All The Little Lights

By katedayn09

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"You are kidding me, right?" I asked, narrowing my eyes. "Do I seem like I am kidding?" "No, you don't. But I... More

Author's Note
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Bonus Chapter
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Take a look.!!!
Chapter 54
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Bonus Chapter
Chapter 74

Chapter 55

42 5 5
By katedayn09


Letting out a deep breath, I stared at the building from where I had walked out just days ago.

It's not exactly a house. Jake, Biancca and a few of the main members of the gang live here. Even then, it is their temporary hide out.

They change their locations time to time so as that it won't be easy to track them down. One of the reasons why Nordin and his gang had a hard time locating them long enough to plan an attack.

My job is to make it easier for them.

I braced myself with the thought as I walked down the yard that led to a deceivingly normal door.  But before I could lift my hand to look for the calling bell, it swung open revealing a man with bleary eyes hanging on to the door frame.

His eyes roamed all over the place before they finally focused on me.

"The 'ell are you?" He somehow manged to get the slurred words out  and I had a strong urge to cover my nose to escape from the horror that was his breath.

"Jake here?" I asked not wanting to prolong the interaction with him.

He blinked his eyes at the question.

"You're the boss's girl..?" He asked more to himself, lifting an eyebrow at me.

"Who's there Mike?"

My lips thinned into a grim line on seeing the figure walking towards us.

"What are you doing here?" Biancca asked narrowing her eyes as she too joined the little group welcoming.

"To see Jake."

"You know her Bee?" The man asked looking at her, or to be specific, at her chest which was partially covered by a thin piece of cloth.

"Let her in." She said dismissing him without altering her glare from me. And after a second of pinning me down, she spun on her heels and I followed her closely behind not wanting to left behind with that fuckup who can't seem to take his eyes off me.

After taking the stairs and turning a quick left, she stopped before a wooden door and held it open.

"He is inside."

She said looking at me and with a nod, I stepped past her.

I could sense her cold stare burning my back and I held back a shudder, knowing I'm all alone in their realm and no one would hear me even if I scream.

"I'm watching you.” She whispered before closing the door from outside.

I let out a breath seeing the now closed door.

She never fails to make my guards high up in her presence.

"Has been long, ain't it?"

Startled by the sudden voice, I turned around to see Jake standing there towards a corner of the room with his back leaning on a desk.

He was wearing a white t shirt with black jacket and jeans. His eyes doesn't gleam like a blue ocean anymore. And I know it has something to do with his use of drugs . His dirty blonde hair was not combed and was all over the place in a complete mess.

His lips were pulled into a sly smirk as he assessed me under his nonchalant gaze.

"I thought you had ran away after the incident at the cafe. Since I was busy taking care of some things I had to put a pause on us. Glad to know you came back to me." He said taking small predatory steps towards me.

"It's not like I've somewhere else to go. No thanks to you for making me realize how worthy I'm to live in this world." I snapped folding my arms across my chest, watching the way his brows jumped a little at my words in surprise.

He stared at me for sometime, with his head titled to a side in thought. His lips were streched into a small smile.

"I've to say this sweetheart. You've changed. I wanted to tell you this so badly last time. But didn't get the chance. You've changed a lot and if you're going to say I'm the reason, then I'm glad. Because I like this change of yours."

I huffed.

"You really don't give a damn about me, do you? Like you said, 'I wanted to ask you this so badly but didn't get a chance.'" I air quoted his words with a humourless chuckle. "Have you ever loved me Jake? All those times you were faking it, weren't you? I was so naive back then to realize what kind of a man you are. But now... Like you said, I've changed. And for good." I hissed spatting the words on his face.

"Tsk tsk tsk.... You really believe you could get away from me, don't you?" He tsked shaking his head faking sympathy. But it didn't last long and was soon replaced by the same old chilling smirk making my hair raise.

"You might have changed sweetheart, but I can still see that naive, stupid seventeen year old Alexia in you. The one who craved my touches and longed for my love. You still belongs to me baby. And ME ONLY.!" He sneered sending a cold shiver down my spine.

I gulped.

He is starting to scare me now.

This is not the Jake I knew.

He no longer reflected the man whom I sworn to hate. The man who once held me safe in his arms and the man who I once loved.

A love which ended up like a line drawn in water.

