The Young Future

By summergirl_189

1.1K 29 0

Young people...young problems. Everyone has something and nothing at the same time. Nowadays, we have to lear... More



222 3 0
By summergirl_189

"Emily...Emily, there is a test today is a geography test..."
I raised my head and calmly looked at Grayson.
"Yes I know, huh?"
His muscles on the sled tensed and he swallowed, he probably didn't expect me to be so calm, we are usually both stressed before the test.
"Huh? huh? no huh, you have to test me, here's..." he fished out a geography textbook from his bag and suddenly handed it to me. "...try."
I rolled my eyes at him and ripped the textbook out of his hand in disgust.
"And do I have to? The break is about to end." Grayson looked at the watch on his wrist and when he looked back at me he tapped the textbook in front of me with his finger. "We still have three minutes so shoo shoo Em."
I turned to page 93 and started testing him.
"So now I'm going to give you a map and I'm going to read you the states and you're going to point them out and always say something to them." Gray looked at me as if I had turned into a frog with three eyes.

"Meh boy, I don't want to say this out of respect for you, but I will. You're terrible at geography."
He scowled at me and I bared my teeth. "Wow Em, thanks for the support." Grayson said sarcastically while taking his textbook back from my hand. I turned my back to him and prepared my things from my bag for the next lesson. My peace didn't last long when Grayson tapped me on the shoulder. "Otherwise, where is Fraya anyway? She's not coming?" I looked at the empty seat in the next pew and then back at him. "Not today, she had to go to the dermatologist, although I bet 65% of it is because of the geography and math test." I grinned at him, knowing that he didn't even know about math. "Is there a maths test too?! Why don't I know about that?"
"That'll be because you're in class in another dimension sweetie."
He gave me his Grayson look that makes me laugh and he argued. "I'm not in another dimension, I just don't enjoy listening and my mind is elsewhere."
"In other words, you're in another dimension."
I smiled at Grayson when the bell rang and the geography teacher entered the classroom. I arranged my things on the bench and, like everyone else, stood up to say hello.

I put my head on a pencil case instead of a pillow and just listened.
"Damn, when is it going to end, this lesson is taking forever."
Since writing the test, it just drags on. I raised an eyebrow at my best friend because I'm not wearing a watch. Grayson looked down to check the time and leaned closer to me. "The bell rings in five minutes." He whispered and pointed again. "Emily don't sleep in class, you have to do that at home." The teacher spoke to me when she was standing by my desk. "Sorry, sleep deficit..." She kept contradicting me and Grayson just laughed at it. "So you should have slept at home Emily." She was already starting to annoy me, so I just cut her off. "Then you shouldn't have put so much material on the test." The teacher's gaze tightened and she frowned slightly. "As far as I know, you had three days to study, that's enough." I wanted to roll my eyes so badly. When I looked at the whole class, no one did what they were supposed to, they just watched me argue with the teacher. "As far as I know we have many other items as well." The teacher saw that there was no direction, so she returned to the department and retorted to herself. "If she hadn't been such a good student, I would have kicked that O'Brien out." Grayson and I looked at each other at the same time and started laughing wildly.

"Mom, I'm home..." I slammed the front door and threw my bag off my shoulders. "How was school honey?" Mom was standing behind the stove stirring something in a pot. I pulled out a chair and sat down for the upcoming discussion."Pretty good, so average. You know, I have a theory that the geography teacher doesn't like me very much."
"Do you have facts for your theory?"
Mom raised her eyebrows at me like she always does when we solve my theories, which is quite often. I just shrugged. "She told me."
"That's a pretty good fact." Mom came over and hugged me as she continued to ask questions. "Is everything back to normal with Fraya? Has she returned to normal?" I've had a bit of trouble in paradise with Fraya lately, as they say, and my mom recommended that I talk to her about it.
"In sum"
"That doesn't sound very convincing." She looked at me skeptically and challenged me to tell the truth. I tilted my head back and let out a frustrated sigh. "Everything seems to be fine so far, I just don't want to make hasty conclusions after a week."
"I I have a lot of work to do so I have to get back to the computer, I love you."
"I love you too." I went to my room and took my cell phone out of my bag and found that I had a million messages from Grayson. I sighed and threw myself into the chair. 'Typical' 'What is burning somewhere when so many messages.


The geography grade on edupage arrived.
How many points do you have?
You go first
Say it
Where are you
what is your grade
don't ignore me Em

i'm here i'm here
peace Gray
I didn't ignore you, I just came home a while ago

You could write on the way...
it doesn't matter... now tell me your grade

you first

no, I asked first

shush shush, speak otherwise I won't say it...



oh come onnn

"oh come on" what, i won't say it, unless you are the first

hey don't leave the chat...Em
I have 19.5/20
satisfied? Now you

I have 20/20
and yes, I'm satisfied now

you bitch, you have half a point more than me

yeah, I'm the best

Do we have any tests or homework tomorrow?

I don't thing so
Btw, the day after tomorrow is the director's day off, don't you want to go to the cinema?

I will find out with my parents, and would it be just the two of us?

