
By Writing-Doll

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Shuri moves to Infinity Willow Grove so she can experience an American college experience before taking her P... More

Act II


165 8 12
By Writing-Doll


"Why should I let you come back?" Headmaster Sutton leans back in her chair.

"I technically haven't done anything to be put out." I explain. It's the truth, yeah everyone knows about me but mostly everyone is cool with it. Plus the highest faculty member knew before anyone.

"Will there be any conflict if I allow you to come back to campus?" She asks.

"There shouldn't be, Rue and I are on decent terms." I sort of lie.

"Okay, this week while you're here I'm going to be watching you. If anything happens I swear you'll throw out any chances of me letting you come back."

"Okay, I promise nothing will happen." I throw my hands up.

"Good, you can follow Simon's schedule and we'll talk about the dorm situation once I firmly believe everything is clear with you and your group of friends." She explains.

"You can just put me back in my old dormitory." I shrug.

"No, all the single dorms have been filled. You'll have to share this semester. We will talk later, get to class Shuri." She lightly smiles.

I get up to leave but I can't help but think that I'm the reason for her pending divorce. "I'm sorry Headmaster Sutton, about everything from causing your divorce to hurting Rue."

"This isn't on you Shuri. You came to your headmaster and I handled the situation the way I would handle any other student's needs. You didn't cause anything, I don't want you to ever say that again. Now, get to class or you'll be late." She grins.



"Si, when we talked we agreed that we'd communicate better. What happened?" Simon and I are walking to class.

"Best friend confidentiality. I can't tell you what happened. I just promised Shuri I wouldn't tell you she was here. I have to hold my relationships to the same value." He speaks and it just annoys my soul.

"I should be above everyone else seeing as I'm your little sister. Why would she tell you not to tell me if I was going to see her anyway?" I frown.

"I had forgotten to tell her you were going to be at the open mic night. She was just as shocked as you were."

"You know she hates me right?"

"I know, I'll do better with keeping you two away from each other. But you do know we all are a part of the same friend group, you two are bound to see each other." He emphasized.

"I know but the less time spent the better." I speak lowly. I'm well aware that we have to see each other but she wanted to leave off on bad terms and that's exactly what she got.

We enter the classroom after the long fifteen-minute walk it took to get here from the dorms, Shuri is sitting in the row of seats where we usually sit with Kaleb.

"I promise I didn't know she'd be in here, she went to talk to momma last time I checked." He assured me he was just as surprised as I am.

"Good morning Simon." She said teasingly.

To be quite honest I don't like being on her bad side. She's rude and a complete asshole. If I would've known this is how she would be when things came to an end I would've never gotten involved with her.

"Good morning, how did things go this morning?" Simon sits next to her as a shield to divide us.

"The headmaster said I get a week to prove there would be no drama. If a week goes by and nothing happens then she'll approve my enrollment forms and I can come back to campus."

"That's a good thing, now you and Rue just have to stay cordial. Do you both think you can do that?" He looks between the two of us.

"Yeah, that's possible." I mumble. I didn't plan on speaking this period. I don't want her to find anything to say to or about me.

"Sorry Angel I can't hear you?" She disclosed placing her hand to her ear and cupping it.

Kaleb walked in and looked as shocked as we did. He sat in the front row where it's usually empty and sat his backpack next to him.

"I'm not doing this with you Shuri, I can't be around her Simon she's too immature." I stand up gathering my things.

"Some people invoke certain reactions in others. You happen to bring out my inner child."

"Well you can be childish alone, I'm gone." My voice cracks as I go to sit with Kaleb.

It was a mistake telling her I didn't care if she came back. I do care, the only way to deal with her when she's like this is to play her games with her, and I don't want to but for my mental state, I will.

"I saved you a seat." Kaleb moves his bag.

"I figured, thank you." I finally relax for the first time since walking into this classroom.

"Why is she in here?" He asks.

"I don't know, I think she's back for good. I mean I have the power to put an end to it but I won't." I know how much she enjoyed her time over here last term. As much as I dislike her at the moment, I know her time here helped her with a lot.

"Why not, send her back home." He chuckles.

"It's mean." I say simply.

"Okay, but she's been nothing but an ass since she got here. You can't keep tip-toeing around her just so you won't piss her off. That's not fun." He preached.

"I know, I'll just play this stupid game with her. Then maybe she'll back off once she sees I can be just as much of a bitch as she is."


"She's so adorable, I'm going to take her back to my dorm." I say to Iris. She moved here to Infinity a few weeks ago. Her boyfriend just started touring overseas and the baby is too much for her to handle at home on her own so she's staying here until he's back and settled.

"Take her, I won't even chase you out of here." She throws her hands up playfully.

"How's mom life been treating you in the new setting?" I sit on the couch with the baby, Armonii, in my arms.

"I really like it here Rue, it's so peaceful. And Monii loves taking walks, it's what helps her sleep most nights."

"That's good, now move here." I say urgently.

"Ah man, I wish but you know Shawn's label is in New York City so that's where we have to be" She sighs.

"Yeah, It's too bad I would've loved for you both to be here." I continue to play with Monii.

"Do you even plan on staying here once you finish school?"

Come to think of it I've never really thought about it. I graduate school next year with no definite plans. I know I want to go to veterinary school obviously but I'm not sure where. I always looked at Cornell but when my family wanted me to stay here I never gave a second glance at the early enrollment acceptance letter.

"I don't know, I guess I'll play it by ear this year." I shrug.

