

        "I came to talk to Shadow about this." Tails says holding the box that holds the ring. 

        "You and me both, little bro." Sonic tells him with a smile, "Maybe you'll get more of an answer, than I did?"

         "Having second thoughts?" Tails asked him. 

          "No. I did at first, if it was just the hormones... But I can't deny it anymore. I'm in love with, Ames... I just came to promised Shadow that I be the best husband and father I could be for them." Tails hugs him, and Sonic tells him good luck.

        Tails walks a little more until he came up to a tree, where Shadow was, over looking the pond. "Hey, Shadow." Tails says as he takes a knee, infrount of Shadow's Headstone. "Sonic, came to see you?... Ya. I know, he will do his best, you be impressed how much he's matured these 2 years (two years, since Shadow died) ." Tails is getting chocked up, as he wipes tears away. "The reason I came today is to tell you, I going to ask Cream to Marry me... Ya, Finally!" Tails laughed. "You remember what you told me when I last asked you these questions. I do... Shadow we were never really close like I am with Sonic, but you were someone I could count on solid advice, and you helped me grow. I.." Tails can't hold back the tears anymore. Shadow taught him to be strong when others were weak, even if you were dieing inside too. Something, Tails, needed when he and Cream had their world shaken from the crash.

        "I'm going to do right by her, Shadow. We'll save you a seat." Tails says and he leaves the cemetery.

One week later...

       Tails is waiting, again, for Cream the Rabbit. Tonight he was taking her out on another date, after work. Cream sneaks up behind Tails and gives him a peck on the cheek. "So, where is your mind off to, mr.?" Cream asked wearing a long red and yellow dress. 

        "When did you get this?" Tails asked in a smile.

        "Last time I went shopping with your mother. Do you like it?" Cream asked. 

        "I like it." Tails wraps his arms around her and gives her a kiss, "But I love it because your in it." Cream rolls her eyes playfully, "Wow, such a cheese flirt tonight."

        A Fair had rolled into town this weekend, so Tails took Cream there to have fun. They even ran into Knuckles and Rouge, who had Talon, Liza, and Rascal all together. Cream won the kids some toys at a BB shooting game. It soon became a competition when Whisper the Wolf showed up. "Amy!" Rouge called as Sonic and her came up with a stroller. 

        "It's nice were all able to come out, like old times." Blaze said with her and Silver's twins. It was getting later in the day, they had all gather around for a bite. 

         "Sonic, Don't give that to her. It will upset her stomach." Amy called as Sonic was about to feed Maré some of his Chili Dog. "It's none spiced, Ames. It's also just some bread for her to try." Sonic takes a bite and feeds it to Amy, by mouth. Getting a "eww" from the others at the table. "Sonic! That was nasty." Amy said turning red. "Says the one, who slipped their tongue in." Sonic said smiling, holding Maré, who was giggling. Rouge chimed in, "Get it, Amy!" Causing her to cover her face to hide her now red face.

        The girls gasp. "Amy, what's that on your hand?" Vanilla asked. Amy has a flustered smile and Sonic answered for her, moving closer. "Guy's we have some news." Amy finishes for him, "I said, Yes." The table was filled with cheer, and congratulations to the two Hedgehogs.

        Tails decides to end their date with a ride on the Fairis wheel. Sonic gave him a nudge and a wink before climbing in. "Everything is so pretty up here." Cream tells him.

         "Ya. You know when I was little I use to think I could see the future up here." Tails starts. 

         "Really? I use to think people looked like ants." They laughed at their silliness. Cream is looking out the window of the basket. 

         "But that future is nothing with out you in it." Tails says. Cream look back at Tails as she feels the basket shifting from his movements. 

        "Tails!?" Cream gasped, as Tails was on one knee.

         "Cream Rabbit, you have been my friend for a long time. And in our time together we went thru trials and hardships that broke us down, I was only able to come out of it because I had you by my side." Creams eyes are watering by Tails words. "Cream, I Need You, because I Love You... Will you marry me?" Tails opens the little box revealing the ring he bought prior.

        The gang was waiting on the ground anticipating the news. "What's going to happen if she says no?" Blaze asked. "She won't." Vanilla confirms. Soon Tails and Creams basket lowers back down, but their not in it. "Where are they?" Rascal asked. The operator opened the baskets door, when he did Sonic whistled at the two. 

        When they opened the door Cream was on top of Tails lap kissing him, tears running down her face. *whistle* "Couldn't wait for the Honey Moon can you!" Sonic called. The two young couple look at their group of friends as they started claping their hands, congratulating them.

Months latter...

       Cream is fanning herself, in all areas possible. "It's alright shugger." Bunnie, Creams cousin comforted. "Were you this nervous on your day too?" Cream gasped. "No, but Antwan was. Your paws advice wasn't helping him either." The two rabbits laphed.

        "You look beautiful, Cream." Amy told her. Rosemary Prower, Tail's mom, walks up to Cream and hugs her. "Here, honey." Rosemary hands Cream a elaborate vail that looked more like a crown, or a tiara. Cream runs her hand down the elaborate design. "I wore this in my wedding, and my mother before her, too." Cream puts it on and hugs her soon mother-in-law.

        Liza and Talon were their Flower girl and Ring Barror. Peeking thru she could see Liza throwing fist fulls of flowers as she walked. Cream couldn't help but smile at how cute the two looked holding hands down the aisle, as Talon held the rings close to him.

        "Cream. Are you ready?" Vector the Crocodile asked his daughter. Cream smiles warmly and wraps their arms together. She nods her head yes, and he motions for their arrival. 

        The music played, and everyone stood, as the doors opened to reveal Cream in her wedding dress being walked down the aisle, by a sobbing Crocodile. Cream gave Vector a peck on the cheek, and Tails a firm handshake, to Vector. Cream stood there looking at all their friends and family there with them. A smile and ping in her hart formed when she seen a reserved seat marked, "RESERVED, Shadow". Cream mouthed the words, Thank you, to Tails who held her hands. Then the time came. Miles "Tails", pulls Cream in by the waist and seals their Covenant.


        Tails wakes up in the morning, as day light shines thru. He turns his head to his beautiful wife, as she breaths all so silently. Her lips slightly open, as her breast move with her breathing. He watches her, and then moves a hair out of her face. She smiles at his touch. Tails leans in and kisses her lips. "Mmm~, that's a kiss. Why so passionate this morning?" Cream asked. "Just thinking, about you. About making you Mrs. Prower." Tails tells her as he runs his hand down her waist. "Hmm~. You wanting to recreat our wedding night." Cream smiles a subductive grin, as her eyelids closed half way. Tails leans into his wife.

        "PLOW DRIVER!" A young mobian jumps on Tails, causing him to make a loud *OoF!* sound. "Morning." The young RabbitFox said as he hugged his father. Taylor the RabbitFox is Cream and Tails's 5 year old son. He looked like his father, but was a dark cream color and had a cotton tail like his mother. Cream drapes the sheets over her breast, as she sits up. "How does pancakes sound?" Cream asked. Their son raises his hand, and stretches it up higher. "I'll meet you down stairs, then." Taylor then jumps off and dashes for the kitchen. "We should get dressed." Cream tells him. Tails lays there watching her get up out of bed, her back to him. 

        Tails suddenly wraps his arms around her waist, as he pulls her onto his lap. "Miles.~" Cream laughs. As he started kissing her body. "I'm at least getting this, for this morning." He tells her as they shared another passionate kiss, like so many more to come.


I may upload little stories about life after this chapter, or ideas I couldn't fit in the main story.

Rough drawing...

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