His M.V.P.

By yaa_girll

61.1K 2.8K 633

A captivating love story for the ages! ⚠️ Mature Content! More

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C H A P T E R 9

1.3K 78 18
By yaa_girll

"Shit," Saide groaned as her body fell on the bed from exhaustion. Beads of sweat lightly covered her body as she panted trying to catch her breath. Her lovebox was pulsating uncontrollably as she was coming down for an electrifying climax.

"I ain't done with that ass," Maxwell said lowly with lust dripping from his tongue. Saide flipped over in amusement, but her laugh was wiped off her face when she saw all his 9 inches solid as a rock. Gripping her leg he pulled her body to his as she squirmed a little under him.

"Wah," she didn't get a chance to object. Maxwell slid back into her in one swift motion as he used his two fingers to rotate her soaking center. Saide's head flew back in pure pleasure as he made her body drift from the earth.

"Agh, "Saide put her hand on his chest, trying to give herself a little space from him and his painful pleasure.

"Don't run," he grunted, wrapping his hands around her neck and deep stroking her already tender body.

"This shit mine," he whispered deeply in her ear. Maxwell was hitting every part of her body as if he was trying to dig something out of her.

"Tell me, tell me it's mine," He assertively grunted. Saide couldn't speak as her eyes began to roll back in her head. He was beating her shit down as if she deserved punishment. Leaning down he tongued at her brown nipples taking each one in his mouth at a time. Maxwell smirked as he watched his wife's body begin to jerk again. It was the most beautiful sight he had ever seen. Also, a verge of cockiness hit him knowing he was and would be the only one to have the pleasure of seeing it.

Maxwell pulled out and Saide looked at him as if he called her everything but her name. "Nigga, what are you doing?" Saide cussing would always be funny to him, she was the rich chick from around the way. The words still didn't seem right falling for her lips.

"Tell... me ... it's... mine," Maxwell kissed her lips strategically letting himself rub against her flowing entrance. She winced at the feeling.

"Baby, it's yours." she cried as he plunged back inside her.

"Fuck, Ima bust in this pussy ma. I want another son. You gon give me a son ma," he asked as he sucked on her tongue, lips smashing into hers making it hard to respond.

"Yes," she moaned body shaking like an earthquake. She wasn't even sure what she was agreeing to. Three kids were more than enough for her. She wasn't feeling pushing a baby out of her again just so they could look like their father. Like on queue he released himself inside of her, without the slightest want to pull out.

"Fuck, Maxwell," Saide rolled over on her side and breathed heavily. He reached over and slapped her ass.

"Akoni." he simply said. Saide face frowned up, she didn't know what he was talking about.


"Our last boy, I wanna name him Akoni after my father."

Saide, look at the little boy then again at her kids, and all she saw was red.

"You just want to keep ruining my fucking life huh? You junkie bitch." Saide didn't give a fuck about where she was at this moment. All she could keep seeing was this bitch on top of her husband, and his moans like she had the best pussy in the world. All though years ago the pain still hurt like a fresh wound.

"Saide, I don't want no prob-"

"Bitch you wanted problems as soon as you stepped in this bitch! What the needle ain't doing it for it? Looking for your next fix." Londyn dropped her head in shame, her past indiscretion being thrown in her face was gruesome.

"I'm sorry I came," Londyn was talking to Saide but looking straight at her daughter. They both knew who the words were attended for. Scotland wasn't embarrassed, more so in pain for the women she knew nothing about. It angered her that even after what she had done, she still had the urge to protect her. She was her mother, nobody wanted to hear their mother being treated like trash on the streets.

"Is that my husband's baby," Saide asked again, spacing her words out. Her flushed skin now was red with anger. She almost went off the rails when Londyn shook her head no instead of using the nails on a chalkboard voice she had to talk.

"Bitch now that dick-sucking mouth of yours don't work? Fucking speak," Saide boomed. There was no privacy in this conversation as the ongowers watched intensely hanging onto every word. Rex stood in the corner head shaking, he knew Londyn, everyone close to Maxwell did. He was however shocked she would come here after how they left it but in a way, he understood, Maxwell and her shared something that only the two would understand.

"Ma," Sevyn called out, this wasn't the time to cause a scene. He was disappointed by the lack of her usually classy demeanor. His father hadn't even been buried, and his funeral had become a reunion show on reality TV. The whole situation had sparked his interest, he never thought his father would be as distasteful to step out on his mother. However, here they stood.

Saide heard her son, but she didn't care, all she saw was Londyn and she wanted to hurt her again like she had years ago. Those actions of Saide not only hurt her years ago but played a detrimental part in the young beauty's fall from societal grace.

Scotlynd tried to walk and de-escalate the situation, but Sevyn had a tight grip on her "That shit has nothing to do with you," he whispered, tightening his grip on her. Sevyn already knew that the situation with her mom complicated them but he didn't need Scottie doing anything to further his mother's dislike. A bicker wife and mother was not how he saw their future.

He was right that it wasn't her business nor did she owe loyalty to the women that left her in the middle of the night. However, she was family and the way Saide was talking to Londyn like she was scum on the earth was enraging her. The typical calm, cool, and collected Scotlynd was no more. Then on top of that, her 4-year-old brother stood hanging on to every word. Scotlynd yanked free from Sevyns hold causing his body to slightly tumble from her strength. She walked forward eyes on the dispute. Sevyn started to go after her but Granni Vea grabbed his arm. "Hole yuh cahna." She told him to mind his business.

"Mom," It burned like fire in Scotlynd mouth to even say it."Let's go." She couldn't stand here and watch her mother be belittled with tears in her eyes, by a woman like Saide. Although Scotlynd didn't know, Saide was once the sweetest person on this green earth. The scars a hood nigga with cheating tendencies could make a person harden.

