Inazuma Eleven: Strike of Ali...


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Yuri was once one of the orphan children of Sun Garden until she was adopted at age 9. 5 years later... More

Meet the new character of Inazuma Eleven
9 years ago before the events of Aliea Gakuen....... (Part 1)
9 years ago before the events of Aliea Gakuen....... (Part 2)
9 years ago before the event of Aliea Gakuen....... (Part 3)
Encountered Aliea Gakuen and a rather familiar face............
Thank you guys for over 100 reads.
The Nakomori Mansion
A Shocking and Unexpected Truth
Joining Raimon Eleven and off to a New Journey!
I have some news to share with all of you.
The Prince of the Snowfield
I have a few words to say.
Short Notice 😔
My New Inazuma Eleven Book Is Out!
A 1k Reads!!!!!!
Who is the New Ace Striker? (Part 2)
Attack from Aliea Gakuegn!
Inazuma Eleven Christmas Special!
Epsilon's Attack!
The Hidden Powers!

Who is the New Ace Striker? (Part 1)

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(Hello everybody!! Sorry for the long wait, I decided to do this chapter in two parts because things got a bit complicated in this chapter so I hope you'll enjoy reading guys. Happy reading everybody!!)

Third's pov

The soccer team of Raimon Eleven and Hakuren, Raimon managers and Coach Hitomiko are at the Hakuren soccer field, all except for one. 

"Starting today, we'll be practicing with Fubuki. We'll definitely win against Aliea Gakuen this time!", Endou declared with determination. "And in order to do that, we'll train harder than before and-" then Endou stopped talking when he saw something. "Yo!"

Yuri and Lucky turned around behind them and so is the rest of the Raimon team soon to see Fubuki arrived, wearing the Raimon soccer uniform of number 9.

"Sugoi! It looks good on you Fubuki-kun!", Konko complimented Fubuki with amazement. 

"You look cool!", Seiya complimented too. 

"Thanks guys", Fubuki replied to his fellow Hakuren teamates. "Now I'm a member of Raimon Eleven. I promise to protect Hakuren Junior High whatever I can."

Yuri nodded in approval of Fubuki's words with a smile. 'That's good to hear from him with determination.

Endou pats his shoulder. "That's the spirit!" 

"So what are we practicing?", Fubuki asked. 

"The team will be splitted into two teams, Red and White. We'll be working on some combinations while each side switches between offenses and defenses", he explained.

"That sounds like fun", said Fubuki with a smile.

"Fubuki", Hitomiko called him, making him turned his attention to her. "I want you to act as a forward." 

"Me a forward?", Fubuki asked.

"Yes. Is there a problem?"

Fubuki shooked his head. "No none." Unknown to him, Someoka tched while glaring daggers at him.

Yuri already noticed Someoka's bitterness before seeing him glaring at Fubuki. 'He may have still being bitter to Fubuki, but at least he's tolerating it in order for Gouenji to come back.' She turned her head at Fubuki and Hitomiko. 'I have a hunch that pretty soon Fubuki will transform back into a different person again just like yesterday', she hummed in thought. 'Something tells me there's something more about him. I should keep a good eye on him.

"Ne Yuri, are you okay?", Haruna asked, making Yuri pulled out of her thoughts. 

"Uh yes. Why did you ask?"

"Well, you seem to be in a lot of thought while staring at Fubuki and Hitomiko."

"Oh well, I'm just wondering Fubuki might show his great strength again just like before."

"Oh I see." 

Yuri looked back at Fubuki again, then at Hitomiko. 'Hitomiko nee-san must have decided to put him in forward position to see how he'll act in the practice match or she needed him to practice as a forward.'

Everybody has already been put into positions of the two teams. As for Yuri, she's in the white team with Domon, Someoka, Ichirouta, Touko and Kabeyama. Because of that reason, she wore a different Raimon soccer uniform. Soon, everybody noticed that the numbers of two teams are odd.

"The numbers are not equal in both teams", said Aki.

"Hmmm, what should we do?", Endou wondered, scratching his head. 

Yuri stepped forward among the white team and suggested a solution. "Will it be alright if Lucky joins the red team? Then that way, there won't be any odd number in the teams."

