paint me like one of your fre...

By c2suave

219K 7.7K 1.9K

Paris Du Pont was the queen of her school. Turns heads when she walks, she was the type of person people prac... More

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anything you say can, and will be used against you...


6K 238 59
By c2suave


"What are you doing?" I whispered behind Mr. Jackson who looked like he was tryna fix the cash register.

He let out a high-pitched yelp then cleared his throat embarrassed, "What are you doin', standing behind me and shit?" He snapped, "When you even get here?" He muttered.

"Just now?" I asked in confusion, "And the bell above the door literally rung." I snorted.

You slammed the wrench that was in his hand down, "You know what? Since you wanna be all smart and shit, you can fix the damn register." He snapped and shoved the wrench into my hand.

I shook my head and chuckled at him. I inspected the register and laughed again when I realized the problem, "It's not even broken." I laugh, "There's just a penny stuck." I said then removed it, "There it's fixed, now pay me." I said holding my hand out.

"Tuh, you must outta yo damn mind if you think I'm payin' you." He scoffed and walked away.

"Hey Mace." Ryan said walking in after him her school uniform.

It was the following week after the whole Leon thing. Paris hasn't mentioned it at all which surprised the hell outta me.

Maybe she listened when I said to let it go.

Nah, probably not.

I have an itching feeling she did something but for now, I'll act clueless.

"Hey Ry, ready to go?" I asked picking up my bag.

"Yeah let's go." She said and walked out the door.

Sometimes Ry walks to school with me to keep me company. I never asked her to, she just does it.

I shivered and wrapped my jacket around myself tighter, bringing my beanie down to my ears.

"So how's your girlfriend?" Ryan asked.

I rolled my eyes, "She's not my girlfriend."

"But you want her to be." She smirked.

"I-" I stammered, "Shut up." I flicked her forehead.

"Ow!" She rubbed her forehead, "You know it's true." She grumbled.

"Whatever." I mutter.

"You're birthdays coming up, what do you want?" She smiled.

"Hot, running water." I sighed and smiled softly to myself.

"I'm serious." She deadpanned.

"So am I!" I laughed.

"There's nothing materialistic you want?" She asked.

I thought about it for a moment, "No, not really." I shook my head.

A sharp gust of wind blew making it 10x colder. My hair whipped into my face even with the beanie on my head.

I grumbled and kept tryna move it away but it kept moving back.

"One of these days, I swear I'm gonna cut it." I muttered.

"You've been saying that for years." Ryan snorted.

"I know but my hair is also how I hide my face. If I don't have hair, how am I supposed to do that?" I asked.

"I don't know, maybe stop hiding your face?" She suggested.

"That's possibly the worst response you could've come up with." I stared at her blankly.

"Fine! Then don't cut it." She grumbled.

"But it's annoying." I muttered.

"Then cut it."

"But then I can't hide my face."

"Oh for fucks sake." She muttered, "Then stop talking about it!" She raised her voice.

"Jeez what's got your panties in a twist." I frown.

She threw her hands up and sped walked forward leaving me behind. I easily caught up with her and put my arm around her shoulder, "You know you love me." I grin down at her.

In return she rammed her elbow into my rib, leaving me huffing and gasping in pain, "I love you too!" I call out, hunched over.

Ryan just continued walking and put her middle finger up.


It was now lunch time and I was walking to the cafeteria. No one was really around because I go earlier to avoid the rush of people and noise.

"Hey Evan." I said walking into the cafeteria.

"Hey." She grumbled.

"What's up with you?" I asked picking up an apple and biting into it.

"Med school." She sighed, "And to top it off, guy problems."

"You're still with that dick?" I frowned, "I thought you said he isn't worth your time?" I asked, putting more food on my plate.

"He isn't. And I've tried breaking up with him, but he just keeps coming back and I just keep letting him." She said, wiping some counters down.

"Want me to handle it?" I asked more seriously.

She finally looked up at me with a soft smile, "Thank you Mace, but I got it. I'll let you know if I do need your help." I smiled back at her and added more food to my plate.