Londyn wiped her eyes, as her daughter pulled her through the sanctuary. Both women keep their eyes on the floor as the people whispered about them.

"Scottie," Sevyn called, pulling from his grandmother's grip. His words momentarily stopped her until his mother spoke. "Stay away from that damn girl, she ain't going to be nothing but a damn junkie ass hoe like her mother."

Londyn's hand release Scotlynds as she tensed up at Saide's disrespect. She pulled free, turning on her heels as Scottie tried to reach for her. She could be every name in the book a part of her felt she deserved it. However, her sweet girl, no one would speak those words about her. Rex saw her stalking back their way and moved quickly to intervene.

"Move Rex," She yelled trying to push past him. However, there he stood not moving an inch. Her small frame and powerless pushes didn't even tickle the giant. When she realized she couldn't get to Saide as she had people separating the two, she settled for her words as punches.

"Don't you ever speak about my daughter like that! You might got all these folks in here thinking you're a fucking saint. But I promise if they knew the real you they would run as far from your psychotic ass as possible. Mrs.Watson my ass," She vocalized, pulling her arm from Rex's grasp.

"Yeah, yeah, get the fuck out of here," Saide spat. She had no more energy for this homewrecking hoe, her words meant nothing to her. Saide marched to her seat, which was made for the wife, not the side hoes or mistresses, and sat. "Pastor, my apologies, you can start."

The car was quiet as they drove through the highway to get back to the slecudeced area they both called home. Scotlynd rested on the door not even looking her mother's way. Tears burned her eyes, she just knew this would complicate Sevyn and her. And Lord knows they didn't need any more complications.

However, she felt obligated to help the women that gave birth to her. Even if she was what Saide said about her she didn't deserve to be defamed like that. Scotlynd had never met a crackhead in real life, but her mother didn't look anything like they typically looked. Her arms were free of scars, her face blemish-free, teeth intact. Yeah, the woman before her, she glowed, there was no way she did any type of poison.

"Scottie," Londyn stopped herself.

"Scotlynd if you want to ask me something, do it. I'm an open book. I made peace with almost all my wrongdoings," she responded eye's lingering on Scottie to let her know she was referring to her. The years of counseling, and fighting an addiction that had a deadly grasp on her finally paid off. She had made it to the point of her life where she was an open book. This was her memoir and she wanted Scotlynd to be the first to read it.

"I don't want to ask you anything. I don't want to know anything about you!"

"Scottie please."

"Stop calling me that! Just stop. Don't you get it? You can't stroll back into my life after 12 years and expect me to have open arms for you. There ain't nothing you can say to make me want to hear any bullshit you trying to spit!" Her words stung deeper than a bad pack of dope.

"Let's just go back to being the strangers we were," Scotlynd said with tears streaming down her face. She had thought about this moment for years, but now that it was here she wished it could reverse. She didn't want her mother to choose a man or drugs which ever was the truth over her, or get clean enough to live a normal life and have a baby. All of this shit hurt, Londyn was once again hurting Scotlynd.

Londyn used the back of her hand and quickly wiped the tears that dropped from her face. She had no reason to cry, she was the one inflicting the pain. "Your right, me and Akoni will be leaving tomorrow. I promised I didn't mean to turn your life upside down. Believe it or not, I love you Scotlynd." Her words were answered with silence. A silence that would follow until they made it back to the farm. Scotlynd didn't let the car fully stop before she jumped out rushing past her Maw Maw on the porch.

"Scottie, Scottie what's wrong baby," she called after her, before turning her gaze to Londyn. All Josephine could do was shake her head. Londyn was so selfish to her and if it wasn't for Knox she would have sent her on her way days ago.

"Momma," Londyn called while carrying a sleeping Akoni. Josephine held her hand and just looked at her. Her eyes let Londyn know that they had reached their end, it was more than disappointment. Josephine was disgusted.

"How selfish can you be huh? You left this girl on my steps almost 12 years ago a mess. We build her back up to the strong young woman you see now and here you are to break her down again?! I rebuke you and the evil spirit you have riding your back," Josephine's words were like bullets to Londyn's chest. They were so harsh they caused her to physically stumble. She gained control and walked through the house after her.

Laying her son on the couch, she took a breath. "Momma," she called. Hands on her hips breathing heavily. She had to say something, she couldn't take everyone thinking she left her daughter because a man broke her heart. No, she was stronger than that. The thing that had a hold on her wasn't a man or human for that matter if it was a substance compacted tightly in a little ball.

"What girl," Josephine responded. She was tired and her feet hurt. She had to finish dinner for her husband, Londyn's problems worrying her had been a thing of the past.

"It wasn't because of him," she said slowly, fighting her tears. Josephine didn't hear her so she stepped into her living room. Cooking rag wrapped tightly in her fist that rested on her hips. "What you say, girl."

"I didn't leave my baby because of no man," Londyn said with sadness in her voice. "I was a crackhead mama. I chose a needle over my baby." she croaked out in an almost unbelievable tone. It was like as the words fall from her mouth all her body's strength had given out. Her body fell to the ground and in defeat, Josephine rushed towards her with tears in her eyes, holding her daughter as she cried. As time passed their tears seem to have mixed.

"Saide wasn't lying," Scotlynd ask looking at the crying two. She had heard every word she said like a punch to the gut. Londyn moved from her mother using her hands to wipe her face. Using her strength she gather herself from the floor, ready to tell her daughter everything if she would listen.

"If you are willing to listen, I promise I'll tell you everything," Londyn assured voice cracking. She was hoping Scotlynd would give her a chance.

Scottie didn't respond but sat on the open couch waiting for her to explain how she could walk away from her. Scotlynd would never understand, the hold drugs could have on a person was almost deadly. It could kill one's humanity just as it had Londyn.

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