A Kingdom of Bloodshed

By ElleMoore23

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Althea Alinac is of fae origin, born into royalty by Fae parents, yet mysteriously has human healing abilitie... More

Part One
*¬*Chapter One*¬*
*¬*Chapter Two*¬*
*¬*Chapter Three*¬*
*¬*Chapter Four*¬*
*¬*Chapter Five*¬*
*¬*Chapter Six*¬*
*¬*Chapter Seven*¬*
*¬*Chapter Eight*¬*
*¬*Chapter Nine*¬*
*¬*Chapter Ten*¬*
*¬*Chapter Eleven*¬*
*¬*Chapter Twelve*¬*
*¬*Chapter Thirteen*¬*
*¬*Chapter Fourteen*¬*
*¬*Chapter Fifteen*¬*
Part Two
*¬*Chapter Sixteen*¬*
¬*Chapter Seventeen*¬*
*¬*Chapter Eighteen*¬*
*¬*Chapter Nineteen*¬*
*¬*Chapter Twenty*¬*
*¬*Chapter Twenty One*¬*
*¬*Chapter Twenty Two*¬*
*¬*Chapter Twenty Three*¬*
*¬*Chapter Twenty Four*¬*
*¬*Chapter Twenty Five*¬*
*¬*Chapter Twenty Six*¬*
*¬*Chapter Twenty Eight*¬*
*¬*Chapter Twenty Nine*¬*
*¬*Chapter Thirty*¬*
Part Three
*¬*Chapter Thirty One*¬*
*¬*Chapter Thirty Two*¬*
*¬*Chapter Thirty Three*¬*
*¬*Chapter Thirty Four*¬*
*¬*Chapter Thirty Five*¬*
*¬*Chapter Thirty Six*¬*
*¬*Chapter Thirty Seven*¬*
*¬*Chapter Thirty Eight*¬*
*¬*Chapter Thirty Nine*¬*
*¬*Chapter Forty*¬*
*¬*Chapter Forty One*¬*
*¬*Chapter Forty Two*¬*
*¬*Chapter Forty Three*¬*

*¬*Chapter Twenty Seven*¬*

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By ElleMoore23

One of the last things I should have told Kaz was that I loved him. I should have mentioned it when I saw him last. But there was never a good time. Something always stopped me. Maybe that's my problem. Maybe there never will be a good time and I should just say it anyways I should just tell him when I see him next.

But I don't know if I will see him next. The world around me is dark. Just a sea of blackness. Tender, soft, filled with endless silence. A silence that doesn't unnerve me. I could float in this ocean of black forever. It's so calm here. No one chasing me, no one trying to murder me or take some ancient crown to raise an old maniac. It's peaceful.

Althea. Someone whispers to me. Their voice sliding over my skin with ease.

My body floats towards the sound, arms waving through the dark water. I look around but there's not an ounce of colour anywhere. It's just black.

"Where are you?" I call out. My voice echoing throughout the space. I'm here. Letting my feet slip beneath the water, I turn myself around and see Myra staring back at me.

"Myra? How am I seeing you still? I thought you were gone for good." She smiles gently at me.

Thea, you need my help still. There's more to your past that you don't know and I need to tell you now before it's too late. I blink. What is she talking about?

"What do you mean? You've already told me everything." Myra sighs her head tilting back, hair spooling into the water.

Did you get the crown? I nod, "Yes I did. And I died trying to keep it safe." She laughs, Died? No darling, you simply exhausted yourself. You nearly depleted all your magic and in doing so you fell into a deep slumber. You'll wake up soon enough.

I'm really confused now.

"What?" Thea, we don't have much time for pleasantries so I'll cut to it. You need to keep the crown safe. To keep it away from Augustus and his gang. However I fear for your safety. I know he's planning something. Some great terrible evil is coming and I don't know if you'll be able to stop it.

"I thought Xavier was the great terrible evil?" He is, but without him Augustus isn't strong enough to take on both you and Kazimir. He needs something else to fuel his magic. He's going to call upon one of the greatest monsters this world has ever seen.