"Now get the fuck out of here, lunch is about to start." She said, going back to her usual self.

"Remind me never to be nice to you." I scoff and walk out.

I quickly made my way to the library and did a little happy dance when I heard the bell ring, meaning I escaped the rush hour.

"Hey Judy." I said, walking past the main desk.

She grunted in greeting to me in return, attention fully invested into the book she was reading.

I let out a small laugh and made my way to my usual spot also the one I used to tutor Paris in.

She's been doing a lot better with school, especially Physics. I for one was extremely proud of her, especially when she got a B on her lest test.

"Guess what, guess what, guess what?" Paris walked in excitedly.

I put down my pen and stop doing my homework to give her my attention, "What, what, what?" I smiled, matching her energy.

"Look!" She thrusted a paper in my face.

I leaned back a little to see it clearly, "Holy shit, is this real?" I whispered.

"Yup!" She grinned, "I'm smart now." She smirked.

"That you are." I chuckled lowly, "Nice job Theia." I smile, finally using the nickname I gave her.

A blushed quickly appeared on her face but disappeared as fast as it came, "Shut up." She muttered and my punched my shoulder then sat down next to me.

"Ow! What was that for!" I said, rubbing the spot.

She just shrugged and took her books out, "Felt right."

"Need me to kiss it to make it better?" She smirked, leaning towards my face.

"Yes." I smirked back, leaning closer too.

She pushed my face back and snorted, "You wish." She laughed.

"Yes I do." I muttered then turned back to my work.

I snapped myself out of my day dream and pulled out my homework and started working on it and eating at the same time.

I was two pages into my math homework when I heard footsteps coming my way.

I looked up to see a smiling Paris and a bickering Stella and Clara behind her, walking towards me.

"Hey!" Paris smiled.

"Hey." I smiled back, after seeing her smile, "What are you guys doing here?" I asked, confused.

"We thought it'd be nice to join you." She shrugged and sat to my left.

Stella temporarily stopped arguing with Clara, "Correction: She thought it'd be nice to join you."
She said sitting down from across from us.

Paris shrugged again, "Same difference." She said then took a bite out of sandwich.

Stella rolled her eyes then went back to bickering with Clara about lord knows what.

"How's your ribs?" Paris asked, eating her food.

"It's good." I nodded, "Doesn't hurt as much."

"Your scar is healing nicely." She said, reaching up to softly touch my cheek.

She carefully traced the scar delicately while I unconsciously closed my eyes and leaned into her touch. With her this close, I could see the sage green of eyes that had subtle flecks of brown that you could only see up close. The splash of freckles across her nose and the smoothness of her skin. Not to mention the soft, pink of her lips that had a slight pout to them.

Paris was by far one of the most beautiful girls I've ever seen.

When I opened my eyes again, Paris was staring straight back at me, her hand resting on my cheek.

We continued silently staring at each other until we were interrupted by someone clearing their throat, "Should we leave?" Stella smirked.

We looked back at each other and quickly moved away, both of us with a deep blush on our cheeks.

A slightly awkward silence fell over us except for the talking of Stella and Clara. I went back to my homework and Paris continued silently eating her food.

When the bell rang, signaling the end of lunch we all walked out of the library.

I silently walked next to Paris, walking her to her class when we passed by none other than Leon Marshall.

He was walking down the hall from the opposite way, with his group of friends. When he saw us, his eyes widened and he immediately looked down and start walking faster and passed us.

"That was weird." I muttered, looking back at him speed walking to see him bump into some girl.

"Definitely." Paris muttered back.

I stared down at her suspiciously, "Alright, what did you do?" I questioned.

She looked up at me offended, "What do you mean? I didn't do anything!" She exclaimed.

I smiled down at her knowingly, "Paris there's no way in hell he would go from beating me up one week, to being too scared to even look me in the eye the next." I snorted, "Now what did you do?" I asked again.

She looked up at me worriedly then sighed, "I may or may not have threatened him with a lawsuit and threatened him with jail time." She muttered quietly.

