Darling Belle

By ruinedmuse

2.8K 55 41

Maisie Graham transfers to Duval Academy in her last year of high school. Hoping to live a quiet life, and a... More

Darling Belle


140 3 3
By ruinedmuse


        Headmaster Duval looked at a distorted version of Maisie through crystal. Swirling and sloshing the red liquid dangerously close to the rim. "Any progress, Miss Graham?" he inquired, flatness shrouding with his tone. Maisie found his lack of interest concerning. What if he'd been behind it all? Or if he was covering up for someone else? What if there was no evidence at all for her to find? What if she was just a scapegoat in something beyond her brains capacity?

Maisie clenched her jaw. "I'm not sure if you heard, but I was assaulted. I think someone tried to kill me."

His eyes shot to hers. "How so?" he pressed, setting his glass down.

"I was pushed into a lake. The deep end of it. And coincidentally enough, I can't swim. So, unless they were just uninformed that my ability to swim was nonexistent, then it was attempted murder."

"May've been a harmless prank."

"Sure," she said, unconvinced.

The moment Maisie was plunged under the surface of the water, they could've been watching her struggle. But instead of helping her, they ran off.

Out of fear, perhaps? But fear of what? Being expelled? Unless they were a scholarship student, they wouldn't have anything to worry about. Mommy and Daddy have money to pay off the school. Or was it with malicious intent, with murder? Two possibilities. One more tame than the next.

"I'm not sure how this relates to our case."

"Our case? Is that what we're calling it now. A case? For all we know, someone dropped a cigarette in a panic."

He evened out their eye levels, lacing his fingers in front of his chin. "No. There was gasoline. Everywhere."

Maisie shrugged. Biting down on the inside of her cheek.

"I need you to do something for me."


"I'm going to give you a list of potential suspects. And I need you to talk to them all. See what you can get out of them."

"There's a list now?"

"Yes, there is a list. Here."

He fished his hand into his desk, then handed her it.

Maisie took the slip of paper from him.

Bram Lowell
Jude Winters
Efa Sivorn
Elio Cassidy
Saffron Agnelli
Maisie Graham

Maisie's mouth quirked. "I try not to talk to myself. My therapist advised against it."

He ignored her.

She looked back down. Saffron Agnelli... Maisie glanced up to ask a question but before the words could go past her lips. A knock rapped against the door.

The headmaster smiled, cutting Maisie a look before speaking, "who is it?"

Maisie fidgeted with her fingers.


Duval made a face at Maisie as if to say you're welcome. "Oh, Efa? Come on in."

With light footsteps, Efa entered with the grace of a swan. All done up like a doll. Pink and rosy. "Effy," muttered Efa.

The girl looked like she'd apologize to the ground for stepping on it. And that wasn't a bad thing. Actually, it made Maisie quite indescribably envious.

"Right, Miss Sivorn. I trust Noah's told you all about our little Maisie here."

Effy blushed. "Yes, he has," she said before turning to Maisie. In a softer tone, "And so has Sawyer."

It took a moment for Maisie to place that expression woven into her features, but when she saw it for what it was, she felt devastated. Sorrow. Pity.

She could see it in her eyes. Efa Sivorn knew something about Maisie that she wasn't supposed to know.

Maisie stood up abruptly.

"Miss Graham-"

But Maisie didn't get four steps without a distant shriek of horror whizzing through the hallway. One singular, terrifying sound that went right to her gut.


Bram Lowell's head rolled by his feet. At least that was the rumor circulating around. That crossed him off the list. The body was found outside by the same lake she'd almost drowned in. Maisie shuddered. That was supposed to be her, wasn't it?

No one was allowed to leave the premises.

Duval's insider information let her know that three students had seen the body. And by chance, the names were all familiar. Saffron, Jude and Elio. Was the wound too fresh? Puckered and sensitive to the touch? Perhaps. But Maisie needed answers. And so she went on a hunt for Saffron.


"Do you know where Saffron Agnelli is?"

The boy snickered, eyes flashing to another boy. "Jude probably does."

Yet ended up finding Jude Winters first. Which might've been for the best. She wasn't sure how she'd face Saffron.