"Eh?!", everybody except Hitomiko nee-san looked at her in surprised after hearing her suggestion. 

"Can your dog really play soccer?", Domon asked. 

She nodded at him. "Hai! He learned to play soccer after watching me how to do back when we were younger and since then, we had been playing together ever since even though he can only do a dribble and passing. But, he can also steal the ball too. Right boy?", she looked at Lucky, who's with the managers, he barked in agreement. 

"It's true", Hitomiko agreed too making everybody looked at her. "Lucky does do quite well in some soccer playing just like what Yuri says." I don't see why he should not be in the red team even though he's a dog."

"Hmm", Endou hummed in thought, then smiled looking at the whole. "Well, if Yuri and Hitomiko kantoku says Lucky can play, then we'll let him join in! What do you guys say?"

Luckily, the team agreed and Lucky howled in excitment.

Now that the numbers of teams is equal since now Lucky is on the red team, Hitomiko blew the whistle then toss the soccer ball into the air. The white team ran forward while the red team does the same as well to get the ball. Kidou and Kazemaru both got the ball with their leg at the same time. Kazemaru got it first, Kidou tried to steal the ball while he keeps it under his feet. 

"That's great, you two! Really take a snap at each other!", Endou praised them. 

Kazemaru dashed away from Kidou in a zig zag pattern with the ball."Shippuu Dash!" He dribbled forward then Fubuki ran up next to him. "Be like the wind", he said then immediately ran much faster and instantly stole the ball from Kazemaru, which Yuri quickly sensed his surprised feeling.

"W-wow.... He stole the ball from Kazemaru-kun so easily", Yuri heard Aki saying about Fubuki and she mentally agreed with her. She immediately remembered Fubuki stole the ball from Kazemaru in almost the same way he did with her too back then.

"Kazemaru, what are you doing?" Yuri snapped out of her thoughts when she heard Someoka's question to Kazemaru. "Let's go!"

Kazemaru quickly ran and soon begin to nearly catch up with Fubuki. "Speed doesn't belong just to you!"

"Fubuki! Don't strain yourself!", Ichinose shouted, trying to reassure Fubuki. 

"Pass it here!", Kidou called and Lucky, who ran beside him, did the same too by yapping. But Fubuki ignored them completely as if he didn't hear them. 

Kazemaru tried to slide tackle Fubuki, but he dodged by leaping into the air. 

"Let's go", Yuri heard Fubuki said then she suddenly felt the same huge wave of chi energy. 'It's the same chi energy I felt before! That means Fubuki's going to shift again', she thought as she watches him and she was right as she watches him changed into a different person again. He landed on his two feet with a thud. 

"Alright!", Fubuki exclaimed and begin to run. 

"He did it again?", Endou said in surprise. Fubuki dashed even faster than before, sprinting through the white team before they had the chance to. Yuri ran towards him and he raced past her. 

"Man, you guys are like snails!", Fubuki said rudely. "Isn't there anyone here who can keep up with me?" 

"He's being a total hog...", said Ichinose.

"We're completely ignored by him, aren't we?", Megane guessed.

"Why won't he pass the ball to anyone?", Aki asked, looking confused. 

"It's the same as yesterday", Natsumi stated. "Whenever he attacks, it's like he's a whole different person."

"Indeed", Hitomiko agreed. The managers looked at her. "Fubuki is a very tricky player. He may be difficult to control even for our next match against Aliea Gakuen." Just then, something unexpected happened right after that. 

Just as Fubuki was about to reach the goal, something very fast went past him and he stopped because Yuri suddenly appeared at a medium distance infront of him. "Nani?!", he shouted, looking shocked.

Everybody else looked surprised while others looked shocked to see her sudden appearance infront of Fubuki.

"How did she get there?", Ichinose asked in surprise.

"Wasn't she just far behind him!", Kabeyama exclaimed in disbelief, looking shocked and sweatdropped. 

Fubuki grit his teeth then immediately smirked and begin to run. "Even if you're able to catch up with me, I'll just get past you again!" But he noticed her eyes looking relaxed, she sprint forward towards him. As soon as she reached near him, she instantly sweeped the soccer ball away from his feet, sprint slide to her right then immediately vanished in an instant only to end up appearing behind him at a far distance. Fubuki looked over his shoulder in surprise. "Sprint Step", said Yuri. 