Too volatile to last.

But he..

..The man who is now standing before me is someone else.

I was so engrossed in my mind that I didn't notice the arms encircling my waist until they roughly grabbed my sides.

"Jake..!" I gasped trying to push him off me.

"What? Don't you like it? Come on… I know you still want me baby girl." He laughed, nuzzling his dirty blondes against my cheeks.

"What the fuck are you doing Jake?! Get off me. I don't want you…Fuck off.!" I shouted squirming in his hold.

Grabbing my sides, he pulled me closer and sucked the nape of my neck making my breathe hitch.

"W-what are you d-doing!" I tried to scream but my voice came out in mere whisper, startling me.

I felt him smiling against my skin on hearing the helplessness in my voice.  But I couldn't do anything as my whole body stood still under his touch.

"Told you sweetheart…You might say you don't want me but your body says otherwise." He mumbled enclosing his lips around my earlobe and pressing down his teeth, sendings waves of memories of my first time with him flash through my mind.

"You still want me babygirl. And it is the truth. No one in this world, not even you, know your body like I do. It still yearns for my touch and thirst for my lips." He murmured, darting his gaze between my wide ones.

His eyes were dark with lust and they roamed all over me like a beast frothing for his helpless prey, ready to pounce and end it all at once.

"You're wrong Jake. I don't want you. I'm long over yo- ahh.."  All my words and protest died down the instant he attacked me with his wet kisses.

His lips trailed along my collarbone, sucking and groping as he lifted me off the floor and placed on top of his desk.

My body shivered under his roaming pleasures, teasing and commanding, leaving me a moaning mess.

"I told you baby. You can never get over me."

"Why are you doing this?" I mumbled weakly not being able to fight off his hands that held me captive.

"Why?” He chuckled staring right into my eyes.

"You don't know how much you affect me, sweets. I've dealt with so many girls. But you.., you were so different. So innocent and naive, just how I like. You drive me crazy Alexia. I don't want to lose a girl like you to some fucking bastard just beacuse he is our boss. You're mine. Mine to enjoy. Mine to destroy." 

His voice was heavy and coarse with lust. He gripped my jaw harshly making me wince.

"You can never get rid of me. You don't have a clue how much I craved for you all these years. I've given your parents all the money they want in return for you. Now you're fully mine baby. No one, not even Dante can snatch you away from me."

His eyes flared dangerously with an animalistic desire which ignited a fire of fear in me. The hollowness of his eyes told me a different story which would forever haunt me in my sleeps.

Before my mind could register what was happening, his hand grabbed my breast, making me gasp loudly.


Pulling my face, he crashed his lips into mine, silencing my cries.

Even if I try to fight him, I know I could never win. The only thing I could do is be submissive and let him do whatever he wants. That way he would let me be with him.

It was never my aim to seduce him into getting what I want.

But when I saw him, when he himself show me a way to advance my plan against him.... I took it.

It takes time to get him to trust me, and we don't have that much time with us.

And I couldn't find a better way than this.

But now....

Each mark he was leaving on my body were deepening the old wounds.

His hold on my chest tightened to the point that tears welled up in my eyes.

He sucked and nibbled harshly on my lips without a slight bit of concern.

Like a cruel, blood thirsty starved animal who had a helpless prey in his sharp claws.

He was on top of me and his body dominated mine while I Iaid helplessly under him trying to hold back my tears.

He forced me to open my mouth by thrusting his tongue.

But before he could, the door was pushed open and a voice boomed.

"What the bloody hell are you doing Jake?!?”

Biancca shouted making him pull back and I sucked in a large breathe, taking advance of his absence.

"What do you want Bee? Can't you for fucks sake leave me alone?" He groaned turning to her.

With a huff, she crossed her arms over her chest and met his glare with one of hers.

"Don't start Jake. You know she is in the list and she is the reason why a major portion of our stash is being blocked halfway. And now, when we finally had set everything on line once again, you're going against it just because she came back out of nowhere? C'mon.! I thought you were smarter than this.”

"You're forgetting who is the boss here, Bee. This is my domain and I am the one with the reigns. I don't like anyone interfering in my business. Not even you. It might do you well to remember that." He demanded coldly gritting his teeth.