I shiver, "What is it?"

Myra bites her lips, her eyes darkening with uncertainty and fear. We called it Curseclaw. The Blood Demon. It was this terrible being of rage, fury, and wrath. It would devour innocents and drink the blood of anything that was in it's way. Curseclaw never showed mercy. It was greedy for strength and power; destroying villaging and stealing magic until it became so powerful that it took several High Lords to defeat it. To chain it down and hide it deep within the depths of Hell. There it has remained, waiting. Weakened but waiting and with Augustus aiming to call upon it; I fear this world is doomed. There will be a war; one that I don't think can be won. Curseclaw will not stop; he will ask for something of Augustus in return. There will be an exchange, but he will be under Augustus's control. Then, once he retrieves the crown from you; I know he'll waken Xavier. Then it'll be too late.

Her words leave ice through me. Chilling my bones and setting my veins ablaze. "I need to warn them. I need to go tell Kaz and the others." Myra smiles at me softly, her hands reaching for my face. I have so much more to tell you, but I know we'll see each other soon. Then she places a kiss to my forehead. When she pulls away the water begins to churn around us, a sudden wind blasting throughout this black eternity. "What's happening?"

Wake up Thea.

Faster, the water moves faster and begins to swirl around me. Taking me into a whirlpool. "Myra!" I shout. But she stays just out of reach, her eyes soft and glazed. Wake up.

I try to reach for her but then I'm being sucked into the whirlpool, spinning and spinning until I'm dragged beneath the water. My lungs filling and panic sets in. I try to find the surface but I get dragged deeper and deeper into the dark until all I can hear are Myra's echoing words.

Wake up.

Gasping awake, I let out a deep cough. One that shakes my entire body and leaves my lungs rattling; throat scratching against itself as I drag in air. Leaning forward, I dry heave. My body hacking as I try to remove the water from my lungs.

When a hand falls onto my back and moves my hair from my face, it's then that I realize I'm no longer drowning. I'm no longer drinking water into my lungs. I can breathe.

I'm alive.

I really need to stop almost drowning. The thought pops into my head. The hand on my back makes small circles on my spine, shushing me and soothing my anxiousness. When I finally look up I see Arrow's worried face.

"Arrow?" I whisper. "Oh by the gods Thea, I thought you were dead!" She throws her arms around me and squeezes me tight. My body sings in pain but I keep quiet. I just want to hold her, to make sure this is real.

"Are you real?" I ask her softly. She laughs, "Of course I am. I'm real and I'm here." Arrow strokes my back comfortingly, her hands moving to my face as she sits next to me. "What the hell happened?" I blink, "No one told you?" She shakes her head. "No. One minute you guys were rushing out of here to find the crown. Then the next Kaz, Raven, Ryder and Fin just appeared in the house one day. No sign of you or Fawn. When I asked what the hell happened, no one had an explanation. Then suddenly Kaz vanished again and when he returned you were in his arms out cold."

I blink at her. So Augustus really did send them here. But why? And it was Kaz who's voice I heard before I feel into the darkness.

Meeting her eyes I decide to tell her what happened. I leave no detail out, watching her face change from anger, to horror, to pride and then back to anger. By the time I've told her everything, leaving out the Myra portion, Arrow sinks into the bed and lets out a sigh. "By the gods Thea... so you have it? You have the Blood Crown?"

I nod and touch a hand to the necklace on my neck. It hums to me when I touch it, alive and ready to be used.

She stares at it with bright eyes. "Wow." I nod. "Is Kaz around?" She smiles, "He's in a meeting right now but as soon as he's out I'll tell him you're awake and looking for him." I nod, "A meeting for what?"

She shrugs, "Who knows. High Lord political stuff is my guess. That or a strategy on how to defeat Augustus and Tara once and for all."
I groan, "I didn't kill him?" She gives a soft chuckel, "Sadly no. But you weakened him for sure. I think you've bruised his ego enough. He'll stay in hiding for the next while until he's ready to strike again."

