Their little puppy

By CrustyDustyWhore

57K 1.4K 117

In a world with filled with vampires, werewolves, witches, and humans. Everyone is classified when the turn 1... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11

Chapter 8

4.2K 130 9
By CrustyDustyWhore

After a long nap Amelia decides it's time to finally wake the girl currently asleep on top of Rory. She picks up the girl making her pacifier fall out of her mouth and onto Rory's chest. Slowly bouncing the little in her arms, Sam starts to whine tucking her head into Amelia neck.

"Cmon Sammy it's time to wake up." Amelia tries moving the girl out of her hiding spot making the tired girl very upset to leave her comfort.

"Nuuuuuuu" Sam fussed and almost started crying again as she gripped onto Amelia's blouse. The whole day is just crashing down on her and she feels tired and overwhelmed by everything and above all she's worried Amelia might leave again.

"I know sweetie, but we have to wake up so we can get some food into that belly." Amelia kissed the girls head while gently bouncing her trying to keep the tears at bay. Sam sniffles and nods her head feeling very hungry all of the sudden. Amelia chuckles at the girl and walks out the door and into the cafeteria with Rory following. Looking over Amelia's shoulder Sam watches Rory make funny faces at her causing the little to giggle and hide her face into Amelia's neck.

The three of them sat down at a table as a worker came by and dropped off a plate of cut up chicken, broccoli, and mash potatoes. Sam picked up the blue baby fork holding it in a fist as she stabbed at the potato's bring it to her mouth. She messily ate getting food everywhere before Rory decided to take the fork away from the little.

"Nu thas mine, meanie" Sam says with a pout as she crosses her arms over her chest. Rory chuckled at the small girl huffing and puffing while sitting on her wife's lap. Sticking the fork into the chicken Rory brings it to the littles mouth only for her to turn her head away out of stubbornness.

All the events from earlier has Sam feeling incredibly little. "Little one, I need you to be a good puppy and let me feed you." Rory says softly but leaves no room for argument. The wolf side of Sam wants to do everything Rory says while the little in her wants to rebel and be a brat. Sam looked into the alphas eyes with defiance only to be met with glowing eyes that made her slightly cower away. Amelia finally decides to step in seeing as Rory's method wasn't working.

"Sammy, we can be here all day. The sooner you let Rory feed you the sooner we can go to the playground." Sam opens her mouth with a pout to let Rory feed her. She couldn't wait to go to the playground so she tried to swallow quickly almost choking in the process.

"Puppy, you need to chew" Rory said sternly after patting the coughing girls back and getting her a sippy cup full of water.

Once Sam was finished she began squirming in Amelia's lap desperately wanting to go play. Amelia understood the silent message and got up making sure to have a firm hold on Sam before leaving the cafeteria. As they walk through the familiar doors Amelia let's Sam down to run off and burn some energy.

Amelia and Rory choose to sit in some bean bags off in the corner of the room as they watch Sam run through the indoor jungle gym laughing loudly. The two women held smiles on their faces watching the girl play, for the first time in a long while they both felt complete. Even though they had each other the caregiver part of them never felt satisfied, but Sam has managed to fill a hole in just a short amount of time.

"I love you" Rory says looking over to her wife.

"I love you more" Amelia rebutted, taking a glance at her wife. She's never get tired of seeing Rory's tall muscular figure or her short wavy blonde hair. In Amelia's eyes she was perfect and couldn't feel luckier.

After about 30 minutes of the two woman chatting they heard crying coming from inside the jungle gym.

"I'll handle this." Rory said to Amelia as she stood up following the sound of crying. She had to climb up a ladder, go through a tunnel, and jump into a ball pit before she found the girl on the floor holding her wrist to her chest as she cries.

"What happened pup" Rory asks, worried the girl is severely injured. She tried to touch her arm only for Sam to jerk away and cry louder.

"I f-f-fell on m-my arm" Sam said between broken sobs. Rory didn't hesitate to take the girl in her arms. With the alpha in full contact of the girl Rory began to siphon away some of her pain. It's a power that a small amount of the werewolf population can possess. The pain doesn't necessarily go away as Rory feel everything Sam feels but she doesn't care as long as her little puppy is not in pain.

Rory carried the sniffling girl out of the playground and over to a worried Amelia. She ran over to the two and checked over body notices the arm slightly bent out of place.