"You maybe the boss. But we all are working for the Black Kings and if Santiago gets wind of this, we all are doomed. Last month's shipment is still pending and the imports are not yet listed. In the midst of all these, now you are going to be stupid and do things that will end only in a disaster. You know him, he won't sit back doing nothing if any of his s-"

"WILL YOU FUCKING STOP IT?!" Jake roared loudly making me flinch at this side of him that I was fortunate enough to not witness till now.

In light of the recent events, it appears that my fortune has met its death and went to heaven never to come back.

"Why the heck do you keep on blabbering about Santiago, huh? Is he your new fuck buddy? I know what to do and no one will question me in this. You're my gang not his. So stop bringing his name into everything I do. You don't have to keep on repeating the power he has over us. One day. One day is all it will take for him to fall far down from his grace. Wounded and whining at my feet.! So just fucking stop with your worthless opinions. No one asked you for any of that shit." Jake spatted venomously fisting his hands.

"You seem to forget against whom you're playing, Jake. It won't end well.” She warned with a glare.

"Fuck off Bee." He dismissed her with a wave of his finger.

"You're choosing the wrong side Jake. Don't get on the Black King's bad side. It will cost you a lot. Beware." She said and averted her stare from him to me.

"Don't think you would get away with this. You don't know how dark this world can be." With that, she turned on her heels exiting the room, closing the door with a bang.

"Don't mind her. She can be crazy sometimes." He said turning towards me.

"I understand. She is scary." I said faking a chuckle, which earned a laugh from him.

"I almost forgot how fun it is to be around you." He said smiling and before I could retort, his phone dinged catching his attention.

Taking deep breath's through my mouth I tried to keep my self stable.

My insides were whimpering and hollering in agony as I stood there masking my terror with a shaky smile. I folded my palms into a tight fist behind my back to stay put and try to control my trembling.

"Wait here baby. I'll be right back. I've to sort out something.” He asked pocketing his phone.

"Sure..Um... But I want use the washroom urgently. Can you..." I asked giving him a tight lipped smile to which he shook his head like he was amused.

"You still are an adorable innocent girl sweetheart.." He said before planting a kiss on my tightened lips.

"It's over there." He said pointing to an another door.


With a nod, he walked out of the room like nothing happened between us while I ran to the washroom and locked myself in. 

Silent tears rolled down my cheeks as I leaned against the bathroom door for support. My whole body trembled heavily at the thought of his hands all over me.

Opening my eyes, I took small faltering steps towards the bathroom sink and looked myself in the mirror.

My eyes trailed down on to my bruised lips.

They were swollen and red from his violent attacks. My insides felt like it was filled with cigarette smoke and alcohol. The feeling of nausea was overwhelming.

I gagged.

Breathing heavily I emptied all my stomach content into the toilet while holding on to the wall for support.

Tears streamed down my cheeks heavily as I continued to heave and vomit.

When the feeling of nausea subsided a little, I went back to the sink and washed my face again and again.

Tilting my neck to a side, my gaze ran over the red biting marks on my neck and collarbones.

Looking at my reflection, I couldn't recognise the girl who was staring back at me.

She is not me..! I am not the whimpering, bruised, broken girl in the mirror. I don't want to be that girl…..I didn't want to be that girl…..

Whimpering, I rubbed and scratched my lips furiously to get rid off his stench. I washed my mouth using the handwash again and again till I was sure myself that couldn't taste him anymore. All the time hot tears flowing down freely from my eyes to mix with the water going down the sink.

My eyes were bloodshot and I was gasping for breath as I held onto the sink to keep standing.

What have I done?!

What was I thinking??

I gave my virginity to my boyfriend who was so in love with me that he bought me from my parents and gave me to the next animal waiting, after he had his fill.

Now here I am, crying alone in that same man's bathroom after willingly going through that suffering again. Trying to cling on to any loophole to make their plan work. All in vain.

He don't have anything to lose. But me...?

I lost my virginity to him and now,  my dignity too.

My cries become harder and heavier at the thought and I couldn't think of myself without feeling like I was drowning myself in shame and humiliation.

Why me?!

Do I even have any self respect left in me ??

Another whimper escaped me as I tried to tone down my hysterics by biting on my fist.

I looked at myself in the mirror with disgust.

Following the red marks on my shoulders and neck,  my gaze then fell on to the small black stud on my right ear.

I gasped.