Kidou's eyes under the googles widen when he saw her hissatsu technique. 'That hissatsu....'

Yuri begin to dribble ahead and Fubuki was about to turn around to go after her when Someoka stopped the match. "Hold it right there!" Yuri immediately stopped dribbling.

 After Someoka stopped it, Yuri felt the chi energy decrease as she turns around to see Fubuki, who went back to normal and looked at the others in confusion.

"Ichinose and Kidou have been calling you to pass the ball to them! Why didn't you listen and pass the ball to them!?", Someoka asked.

"But this is what I've always been doing...", Fubuki explained his reason to him.

"It may have worked for Hakuren, but for us it's another story! You're one of Raimon Eleven now! Try matching yourself to the way we do things!"

"Even if you told me to do that....Building a sweaty stink like you guys sounds tiring", said Fubuki bluntly. (I got hit in a shock like a dart stabbed me when Fubuki said that 😅)

"Who are you calling a sweat stink?!" Someoka tried to lunge at him but Ichinose and Domon held him back. Both of them tried to calm him down. 

Yuri sweatdrop in a bit of a shock while looking at Fubuki. 'He still acts rude, even though he's not a different person.' "I guess Fubuki's not used to coordinate well with the team", she muttered. 

"Neverthless, there are some top level teams in the world who uses the play style that revolves around one individual", Megane explained the fact. "That must be what Hakuren Junior High has done, with Fubuki-kun as a center, do you see?", he said, making a point. 

"We're Raimon, not Hakuren!', Someoka suddenly shouted, startling some of them including Yuri and Lucky. 

"I don't care how fast this guy is, I can't work with a selfish brat!", Someoka objected and grit his teeth. "Having him replaced Gouenji is impossible!"

"I don't know about that", Kazemaru said that made everybody looked at him.

"Huh? What are you talking-" Someoka was about to ask until he noticed the look on his face. Even Yuri noticed too, due to sensing his feelings of a bit of desperation and sadness first. 

"I need to be able to be as fast as Fubuki. Otherwise, I won't be able to steal the ball from Aliea Gakuen without that speed", said Kazemaru sadly as he lower his head. "If I don't change.... it'll be repeating the cycle all over again." 

Yuri read Kazemaru's mind to check and saw he and Raimon faced against Gemini Storm to only end up being overwhelmed by them. 'That's why.....', Yuri thought. 

"in that case, you just have to be like the wind", Fubuki suggested. 

"The wind?" ENdou and Kazemaru looked at him what did he mean by that. 

"Come with me. I'll show you."

Yuri's pov

Me, Lucky and everybody are somewhere that is a bit far away from the Hakuren Junior High School at this round like ski slope.

"Whoa... There's a ski slope behind the school building", Endou said in surprise. 

Me and Endou noticed the Hakuren team at the edge of the slope, preparing a couple of giant snowballs each. 

"What are they preparing the snowballs for?", I asked, wondering. Then I heard something sliding on the snow. Me and everybody looked at the same view to see Fubuki wearing a helmet with safety pads while standing on a snowboard. 

"A snowboard", Endou asked.

"How would that help us?", Kazemaru asked Fubuki.

"Just watch. The snow helps us turn into the wind", he explained then begin to snowboard down the slope. He immediatley begin to slide in a rapid speed. I watched him in amazement. 

"He's fast!", Haruna exclaimed.

"So cool!", Kabeyama cried.

"Fubuki's really fast!", said Endou.

Someoka humphed. "It's just snowboarding."

"Fubuki-kun is good at skiing and snowboarding because he'd do them ever since he was young", the small girl wearing the hat that I got to know her name is Konko, told us. "He said he prefers sliding across the snow to running because it lets him move faster and feel the wind."

"The wind, huh?" I heard Kazemaru whispered. 

"Minna! Go for it!", Fubuki called his teamates. 

"Okay!", his teamates replied then they pushed pushed the giant snowballs down the ski slope at the same time. One of the snowballs were rolling towards Fubuki.

"Watch out!", Endou shouted in alarm. 

