Breathe | s.b | bridgerton

ri__writes द्वारा

97.2K 2.9K 94

"Hold me close so I can finally... breathe" Marriage wasn't something Carina Bridgerton looked forward to. An... अधिक

Author's note


3.9K 118 3
ri__writes द्वारा

The season's opening ball at Danbury House is a most highly sought-after invitation, indeed, for every darling debutante from Park Lane to Regent Street will be on display. Titled, chaste, and innocent, this is what they have been raised and trained for since birth. Tonight, we shall discover which young ladies might succeed at securing a match, thereby avoiding the dreadful, dismal condition known as "the spinster."

Arriving at the Danbury ball, Carina could not help but marvel at the sight. The decorations were the most exquisite she had ever seen and the scene was heavenly. Entering the festive ballroom with Daphne on one arm and Anthony on the other, Carina finally took note of the people present at the ball and almost shuddered. She could see men people staring, even feel their gazes, but kept on a charming smile on her face.

As if reading her mind, Anthony spoke up, "They're all staring, Mother.", while he looked around at all the men with a menacing glare. Ignoring her eldest, Violet addressed her two daughters and said,"Allow them to come to you, dears."
And they did come to them indeed. A young man, unfamiliar to Carina but certainly not to the other Bridgertons, walked over and greeted the family, "Lady Bridgerton, Miss Bridgerton. Lord Bridgerton. Miss Bridgerton."

"I believe you have already been introduced to my daughter Daphne, Lord Ambrose." her mama let out, and Carina's face lit with recognition. This was the man Anthony had once spoken about, a cheat.

"Uh, yes. We met at your brother's levee." was his reply.
"If I recall, my lord, you had just won your first race at Newmarket." says Daphne.
"His first and only, I believe." assures Anthony.
Trying to mend the awkward situation, Daphne comments, "Well, in that case, let us hope his lordship has found himself a new horse."

Anthony suddenly bursts out, "I haven't had the pleasure of seeing you at our club lately, Ambrose. Should it have anything to do with the unpaid balance you left on our betting books winter last?" the man quickly left, clearly ashamed by her brother's bluntness.
"Ambrose is a cheat. A man of any honor ensures his debts are fully paid." he explains.

"I did not realize..." was the only thing Daphne could say.

"Well, how could you have done? It is the very reason I am here, Sisters. Let us take a turn about the room." says Anthony, proud of himself and offers his arms to both his sisters, not taking note of Daphne's dejected face.

"He is rather pleasing." offers Carina, pointing out a man to Daphne, trying to lift her spirits once again.
Anthony quickly counters her, "He is rather here to shuffle about hunting fortunes. Trust Mr. Lewis knows of your sizable dowry. Leave him be." Now Carina was getting angered more and more by the minute just as Daphne was getting glum. Anthony was finding faults in all of the gentlemen that caught Daphne's eyes. At this rate, she was sure all of the Bridgerton women shall become spinsters and not of choice.

"Anthony! Carina! Daph!" calls out Benedict, and with his and Colin's arrival, so comes the arrival of a plan in Carina's mind, now the only thing she requires, is the right opportunity to execute it.

"If the only gentlemen present this evening are your brothers, then we're in a great deal of trouble, indeed." says the infuriating brother of hers.

"You continue to say 'we'-" says Daphne, tired of Anthony acting like her gaurd, only to get interrupted by Colin.
"Did Mother tell you yet? About my tour? I'm to begin in Greece."

"Greece? How adventurous, Colin!" Carina lets out, happy for her twin brother.
Suddenly, Anthony sees someone and panics, "On guard!" , he warns his brothers.

"Too late. I already noted you." says the voice of the evening's host.
"Lady Danbury."
"Good evening." chorused the boys, while the sisters curtsied respectfully.

"Oh, Carina! How beautiful you look. It has been a while, do come meet me from time to time" she comments.
"Of course, Lady Danbury." Carina and Lady Danbury have been closer than the rest of her sisters. As a long time family friend, Lady Danbury has known the Bridgertons for years, but only Carina had maintained contact in the last few years. Suppose it comes with Carina being her goddaughter.

"Miss Bridgerton, you look rather lovely this evening. Is there a reason I've yet to see you on the dance floor?"
"All in good time, Lady Danbury." Cuts in Anthony, answering for Daphne.
"You poor thing." She sympathises, clearly reading the scene for what it truly is.

With Colin and Benedict parting ways, Carina notices her mama talking joyfully with a group of people a few paces away and finds the perfect opportunity. She speaks up, "Brother, you see mother there? Oh my, looks like her hair is about to come undone, someone must make haste and go help her. You know what they say about a lady wearing her hair down."

"What do they say?" Anthony questions, suspicious and clearly disbelieving of his sister. He knows her well if he must say so himself, and her worry does not look the least bit genuine. While, Daphne stands there confused and lost. "That it is the most dishonourable! Brother, quick, you must let Daphne go, she is the one proficient with such matters!"

