Midnight - Stargirl (Rick Tyl...

By read-and-writing

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This will mostly be based off of season 3, because I don't feel like rewatching seasons 1-2. First 10 chapte... More



32 1 0
By read-and-writing

Made up episode

The 7 days went by fast, on day 3 we matched as space rangers, and we both wore space helmets, and almost got dress coded at school for it.

On day 4 we dressed up as cowboy and cowgirl, our hats ended up getting stolen during gym class though. I still miss my cowgirl hat..

On the last day of school day 5, we wore matching prom outfits. I wore a purple dress and he wore a purple suit. It was really cute actually, I got a lot of compliments that day, and Rick did a lot of back talking.

Day 6 we wore fan versions of our super suits, Pat told us we shouldn't do that as it might blow our cover, but we just wore dollar store quality super suits, and we didn't wear the masks, so people would know we were just cosplayers. Rick didn't like it, because he kept getting hit on by nerdy girls, but I didn't mind it. I would just zap them away.. in private of course! They never saw me coming.

And lastly, on day 7, I wore his suit and he wore mine. I totally rocked the look, while Rick was able to distract the bad guys pretty easily. They couldn't stop laughing at him wearing a crop top, it made it very easy for us to defeat them. Yolanda even suggested we switch costumes indefinitely, and Rick shot it down very quickly.

There were no updates on finding out who the killer actually was. But now, it was time for bucket list #2.

2. Fake a Proposal at a fancy restaurant, so we can get our meal or dessert for free.

This was Rick's idea, I had no idea why that was on his bucket, but I was down for it. I'm always up for a free meal, and I had to say, the fancy place we had a town over I heard has the best chocolate cake.

We waited till the weekend to go to the fancy dinner. We planned our out scheme all week, we had the perfect story we were going to touch the hearts of everyone in that room.

We sat at lunch with our friends, and we tried to keep it a secret from them, but they knew something was going on.

"Hey, love birds. We're trying to figure out a murder here.. I really hope this relationship doesn't end up like Courtney and Cameron's. Where you take time away from the team. What can be more important then trying to figure out who the killer is.." Yolanda says to us kind of harshly.

"Sorry, we're just discussing our bucket list.." I say to them awkwardly. Rick nods his head approvingly.

"Well, what is it? Since it's more important than saving lives obviously." Yolanda adds and I sigh.

"We're going to a fancy restaurant a town away, Rick's going to propose.." I say realizing how crazy that sounded.

"Ricks going to propose?" Courtney gasps, causing everyone to look at us from her gasp.

A few seconds pass, and everyone goes back to normal.

"I'm not going to judge but isn't the proposal supposed to be I don't know, a secret? And also, aren't you two a little too young to be getting engaged? You've only known eachother for a year and a half tops." Beth adds as she looks at us trying to be logical.

"We're going to pretend to get engaged. So we can get our meal compt, the place is best known for free meals if you get engaged there." Rick says and that causes everyone to look at us even more crazy.

"That's like stealing guys.. are you sure you want to do that?" Courtney asks us upset.

Just as I was about to say something Yolanda beats me, "I'm coming with... I want a free fancy meal. Don't you guys?" She looks at Beth and Courtney and Courtney sighs, "when is it.." she says and smiles.

"Uh, guys.. it's just for us two.. we already made the reservation at 6. The reservations are closed now." I say to them trying to convince them not to go.

"Oh, no worries! I just got us some seats for Saturday night." Beth says and smiles at us.

"How did you know it was on Saturday.." I ask her confused, and she laughs.

"I just read you like a book." She says and digs at her food.

"Okay, but you have to dress Nicely to this.." Rick says to them and I knew he shouldn't of said that.

"Rick, really? You're looking at three girls, we know how to dress fancy. We'll see you two tomorrow." Courtney says as she gets up and waves bye at us.

Yolanda and Beth also get up to leave, leaving Rick and I to process what just happened.


I was dressed up in my same purple prom dress I had worn last week. I felt majorly confident in it, and I knew already that Rick loved it.

I heard a honk from my window, and I knew Rick was here to pick me up.

I quickly ran downstairs with my heels to match with my purple dress.

"Oh, my baby girl looks so beautiful in that dress of yours." My mom says as she kisses me by.

My dad kisses the top of my head, and I pretended to measure myself up to my dad. See, I'm not that short, I say as I'm to my dads ear with these heels. He rolls his eyes, "still my shorty" he says and then I rolled my eyes.

My dad opened the door for me and I thanked him and walked out, "don't worry I won't use my powers." I say to them and we all laugh.

Once I reached Ricks passenger door, I smiled at him and went inside his car.

"Wow, you even cleaned your car for this. Im impressed." I say to him teasingly, and he laughs at my comment. He looked stunning, his hair was slick back, he shaved his stubs, he wore nice slacks, actual dress shoes, and a suit and tie. He didn't wear the purple suit that he wore last Friday, so I felt a little under dressed.