I noticed Fubuki smiling and immediately snowboard jump into the air, succeeding dodging the snowball behind him. He flipped in the air and landed snowboarding again just in time to avoid another two snowballs colliding each other.

"That's amazing", Domon gasped in amazement. "He can perfectly see through the random movements of those snowballs."

"According to Fubuki-kun, the faster you go, the sharper your sesnses get. Yo become able to see your surroundings more clearly", said Konko. 

I stared at her with my right eyebrow raised. It sounds kind of like the sensory training I went through but only very different that involves like shooting and life-sized combat puppets instead of the ski slope and snowballs. Then I heard something's coming, I quickly turned and so did Lucky since he heard too, to see the snowball heading towards Megane and Kurimatsu without noticing! 

"Megane, Kurimatsu! Watch out!" I yelled to try get their attention. The two boys looked to only be too late, they shrieked when they saw it coming, ended up trapped in the snowball and rolled to the other side of the slope with them and crashed. The crash sent its sound waves I felt up to the the trees shaking them, then a large snow fell off from the tree. I suddenly sensed a strong fear and looked to see its coming from Fubuki, who's kneeling down on the snow floor and clutching himself while shaking. 

Lucky and I quickly slide down the slope and ran to him. Lucky smelled frantically while whinning in worry. I bent over to look, only to see his face mixed in shock and fear. 

I put my left hand on his right shoulder and took a deep breath, entering into my calming state. Then I transmit my calming feelings to Fubuki. As I transmit my calm feelings, I sensed Fubuki's fear slowly calming down and entering into its calm state. I pulled my hand away just when Endou and Kazemaru came towards us to check Fubuki.

"Fubuki! Are you okay?", Endou asked.

Fubuki lift his head up and looked calm now with a smile. "Yeah... Gomen, gomen. Just a little slip up."

Later, all of us prepare to wear snowboard protection gear before getting ready to do snowboarding.

"Onii-chan, Yuri, have you both done this before?", Haruna asked me and Kidou as we put on the gear.

I nodded to her. "Uh huh. I did something like this a bit similar to snowboarding." 

Kidou next to me already finished putting on his gear and stood up. "Just watch", he said to Haruna. Then, he looked at Fubuki. I also did the same too. "In any case, when did you start training?", Kidou asked him.

"It's not really training. Ever since I was a kid, it happened naturally while I was playing", Fubuki told us.

"Oh, so in the end it's just another game huh?", Someoka  questioned. Three of us including Lucky looked at him. "Raimon Eleven doesn't 'play' during training. Overcoming a strenuous training and getting stronger is what gives its meaning!" 

(In case anyone doesn't know what does strenuous mean, it means requiring or using great effort or exertion.)

"That sort of thing sounds tiring", Fubuki said.

"What!?", Someoka shouted angrily.

"If we're going to gain the same ability, it might as well be fun."

"He does have a point", Ichinose agreed. 

SOmeoka looked at Ichinose, who's behind him. "Not you too, Ichinose!" 

Ichinose pointed to someone. "Take a look over there. Endou's all hyped out about this." 

We looked at the same direction to see Endou looking very excited as he's already wearing the protection gear and prepared on his snowboard.

"This is my first time snowboarding", Endou said, looking excited. "Teach me how to do it!" He pumped his fist then accidently tilt himself, ending up sliding down the slope unprepared. "Help! Someone stop me!", he cried while shaking his arms then crashed. 

Ichinose and I laughed a bit while sweatdropped. After that little crash, almost everybody snowboard the ski slope at the same time. Touko, Kidou, Ichinose and Domon did it well while for the others....... didn't have a great start at first. Endou crashed on his bottom, Kabeyama fell and crashed too on his face in the snow first and Megane and Kurimatsu somehow end up in a giant snowball again. Kidou and Touko manage to dodge the snowballs easily in sync with ease. 

I notice Kazemaru struggling a bit too just like Endou and the few others. I suddenly read his mind without wanting to. 

'I can't see anything. Is it because I'm not used to this speed?' Just then, a giant snowball immediatley appeared infront of him and he crashed into it and the snowball broke into pieces. You maybe wondering why I didn't go snowboarding with the others first, well that's because right now, I'm doing some warm up first before doing that. It's important to warm up before exercise of course. I also already put on the protection gear.(I hope you guys do warm up too before doing exercising guys. A healthy body leads to a healthy mind.) While doing warm ups, I saw Endou got buried in the snowball and emerge at the top of it.