Now that, he could believe- there is no way on this god's green earth his little sister, his Rina, would willingly offer to dress anyone's hair. She simply does not carry a single bone in her body that makes her wish to do so, or even one makes her good at such matters. "Alright, let's go."
Rushing forward and grabbing Daphne's arm, Carina instructs her in hushed whispers, "Daff, take mama and get out of sight for a while. Avoid Anthony and listen? Enjoy your evening." Ending her words with a wink, all she received was an overjoyed smile from her sister when she finally caught on to her little scheme.

When they finally reached Violet, Daphne quickly rushed off with their confused mama while Carina hastily distracted Anthony to stop him from following them. "No, brother! You must stay with me. I do not know any of the suitors here. I do need you to guide me today brother."
He was reluctant, but having lost sight of them he says, "Oh, alright! Pray tell, why is it that I do not, for a single moment, believe whatever story you concocted about a lady's hair?"

Now nervous, Carina tries to deflect the situation, Anthony has always been able to read her quite well. He can surely tell when she is lying. But he forgets she knows him well too, they are two sides of the same coin, she just knows him a little too well,

"Oh? I do not know brother. Why don't you ask yourself the same, since you said so yourself, it is you who does not believe me?", confused Anthony is the best, loses all senses of logic, is reduced to the mental capacity of a two year old, step one. Always works.

In confusion he stumbles over his words, "I- wha... Why would I- Carina, stop-"
"I am quite parched brother." she cuts him off. Change the topic instantly, something more present or important, step two.
"I shall fetch you a glass of lemonade." he says, the previous conversation to the back of his mind.

"No. You have already done so much for me tonight. I shall return in a mere moment. Why don't you find me a suitable gentleman to talk to?" Give him a task, make him feel important, keep him busy so he shall not go to Daphne, and for that, do not remind him of Daphne. Step three, success.
"Very well, Rina." he replies, with a proud smile.
As mentioned, always works.

Escaping hastily, Carina decides to enjoy her lemonade in seclusion for a peaceful moment. Alas! No one allows her to enjoy some peace. "Small glasses." comes an unwelcome, yet familiar voice.
Turning around, she notices the interruptor, "Lord Berbrooke."
"Tiny little things, are they not?"
"The glasses? I suppose." she answers, trying to remain polite.

"Then the matter is settled." he says, gazing at her strangely.
"I'm not entirely sure the matter in which we discuss, my lord." she says, trying to escape him.
"You've always amused me, Miss Bridgerton, ever since I was a schoolboy, and you were..." his gaze had started to make her feel sickly.
"All but... six?" she queries, unsettled and clearly scared.

Afraid, Carina instantly ends the conversation and goes off,"My brother, he summons me. Adieu."
Only, she can hear his calls as he follows her. "Miss Bridgerton? A moment, please! Miss Bridgerton?"

Looking behind her, to look if Lord Berbrooke is still following her, she does not notice where she was walking to, and bumps into someone, a young gentleman. "Oh!" As he holds her to steady her, she rushes out an apology "Pardon me."
"Forgive me." He says at the same moment.
Hearing the Lord's voice behind her yet once again, Carina realises it is too late, she cannot run anymore, so she acts. She acts as though she doesn't hear him and she acts as though she is already engaged in a conversation.

"Tell me your name. Your name, sir?" She asks the man.
"Am I honestly to believe you do not already know my name?" he asks incredulously, like he dare not even believe the idea of her not knowing his name. Turning and finding Berbrooke right there, she whispers with the utmost urgency.
"Listen, sir. I am trying to-"

"If you desired an introduction, madam, I do believe accosting me to be the least civilized of ways." Well, not a gentleman then!
Carina could not believe this strange man and his audacity to assume such things and utter such statements.
"Accosting you?" she asks in disbelief.

"Truly, they will try anything." he says in dismay, as if she were not a person but dirt on the bottom of his show.
"Sir, that is not... This is not... What is your name?" The bafflement, then turned to anger and she let out a laugh, and even though she knew she might make a scene and cause a scandal, Carina did not care for that anymore. She was too vexed to think sensibly.
"You know what? I do not care for your name. I apologise if the idea of someone not knowing you hurt your feelings, sir. But I really do not care, and I apologise for bothering you. Trust I would not be conversing with you if I could help it, but I am trying to escape some undesirable people here. So kindly shut it and act along for a moment!" she finished off with a smile, and a forced laugh.

Clearly wary and confused with her strange and rather unladylike nature, the young man acted along and let out a large laugh as well. Looking around and not finding the climp anymore, Carina let out a sigh and let her fake smile fall. "Thank you, I shall now take my leave."
And as she tried to walk away, she got interrupted by the loud yell her brother had let out while coming her way, "Basset!"

This was bound to be interesting.

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