Maisie stepped in between Jude and the boy. "Jude Winters?"

The other boy frowned, leaning toward her. "And I'm Knox."

Maisie ignored him.

Jude hummed as she eyed the rings on his fingers. One stuck out to her, it had a silver band and a large black stone perched on top. "Maisie Graham, Nico talks about you almost as much as he talks about cars." Her eyes snapped back to him.

Maisie should've been surprised but she wasn't. "Okay. Can I talk to you privately?"

The teasing glint in his eyes dimmed. His understanding of her desires hardening his demeanor. "I can't help you."

"You won't need to." Not willingly anyway. "Let's just talk. One conversation and I'll be out of your pretty curls."

The side of his lips twitched at that last line. He relaxed slightly. "And If I want more than one?"

Knox snickered.

Maisie became startled. He was actually flirting with her. Calling his curls pretty had somehow done the trick. He was kinda cute. The kind of attractive that you'd take home to your parents. Kind of. She feigned a shy smile. "Follow me."


"What the fuck are you trying to imply?"

"It's a simple question. Why were all of you out there? Knox made it seem like you and Saffron weren't on the best of terms."

"When I agreed to talk to you, it wasn't to talk about Bram's death. I've already been questioned."

When had all of this turned into a murder case? And why was Maisie the investigator? She might've been going mad. He was a potential murderer. It was unfair for her to think, but she couldn't help herself. She had to tread carefully.

"We're not talking about him. We're talking about you and Saffron."

Jude rolled his eyes. "I don't fuck with her anymore."

"Right. Why?"

"What is this? A therapy session?

"Why did you break up?"

"We didn't break up. We were never a thing. We just fooled around. Call it a failed talking stage, fuck if I know."

"What went wrong?"

"Nothing. Nicos brother was just the man of her dreams. I already knew that."

"Noah Vale?"

"Noah Vale," he confirmed.

"When did it happen?"

"Uh, it was towards the end of last year."

Maisie was getting distracted.

She cleared her throat. "But then why were you all out by the lake?"

He lifted one shoulder in a half-shrug. "Mere coincidence. I was playing chess with Elio at our usual spot. Saffrons the one who found the body."

"Where can I find Elio?"

Jude sighed, playing with his ring. "Don't bother. He knows less than me. If you really want information, you'll have to find Saffron."

Maisie nodded. "Do you know where she usually hangs out?"

"She's probably hiding, I mean, she did stumble upon a dead body. And if anyone knows where she is right now, it's Noah."

She hummed, stepping out of the classroom. "Okay. Thank you, Jude."

Jude nodded but before she was out of hearing range, solidly, he said, "Maisie?"

She paused, turning her head to him. "Yeah?"

"Be careful."

Why did he even care?

She nodded curtly. "I will."

Jude was withholding something from her. Was he keeping a secret to protect someone else? Or was it more twisted? A potential murderer? It was unfair for her to think, but she couldn't help herself. One small, significant detail was missing, the last puzzle piece. That was all she needed to weave everything together. It always was. Except Maisie hadn't even completed three quarters of the puzzle, but it felt so close. All the answers she needed was just a moment away. Or was it the desperation talking?

Winters remained on the list, she couldn't trust him. Not so easily. Not yet. He'd almost fooled her. Almost. But his faux concern sent warning bells ringing in her mind erratically. Be careful? Was that said out of the kindness of his heart or as a threat? Be careful. Don't look further into it.

Did he know something she didn't? Definitely.

Okay, Maisie was definitely paranoid.


          Pinpointing Saffron's exact location turned out to be a challenging feat. Every girl in the common room that she'd questioned seemed to be under some sort of oath. Loyal. Giving her directions that would lead her astray. Even the boys were hesitant to say anything. But with enough bribing-a pack of unopened minty gum, and the right victim-one of them let it slip.

Leander Callis (the hero of the night for Maisie) hadn't gotten the cult-like memo. Allegedly, he was in the nurses office the whole day for almost breaking a bone in football-it was not a pretty sight, he's said-so it made sense.

'Lisette Duval made the rule, you know, the headmasters nephew. I don't actually expect you to know, by the way. It just seems significant considering the context,' rambled Leander.

