Unbreakable Hope

By TheQuietHufflepuff

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Four months. That's how long Elena Lampros had been hearing the screams. She'd been locked away for three mo... More

Aesthetic and Playlist
Season Four
01. Lazarus Rising
02. Are You There, God? It's Me, Dean Winchester
03. In the Beginning
04. Metamorphosis
05. Monster Movie
06. Yellow Fever
07. It's the Great Pumpkin, Sam Winchester
08. Wishful Thinking
09. I Know What You Did Last Summer
10. Heaven and Hell
11. Family Remains
12. Criss Angel is a Douchebag
13. After School Special
14. Sex and Violence
15. Death Takes a Holiday
16. On the Head of a Pin
17. It's a Terrible Life
18. The Monster at the End of This Book
19. Jump the Shark
20. The Rapture
21. When the Levee Breaks
22. Lucifer Rising
Season Five
23. Sympathy For the Devil
24. Good God, Y'all!
25. Free to Be You and Me
26. The End
27. I Believe the Children Are Our Future
28. The Curious Case of Dean Winchester
29. Changing Channels
30. The Real Ghostbusters
31. Abandon All Hope...
32. Sam, Interrupted
33. The Song Remains the Same
34. My Bloody Valentine
35. Dead Men Don't Wear Plaid
36. Dark Side of the Moon
37. 99 Problems
38. Hammer of the Gods
39. The Devil You Know
40. Two Minutes to Midnight
41. Swan Song
Season Six
42. Exile on Main St.
43. Two and a Half Men
44. The Third Man
45. Weekend at Bobby's
46. Live Free or Twi-hard
47. You Can't Handle the Truth
48. Family Matters
49. All Dogs Go to Heaven
50. Clap Your Hands If You Believe...
51. Caged Heat
52. Appointment in Samarra
53. Like a Virgin
54. Unforgiven
56. The French Mistake
57. ...And Then There Were None
58. My Heart Will Go On
59. Frontierland
60. Mommy Dearest
61. The Man Who Would Be King
62. Let It Bleed
63. The Man Who Knew Too Much
Season Seven
64. Meet the New Boss
65. Hello, Cruel World
66. The Girl Next Door
67. Defending Your Life
68. Slash Fiction
69. Season Seven, Time for a Wedding!
70. How to Win Friends and Influence Monsters
71. Death's Door
72. Adventures in Babysitting
73. Time After Time

55. Mannequin 3: The Reckoning

27 2 0
By TheQuietHufflepuff


Sam was unconscious on the floor, Dean shook him while Elena squeezed his hand.

"Sam?" Dean called. "Sam. S-Sam? Oh, come on." Dean shook Sam more forcefully. "Sammy! Come on, come on. Come on, damn it."

Sam's eyes opened. Hellfire flickered in them and then faded out. He groaned and exhaled sharply.

"Hey, hey, hey, you with us?"

Sam breathed deeply and groaned.

Dean hauled Sam off the floor. "Come on. Come on, got to get you out of here."

Sam grunted.


As a janitor mopped the floor, he heard a noise from behind him, then saw blood dripping on the floor by his mop. The blood was coming from a cut that his appeared on his forehead.

"What the..." the janitor began and as he exhaled he saw his breath. "Who's there?!" the janitor ran and screamed as he was attacked by an anatomy dummy.


Sam groaned lightly while pinching the bridge of his nose.

"How you feel?" Dean asked.

"Like I got hit by a... planet," Sam replied.

"Well, lucky for you, I'm a doctor. I got joe, grub, and..." He held up and shook a container of pills.

"What are they?"


"I'm okay. Thanks."

"Suit yourself."

Sam exhaled sharply. "So, how long was I out, again?"

"I'm telling you, like two or three minutes. Why, what'd it feel like to you?"

"About a week, give or take."

"You want to talk about it?"


"Yeah, whatever that was. I mean, it was like you were freakin' electrocuted."

"Look, I mean, it wasn't fun, but I-I'm... Fine."