I shrug, "I don't care. He should stay hidden forever." The malice in my voice is thick. I have never hated anyone before, but when it comes to Augustus Morningsong, I hate him. I want that male dead and for good.

"Thank you Arrow." I whisper to her as she stands up to leave. "For what?" I smile gently at her, "For being so good to me from the start. You remind me a lot of Rosemary, my friend from home."

I pause when I say this, feeling a sudden sadness creep through me. Home. I haven't been home in a very long time. I haven't heard anything from my family in a long time.

As if reading my thoughts Arrow comes back to my side and takes my hand, "We'll reach out to them again. Find them and see if we can get a meeting for you. I know you miss them. We will need their support if we're to beat Augustus once and for all."

I nod, but something tells me that it won't be easy. That my parents may not accept the meeting. As Arrow leaves the room and closes the door behind her, I suddenly get the feeling that my family, my home, has completely abandoned me. The crack that rips through my heart knows no bounds and I don't think there is anything anyone can do to fix it.

The door to my room slamming open jolts me awake. Rolling over with a groan, I force myself to sit up and face the door; growling, "What the hell is going on?" Blinking blearily at the figure storming towards me, I rub my eyes and ask, "Kaz, is that you?"

"Oh thank the gods you're up." He throws himself onto my bed, his arms wrapping around my neck as he pulls me into his chest.

"I wasn't sure if I got to you in time." Kaz's voice is soft, thick with tears and worry. His fingers trail through my hair and I feel him place a kiss to the top of my head.

Burying my face in his neck, I inhale deeply and feel the warmth flow through me at his familiar scent.

Like midnight and citrus. He always smells good. I missed him, the thought hits me like a thunderclap.

I missed this male more than I thought possible. "Kaz." I try to pull away to tell him this but he shushes me and holds me closer. "You don't need to explain anything, just stay here with me. I don't want to let this moment go."

My eyes fill with tears at his tone, the vulnerability in it. But I push against him anyways, I need to say this, but before I can he asks me, "Did you get it?" I blink and reach instinctively to the necklace around my neck.

"Yes." I whisper. "I got it. I have the crown." He blink at me, then lets his gaze fall to the necklace I'm clenching. "May I see it?" I nod and drop my hand. He holds the beautiful but delicate pendant in his hands. "How did you manage to make it look like this?"

"I don't remember. Myra just told me to hide it so I did. She told me a lot of things while I was sleeping."

He frowns and drops the pendant, meeting my eyes as he waits for me to continue. "Kaz... something terrible is coming. Something that you nor I can stop."
I inhale deeply remembering what Myra told, what she said. "Your brother, he's going to unleash the greatest monster this world has ever seen. He's going to summon Curseclaw, the Blood Demon. He's going to use that creature to get to me and the crown so that he can raise Xavier and become the most powerful fae alive. We won't be powerful enough to stop him if that happens. We must unite all four kingdoms. Together we can stop him. Together we are strong enough to defeat Augustus."

Kaz's face has gone pale at the mention of Curseclaw. "By the gods, he's gone insane. My sibling has officially lost it. Summoning a Blood Demon is the worst thing anyone can do. Those creatures, especially that particular one, is ruthless. Greedy, vengeful and full of hate that they stop at nothing or no one. It will ask for payment from my brother. I can only assume it will want to feed. Curseclaw has been changed in hell for many, many, centuries; left to starve and sit with his own wrath. If he gets unleashed, this world will perish. There will be nothing left but bloodshed and destruction."

I shiver, "We have to stop him Kaz. We have to." My voice shakes, filling with hysteria as the anxiety creeps into me. Reaching for my hands, Kaz squeezes them, placing a kiss to the back of my hands and whispering, "We will Thea. We will. For now we rest. Regroup, reach out to each Kingdom and see what we can do. We need every strength, every ounce of magic possible if we are to fight this next battle."