I hope so because that's exactly what I thought

"Good morning princess, so how about the cinema tomorrow? are you going?"
Grayson just came to our bench and threw his bag on the ground and sat down next to me all sweaty from the long journey.
"Mom said that I can go exceptionally, and I wanted to ask, wouldn't Freya or Denissa also come with us?" I furrowed my brows and looked at Grayson's face in confusion. I sat down better and raised an inquisitive voice. "Why don't we go just the two of us?"
"Where are you two going? Do you have a date?" Grayson's "friend" Thomas, who always has "perfect notes" on everything, jumped onto our bench. I just sighed and quietly rolled my eyes. Grayson immediately began to defend himself. Which hurt me slightly, although we don't have a date, but he denied it quite cruelly.
"It's not a date, we just want to go to the movies during our free time."
"So a date." Thomas kept digging into it. "It's not a date, we want Fraya to come with us." Thomas laughed and patted Grayson on the shoulder and left. It was weird. I was hurt by Grayson's reaction. Enough. "Why is Fraya coming too?"
"Do you mind?"
This time I really felt hurt. "I thought it was just us, as friends."
Grayson kept looking at me and pretended that he didn't care at all that he hurt me. "I would feel more comfortable if she went too, but she doesn't have to if it bothers you so much."
His approach pissed me off so I stood up and whispered to him. "You know what? Fuck it Grayson, I'm going to see her and invite her so you don't feel uncomfortable WITH ME." I gave him my middle finger and followed Freya. "Hey Fray, wanna go to the movies with me and Grayson tomorrow to see the new Shazam?"
Fraya smiled warmly and agreed. "Sure, I'll just let mom know."
I sat back down next to Grayson and told him quietly again. "Done, Fraya is coming with us, "buddy" to make you feel better." I rolled my eyes and turned away from him a little. I didn't want to be so mean, but it really hurt me how he behaved.

The last lesson, art. Long and boring. I didn't hang out with Grayson even though he tried to communicate, but I always left. Now I had no choice but to stay put. "Shh...Em." Grayson handed me a folded piece of paper and went back to painting. He must be allowed to draw beautifully. I didn't want to look at the paper, but I couldn't. I unfolded the piece of paper and it said: Come home with me today, we'll talk privately.
I turned the paper to the other side and wrote: Fine, but we will talk like people, not your answers like "I don't know" "maybe".

"Soooo, speak up, you have the floor."
Grayson straightened up a bit and his breath quickened slightly. He looked stressed. "Peace Gray I don't bite." He didn't relax much, but he started talking. "You know, I didn't want to go to the cinema with just you because I didn't want everyone talking about it in class." It took me a bit by surprise. I didn't say anything and preferred to just continue walking beside him and let him continue. "I don't like it when Thomas or Sean or whoever keeps talking about us being a good match and having all kinds of insinuations and stuff."
I wanted to laugh at the stupidity, but at the same time I understood it. I watched as he tried to look unstressed. "Gray, just ignore them, you can, they're just demented. They're not worth it."
"It's hard, you know how hard it was for me when they made fun of me since kindergarten that I was one of the girls? And now that it's finally almost over they started making fun of the fact that I'm "dating my best friend"."
I was sorry that they had been doing this to him since kindergarten. It must have been difficult for his self-esteem. "You're right Gray, I don't know what it was like, but you're not in kindergarten anymore, when they make fun of it, just laugh, you know it's not true and that's important. If they want to act like kids, let them act." Grayson took a deep breath and processed what I told him in his head. We were already halfway to his house and it was really warm. That didn't help him feel comfortable in this conversation.
"I know, it's stupid, but I really don't like it when they make fun of it."
"Don't worry Grayson, it's not stupid at all, you just have to learn to let it go."
"Then let's go to the cinema with Fraya too, if it helps you feel better. Now that I know the reason." We were almost at his house, it was easy to recognize. Dogs were barking, modern wealthy houses and cars were everywhere. It was clear. "Do I look so terrible that you don't even want to go on that date with me?" I said it as a joke to lighten the mood a bit. "I didn't say that."
"Great, I'll be alone forever because no one will ask me out." I loved such sarcastic lines. The sarcasm was mostly understandable. "You won't be alone forever, I'd like to ask you out on date, but when we're older, maybe in eight-ninth grade."

I stopped. I didn't expect him to say something like that at all. I expected anything but this. I looked at him and smiled at what he said a second ago. "So you like me a little?" When I said a little bit, I raised my voice slightly to make it clear that I meant the word ironically. "Maybe I like you, but just a little." He did the same, showing the gap between his fingers. I laughed a little. The whole thing was adorable. "I'm going home and you go Em and be careful." I turned back to him and stopped him. "Wait wait, you forgot the hug." Gray playfully rolled his eyes and came over to me. I hugged him around the neck like always and he around my waist, maybe it looked a little weird but this was the best way to hug. As we slowly moved away, I thought about whether I should do it or not. I made. I gave him a kiss on the cheek but it was so close to his lips that if I moved a millimeter we would kiss. When we pulled away I grinned at him and started walking down the road home.
I gave him one last nod and shouted after him. "I'm waiting for a date sweetie."

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