"Fine. It was Hell, wasn't it? You got a big, fat faceful of hell. Ever cross your mind that you could've died?"

"Oh, come on."

"I'm serious. And none of this "it's just a flesh wound" crap. 'cause we did it your way. We let you go explore, and every bad thing that I said would happen happened. So guess what -- Past stays past. We're not kicking that wall again."

"So I'm supposed to just ignore it?"


"Dean, Elena... I might've done... who knows what, and you want me to just forget about it?"

"You shove it down, and you let it come out in spurts of violence and alcoholism."

"That sounds healthy," Sam and Elena commented sarcastically.

"Well, works for me."

Sam sighed.

Elena glanced at her boyfriend. "It's not a joke. Your life is on the line here, Sam. This is not a debate."

Dean nodded. "She's right. I mean, first you were a-a soulless dickbag, and now you're not. So we good?"

"Yeah. Sure," Sam said.

"Good. Well, let's get your mind off it, shall we? You, uh, up for a job?"

"Well, what do you got?"

"Janitor murdered in a college lab last night. Doors were locked, nobody else in or out of the building."

"Great. Where to?"

"Paterson, New Jersey. Hey, maybe we'll have a Snooki sighting." He chuckled.

"What's a Snooki?"

"That is a good question. Elena, do you know?"

Elena shook her head. "I'm afraid not."


Dean looked at an anatomy dummy and started removing pieces. "Check it out. This thing's friggin' awesome!" He handed Sam the plastic heart from the dummy. "Be my valentine."

"Dude, we're working," Sam told him. "Put it back."

"Have a heart. Your girl has one."


Dean laughed. "Buzz kill." He sniffed. "You two smell sulfur?"

"Yeah, we're in a science lab," Sam and Elena told him.

"Right." Dean checked his phone and saw that Lisa was calling him.

"Who is it?" Sam asked as Dean rejected the call. "So, Lisa?"

"Maybe you should mind your own business."

"What's wrong with just talking to her, Dean?"

"Thanks, Dr. Laura. That's -- that's very insightful. Look at that -- our time's up."

Sam and Elena's EMF meters went off and they said, "Hey."

"Whoa. Ghosts gone wild. Something's up in here."

"Question is, what?" Sam wondered.

"Sam, Elena, good news." He gestured at the security camera. "Big brother's watching."

They watched the security footage.


"Hey," Dean said, clearing his throat. "So, what'd you find out from the, uh, mop jockey's girlfriend?"

Sam sighed. "Nothing. Just how great he was -- went to church, donated to charity, rubbed her feet during "Glee.""

"I just threw up in my mouth."

"Sorry. Anyway, I checked his record -- spotless. What about the science building? Anything?"

"Built in '05. Nothing weird about the land. Before this, the biggest mishap was some genius accidentally spilled sulfuric acid on his crotch. They don't even dissect anything good in there. Anything bigger than Kermit, they use an iPad."

"So we got nothing?"

Elena let out a frustrated sigh. "Yeah, a big steaming pile of it."


"Hello?" a security guard called. "Who's there?! Jonny?!" He chuckled. "Is that you?!" He gasped. "Okay. Ha ha, very funny. What the hell?" He was stabbed by a mannequin. "Oh!"


The EMF meter went off.

"Dean? Elena?" Sam called.

"Yeah?" Dean and Elena asked.

"This thing's humming."

"Hmm," Dean hummed.

"Wait. That anatomy dummy you were molesting at the lab."

"Excuse me?"

"What if that's what this is about?"

"What exactly are you accusing me of?"

Elena shook her head. "No, I don't think he means that. I mean, there was an anatomy dummy there, and here..."

"You're joking. You're not joking. Okay, uh, so, what, we've got -- we've got a bunch of killer dolls like... Chucky? I mean, come on, that's -- that's just... Friggin' creepy."

"I mean, if ghosts can possess humans and -- and move objects, why can't they possess this?"

"I suppose. But riddle me this, bat boy, bat girl -- Ghosts aren't exactly known for hopping county lines, right?"