"Well if you want to come back to New York just know our doors will always be open. Just don't bring Simon." She laughs.

"I promise I'm leaving him as soon as I get the chance." We laugh.

"I heard Shuri is back on campus."

"Who'd you hear that from?" I ask.

"If we're being honest, your parents were arguing about your mom letting her come back to school. They've been arguing nonstop. That's why I started taking the baby out for walks at night." She says honestly.

"I need to talk to them at the same time, this is all so crazy. Even after I broke up with her she's taking over things in my life. I just wish they could make up and everything could go back to normal."

"I don't know Rue, it's getting pretty intense. Uncle went to go file for divorce yesterday."

"He did?" I know he's been thinking about it but he never said he was going through with it.

"Yeah, he drove to the city hall, and Armonii and I drove down with him so I could go to the dealership to buy a car." She admits

"I can't let them get a divorce, they love each other."

"Sometimes things just don't work out, it may be better off for them in the long run." She rubs my back.

"If Shuri would've just stayed in Wakanda none of this would be happening."

"Don't blame her, it's not fair."

"Who else should I blame? It was she who came here under false pretenses, it was her who asked my mother not to tell my father and it was her who broke my heart. I'm no scientist but it sounds like her fault." My face gets hot just thinking about the events of the last few months.

"Okay, it sounds bad but Rue, Shuri didn't hold a gun to your mom's head and tell her not to say anything. She simply asked. Maybe you should have Shuri talk to your dad. Maybe he'd have some sympathy toward her cause."

"I don't want to spend another unnecessary moment on that liar." I continue to play with the baby to soften my anger.

"Not too long ago you wanted to spend every moment with her." She comes over and picks up the baby.

"That was forever ago."

"Hmm, I have to go change Armonii. Also, I totally forgot, Lillian is in the backyard could you let her in?" She asks.

"Of course." I say as she goes upstairs.

I walk to the back door and walk outside. Lillian is in her dog house but she runs to me once I close the screen door. I play with her for a while until I'm tired and then I sit in the grass with her. She's just as tired as I am.

"I don't know biggie, it's so much going on and the only person I can think to talk to right now is you and Shuri." I look over at Lillian who's resting right beside me. She throws her paw up and pats me twice.

"Should I call her? Blink once for yes and twice for no." I think my subconscious did that on purpose because she only blinked once. "Fine Lillian if you insist, but I'm only calling because my parents need this."

Who am I kidding, I want so badly to get over everything and stop feuding. It's just not in the cards right now. I'm mad at her and she hates my guts. I'll be lucky if she even answers.

I open my lock screen and the picture on display is the one I took when she took me on our second official date in Wakanda.

"This is nasty but you willingly eat baked beans in America." She tried to shove a spoonful of food into my mouth.

"You told my mom they were good." I push the spoon from my face.

"They were but I'll never eat them again." She chuckles.

She's having me try some of Wakanda's native foods. This is the first dish I haven't liked so far.

"Come on Angel, just one more bite. The chef would cry if he found out you didn't eat the food he prepared." She pouts.

"How about you eat it? You can describe the flavors to me." I joke. She eats some of the food with her spoon.

She rented out a restaurant for the night and we ordered one of everything from the menu. My parents took Simon home this morning with a clean bill of health.

"How about I eat something else and describe the flavors." She sinisterly eyes me.

I instantly blush "Stop, we're in public."

"So, no one is here." She doesn't take her eyes off of mine.

"Nope, next question." I smile.

"It's your turn to ask a question." She states.

We've been exchanging questions to get to know each other better. Well, it's really so I can get to know her. I can't help but feel like we're just in the honeymoon phase of our relationship right now.

"What do you love most in this world?" I ask.

"You." She raises her eyebrow.

"No, not who. I asked what do you love most?" I repeat my question, this time in broken increments.

"My technology, I'd choose it over everything any day." She grins. I love when she talks about her tech, she gets so excited like a little boy talking about his hot wheels.

"How about you?" She asks.

"Umm, probably music. It's so calming and therapeutic." I say trying another dish.

She stares at me and just smiles. Not in a creepy way, her eyes were full of admiration.

"What?" I take a sip of my drink.

"You don't know how beautiful you are do you?"

"You're always reminding me." I mirror her grin.

"Yes, but you're not just stunningly beautiful. You have a beautiful spirit, it's one of a kind and it shines as soon as you as you enter a room. That's why I was so drawn to you. I just had to get to know you, it would've been a criminal offense if I didn't. Good thing I did because now your soul and mine are intertwined for life." She admitted.

"You wanna get this food to go?" I question.

"Why Angel, you were just so adamant about staying a second ago." She raises one eyebrow. When the realization hits her, both her eyebrows lift. "I'll go get to-go containers." She jumps up and hops to the back. I can't help but sit back and laugh.

That night while she pulled the car around I took a photo of the sun setting, it was so beautiful I made it one of my Lock Screen so long ago. It used to be filled with pictures of Shuri and me also. That was short-lived once I got home.

I look for her contact name, it wasn't without hesitation but I called her and put the phone to my ear.

The first ring I decided I was going to hang up but I knew I had to do this for my parents. The second ring I hyped myself up, by the third one I assumed she wouldn't pick up. She did, at the fifth one. Only it wasn't her.

"Rue stop calling her phone, she doesn't want to talk to you. She moved on." A girl picks up, I can't quite make out the voice but nonetheless, it breaks my heart a little.

"Oh, okay. Sorry." I hang up the phone.

Let the games begin bitch.

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