in the beginning

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Your pov:

           First memories, you think back to your earliest memory. Closing your eyes as you concentrate. Evan your dear twin brother, men and women in white coats, White Walls, white gown. Just how the umbrella liked it clean and neat. You didn't mind it, it's all you've known since your creation.
              Your mind wandering back to Evan. Although you two are twins and share almost identical genetic makeup you have very different attitudes. Evan being fairly cool and collected, yourself more hot headed and snarky to everyone who wasn't evan. He's all you had your looks very similar, same build same height, his hair being slightly darker and more straight than yours. And somehow getting a better more tanned complexion.

                 You open your eyes sitting up slightly scooting upward and laying your back on the cool white concrete wall. Averting your eyes upward wondering what your brother was doing on the top bunk, what he was thinking. Closing your eyes letting out a sigh "Evan". You heard a faint "hm" from your brother, barely audible but enough for your ears to pick up to know he acknowledged you. "What do you think is outside these walls?" You say softly not really expecting an answer.

               You hear shuffling above you and the slight rustling of blankets, "you know we're not supposed to talk about this kind of thing." He replied blankly "I know, I know but there has to be more right? More than just tests and endless experiments". you didn't get an answer back implying Evan likely didn't want to continue the subject. Your brother more willing to obey like he had no other choice than to question the authority of the people dressed in white. You weren't stupid though, what little the umbrella did let you learn about the outside world only made you more curious.

                 One day, just one day you told yourself I'll leave this place. Just a simple thought a wish, a hope, a distant dream little did you know just how soon that wish would be granted. As you slide back down laying your head on your pillow slowly drifting off, dream of a world of color, a world without scientists and experiments. Slowly going into a deep sleep as you let your mind wander

                         3 weeks later

Your pov: 

                Awoken by the faint static as the the intercom in the corner of your cell buzz to life "Evan of project Aussie please stand and make your way to the door." A Stern yet feminine voice said over the speaker. Causing your twin to jump off of the top bunk, making his way to the glass door. "Good luck" was all you could say knowing they were likely going to do tests. Two Men and white hazmat suits approach the door you hear a click signaling it unlocked.

                 Knowing the drill your brother turns around putting both hands behind his back. One of the men pulling the doors open restraining your brother, a calm expression never leaving his face. As one of the men leads him down the hall by his shoulder. How he kept calm and didn't complain you'll never know. Feeling bad they took your brother but thankful it wasn't you, you sit pondering what was going to happen to him.

                Loud sirens and flashing red lights interrupting your thought process. Men and women in white lab coats, men running down the Halls in hazmat suits. Stood up making your way over to the glass door curious, "what's going on?" Barely a Mumble as your thoughts escape your lips. Soon after the Halls were empty more men and women approached your sell.

                Very different from what you were used to seeing. Most wore vests and pants of a collage of green and brown, colors you barely ever seen unless you got to spend time in the courtyard. One turning and looking at you eyes growing wide " YO CAPTAIN THERE'S A KID OVER HERE!" A tall man bellows out. A bit frightened you back away from the glass, a tall man approaching your room looking down at you.

               Suddenly the power going off and along with it the lock to your room. The man also noticing pushes your door open, causing you to back away more. Noticing your fear he crouches down to your level, eyes fixated on his Red Cap and the scar that adorned his face. "It's okay kid, we just want to get you out of here." a gruff yet calm voice spoke, at this your ears perked. A way out? The outside world? Thoughts that plagued your mind as the stranger outstretched his hand.

              With the promise of the outside world you take a few steps forward, placing your small hand in his large ones. as he stands leading you through white hallways decorated with red. A few bodies of scientists here and there lay on the floor causing you to pick up speed, not too eager to be around them for long. The tall Man leads you to a set of doors, already wide open a cool breeze whips strands of hair into your face. Taking your free hand and moving it out of the way as you step onto the grass.

        The man in the Red Cap leads you to a helicopter, still not spoken a word since the exchange of your first encounter. Lifting you up into the helicopter as he gets in himself. You spot a few more in the distance, the man signaling to the pilot to start the plane. Once you're in the you hear a loud boom sound coming from the lab. Looking back you see it in pieces and in flames. Only then do you think of your brother, oh no your brother. You didn't tell them about Evan oh God no you start to hyperventilate and freak out losing consciousness.

Well that does it for this first chapter, yes the man in the hat is krauser because I can. hopefully this gives you a bit of background I'll try to write another chapter tonight- Sam



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