"I'll definitely become the wind!", Endou declared. I could feel his feelings of determination all right, in order to have a better chance at defeating Aliea Gakuen. 

"Captain!" I looked up to see Fubuki snowboarding passed by Endou. "You've got to enjoy yourself! Once you do that, your body will follow!", he advised him.

I felt some bitter feelings and looked somewhere else to see Someoka, who did not join snowboarding, gritting his teeth. I decided to do something to stop Someoka's bitterness then I felt something nudging on my leg and looked down to see Lucky staring at me with eyes full of concern. He barked softly at me and I read his mind to see if he has anything to say to me. 

'Should we do something about this? I'm worried about Someoka.' 

I transmit my thought to him. 'That's okay, I've already decided to go talk to him about it.'

Me and Lucky walked towards him and I called out to him. "Ne Someoka."

Someoka turned his head to me. "What is it?"

"I just want to talk to you a bit, that's all." Someoka grunted a bit and looked back at the ski slope. I took a deep breath and said, "About earlier when Fubuki didn't pass the ball to anyone and how you got mad about it, I know you and the few others thinks that Fubuki's being selfish, but for me, I see and think of him differently."

Just then, I see Someoka's eyes widen in shock and turned to me. "What!? What are you saying!?", he asked, saying a bit louder. "Of course it's obvious that he's being a selfish brat!" 

"That's what you think. For me, I think the reason why Fubuki's only playing solo since he's used to it like he says. After all, his team depended on him to score the goals for him and the rest of the team. I also believe another reason why is because he doesn't fully understand about teamwork. So we should try to help him understand and see it. Also I knew you were bitter at him and if you keep on being bitter at him and not trust him, you guys won't be able to work together well in the next match with Aliea Gakuen." 

Someoka's eyes widen and stopped gritting his teeth after hearing Yuri's words. He frowned a bit and turned his head away. 

"I know the reason why you were bitter at him at first ever since I joined the team is because I heard about your talk with Aki yesterday saying about fearing that Gouenji Shuuya will be replaced. But I believe Raimon will never replace him with another because I know how important each of you guys are since I watch all of your matches in the Football Frontier. I believe Fubuki will only be another member instead of replacing one and be an ace striker in his own way just like you and the rest are, even Gouenji", I said whole heartedly. "Even I will try my best to be a good soccer player in my own way." Someoka kept quiet after I said to him. I sighed and put on my snowboard. "I don't think Fubuki even wants to take someone's place. I'll leave it up to you. See you later Someoka." 

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. I thought to myself, be calm and relaxed myself, have fun just like Fubuki said and remember, this is something similar like zephyr surfing. I opened my eyes feeling calmed relaxed, tilt my board forward at the edge of the slope and slide down the slope. It gotten a bit more faster then I heard something at my left and I looked to see the giant snowball coming towards me fast. I lower my eyes then I crouch down a bit, becoming a bit more faster and shift my body to shift my snowboard to the right and bolted forward, successfully swiftly dodged the snowball. 

I closed my eyes for a moment and I can hear while feeling the wind and the vibrations around me travel into me. I started to feel so much fun just like Fubuki really said. I opened my eyes and smiled. I see three more snowballs coming towards in my direction while detecting a few more behind me through vibration and sound. I continued to successfully dodged them by swiftly weaving past through around them and soar through the air by snowboard jump over some of them like a wind. While continue to snowboard, it made me recalled the times I went zephyr surfing with my childhood friends Suho, Nara and Emerald with some of the other half myths. We had a lot of fun time together.

When I was about to reach the end of the sloped, I sense something in the vibrations an hear a sound. I looked over my shoulder to see another giant snowball coming in very fast and very close to me. By instinct, I did the carve turn to the left and I was able to avoid it barely when the snowball passed by next to me very close then I did the linking turn going by past the snowball behind it and stopped at the end of the slope. I let out a big sigh of relief after snowboarding, it felt so much fun like zephyr surfing.

"That was amazing!"