Oh my...

The seriousness of what I've done hit me like a brick making me take a small step back.

I allowed Jake to touch me..!

How will I explain this to the others?

Fresh tears welled up in my eyes at the thought. I felt sick when Aarvin's face flashed in my mind.

"Oh..God!" I cried out, wrapping my hands around myself as if to protect myself from all the hate I felt for myself.

I crumbled down onto the bathroom floor and cried my heart out.


I don't know where we stand.

We are neither couples nor friends.

But it never occured to me that we need a label to address whatever we had.

Because we both knew...that we meant something to each other and to me, that was all I needed.

Guilt, shame, regret.

Everything burned like a hot iron inside me making it hard to breathing .

My whole face felt hot with hate and tears. I felt like an utter disaster. A tragedy to not just myself but to everyone around me. Always bringing everyone down.

The only word that could describe me now is...


And I let him ruin me.

Ashamed, I lowered my head to my knees and sobbed.

I was brought out of my state of self-loathing when my phone dinged in my pocket.

With shallow breaths, I took my phone out to see a new text from Aarvin.

His name alone was making me want to cover away and cry in a corner some more. Biting my quivering lips, I opened the text.

Hope everything is going well. And.. can stop by my office on your way home.? It's... Er.. Not because I want to see you. Of course not. 😌 I've something stored in my fridge, and thought may be you'd like it. 🤥 Nope. I won't tell you what it is. Of course not. My lips are sealed.

(Obviously it's not something delicious and smells like chocolate. And I definitely didn't buy it for you. I just found it at my doorstep.🙄)

Be strong... I'm waiting.’

I stared at his text for a whole minute before tearing my eyes from the screen with a tearful chuckle.

This man.

Be strong…I'm waiting.

I closed my eyes tightly, feeling the pain of my nails digging into my palms as I clenched my hands into a fist.

You have to be strong Alexia. There is no time to keep wallowing in your misery.

You dug that hole yourselves. Now be ready to face the consequences.

Letting out a deep sigh, I rubbed my cheeks and eyes harshly before picking myself from the floor.

You're not alone in this. There are people who are counting on you. Don't let them down with your pathetic self Alexia...

Be strong.

I repeated the words in my head like a manthra to get a hold on myself and make up my mind.

I sighed heavily.

I've to do this.

It is not like I've got anything to lose anymore.

With a bitter chuckle,  I cleaned my face and looked at the mirror again and this time….

I smirked.

The game had begun. Now it shall continue.

Opening the door, I cautiously swept my sight around the room and after making sure there was no one, I stepped into the room amd out into the hallway through which I was guided here by Biancca.

Without a sound, I made small steps down the stairs into the open hall.

I halted when I heard voices coming from a door down the hall, which was slightly opened.

My brows furrowed when I recognized Jake's voice among them and his tone told me that he was not in a great mood.

I took light steps towards the door and stood befor it, hiding away from their plain sight.

Peeking through the small gap of the door, I saw Jake standing there with two other men. Members of his gang presumably.

They seemed to be in their late thirties but they were standing at a respectful or more appropriately, frightened, distance from him. I could see the nervousness on their faces even from here.

"How did he get that information?! I told you to be extremely careful, didn't I? Then how the hell did he know about that?!" Jake roared and they ducked their head in fear.

"W-we d-don't know sir. We-"

Before they could complete their stammering, Jake threw a chair at them, which they luckily managed to avoid.


I was slightly taken aback by his anger and yelling. I've not once witnessed this side of Jake.

"Trust us s-sir. W-we didn't know." One of them nearly begged on his knees.

Jake visibly let out a breath. To calm himself down, I guess.

After a few seconds of silence he looked up at them with a cold glare.

"The cargo should be shipped on ninth and all the C2 should be sold out by then. Understand?"

"B-but sir half of it has been already given to Dante but he haven't handed over the- the returns."

"And why did you do that?" He asked in a deadly tone raising a brow.

"B-Bee told us to." The two of them echoed together with an anxious glance at each other.

"Without informing me?"


“Quiet. Don't speak. Call Biancca here." He said calmly making them shake in fear.

I could hear my own heartbeat in the dreadful silence that followed.

Knowing that they are most likely headed towards this door, I decided it was time to make myself scarce.