He quickly brought my mind off it though, he looked nervous. "You look absolutely beautiful, like an Angel." He says and gives me his sweet smile as he puts his hand on top of mine and then on my thigh and squeezes it.

I smile at him and blush, "right back at you, handsome. I should of worn a different dress. I feel bad.." I say to him and he shakes his head and starts driving since it would take us 20 minutes to get there.

"No, you made the right choice Ray, I love that dress. Now, Are you ready to get a free 5 star meal?" He says to me and moves his hand from my thigh to the steering wheel. We both look at eachother and smile I nodded my head.

The car ride consisted of me singing along to the radio, and Rick complimenting me after every song was over. No matter how bad or good I sang, he always told me he liked my singing voice.

Once we got to the restaurant, he parked the car about 20 feet away from the restaurant, he opened his door then opened my door and closed it.

"What a gentleman." I say to him with a smile as I graciously accept his kind gesture.

We were about to enter the restaurant, when we heard familiar voices, we turned around and saw Pat, Barbra, Mike, Courtney, Beth, Yolanda, and even Sylvester all in the same car. Of course they parked right next to us as well.

We both looked at eachother and sighed. We waited for them outside, and they finally got to us.

"There they are, the soon to be fiancés." Pat says as he nudges us with a wink. "There's my favorite couple. About to get us a free meal!" Sylvester whispers to us with a happy face.

"I really hope you guys didn't get a table near us.." I say to him annoyed. I looked at Beth, since I knew she was the one who hooked them up with more reservations.

"Don't look at me, Courtney is the one who just couldn't say no." Beth says in defense, and I just sigh.

"Let's just go in." I say to them as I grab onto Ricks arm again and he opens the door for me, and everyone else apparently.

Barbra was the first to reach the front desk and check in, even though we made our reservations first, we were now going to be seated last.

We waited 10 minutes after all 7 of them got their seats. We only had to wait an extra 5 minute for our seats. Apparently they had room for a 7 table but not enough 2 seater tables...

"Hi, I'll be your server for tonight, May I start you off with any drinks?" She asks us, and before I could reply Rick asks, "how about a bottle of wine please, it's our 5 year anniversary, we just graduated college too, so it's truly a day for celebration today." Rick asks to the waiter, and I look at him worried.

"Sure, I just need to see some ID, please." She asks, and his eyes go wide. "Uh, is that really necessary? We never got carded at college, so.." Rick says pretending to be shocked and outraged by this.

The waiter stayed persistent. "Sorry sir, but it's company policy to see proper ID, it's not personal we just need to see ID, we wouldn't want to lose our liquor licenses. Rick was about to go on, but I cut him off.

"Please excuse my boyfriend, he's been very stressed lately, his job wants to pay for his masters, but he doesn't want them to waste their money on him." I say trying to come up with an excuse.

She smiles at me and nods, "can we just start off with some waters, please?" I ask ur politely and she smiles at me and walks away.

"What was that about? I was totally handling that." Rick whisper shouts at me and I laugh. "Right, well if you count almost getting us kicked out of her as 'handling' then yeah you're right." I say to him sarcastically.

"Fine, I'll just get a coke." He sighs and I smile, "I'll get a tea." I reply to them.

Just then I heard snapping behind me, "please don't tell me that's..." I say but before I could say it Rick was already nodding his head. "Sylvester..." he finished for me. 

I turned around and saw him attempting to get attention from our waitress. I mentally face palmed as I saw her throw water at him. Most likely our water, as I could see her coming right at us.

"Here's one of your waters, I'll be right back with the second one. I'm so sorry." She says as she gives me the water first.

"I'll also get a coke, and she will get a tea.." he says to her before she could walk away, she nods her head and looks at me.

"Do you want sweet or unsweetened?" She asks me, and I reply "surprise me."

She leaves our table and we continue our fantasy night.

Once we finally ate all our food, which was very delicious, our plan was in effect.

I noticed Rick very nervous and touching his pocket a lot, which I assumed was where the ring was. I smile at him reassuringly, and he wanted to do it in front of the waitress and before she asks if we wanted dessert.

He noticed the waitress coming our way, and so he quickly got up rubbed the sweat off his hands and got closer to me so he blocked the waitress from coming to us.

We heard a gasp, and Yolanda yell, "he's proposing!" My cheeks grow hot from her response from across the room. This definitely meant that all eyes were on us now.

Rick got down on one knee in front of me, and I didn't know how I'd react, and yet even though I knew this was coming, I didn't expect the ring to be that big.

The diamond was bigger than I expected, I would of thought he would buy a fake ring, but this looked real.

My eyes grew wide as I looked at the ring and Ricks smile. Just as I was about to say yes, because we didn't rehearse or he didn't even tell me he was going to say something.