Maisie blinked. 'Where is Saffron?'

'Oh, Agnelli. Hiding in Noah's dorm. Still don't understand why they're together.'

'What do you mean by that?'

Callis shrugged. Apparently he'd said too much.

It didn't matter, she now had a thicker lead. But there was still one more issue, where was Noah's dorm room anyway?

It was getting late.


Tracking down Nico was easy.

Nico leaned against his black-steel Porsche, staring down at her, brows furrowed. 'Why do you wanna know?'

Maisie sighed through her nose. 'I can't really say. But please tell me, I'll owe you one.'

'You're not going to try and take him from Saffron, are you?' he said, amused at his own words.

She rolled her eyes, he was being ridiculous. 'You overestimate me, Nico.'

His face went blank. 'I think you underestimate the effect you had on all of us.'

Maisie's tongue felt heavy in her mouth. 'What's that supposed to mean?' she pushed out.

Nico shook his head. 'Forget about it. I don't know why you need to find his room, but If I don't tell you, I know someone else will. So, it's in the east wing, left hall, four doors down. I would go with you but I have a race in five.'

Maisie bobbed her head, humming. 'Do you think you'll win?'

He seemed startled. 'Is that even a question?'


Nico hadn't lied to her, she'd found Noah's room in a matter of mere minutes, but not him. However, on the other side of the room, Saffron was sleeping in the bed. Why couldn't she just be awake? It'd make this so much easier.

Maisie cleared her throat. Once. Twice.

Saffron kept sleeping soundly.

God, this reminded her when Saf and her had a sleepover. Agnelli had fallen asleep so quickly, and for a few moments, Maisie had watched her. She'd felt lucky to have such a kind and beautiful best friend but then, Saf had stopped breathing. Or at least that's what it looked like to little Maisie.

Little Maisie had screamed in a panic.

Present Saffron screamed as Maisie towered over her.

Maisie let out a sharp sound, startled as she'd been lost in thought.

'What are you- why are-'

'I need to talk to you.'

Saffron bunched up the blanket in her hands, using it as a useless shield.

'I'm not going to hurt you.'

'Listen, breaking into someone's dorm could get you expelled.'

'Woah, woah, woah. Are you threatening me?'

'If you don't leave right now, I will head straight to the office.'

'Don't try that bullshit. You're not supposed to be in a boys room. That'll get you suspended.'

'I'll take my chances.'

Maisie sat down in a chair by Noah's desk. 'Don't be impulsive. I just need you to tell me everything you know about Bram's death.'

Saffron stilled. 'Who told you?'

'Who is irrelevant. You're the only one who knows what actually happened, believe me, if you weren't we wouldn't be here. I would've spoken to them instead.'

'Gee, thanks.'

Maisie gave her a softer look. 'Tell me everything, please.'

'I'm not telling you anything.'

Maisie stood, advancing. 'Saffron, you need to cooperate or else-'

"Miss Graham?"


At the lilt of her name, Maisie twirled around like a prima ballerina.

'Why're you here?'

'I needed to talk to Saffron.'

He shook his head, gesturing her out. 'Get out. Now.'

'What, I'm only-'

'I said out.'

Maisie's shoulders slumped. 'Okay, fuck off.'

Noah dragged her out by the collar.

'Hey! What are-'

Whispering, he said, 'Bram drowned to death.'

She shrugged him off of her. 'He what?'

'Drowned. It's strange, isn't it? It's almost like this murderer is playing the long game, practicing for a bigger fish.'

When she stepped out, her brain registered her surroundings, startled at the bleakness of the corridors that were usually packed to the brim with students. But now it was just her, and Noah. Noah Vale.

The Vale with the mysterious scar down the side of his brow. What happened to you? She almost said. But the question was too broad. Was she talking about the scar, when she left, or the present? Even she didn't know. She wanted to talk to him about everything. But it never seemed like a good time, and she felt a detachment between them that horrified her. The disconnect two strangers might feel. It wasn't right. 

But what the fuck did he mean by a bigger fish? She was this hypothetical fish, wasn't she?

