A Wolf's Jealousy and Rejecti...

By Kentomi-sama

358K 12.1K 771

Chase finds out he's mates to a bully who used to be his friend, Juno, and tries to get Juno to accept him an... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 91
Chapter 92
Chapter 93
Chapter 94
Chapter 95
Chapter 96
Chapter 97
Chapter 98
Chapter 99
Chapter 100 - The Final Chapter

Chapter 37

3.2K 110 6
By Kentomi-sama

Chase's POV

"Just give it to me straight Doc. Am I going to go into heat again soon?" I asked the doctor I met back at my apartment as we sat in his office.

It wasn't an examination room or anything like that, just his office where he kept his documents and other random papers I see scattered all over this place.

I was lucky I ran into him when I did since I didn't even have a name to ask anyone when I got here to look for him.

"Well your heats are only irregular right now because you're still new to having them. Your pheromones are unstable because you're not used to controlling them and last time we spoke, we determined that it was due to the wolf you're bonded with having Alpha blood. So since then, has anything changed?" He asked me as he looked over a packet he had in his hands.

He was relatively young, at least in appearance, which made me question if he's even old enough to be in this profession. But when I see him like this it makes him look kinda older? Like more mature?

He was multitasking, something I seemed to have trouble doing, without any effort. He would read over his thick packet of papers, put it down and jot down some notes, before going back to reading it...all while listening to me talk and discussing my heat issue with me!

"Regarding what? My body?" I asked him before looking around his office.

He had a dusty black name plate poking out from under some papers on his desk that said "Dr.Ortiz" in golden lettering with some fancy looking font.

Other than the elegant looking old name plate and the paper scattered all over the place, he had a pretty cool looking office.

The walls were a dark shade of gray and the seat I was sitting in looked really new. It was just a black chair but it was padded and actually really comfortable considering it was leather.

"Regarding your rejection? The more you both disagree with this mate situation, the worse your condition can get. Omega wolves don't tend to live long without their mates after they find them, then on top of that we have the problem of your heats being out of control. You can attract the wrong kind of attention then end up badly hurt." Dr.Ortiz explained while he pushed his glasses back up since they were sliding off his face.

"Oh we're actually living together now. We're staying on separate floors but we moved in together like a day or two ago." I told him hastily.

I was starting losing track of time. With everything going so fast, I couldn't keep up with my dates or anything anymore! I almost forgot what time it was now.

My words seemed to really get his attention now because he slammed his packet down on the desk and looked straight at me.

"You're...living under the same roof? With your heats the way they are I don't really suggest-" He started but I put my hands up defensively and he immediately stopped.

He cleared his throat before lifting his glasses slightly and rubbing his eyes roughly. A few seconds later, I expected him to keep talking but he just let out a heavy sigh.

"Do you want to know why omega wolves don't live long after meeting their mates and not bonding? Well to be frank they don't live as long as other wolves wither they find their mates or not." He explained while I looked into his eyes.

His tone changed and the way he was talking was kinda scaring me. It was like I couldn't avoid it or joke my way out of it. This was serious so I had to pay close attention.

"It's because when you go into heat you always get a really high fever of about 105 degrees Fahrenheit. And how often do you think omegas get this high fever? Omegas with regulated heats get fevers that high four times a year since they get their heats every three months." Dr.Ortiz continued as he pushed his glasses up so they wouldn't fall off his face.

I didn't know they got heats that many times. I thought it was maybe twice a year not four. It made sense now why the Alpha didn't want them to attend school or be around any humans. If heats come that often, the chances of us being found out were higher.

"And you, your heats are irregular right now. Completely unstable! You'll have more than four a year and we can't even time how long it'll be until the next one occurs. It can be in a month or it can be a week later. We just don't know yet so I prescribed your medication to at least attempt a heat regulation." He said dramatically as he pointed his finger at me.

"And medicine should fix my heat and make it normal?" I asked him while tilting my head to the side and he pinched the bridge of his nose.

"The real cure will be if you bond properly with your mate, but as things are right now between you both I honestly don't see that happening any time soon. Am I right?" He asked and I nodded my head silently.

"So yeah, at least for now we'll give the medicine a try. You being that close to him without being bonded...I don't think it'll end well. Your heat might trigger him or if he goes into rut he might attack you. There's tons of negatives but at least you're moving forward together and not rejecting one another." He sighed and I started bouncing my leg up and down.

"So you think I shouldn't live with him?" I asked without thinking.

I quickly covered my mouth and he raised his right eyebrow at me.

What was I thinking? Of course I should live with him. This is what I wanted. I wanted to be with a mate that loved and cherished me, how could he mates with me but not live under the same roof as me?

"It might be good for him since he'll be able to keep you away from potential threats or other suitors but like I said, with your heats the way they are and the possibility of him going into rut near you...it's just a disaster waiting to happen. You're a changed omega not a born one; that's why you're not really getting a sense of danger in anything I'm saying." He ranted and I didn't know what else to say.

I couldn't deny anything he was saying because he wasn't wrong. I was just naive and fixated on becoming mates with Juno as soon as possible.

I said I'd give him time so if he did go into rut and try to mate with me, he'd probably be angry with me if I let him but I wasn't going to just deny him in the time he needed me the most. Even if he hated me for it I'd rather him hate me for being there with him than rejecting him.

"You need to cherish your body more." The doctor added sadly before standing up from his seat.

I stayed in my chair as I watched him walk towards a glass cabinet on the right side of the room. It had medicine bottles on the other side of the glass door so I watched as he grabbed the knob and opened the cabinet door swiftly.

He tossed a pill bottle at me with his back still facing me and I caught it quickly. It was a wonder to me how he tossed it perfectly without even looking at me but instead of questioning him, I chose to just examine the bottle.

It was tiny and clear with a white lid on top. It said my name along the label with all the fancy other shit medication always has on it, and the pills were just white, small and circular.

"They're to try to regulate your heats. Start taking them in the mornings and then once you're out come see me so we can take a look at your results. If they give you any side effects, report to me immediately and try to stay away from other wolves with Alpha blood until we can get your heats under control. I know you can't help your living situation but for now we can just move forward and hope nothing bad happens." He explained as I looked over the bottle carefully.

There was about a little over a months worth of pills in here and I had to take them every morning consecutively for them to work.

"Okay thanks Doc." I told him as I stood up from my seat and headed towards the door.

He waved at me on my way out and I couldn't help but let out a heavy sigh after I closed his door behind me.

I didn't really understand all the hardships and work that went into being an omega at all. I had to take medicine to regulate my heats now, and the fact I'm even having them to begin with is wild.

It would've been easier if I was just born one instead of changed into one. I would've understood everything better and now my new doctors saying I have 'no sense of danger.'

No one wants a changed omega like me. I didn't have to worry about being around other wolves with alpha's blood like he said.

I still had to apologize to Julio and it wasn't like I could just avoid him forever.

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