But before I could take a step back, I was startled by a sudden voice behind me.

"What are you doing here gurl?!"

Turning around, I came face to face with a bulky man with so many tattoos and a weird beard. I recognized him as the man I saw with Biancca at the pub.

"I.. I'm uh.."

Before my mind could come up with an answer, he pushed me onto the wall and pressed himself on me.

"Aren't you a pretty little thing?" He purred into my ear while keeping a firm hold on my shoulders.

"Get off you fucker..!!" I sneered venomously making his hold on me tighten.

"Keep your mouth shut you bitch!" He snapped, his foul breath making me scowl. Haven't the members of this gang ever heard about a toothpaste or toothbrush?

"Leave me slut! Fucking get off." I cried and with a sneer he pushed his face into the crook of my neck.

"Motherfucker!" Pulling by his hair, I pushed his head away from me and kneed him in his crotch making him let out a pained groan.


He spat lunging towards me and the look of violence in his eyes made me push myself further into the wall.

But before he could come any closer, he was hauled back with great force making him fall down to the floor with a thud.

"What the fuck are you doing?" Jake roared and on seeing Jake, his face went as white as a paper.

"Sir? B-But..The bitch was roa-"

"Shut the fuck up Diego! If I ever see anyone touching her again, they will not have their head attached. You get me?" Jake hissed making him nod his head furiously.

"What are you doing down here?" Jake asked turning to me.

"Uh.. I was looking for you and then I heard your voice and came in search for you here." I said not moving my gaze from his calculating ones.

He stared into my eyes for a few more seconds with the same cold expression before nodding his head.

"Come with me."  With that, he returned back to the room and I followed him silently.

Entering the room, I stood to a side not wanting to get in the middle of any unwanted business which will surely end up with a gunshot to my head. Or worse.

"Don't roam around here sweetheart, it will not do you any good." He said staring me down.

"I-I'm sorry, I didn't mea-"

"Shh..." He cut off my words by placing his finger on my lips.

"Don't speak sweetheart. I didn't ask you to. Did I?"

I shook my head mutely.

"That's it. You stay here with me okay? Don't go anywhere without my permission. Yeah?" He asked in a hushed voice making me gulp at his sudden closeness.

He was not more than an inch away from my face as he softly stroked my cheek.

Each touch of his was making me want to hurl my guts out.

"You asked for me?"

Jake averted his gaze when Biancca walked in with the two men from earlier, following her.

She walked in casually with her head held high.

"What's going on Bee? What happened with the shipment?" Jake asked curtly looking straight into her eyes.

"What happened to them? Isn't it done yet?" She asked nonchalantly holding his stare.

"Don't act like you don't have a clue Biancca. I know you're not that dumb. Now tell me, why did you make the transaction with Dante without my permission or knowledge?"

"Well…at least some of us should care about our deals with the Black Kings. You were so busy with your ex girlfriend that you didn't even seem to remember it. So, I thought why bother you. We had to sell the stuff before the next loads. I didn't have any choice other than Dante." She said with a carefree shrug.

"Then where is the money?" Jake asked coldly narrowing his eyes at her demeanor.

"He is yet to hand it over."

"What? Are you fucking kidding me?! First you sell the stuff to Dante without even consulting me and now you're saying that you don't have the money? What? So you donated it to Dante for the fucking hell of it? Without even holding a proper agreement?"  Jake bellowed making me wince at his suddenly raised voice.

His face was red with anger and a vein pulsed on his forehead revealing he was more than just angry. He was furious.

The two other men took several steps back with shaking legs while Biancca held her ground unperturbed by Jake and his shouts.

"You don't need to bark at me like that Jake.  Dante has promised me the money and I'm sure he will be handing it to me in no time."

I rolled my eyes at her words.

Yeah Yeah. Babes.... Keep talking.

"And how sure are you about that? Huh? What if he decided he no longer want to keep his end of the deal?" Jake retorted back keeping his voice steady all of a sudden.

His sudden changes in behaviour was starting to scare me shitless.

Hearing his question, Biancca let out a deep breath.

"He will Jake. I'm sure."  She said and it was his time to sigh.

"I don't know why you trust him more than you tr-" His speech got interrupted by the beeping of his phone which turned his attention from her.

Taking his phone out, he proceeded to check it while I watched the way his brows furrowed deeper and deeper as he viewed whatever that was on his phone.