I turned my head to see Endou, the rest of Raimon except for Someoka since he didn't come, the managers, Fubuki and Hakuren soccer members came around me. 

"That was amazing Yuri! You really nailed it!", Endou exclaimed. 

I blushed a bit and bowed my head a bit to him. "Thanks Endou."

"It was spectacular Yuri!", Aki complimented me in amazement. "Watching you snowboard throughout the slope made me felt like you were actually flying through the air instead!"

"Thanks Aki", I said, smilling.

"You really did the snowboarding well", said Haruna. "Say, you said you did something similar to snowboarding. What kind of sport was it that was similar to it?", she asked.

"Uhh, well...." I smiled nervously as I couldn't tell them what's zephyr surfing, but luckily, someone stepped in. 

"It's okay if you don't want to", said Fubuki with a smile. 

I smiled gratefully at him. "Arigatou Fubuki." 

The way of you snowboard is like you're really flying just like what Aki said and you're already a true wind."

"Gamsahabnida Fubuki", I said to him with a slight bow. (Gamsahabnida means thank you in Korean.)

"Eh?" I notice Fubuki and everybody else looking confused then I quickly realized why and giggled a bit.

"It means thank you."

"Oh I see", said Fubuki with a smile.

I heard barking and looked to see Lucky came up to me and jumped up on me, so I grabbed him and stroke his head then I heard his thought. 

'You were awesome Yuri!'

'Thanks Lucky' I transmit my thought to him. Then I noticed Kazemaru walked up to me.

"Yuri may I ask you something?", he asked

I put Lucky down and looked at him. "Yes?"

"How were you able to do it so well and do it so easily?" 

I glanced at my team who looked eager to listen from me. I smiled and explained. "Well of course it wasn't always easy at first. It takes time, patience, practice and to keep on trying again and again until you got it right. Not only that, you need to listen to the voice deep down inside your heart what is it trying to tell you and it's important to keep your balance. Whenever there's a raging storm around, you must find your inner peace and balance, then you'll see through the storm clearly. (I got that from Master Wu from Lego Ninjago and I changed it a bit but it still sure makes sense.) And in order to be the wind, you need to be in sync with one. Someone once told me we are all connected to all life and elements. And of course Fubuki's right that we should have some fun in it as well." 

"Oh" Kazemaru looked at me in a bit surprise. I glanced to see everybody looking awestruck.

"She sound very wise when she explained it", I heard Aki whispered to Natsumi.

"Shall we get back snowboarding? I can help teach you guys", I asked everybody.

"Yeah!", Endou cheered and we went back to snowboarding training for the rest of the day.

Later at night in Hakuren,

All of us were in the Hakuren Junior High School  walking back to the classroom when I heard Someoka talking to Kazemaru.

"How was it, Kazemaru?", Someoka asked him.

"I still can't move my body the way I want it to. I want to master itbefore ALiea Gakuen gets here

Me and Raimon team are in the classroom to have dinner, only to be surprised except myself to have a small portion of dinner."

I felt his feelings of a bit of desperation. So I walked a bit more faster to catch up to him and put my hand on his shoulder. He and Someoka stopped walking and looked over their shoulder to see me in surprise. 

"Don't worry", I comforted Kazemaru. "It takes time and I'm sure you and everybody else can do it. Just try to also be patient, rushing things will not work or make it faster."

Kazemaru gave a tiny smile. "Thanks for reassurance."

Once we went to the classroom and went to our dinner food, we were in for surprise. Well, except me. 

"Th-This is it?", Kabeyama asked looking teary. 

"I wish there was a little more", Endou said.

"I'll just keep asking for seconds then!"

"Sorry, no extra servings tonight", Furukabu said, showing the empty rice pot. "You'll just have to make do with what's on your plates."

"Ehh!", everybody exclaimed in surprise except me and Kidou.

"Coach's orders", Natsumi notify them. "We've prepared a meal that boosts muscle strength in order to help you speed up."

"I've even calculated the calorie content perfectly", said Haruna.

"Also, once you take a bite, be sure to chew thirty times before swallowing them", Aki mentioned.

"Thirty times?", ENdou repeated.

"It'll help in better absorption as you're digesting", she explained why. 