"Sarah Lee Harris, I've been in love with you since the day we met senior year in Mr.Heinrich's class. It was 9:03am in chemistry, I was barely awake, listening to his boring lecture. Then I saw an Angel walk in. There you were shining like the brightest diamond, even more brighter than this one I picked out. You took your seat next to me because mine was the only one available. You smiled at me for the first time, and I knew you were the one for me. Our love only grew stronger since then. Le- Sarah, will you please make me the happiness man in the world and take my hand in marriage?" Rick have a whole fake story speech to me, and I think I was the only one who heard him almost slip up.

He takes the ring, and I nod my head super fast, I had tears in my eyes and I said "yes of course I will Thomas." I say to him and he gets up from his one knee and puts the ring on my ring finger and spins me around and kisses me.

Everyone cheers, and the waiters and waitresses all clap, including the managers.

The waitress leaves to go somewhere, and we both sit back down. The kiss we shared wasn't like any other kiss we ever had, this one was filled with passion, and love. It just felt different. I turned around to see our friends, and they all gave us the thumbs up. I smiled at them and waved, then turned back towards Rick.

Our waitress finally came back, and she gave us two slices of their world famous chocolate cake.

"On the house, congratulations you two." She says to us with a smile. We both smiled at her, and we both ate the free cake in piece.

Once we were finished, our waitress handed us the bill. Ricks eyes go wide, and he shows me the price, 500 dollars for the two of us. I just knew 7 people would be even worse.

Rick waited for our waitress to return, and it was now go time.

"Hey, how come we are getting billed? We just got engaged.." he says to our waitress very confused. She laughs, "oh, yeah, we stopped comping meals, too many teenagers and adults kept pretending to get engaged just to get free meals. They should just get a real job." She says and she rolls her eyes.

"Yeah, but.. we actually got married, I mean, we have the ring and everything to prove it." Rick says and points at my hand with the ring. I put my hand up and show it to her, she examines it, "yeah well, if you have enough money for that diamond, then you definitely have enough money to pay for this meal." She says to him while folding her arms.

That's when I decided to try my shot, "listen, you see over there? That's my sister the one in braids. She just got told by the doctor that she had 3 months to live, and she told me that her dream was always to go to this fancy restaurant, and to get proposed to. Now, she doesn't have a boyfriend, so this is the closest she could get to for a proposal. And truth is, college really put his in debt, Ri- Thomas, Thomas was just telling me how he had to pull out a loan to get me this ring. So, we would just really appreciate it if you comped our meals and theirs, for my sisters sake." I pleaded with he, Rick looked at me shocked, and when she looked at Rick he had the same face I had to go with it.

"I'll talk to my manger, I'll see what I can do." She says as she gives us a sad face.

Within a few minutes she came up to us and told us that the meals would be on the house. We thanked them and left right away before they could change their minds. It seemed that our friends had the same idea.

"I hope you can live your last few months of life to your fullest." The hostess says to Yolanda, and she looks at her confused, "uh, thank you?" She questions then we all walk outside.

"Rick, Ray.. that was a beautiful proposal, if I didn't know any better I'd probably fall for that proposal too! It seemed too real." Barbra says as she smiles at the both of us and then she looks at my ring.

"It was fake.. right?" She asks again as we didn't say thing.

"Yeah, it was don't worry." Rick says and I exhale the breath I didn't even know I was holding in.

"What was the hostess talking about Ray? And why was our meals compt?" Yolanda asks me as she crosses her arms.

"Uh.." I start to say but Pat cuts me off, "hey, a free meal is a free meal. I needed that, the crocks highjacked all our junk food, so it was so nice being able to eat good food again. Let's go, Yolanda you got church in the morning."

Yolanda sighs and follows them to the car they all cramped in.

Rick and I went inside his car, and we looked at eachother then bust into laughter.

"Oh my gosh, I can't believe we got away with that." Rick says as he sighs out another laugh. "How did she even fall for that sick sister bullshit?" He asks and I shrug, "how did she fall for Sarah Lee Harris? When you stuttered the name out so much." I say and laugh, our laughters finally die down, and we were just surrounded by peaceful silence.

I started playing with the ring he gave me and looking at it, "hey, where did you get this by the way? Is it real?" I ask him dreading the answer.

"Of course it's real, it was my moms. She left it in the house the night they.. died." Rick says the lady part in a whisper.

"Oh.. did you want it back?" I ask him as I go to take off the ring, but he shakes his head.

"Keep it, for now. Give it back to me tomorrow. I like the thought if you being my fiancé." He says to me causing me to blush.

I put the ring back on my finger and smile, "it's a beautiful ring." I say as I look at the ring and then I look at him.

His eyes never leaving mine, "I know." Is all he says and then goes to drive me home.

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