I bit back a smirk.

Finally. Gwen has started his part, it seems.

My gaze travelled from Biancca who stood there checking her nails to Jake whose face was now hard and cold.

"Bee?" Jake called making her turn to him.

"What?" She asked, her tone bored.

"Do you have anything to tell me?"

"I don't get you Jake" She said crossing her arms and lifting a brow a him.

"Why do you have information about our deals amd shipments in your phone? Confidential information that you have no business in.” He asked coldly making her eyes wide.

She looked slightly taken aback by his question but nevertheless she masked it with a frown just as quickly as it came.

"What are you saying Jake? I don't understand.."

"You don't understand? If you didn't have them on your phone then how the hell do you think it was sent to me from your phone?" He yelled showing her the phone's screen.

"W-what? Me??"  She asked before returning her perturbed gaze to the screen.

"Yes, you. These are information only handled by me. All the files were in my office and I’m damn sure they are still there. So, how did you get your hands on them? You aren't spying on your own gang, are you Bee?" He asked walking around her in slow steps, sounding eerily calm.

"I-I don't get you J-Jake.. What are you saying? Me? Spying? Yo-hey..!! What the heck are you doing? Give it back!!”

"Sh..! Shut it. Let's see what else you've got here." Jake said as he snatched her phone from her skirt's waistband.

"Jake..! Fuck. Give it back!" She screamed as she tried to take her phone from him only to get restrained by his men.

"You bullocks! Fuck off."

"Santiago…the fuck? As in the Black King?" Jake murmured looking at her phone with an ugly frown.

"You're working for him behind my back?!" He asked incredulously looking at her with accusing eyes that soon went unapologetically hard.

A venomous smirk appeared on his face as he looked at Biancca who was trying to wiggle out from their hold.

"Now…now. That explains everything. Your unyielding faithfulness towards Santiago and your deep trust in the man Dante. Hm..Interesting. You were making a fool out of me all these years, huh?" He asked taking predatory steps towards her.

"I thought you were smarter than this Jake. I did not sent you any messages. You know what, I didn't fool you but right now someone else does.”

Jake chuckled humorlessly at her statement.

"Thomas." He shouted out loud and a man who dressed in all black came striding in. He was a clean shaved man without any scratch or marks on his face.


"Find who sent me these messages. I want the complete details of the fucker who dared to hack into our system." Jake said throwing his phone to Thomas who left the room with a firm nod, taking the phone along.

You can try all you want…

"There. It will be done by dawn. Now let's come back to you, shall we? You know Bee... I won't turn a blind eye to anyone who betrays me. Hope you sent all my information to him. Tsk..tsk. Pity really. You were a good partner. But no worries. I will try to keep you in my mind."

In the next second, his fist met her nose at a force that made her stumble back and blood to rush out from her nose.

She was still held tight by Jake's men that she had no room to escape or even move away.

“Bloody bitch! Dared to play against me?!" He hissed taking a gun from his waistband and pointing it at her.

"Jake!" I gasped taking a step back, a bit surprised at the happenings.

Uh oh.

Things are getting out of hand…

"I won't spare any worms who try to stab me behind my the back. You did give me a quite shock Bee. Never thought you would be the one I was searching for the past week. I knew about the presence of a mole in the gang. Guess I went about it all wrong.” He sneered pulling back her hair and pointing the gun at her forehead.

"This is just a sample for your Boss Santiago. I am just starting my hunt." Spatting that, he pressed the barrel to her head but before he could press the trigger, a loud shot was heard accompanied by a groan.

"Shit!" Cursing, I looked in the direction of the bullet to see Diego standing at the door holding a gun in Jake's direction who was now cursing loudly holding his injured arm. Blood was pouring out of the bullet wound on his left upper arm.

His men stood stunned in their places each holding their own gun not knowing whether to shoot him or not.

Biancca who was still held back by two of the men smirked at Jake's pained face.

"Guards!!" Jake shouted and before any of his men could charge into the room, Biancca took her detainers’ hesitation as her key to escape as she kneed one man in his middle with a sudden turn and when his grip on her slackened, she snatched her shoulder free from him and punched the other man before giving him a kick to the shin making him fall down.