"We need to go to the doctor. Judging by how crooked her arm is, I would say it's broken" Rory says slightly strained. She's no stranger to pain but it still hurts.

They all rush down to Dr.Ravens office as Sam clings to Rory with one hand holding her shirt and her legs wrapped around Rory's waist. Once Sam saw the familiar door she started sobbing even louder scared she was going to have to get more shots.

"Raven we need your help" Amelia called out as Rory sat on the table cradling Sam in her arms. She tried her best to calm the girl by patting her back and kissing her head but Sam was to upset by everything.

Dr.Raven came rushing out very concerned at all of the crying. "She fell on her arm. I think it's broken" Amelia said to the doctor. Dr.Raven reaches out to examine her arm but Sam only curls more into Rory as she screams. Even though she doesn't feel much pain from her arm the thought of someone touching it scares her. At this point all three women's ear were beginning to hurt from the crying echoing off the walls.

"Cmon little one. Let me fix your boo boos" the doctor says as she tries to coach sam out of her hiding spot.

"Nu" sam say's trying to sound as menacing as she could but it just sounded like a toddler. The doctor finally decided to sedate the girl and went to her cabinet to grab grabbed a needle and the liquid. She gave Rory and Amelia a look saying 'hold her down' as she filled up the syringe and rolled her chair over the the girl. Rory gripped the girl tightly but gently as to not hurt her and Amelia started to scratch her head while occasionally kissing it. Once Sam felt her sleeve being pulled up she began to thrash but was proven unsuccessful as Rory held her tightly. Dr.Raven inserted the need swiftly getting one last scream out of Sam before her eyes started to flutter and her head lulled back.

The woman all sighed in relief when the screaming stopped but quickly worry settled back into the woman. Rory managed to get Sam sitting in her lap with her back pressed to her front. Amelia fixed Sam's head so it was leaning back against Rory's chest and brushed her hair off of her forehead.

Dr.Raven took a look at the littles arm confirming it was in fact broken and thankful she had sedated the girl knowing she was going to have to snap it back into place.

"I should have kept a better eye on her" Amelia said feeling immense guilt consume her. Now her little girl was hurt and in pain.

"Amelia, these things happen all the time. Even if you had an eye on her 24/7 she still would've found a way to get hurt. It's not your fault." Dr.Raven said as she put a hand on Amelia's shoulder in a comforting way. "Fortunately she is half werewolf so when the full moon come and she transforms, her wolf will heal her." The full moon wasn't for two more weeks however so until then she will have to wear a cast.

Dr.Raven snaps the bone back into place and walks over to get the supplies needed for a cast. "What color do you think she'd like?"

"Green" Amelia says with no hesitation knowing the littles favorite color. Raven came over with the green tape and began wrapping the girls arm until it was all on.

Amelia and Rory continue to doat on the unconscious girl throughout procedure. Once everything was done Amelia took Sam from Rory's arms getting a playful death glare from the alpha. Rory has grown very fond of Sam in the short amount of time feeling very protective over the little girl.

"The sedative should keep her out for the rest of the night and these pills will help if she has any pain." Raven says as she hands Rory the medication and ruffles Sam's hair before leaving and saying goodbye.

Amelia carries the girl to her room and tucks her in bed making sure to give a kiss on her forehead before turning on the fan. She learned that just like her wife, Sam tends to sleep better when there is a fan on. Rory leans over the girl to kiss her nose and grabs the green dinosaur to put under Sam's uninjured arm. Amelia comes back to put a pacifier in Sam's mouth and smiles when she sees it bob up and down.

"This is the hardest part. I hate leaving her" Amelia says as she watches the little peacefully sleep. Both women can't seem to move from their spot wishing they didn't have to. After about ten minutes of watching Sam sleep, Rory picks up a blanket and a pillow setting up a bed on the floor beside Sam's bed.

"In case she wakes up in pain" Rory said trying to justify her reasoning. Amelia chuckled and grabbed a pillow and laid it down next to her wife.

"I love you" Amelia says as she lays on her side and cuddles into Rory with one hand on her chest.

"I love you more" Rory says kissing her wife on the lips.

With the flick of Amelias wrist, the lights went out leaving a nightlight that project stars onto the ceiling. Both women couldn't be happier as they laid contently on the ground. It wasn't long before Sam rolled herself onto the ground and managed to get in between the sleeping couple and cuddled up against Amelia as Rory wrapped an arm around her girls.

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