I looked to see Kabeyama biting the chair in sadness, I sweatdrop. Well, I'm not surprised about this because I ate som ething similar to this before back when I was in exchange programme in Korea. We immediately eat dinner and after that, we turned in for the night. The boys went to sleep in the Inazuma Caravan while me, Lucky, the rest of the girls and Hitomiko nee-san slept in the classroom. 

The next day after that, Lucky and I took a walk and when we were reaching near the ski slope, Lucky and I heard some sounds. I looked down at Lucky.

"Shall we go take a look?"

Lucky barked in reply and we went towards the ski slope. When we arrived, we first saw Endou, Kazemaru and Someoka doing snowboarding. I have thought that I shouldn't interrupt not just yet for my reasons to. I tugged Lucky leash attached to his collar to signal him to step away and we hid behind the trees within. Lucky looked up at me with his head tilted in confusion. 

"I like to see how they're making progress first before we make our appearance first. We should see how it goes first." I put my hand on Lucky and used my Spirit Eyes so that we'll be able to see the boys at the slope without exposing ourselves. As we watch, we notice Endou noticing something and saw the giant snowball coming towards him. 

I squinted my eyes, wondering to see how he'll do. He turned to dodge only to see another one about to hit him very soon. He quickly stretched his right hand forward to the snowball and immediately smashed it to a million pieces! I smiled in happiness to see that he was able to do it so quickly in an instant. I looked down to see Lucky, who's eyes are glowing in faint blue, smiling at me, I nodded to him.  

"Endou!", We heard Kazemaru called him as Kazemaru and Someoka went to him. I used my chi energy to enhance my hearing ability to hear them. I don't need to do that for Lucky since he has stronger hearing. (FHere's a fun fact about dogs, they can hear nearly twice as many frequencies as humans) 

"What was that? What happened?", Someoka asked. I watched as Endou looked at his hands.

"This is the first time he felt that sensation. Also, the way I just twisted my hips.... I could fill my body filling up like a snap of energy! Kidou and Yuri said that that body balance was important but..... this training also seems useful with storing energy for Majin The Hand!" 

I smiled in approval that Endou realized something else about that also because I think this snowboarding training can be great for other things  besides speed. We both continue to watch as they keep on snowboarding until soon, they engaged into a snowball fight. Then, I felt sadness and my Spirit Eyes made me looked somewhere to see Fubuki on the other side of the slope, who's watching the boys too. I figured out he was the one feeling sad because he looked down. I decided to read what's on his mind and saw his younger self playing snowball fight with another boy who looks almost exactly him except he has a orange colour hair. I thought wondering who that boy was when I stopped reading his mind.

Suddenly, I felt a great feeling of pain and fear. I looked somewhere at the distance, I looked at Lucky and transmit my thought to him. 

'We need to go somewhere I'm sensing someone's in great pain and fear. I'll need to go and help whoever it is.'

Lucky nodded and we quitely walked away from the slope and go towards the feelings I felt. I took out my phone ( In this fanfiction world, I decide to have this world have smartphones instead of old generation phones. Back at the Seoul airport, the phone she used is already a smartphone), set a call and placed it on my ear as I hear the phone signal then I heard the call picked up. 

"Hi Yuri, is there something you need?" I heard Hitomiko nee-san asked on the line.

"Hi Hitomiko nee-san, I need you to tell everybody Lucky and I went on a short hike which we aren't", I instructed her quietly.


"Because I felt someone needs my help and I just started going on my way to there. Can you do that?"

There was no answer from her for a while then she answered. "Alright, in case anything happens, call me or the managers and your team members. Do you understand?"

I nodded. "Hai, Thank you Hitomiko nee-san." I end the call and put it in my jersey pants pocket, then embark to whoever it is in need of help.

Third's pov

Yuri and Lucky trudge through the snow in the middle of forest of huge, tall, black barred trees surrounding them. Yuri felt the echoes of the feelings she's sensing as she continues to follow it with Lucky walking beside her. As she continues following it, the feelings begin to feel more stronger and closer and closer with every step.

She looked ahead over a long distance noticing something's thrashing in the snow and felt the same feelings she's sensing coming from there.

'That feeling I felt must be coming from there', Yuri thought. The two walked to whatever it is thrashing the snow. As they reach there over the small distance, it was something furry with orange and white.