"You bitch..!" Jake tried to aim his gun at her but as he was quite slow due to his injury, Biancca grabbed it and pointed it at him.

"Move an inch and your brain will have a bullet in it." She declared with a venomous smirk.

"I'm not alone here baby." She said and many men dressed in black joined Diego on his side and just as swiftly, numerous men came through another door, joining Jake's side with their weapons ready and directed at Biancca and her team.

Where the hell were all these doors and men hiding when I could have used some help?! Fucking luck… I tell you.

"You filthy traitors! You swore your loyalty to me. Not her!" He bellowed, another gun provided by one of his men now steadily aimed at Biancca.

She smirked in response.

"They are not your men Jake. They are the Black King's and Diego is my headman."

“You won't get away with this Biancca. You know me.” Jake threatened.

Holding my breath at the scene unfolding before me, I looked around for any opening for me to escape. Unfortunately, half of Jake’s men were standing at one door while the other one was blocked by Diego and his men, all alert and with their weapons ready.

My heart was beating very fast that I felt like it was going to jump right out my chest into the room.

I was the only one who was unarmed.

Looking around the room my gaze fell upon a table kept close to the wall a few feet away.

Biting my lips, I secretly took few steps back from them, knowing very well what was going to happen next.

Just when I was about to take another step closer to the table, yells and gunshots filled the air and I sprang under the table within the blink of an eye.

"You can't win Jake. Not against him. You will be sorry for what you've done." I heard Biancca's spiteful voice in between all the other sounds.

Closing my eyes I covered both ears with my hands trying to shut out the shots and bawls.

I don't know how long I sat there under the table with my eyes and ears closed. I only opened them when a hand pat me on my knee.

"Come out. Everything is clear." Jake said looking at me.

Gulping, I nodded and stepped out from under the table cautiously, looking around for any surprise bullets.

"What happened? Where is she?" I asked when I didn't see Biancca or her men inside the room. Actually no one else was there except for me and Jake. At least no one else who was standing.

There were some men on the floor few injured, few dead.

I winced slightly when I saw the amount of blood in there.

"She escaped. You. Track her down. I need all the information that can be gathered about her deception and who all are with her. NOW!" He said to a man who just entered the room. He left with a nod just as Jake finished his demand.

And a few men returned.

“She must have joined forces with Dante. It shouldn't have happened. I need to find him as soon as possible." He mumbled through gritted teeth.

"B-but sir, what about our stuff? The money.” One man asked nervously.

"We have to work fast. One from us have to sneak into their group to get the information. She won’t meet Dante. Call our men." He demanded.

"I can do it."

Jake turned towards me, looking quite startled with my announcement.

"What? Are you kidding me?" He scowled.

"You are the one who said I changed right? Then let me prove it to you. I've my own people here and I'll help you to sell the drugs to Dante. In return just give me two percent of the profit. I don't think it is a good idea for your men to go in there. She knows you and your men's moves too well. It will be like jumping right into a waiting trap.”

His face scrunched up in a frown at my words.

"But what if you can't? It'll be dangerous." He expressed his suspicion.

"Leave it to me. I'll handle it." I said not looking away from his hard gaze.

"Fine then. I'll give you one day time."  He said after a minute of silence.

I'm sure he care about his money and stuff more than he ever cared about me.

Not that he ever did.

"See you tomorrow then." I said and walked out of the room with my chin up and carefully side stepping any dead bodies.

When I finally exited the house, I let out a shaky breath.

Fuck..! What the heck was that in there?!

Gulping, I checked myself for any wounds or bullets in my body but luckily didn't find any.

My mouth and throat were dry as Sahara dessert and my insides were still shaking with what I've witnessed back there.

With trembling legs, I walked down the street not knowing what all was awaiting me in my journey.

I didn't think I would've to witness a shot war this soon.

Running my hand through my hair I got into my car.

But before starting the car, I checked myself in the rearview mirror and carefully hid the marks of my neck  with a concealer. I wrapped a scarf around my neck for good measure.

Nothing like too careful, right?

After I was satisfied with my works, I let out a deep breath to calm my nerves.

Starting the car, I drove to Aarvin’s office reminding myself to put up a smile to hide my ruined self from him.

All the while blocking everything that happened for the past two hours from even the deepest parts of my mind.

We have a lot to catch up.

So fast.. Next chapter ahead.


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