"I don't want to rest. There's no time for that." He chuckles at me, "Stubborn mate." I smirk, "Of course and you know I'm right."

Kazimir huffs a laugh, "I'm not disagreeing with you, but I do think rest is best. As much as I hate the idea of standing idle, we must regain our strength. We need numbers and power. More than you or I have combined." I know he's right but I hate it. I hate the thought of just laying here.

Once I would have given anything to have a day of rest. To just lounge about. Long gone are those days. Now it's a matter of life and death. Of protection the ones I love if I hope to ever see them again.

Nodding, I lean back against the headboard, letting my eyes fall closed as I take all this in. It's been such a long morning, and I haven't even gotten out of bed yet.

"You know, when I was worried that I lost you; I realized something important."

I don't open my eyes, but I smile to show him I'm listening. "What was that High Lord?"

"I realized," He purrs, his voice right next to my ear breath on my neck. Sending goosebumps skittering along my skin. "That I should have kissed you like it was the last time. I should have showed you what it's like to be treated as a queen. My queen." HIs words send heat flaring through me, pooling between my thighs and sending a knot of want to my core.

"Kaz..." I whisper, my voice thick. "What a shame it would be to not fulfill that right now." I swallow, my throat suddenly dry. "Yes it would be a shame." I manage to squeak out.

"Hmm..." He murmurs. Kaz's lips press against my skin, setting my skin ablaze. I can't keep control of myself for long. It's been forever since we were intimate last and I need this reprieve as much as he does.

"Kiss me." I whisper.

"Are you asking me?"

"No. I'm telling you. Kiss me right now, Kazimir Morningsong." When I open my eyes, I see the amber in his has been swallowed by black. His face tight with wanting and desire. "If I kiss you Thea, we're not stopping until our bodies give out." I can't help the moan that escapes me, my back arching at his words. He growls and pulls me closer, his teeth nipping into my shoulder, "Who said I wanted us to stop?"

"By the gods woman, you drive me crazy." I smile and place soft kisses into his neck, along his jaw, his cheek. "Show me." I whisper, "Show me how crazy I make you."

Kaz flicks his wrist and the door clicks shut, the curtains snap closed and suddenly the room is thrown into darkness, the only light coming from a lamp on the bedside table. Setting the room into romantic shadows and mysterious corners. It makes my skin burn even more.

"As you wish."

One minute I'm half sitting up, the next I'm laying on the bed, my clothes being stripped from me one by one. The process is slow and agonizing, making my need build. When Kaz is satisfied that he's made me ache enough, he places kisses upon my skin. His tongue sliding along my neck, down my collar bone. Between my breasts and down my stomach. My breath hitches in my throat. "Kaz..." I whisper. But he's focused, aiming for that bundle of nerves between my thighs.

It doesn't take him long to reach it. When he does, Kaz spreads my thighs open, his warm breath sending tingles along me. "Beautiful." He whispers, "Absolutely beautiful." Then he pulls every layer back and when the first stroke of his tongue touches me, I buck off the bed.

My sensitivity is at an all new high. It doesn't take long before he's licked and worked me so tightly that I'm crying out his name as I reach my climax. Sweat already beads along my skin, my chest heaving.

When I meet his eyes, they gleam, "Ready for round two?"

When he said we would go until our bodies gave out, he didn't lie. He meant it. It's been hours. Hours of sex and want and pleasure. Filling each other's needs until our bodies hurt and we're too sensitive to even move.

I think my legs have forgotten how to work.

We lay in satisfied silence for a long time, our breathing slowly returning to normal and our hearts slowing down.

When Kaz throws his arm over my side I can't even roll over to cuddle into him, but he doesn't complain. This is a moment of happiness, of joy. We don't need words to explain that to each other. We just simply are.

After another half hour of getting feeling back into my body, I groan as I force myself up; striding for the shower. Not bothering to grab clothes at all, I just turn the water on and wait for it to warm.