"True," Sam and Elena agreed.

"This one hits up a college and now a factory, what, three towns over?"

"Doesn't add up," Sam said.

"So we dig. Over there." Dean waved his hand in front of a mannequin's face. "I don't like the way Kim Cattrall's lookin' at me."

Elena rolled her eyes with an amused smile.


"Well, this dead guy's as squeaky clean as the last dead guy," Dean said. "I can't find a speck of dirt on him. You two?"

"Nothing," Sam replied with a sigh. "Hmm." He was looking at an article on the computer. "Well, here's a speck. Uh, seamstress named Rose Brown went missing over a year ago. Uh, cops just gave up on her. Last seen at the factory, presumed dead. Survived by sister Isabel."

Elena looked between the boys. "50 bucks -- vengeful spirit."

"Pay sis a visit? All right."

Dean's cellphone rang. It was Lisa calling.

"Answer it," Sam told him.

Dean answered his phone. "Lisa?"

Ben, via phone, said, "Finally. I've been calling."

"Ben? What are you-"

"-something's wrong with Mom."

"What are you talking about?"

"It's bad, Dean."

"Define "bad.""

"I-I don't know. S-she won't talk to me."

"All right, put her on the phone."

"She won't come to the phone."

"Ben, get your mom and put her on the phone."

"I-I-I can't. Her door's locked. She barely gets out of bed. I'm not kidding. Please just -- just come help me. I-I don't know what to do."

"All right, let me call you back."


"-five minutes."


"Come on, man, I-I can't just leave," Dean protested.

"Dude, you got to leave," Sam told him.

"Yeah, but we're talking life or death here."

"Right. I can handle it for 24 hours, Dean. I get you want to bury it. But I had to deal with my past year. You got to deal with yours. Besides; I'll have Elena with me."

"Oh, yeah, and that worked so great for you."

"Come on." He and Elena watched Dean get into the Impala.


"So, you and Rose were close, huh?" Sam asked.

"Very," Isabel replied. "Our parents died when we were little, so we had each other."

"What was she like?"

"Um, kind... giving. She had the biggest heart. But people gave her a hard time."

"How come?"

"She was shy, a little awkward. I guess that made her an easy target. I feel like I've been defending her my whole life."

"I'm sure she appreciated it," Elena said with a light smile.

"Well, it went both ways. She did more for me than anybody else ever could. I just miss her."

"Um, may I?" Sam was touching a photo album on the coffee table.

"Sure. Please. Oh, it's a company Christmas party a couple years back."

"Wait, you work at Salzman & Sons, too?"

"Well, everybody works at the factory. That's Rose."


Sam, on the phone, said, "Dean, hey, get this. That college janitor? He worked at the factory, too, until last year. Apparently, he quit right after Rose's disappearance."

Dean, on the phone, replied, "So fair bet something happened to that girl around that factory, so let's call that joint ground zero."

"Right, but it still doesn't explain how a ghost ended up at a college in another zip code."

"It's not like she hopped the blue line."

"Elena and I are headed to the factory now. We'll call when we get the whole scoop on Rose."


"So, how long have you been here with the company?" Sam asked.

"I've been here about three years now," Jonny answered. "I'm sorry, w-what's this got to do with me?"

"Relax. Just a routine questioning."

"Oh. Okay."

"Uh, did you know Rose Brown?" Elena questioned.

"Uh... Maybe. Uh, the name sounds kind of familiar."

"She was a seamstress here. She went missing about a year ago. Here. You mind taking a look?" Sam asked as he pulled out a photo of Rose.

"Uh, yeah, I s -- I saw her around."

"Anything you can tell us about her that might help?"

"Uh, look, I'd love to help, but I don't know anything. And, uh, I'm about to be late back from break, so-"

"You seem nervous, Jonny."

"Well... those guys that died were my friends. O-of course I'm gonna be upset."

"I didn't say upset. I said nervous. Here." Sam handed him a business card. "In case you remember anything."


