Leon Kennedy x Male reader/OC...

By Gyfygyhtdsxvhf

4.2K 104 27

this is a Leon Kennedy x male OC story I know people usually don't like OC stories because they like reader i... More

introduction/ character description and information
in the beginning
growing up
your mission to Spain
deep within
the village and the man
not an update

encounters in the basement

282 9 0
By Gyfygyhtdsxvhf

Y/n pov:

I awoke slowly with an aching in my head. When I Wake I see Leon staring at me, his lips are moving but I can't quite understand what he's saying. "Y-..". I go to look around a bit more seeing the man from earlier. "y/n..." It's faint but I think I hear my name, I look up to Leon his words becoming more clearer. "Y/n.. Y/N! Are you okay?".

           It takes me a second to process his words still drowsy as I look up at him again "huh?.. oh yea im fine" the drowsiness clear in my voice as I look between him and the man. "good morning senor" he says looking at me, "who are you" I say my voice more firm now, watching Leon out of the corner of my eye trying to find a way to get out of their restraints. "Call me Luis" the man who I now know is Luis says "and what are you two doing here? Rough spot for a vacation" I follow Leon's lead looking up noticing my arms were chained to a piece of wood on the wall.

          "Hmmmm looking for someone?" I ignore him that's classified information anyway. Looking up at the piece of wood that held my chains in place I began to pull. "One last guess, trying to find a missing senorita?" He says with a slight smile this catching both Leon and my attention. The watch is Leon pulls the chain that's connected to a lever bringing Luis close to him "talk. Now." Leon said in a commanding tone.

        Well remind me not to get on his bad side I thought to myself, looking down to the way he gripped the chains, his toned arms- what the fuck not the time. I quickly snap out of whatever weird thoughts I was just having looking back to their encounter. "All right" luis grunted looking back up to Leon "see I heard chatter about moving and missing senorita"

       His words causing Leon to take a few steps back gripping tighter onto the chains "moving her where?" He said is he began to pull loosening the lever above them "no clue, later I heard word about moving someone to the old church" Luis said and with one final Pull the lever came off of the ceiling, sending Luis on to his butt with a loud grunt.

         Just as Luis was standing up a man entered the room with an ax. "LEO-" but before I could even get the words out Leon pulled on the chain, sending Luis toppling over again as the man swung at them. I began to pull on my restraints a bit more, the man baking his way over to me. Swiftly I put one of my legs on the back of the wall hoisting myself up kicking him in the face with my other As he began to swing at me.

         He's stumbled back a bit as Leon picked up a part of the chain whipping it at him hitting him in the face. With one last strong Pull the piece of wood broke. I run over kicking the man's arm sending his aex flying,  Leon tossing the chain up around his neck I jump back as he turns around giving it one swift Pull bringing it down with his knee, breaking the man's neck.

      .......damn.. wow out of the corner of my eye I see Luis grab something from the dead man quickly unlocking his chains "where are you going? We're not done here yet?" Leon says angrily, before any of us can do anything Luis unlocks himself and bolts for it tossing the keys at me. Out of pure reflex I catch them walking over to Leon "shit" I mumble knowing full well I could have caught up to him

          I make my way over to Leon placing the key into the hole on his restraints, watching them fall to the floor. "Let's go get our shit" I say looking up at him "yea let's" he says with a nod making his way for the door, stopping as he puts his hand up to his earpiece "Condor one to roost I've located baby eagle sounds like she's being kept in some church" he says as he begins to walk I trail him close behind.

      "I heard it from this guy I met said his name is Luis something off about him I'm going to need you to run a background check" he says as we both collect more ammo, this place sure does have a lot of ammo for just a town. "Right I'm probably due for confession anyway conder one out" he says ending the call looking over to me "I hope you're ready it's quite the trip" he says nudging me with his shoulder slightly "you're telling me my head's pounding" I say gripping my pistol tightly in my hand as we begin to make our way to the church.


Sorry it's been a while I hope you enjoyed the update I know it's long overdue- sam

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