"You what?" I laughed in disbelief, "No wonder he's so scared." I chuckled.

"You're not mad?" She asked, hesitantly.

I looked down at her, "Nah, you were just trying to look out for me." I said, "Besides it's kinda cute you would go that great of a length to defend me." I grinned.

"Shut up." She grumbled and walked away.

I shook my head with a smile and walked to my class once she entered hers.

"Settle down and find your seats quickly! We got a lot to go through today!" My art teacher, Ms. West, yelled as I walked into class.

Like I said art is my favorite class so I have no problem paying attention.

The class passed by quickly and 5 minutes before the bell ranged she stopped us from packing up, "If you guys could give me your attention real quick, I promise it'll be quick." She said, "So for your final this semester, we'll be doing a portfolio."

The class quickly groaned but Ms. West just continues, "The portfolio needs to have at least 6 pieces that reflect what we've been learning the past semester. You have unlimited range and freedom. The rubric is online and it's due your last day before break." She said.

The bell rang and everyone quickly packed up. I was making my way to the door when Ms. West stopped me, "Mayson can you come here for a sec?" She asked.

"Sure." I said then walked to her desk, "What's up Ms. West?" I asked.

"You missed my class last Friday. And now you have a bruise on your cheek." She pointed out. I unconsciously touched the bruised skin, "I just want to make sure everything's fine." She smiled.

"Everything's fine Ms. West just a... misunderstanding." I smiled back.

She looked at me like she didn't believe me but luckily, she dropped it, "I know you're lying but if there's anything I can do for you just let me know." She said firmly.

"Thank you, I'll keep that in mind." I smiled and left the classroom.

The halls were pretty empty considering it was 10 minutes after school ended. When I got to the front door, I saw Paris leaning by it.

When she saw me she smiled, "What took you so long?" She asked.

"I had to talk to my teacher." I replied, "And I didn't know you'd wait for me." I smiled and held the door open for her.

"Aren't we tutoring today?" She hummed.

"Yeah, are we going to your house?" I asked as we walked to her car.

"Yeah let's just go there from now on." She replied.

"Ok." I nodded then opened her car door for her then went around to my side.


I felt a piece of paper hit my head and snapped my head out of my day dream and looked up to see a pouting Paris, "Hey where'd you go?" She asked.

We were sitting in the living room doing homework, well I was doing homework, while Paris had her feet in my lap, scrolling on her phone and telling me about her day.

"Sorry." I said, "What'd you say?" I yawned and stretched my arms above my head.

Paris eyes flickered down for a split second before they looked back into my eyes, "What were you thinking about?" She asked.

"Nothing." I shook my head, "Just my art final." I yawned again.

"You look tired." She observed.

"I am, I've been studying more for finals." I muttered.

"Come here." Paris said and patted her stomach.

I gladly took the invitation and put my stuff on the coffee table then adjusted my body so I was laying on her stomach.

I let out a quiet, content sigh when I felt her hand start to play with hair, "What's you art final about?" She asked, softly.

"We have to make a portfolio that includes all the things we've learned so far." I muttered, tiredly, "I was thinking about what I want the theme to be."

Paris continued playing with hair while she quietly scrolled on her phone. Her scent was soothing and I wrapped my arms around her waist and snuggled further into her.

It didn't take long before I fell asleep in her arms.



I woke up with a groan and looked around at my surroundings. A sleeping Mayson was laying on my stomach, her arms around my torso, softly snoring. I smiled and tucked a strand of hair behind her ear.

It was now dark outside and the fireplace was on.

As I looked down at Mayson, I realize how much happier I've been with her in my life.

Before her, I was just going through the motions and tolerating everything.

Now I wake up with a smile on my face, knowing it's another day I get to see her smile with her dimples, her stupid jokes, her weird habits, and her eyes that look at me like I'm the most beautiful thing she's ever seen.

A ringing interrupted me from my thoughts and I looked at my phone to see my grandma video calling me.

I answered it with a smile, "Hey grandma." I said quietly.