Yuri's pov

It's a fox! It was a fox when me and Lucky finally looked what it was thrashing in the snow. I noticed the fox is struggling to get the trap clamping it's leg with the metal teeth off. The fox yelped in pain and stopped with its heavy breathing, then shortly continued to attempt to get it off without even caring about getting itself more hurt.

I've got to hurry and help before it will become worse. I transmit my thoughts to Lucky to tell him to stay here while I go help the fox so that it wouldn't become more frightened if he wasn't with me. Lucky understood with a nod and lied down. I crouch down a bit and slowly walked towards the fox with complete silence.

As I sat in front of the fox, it still didn't notice me because of still busy struggling to be free until I called it out softly. "Hello."

The fox instantly stopped and slowly turned it's head towards me with wide eyes. It backed away letting out a soft growl with its fur bristling up.

"Sshhh, it's okay", I said very softly then I transmit my thoughts to the fox to calm it down. 'I'm not going to hurt you.' The fox stopped growling at me but still looked at me with wide eyes and I felt it panicking.

'I know you're frightened and hurt. But if you keep on trying to by force, you won't be freed and it will get much worse', I transmit another thought trying to explain. I felt its feelings becoming more calmer and its fur became less bristling. I continue to try to persuade it more.

'I can help you get free from this trap, so please trust me', I promised to the fox. I felt it became completely calm, although I could still feel its pain from the trap on it's leg. I took a look at the trap and notice the two screws on each side of the trap. I lift up one finger and place my finger tip on the screw.

Then, a strap of light came out from my finger tip and wrapped around the screw completely. I make the strap around the screw become more tighter and tighter as I concentrate. I continue making it more tighter until I heard the sound of cracking. I dispersed the light strap to see the screw immediately fell apart into small pieces .

I did the same attempt on the other screw and broke into small pieces as well. After that, I gently opened the trap and the fox lift it's.leg out.of the trap. I watched the fox trying to walk but immediately yelped in pain when it placed its feet on the ground. It lift its leg up and licked it. I sighed sadly as I knew it had done some damages to the leg.

"Come here little one", I murmured calling the fox. "You're wounded. I can help heal it for you."

The fox looked at me in confusion of what did I mean by healing it's wound. Although the fox is confused, it still walked to me while limping because of hopefully wanted to be healed. I raised my hand in front of the wounded leg then my opened hand palm started to glow a pale yellow. After a minute and a half, I put my hand down finished healing it as there's almost as if the wound isn't there at all.

The fox tried walking around for a bit then leaped in happiness to feel better with its leg healed as I watched with a soft giggle. It then went up to me and nuzzled me affectionately as a saying of thank you.

I laughed while petting its head. "You're welcome little fox." The fox stopped nuzzling me and begin to walk away. "Be careful not to get trapped again okay?", I called out to the fox, it looked back at me and replied with a bark then hopped away. I smiled as I watched the fox going away then I suddenly felt something corrupting coming out of nowhere. What's this corruption? For some reason, it feels too familiar.......

Third's pov

The sound of a twig broke was made and heard by Yuri and Lucky. Yuri quickly stood up as Luck quickly ran to her side, baring his long, white canine teeth in alert. Yuri looked around in caution then soon heard the sound of someone walking in the snow.

She turned her head to see someone at far distance that looks like a boy, wearing winter clothes consist of a thick grey winter jacket, a white sweater, black winter pants and winter boots. He looked about her age and was walking towards her. She felt the corruption from him.

'That corruption I felt, it's coming from him. But why is it familiar?', she thought, then a thought suddenly came into her mind releasing where she felt it and sending a bit of shiver run down her spine. 'Could it be...'

As the boy walks closer and closer, he became more clearer to see with his head hung low. Yuri's eyes slowly widen to see his features of tan skin and green hair tied into a ponytail. Lucky step forward, a growl escaping from his opened baring teeth and is about to take another step when Yuri placed her hand infront of him. 

"Wait", she says softly. The boy stopped infront of them at a very small distance. "Ry, Ryuuji?....... Is that you?", she whispered to him. 

The boy lift his head revealing his familiar face and greeted her with a gentle smile. "Kon'nichiwa Yuri."

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