Dean rang the doorbell and Lisa answered. "Dean, what are you doing here?"

"Well, you look absolutely fine," Dean said.

"What's going on?"

Dean exhaled sharply. "We've been "parent trapped.""


"Ben sent out a 911."

"Why would he do that?"

"You're going on a date, huh?"

"Come in."


"You want to sit down?" Dean asked.

"Not so much," Lisa said.

"So, who's the guy?"

""Who's the guy?" His name is Matt. He's a doctor."

"Oh, Dr. Matt. How respectable."

"Really? That's how this is gonna be?"

"Look, I-I-"

"I called you six times, Dean."

"And I almost called you back about 100."

"Good to know."

"Lis, Ben called me. I dropped everything and ran. If you want to know if I care-"

"Doesn't help me."

"What do you want from me?"

"I'm not asking for anything."

"Well, then ask for something!"

"Um..." Ben began.

"Go to your room!"

"Go to your room!" Lisa repeated. "You know, I... I can't. Ask for something. I know what I want. But I can't have it -- Not how you live. My phone rings, I think -- tiny chance it's you, big chance it's Sam or maybe Penny calling to tell me you're dead."


"No, don't. Don't apologize or anything. It's just... It's just I get to this place where I'm okay, and then you show up at our door. You keep doing that, every time I think I'm never gonna see you again. I'm trying to get over you. What are you trying to do? What do you want from us, Dean?"


Jonny, on the phone, said, "Why am I flipping out?! I-I don't know, maybe 'cause of the feds! Maybe 'cause Dave and Steve are freaking dead. Look -- no. No. Just...Call me later." Blood dripped on Jonny's hand and he found a gash spreading across his forehead.


Jonny exhaled, his breath visible.

"Come on," Sam said.

"What's going on?" Jonny asked.

"That was a ghost trying to kill you for being a dick."


"You know what?" Elena said. "You're lucky you are the most suspicious interview of all time. My partner and I figured something like this would happen."

"Figured something like what would happen?"

"Buddy, look, we don't have time for the big speech, all right? So, brass tacks -- Rose is back."

"That's crazy!"

"Look, you're gonna end up like your friends," Sam warned. "Unless you tell us what you did to Rose. Do you want us to help you or not?"

"It was just a stupid joke. You know, I mean, you -- you -- you play jokes. We didn't think it was that big of a deal."

"What did you do?"

"We made Rose think she had a secret admirer. I don't think the girl had ever been asked out in her life. Honestly, we just thought she was kind of pathetic... So we knew she'd take the bait. She was so excited. The poor girl never saw it coming."


Rose entered an apartment where the guys have dressed up a mannequin and were waiting for her. They laughed at her confusion.

"Look, Rose, I think he likes you," Steve said.


"It was mean," Jonny admitted. "But you know how it is when a group of guys get together. They -- they act like jackasses."

"Aw, don't be like that," Steve told Rose.

"Come on, Rosey, it's just a joke!" Jonny added.

"Go to Hell," Rose retorted.


"It happened so fast..." Jonny trailed.


Steve grabbed Rose's wrist. "Hey, take a joke, Rosey. Seriously."

Rose tried to break free and fell, bashing her head on the table. She fell to the floor, dead.


"We didn't mean for it to happen. And then it was too late."


"What are you doing?" Steve asked.

"I'm calling the cops," Jonny replied.

"Are you crazy?"

"It was an accident."

"We tricked her here. I grabbed her. That's involuntary manslaughter at least, and that's if they even believe us. You understand?"


"Steve said there was only one option. I wish I could take it all back."

"I'm sure you do," Sam agreed.

"I didn't kill her."

"Okay. Look us in the eyes and tell us none of it's on you." He inhaled sharply. "Look, I'm not saying you deserve to die." He sighed. "She and I can help you."


"You have to tell us where she's buried."

"In the woods, a clearing off Canyon Run Road." He started leaving.

"No, no, no, no. You're not going anywhere."