"Hey sweetheart!" She smiled. She still looked tired all the time but like always, her smile and demeanor would tell you otherwise.

"Why are you whispering?" She frowned.

A blush appeared on my face and I looked down at Mayson and backed to my knowing grandma, "Uh, Mayson is sleeping right now." I mutter.

"Oh?" She raised an eyebrow, "Is this the one I've been hearing so much about?" She asked.

I blush again, "Yup that's the one." I mutter.

"The blush on your face says it all." She snorts.

"Grandma." I groan in embarrassment. I felt Mayson took a deep breathe and shuffled a bit before going back to sleep.

She just laughed at me and continued, "Well I've never seen you so happy, I hope I get to meet her one day." She smiled.

"You will." I said firmly. I knew what she was implying when she said "hope".

"Darling-" She started.

"Grandma stop." I said, "You will meet her." I emphasized.

She nodded with a smile, "I will meet her." She repeated.

"Hey angel." My grandpa greeted, coming into the screen with a small smile.

"Hey grandpa. How are you guys doing?" I smile.

"Just fine. How's that guitar holding up?" He asked with his usual stern face.

"It's good, Mayson has been teaching me." I smile, looking down at Mayson for a second then looking back at the camera.

"She better be treating you right." He said seriously.

"She is." I smile, looking down at Mayson again.

We talked for a few more minutes before they had to hang up.

"Bye honey, we'll talk to you later." My grandma gave me a warm smile.

"Bye, I love you guys." I smiled.

"We love you too." They said simultaneously then hung up.

As soon as I hung up an awakened Mayson looked up at me, "I treat you right?" She grinned.

I rolled my eyes, "Of course you heard that entire conversation." I muttered.

"What can I say? Your voice brings me out of the deepest slumbers." She grinned, her hands now folded on my stomach with her hand resting on them.

I pushed her head away, "Shut up and go make me food." I grumbled.

She shrugged then got up and picked me up by my thighs.

I let out a quiet yelp and wrapped my hands around her neck, "If I have to make you food, you have to keep me company." She smiled.

"Fine." I rolled my eyes, trying to hide my blush.

She carried me with ease all the way to the kitchen then set me down at the counter.

She was still wearing her school uniform but she untucked her shirt and unbuttoned the top buttons while her tie was loosely hanging around her neck.

I shamelessly checked her out while she made me food.

She started boiling water and got out spaghetti.
She then started making the sauce and adding seasonings to it while I just watched her.

While she was stirring her sauce she glanced at me and did a double take when she realized I was staring back.

"What?" She asked innocently. I internally swooned at her cuteness.

"Nothing." I shook my head.

She took a small spoonful of the sauce and blew on it, coming towards me, "Try it." She smiled.

She brought it up to my lips and I brought the spoon out of my mouth slowly when I registered how good it tasted.

Mayson just stared at me, with her mouth slightly open, "It's good." I whispered.

Mayson just continued staring at me until I snapped my fingers in front of her face, "You have uh-" She motioned to my lip.

I quickly wiped my lips while Mayson chuckled, "It's right..." She used her thumb and swiped right under my bottom lip, "There."

She licked the thumb she used and once again looked up at me innocently, "What?" She asked.

I didn't say anything and just softly grabbed her neck and pulled her into a kiss.

Mayson immediately reciprocated the kiss and brought her hands to rest lightly on my hips.

I slowly brought my tongue into her mouth and smiled into the kiss when she lightly squeezed my hips.

We continued kissing until I smelt something burning. Mayson must have smelt it too because she pulled away and ran to the stove.

"Shit." She groaned, "You made me burn my sauce." She grumbled.

I chuckled and got down from the counter and walked towards her, wrapping my hands around her waist and resting my head on her back.

"You could've pulled away." I chuckled, softly.

"No I couldn't have." Mayson muttered, continuing to stir the sauce.

I smiled at that and wrapped my arms around her waist tighter.


Imagine someone nicknaming you after a goddess.

Have y'all gone to a pride parade yet?


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