"It's almost time for dinner, head to the Great Hall immediately," he spoke harshly, voice clipped, and screaming authority. But she was exaggerating, his voice wasn't cruel at all. It was the soft breeze that billowed tulle curtains, starlight crawling over the floor and parts of the wall like ivy. He always spoke softly like he'd break and shatter like sugar glass if he spoke in any frequency above 100 Hz.

Maisie glared. "Not until you tell me what's going on.'

He clicked his tongue, in fact he looked bored. "I'm permitted to punish you if you don't comply, which I suggest you do."

She felt like being petty. "Then do it. Punish me.'

He stared blankly, said nothing. Gave no indication on what he was thinking. Yet he made no move either. He thought his silence would cause her to reflect upon her words, to be unsure of herself, to back down.

Then she bit. "What did you tell Efa Sivorn?"


"What did you tell her, Noah?"

"What did she say?"


"Miss Graham, w-"

"So, is that what you do? Fuck with girls and tell them all of my secrets? Does Saffron know?"

He didn't say anything.

She started to walk. "Whatever. Don't tell me."

He arched an eyebrow. "Are you drunk?" 

The audacity. Maisie shouldered past him, walking in the opposite direction of the Great Hall because fuck that.

He should've followed. Not that she wanted him to, but it was his responsibility as a TA. However, he hadn't. Maisie didn't hear his footsteps. In fact, he'd stayed very still unless he had the stealth of a ninja. Which was unlikely.

She couldn't believe him. Honestly, when had he turned into such a hateful boy?

And out of everything she'd learned today, it was that the murderer seemed to have a personal vendetta against her. But why? Also that everyone had secrets, they knew something about this entire situation that she didn't. God, what if they were all playing her? What if this was one big prank? Or even worse, a torture ploy that was designed to break her.

Then there was a knock inside one of the classrooms.

Maisie froze in place. Glancing at the dim light that slashed across the door's mini window. The brightness of the light made it impossible to see anything but rays of it.

She waited another minute.

A small scream.

It went deathly quiet.

Her heart started pounding erratically in her chest. She wasn't sure what to do.

But after that, there was a hand at her shoulder.

On impulse, she lodged her elbow into their ribcage.

He made a soft noise. And when she looked at who it was. It was just Noah.

Maisie took ahold of his waist, inching up his shirt to check if she'd left a mark. 'Sorry. God, I'm so sorry.'

He glared without malice, slapping her hands away before muttering and adding distance between them, 'I'm not fragile.'

She scoffed. 'Whatever, it's not even-'

'Help... help me,' someone croaked. The words were loud in the stillness.

Noah and Maisie turned, alert.

There was scratching behind the same door Maisie had heard the previous noise coming from.

Maisie's gaze shot to Noah's, Noah's flicked to hers at the same time.

Silently communicating with their eyes.


Maisie grabbed his hand, he let her. Feeling how cold each-other's hands were, it was different than how they used to do it. But that didn't matter, they reached the door. The scratching died down. She then accidentally stepped in a puddle of blood that gushed underneath the slit of the door. Squealing inside her head.

Noah pushed her behind him before slowly placing his hand on the handle. He took a deep breath, and opened the door.

And sure enough, Jude Winters laid there. The lower half of his body missing. His legs were decapitated, messily chopped off by an axe. Which she only knew because whoever had done this had left the weapon behind. One of his limbs laid where it was meant to be attached, stringy sinew visible. Blood spewing rapidly, chunks of red meat. But the other one was gone.

Jude's eyes were rolling into the back of his head.


She was going to throw up.

Maisie turned to Noah. 'Go get help.'

'What? I'm not leaving you with-'

'Noah, go. Now. He's going to die.'

The second time she told him, he listened. Quickly dashing out of the room.

She kneeled, shrugging off her jacket and pressing it to his wound. 'Jude? Jude, can you hear me?'

'Don't eat...'

'What? Don't eat what?'

'The... the... so-soup.'

Maisie's eyes widened.

And with one last look, she made a decision. Jude wouldn't make it anyway. She launched to her feet and ran out the room, heading for the Great Hall. Covered in Jude's blood.

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