"But I-"

"You need to stay inside the salt line until he or I tell you you're safe," Elena told him.

"You two just want me to stand here all night?!"

"Consider it getting off easy."


Ben was playing a video game.

"Well, that's ridiculous," Dean said. "Plants could never kill a zombie."

"You think I'm gonna say "I'm sorry"?" Ben shot back.

"And why would I think that? Because you lied to get me here?"

"It was an emergency."

"A date's not an emergency, Ben."

"It is if it's the third one. I watch TV. I know what that means."

Dean cleared his throat. "Well, your mom's a grown-up. She gets to go out."

"Why won't you come home? Can't you just say "I'm sorry" and then come back?"

"I'm sorry. I can't."

"Can't or won't?"


"So, you hate Mom now?"

"What? No, come on."

"So it's me."

"Ben, stop it."

"Whatever I did, I'm sorry."

"Listen to me. You didn't do anything. You understand that? Look, one day you'll, uh... You'll get this when you're older."

"Don't talk to me like I'm six."

"Okay, fine. It's like this, then. Just 'cause you love someone doesn't mean you should stick around and screw up their life. So I can't be here."

"You think something will follow you home?"

"No. No, I don't, but I think my job turns me into somebody that can't sit at your dinner table. And if I stayed, you'd end up just like me."

"Why do you say it like you're so... bad?"

"Well, trust me, I'm not someone you want to aim to be."

"Don't I get a vote?"

"No, you don't. I'm sorry, Ben. But, you see, this way you got a shot at living whatever life you want. You know, pick one. Pick five. 'cause with me, there's just the one road."

"You're a liar, Dean."

"Excuse me?"

"You say family's so important, but -- but what do you call people who -- who care for you, who love you even when you're a dick? You know you're walking out on your family, right?"


Sam, on his phone while he and Elena watched Rose's corpse burn, said, "All right, it's over. You're safe. And, Jonny? Look at this as a new beginning. Lot of chances not to be a jackass."


"Jenny?" Jonny called. "Hon... We're leaving... tonight. So, pack up. Just the essentials. All I want is for us to move on with our lives. I love you. You know that. It's been... It's been really hard, Jen."


Sam and Elena were at the crime scene. He saw Jonny's sex doll, "Jen" and called Dean.

Dean's voicemail said, "This is Dean's other other cell, so you must know what to do."

Sam left a message. "Hey, it's not over. Burning the remains didn't stop her. She's got to be hooked to something else. Elena and I are gonna head to the sister's now. Call me or Elena."


Sam, going through a box of Rose's things, asked, "So, um, this is it?"

"I gave most of her clothes to the Goodwill," Isabel replied. "She didn't have much."

Penelope pointed to a pile of books. "Those yours?"


"Are you in school?"

"Mm-hmm, yeah."

"Where?" Sam questioned.

"Uh, Great Falls."

"So let me guess... Um, you were at the chem lab and the factory this week."

"Well, yeah."

"Did you happen to stop by a bar called McOwen's last night?"

"Everybody from the factory goes there. I stop in maybe three times a week. Why?"

"That's it. So this is all about you."

"What? What is?"

"The murders -- your coworkers, your college janitor."

"What, you -- you think I could do something like that?!"

"No, no, no, no, no. But -- but I think you're at the center."

"Me? How?"

"What are you wearing of Rose's?" Elena asked. "A ring? A bracelet? Her baby teeth in a locket? What?"

"You two are scaring me."

"Just think, please. What -- what do you have of Rose that you carry with you?"



"Well, the only thing I have of hers is a part of me. When I was 16, she gave me one of her kidneys."

"Her kidney?" Sam and Elena repeated.


"You're kidding."

"Will you please tell me what this is about?"

"Yeah," Sam said. "Um... But I'm gonna need you to come with me."


"So, that the girl with the haunted kidney?" Dean asked.

"Yeah," Sam and Elena confirmed.

"Well, just when you think you seen it all."


"What do you want to do? Can't exactly burn the thing. I mean, she kind of needs it."

"Well, she can't just walk around with it, Dean," Sam told him. "The spirit's attached. It's gonna use her to get close to anyone it wants revenge on. It's not gonna stop killing."

"Okay, so what are you suggesting, that we cut it out of her?"

"And then what? Leave her in a tub of ice with a phone taped to her hand?"

"Maybe we should call Dr. Robert," Penelope suggested.

"Might have some leads on some non-haunted, black-market replacement kidneys," Dean said, earning a small frown from Elena. "Stow the look."

"He works out of a butcher shop," Sam reminded him.

"It's pretty clean. You'd be surprised."

"No. I think we have to go hoodoo."


"Yeah, hoodoo."

"That's more of a band-aid, not really a cure."

Elena shrugged. "It buys us a minute."

"All right, Louisiana it is."

"Voodoo?!" Isabel cried. "What the hell are you talking about?"

"Actually, it's "hoodoo,"" Dean corrected. "It's a little different."

"Hold on, Isabel," Sam said.

"You're not feds," Isabel stated.

"Just let us explain."

The Impala revved up and Dean said, "No. No way."

"That's impossible," Isabel commented.

Elena shook her head. "No, not really."

"No, no, no, no, no, no," Dean protested. "She possesses sex dolls! This -- this is not a sex doll!"

Elena raised a brow. "You sure about that?"

"Shut up." The Impala's lights turned on. "Hey, you leave my baby alone! She's got nothing to do with this!" The Impala drove at them. "Go, go, go, go, go!"

"Okay, here, here, here," Sam said, ushering Isabel into a car. "Get in."

"Son of a bitch!" Dean cried as he and Elena stood in front of the store window. "I'm so sorry, baby."

The Impala charged at Dean and Elena, the former of whom shielded the latter, and crashed through the storefront.

"Okay. You all right?" Sam asked. "Elena, are you okay?"

"Yeah," Dean said. "Yeah, I'm good. You guys?"


Elena nodded slowly as she stared at Isabel.

"Yeah, I'm..." Isabel began as blood poured out of her mouth and she looked down to find a giant glass shard sticking out of her stomach.

"Isabel?" Sam called. "Hey, hey. Hey, hey, hey, hey."

"I'm sorry," Rose's spirit apologized. "I didn't mean for this." Her spirit went up in flames.

Elena turned to Sam and hugged him as he ran a gentle hand up and down her back.


Dean was repairing the Impala.

"How's it look?" Sam asked.

"Well, considering she got carjacked by poltergeist, could be worse," Dean replied. "I mean, what exactly did we do back there, Sam?"

"Yeah, I'm not putting it in the win column, either."

"We saved a few dicks, a-a-and we killed an innocent girl. I got a heartbroken kid and a woman who's so pissed at me... I see what you mean about facing your past. It's, uh -  It's awesome. Thanks."


"I mean, all we do is make a mess."

"That's not true. We do save lives, now and again."

"Yeah, I guess. I'm just... I'm just tired of all the bad luck, you know?"

Elena walked up as she said, "Me too. Our lives as of late seem to be one run of bad luck after another. But I have hope it'll get better."

"Well, you know, number one, bad luck is kind of in the job description," Sam told them. "And two, it's not all bad. Really. Look at me. I mean, at least Satan's left the building."

"Yeah. It's the little things," Dean said.

"And I have a soul because of you. I never thanked you for that, did I?"

"That's all good, man."

"Well, thanks."

"You'd have done the same for me or Elena."

"I mean it. Look, we keep our heads down, keep swinging. We'll lose some. Hopefully, we'll win more. And... I don't know. Anyway, for what it's worth, I got your back. Elena, I got yours too."

"Yeah, I know."

"Thanks, Sam," Elena said, moving closer to Sam as she took his hand.

Sam rubbed the back of it as she stared into the distance solemnly, with an almost blank expression. He gently pulled her down as he himself sat, kissed the top of her head, then pulled her closer and held her.

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