Standing before the mirror as the bathroom fills with steam, I admire my face. The sleepy look and the messy hair. The swollen lips and shining eyes. I've never been happier than I am right now, and we literally have death knocking on our door. But for now, I don't care. None of that matters.

Just this moment.

Just him and I, and whatever tiny moment of forever we just created.

I turn to the shower and step in, letting the warm water hit my skin. Letting it soothe my aching muscles and tired body. I lean one hand against the wall and my forehead too. A few minutes later, I hear Kaz join me. His hands go to my waist, his chest pressing into my back.

"Did I hurt you?" I laugh softly, shaking my head. "No. No you didn't. I'm just suddenly overwhelmed by how happy I feel in this moment. In this small fracture of time, I am happy. I don't want to let it go. I don't want it to end."

His fingers tug on my hips, turning me around. Once I'm facing him, Kaz hugs me to his chest and we stand there beneath the water, holding each other. Searing this moment to our memories, keeping it close to our hearts because who knows what the future holds. Who knows what could happen tomorrow.

Pulling away from Kaz I reach for the soap but he takes it from my hands and whispers, "Let me." So I stand there as he washes my body. Going over every inch of me until I'm covered in suds and suddenly it feels too hot in here again.

My body is already spent, but somehow there seems to be room for one more. One more climax, one more joining of souls and it seems that his body is feeling it too.

It doesn't take long before he's kissing me, grabbing my legs and hauling me up against his body. Placing me against the wall, Kaz bits my shoulder and then licks the pain away. The water beats down on us. Making it drip into our eyes.

He's not gentle with me this time. I don't even care. When Kaz enters me I let out a whimper which turns into a moan, hearing how ready I am for him. "Fuck Thea." He hisses. This round isn't long or overly romantic, but neither of us care.

By the time we're both shaking and roaring with release the water has gone lukewarm. Kaz releases me and places delicate kisses on my lips.

"I need to leave the shower before I do that again." I frown, "You're not staying to wash with me?" He growls, "Angel Heart, I would but you're too sexy for your own good." With a soft smile he leaves.

Once he's gone, I actually take a shower and feel somewhat refreshed after it. Grabbing a towel, I step out of the bathroom and see one of Kaz's shirts laying on the bed and a pair of my panties. Comfortable clothes to sleep in. I feel gratitude pool through me at the kind gesture.

Once I'm changed, I brush my hair, braid it and then lotion my skin. After everything is done, I lay down on the bed and let out a sigh. A few moments later Kaz enters the bedroom looking clean and smelling fresh.

Neither of us say much as we lay down together, our minds just as tired as our bodies. The light clicks off and the room is flooded into darkness, but I don't care. I just crave sleep. Good sleep this time. Not one filled with nightmares or visions, voices or drowning.

I just want to sleep and not be disturbed.

Kaz cuddles close, his arm wrapping around my waist and the other one going under my head. He smells amazing. His skin is soft. The amount of love I feel running through me for this man is insane.

Tell him. Tell him how you feel.

I should. I should take advantage of this moment and tell him because we may not have very many of them left. Rolling over I reach for Kaz's face and whisper to him, "I know our future together is uncertain. I know that we both want it but with your brother being such a loose cannon it's hard to hope for that life. So I just want to tell you this. I don't need forever with you, because it's moment like these that show me forever."

He's quiet for a while, his breathing deep and even. I think he's fallen asleep when suddenly Kaz pulls me tightly to him.

"That's the sweetest thing anyone has ever said to me."

"I mean it Kaz. As much as I would want forever with you, I don't need it because I get forever every time we kiss or make love. Everytime you look at me, I see forever in your eyes. I know that your heart belongs to me and that's all I need. Just you, by my side until the very end."

When I slide my hand across his face I feel tears sliding down his cheeks. I wipe them away, kissing his face before laying back down.

We fall back into a comfortable silence, listening to eachother breathe, our hearts pounding in our chest.

I start to hum, letting the old melody of the song my mother used to sing to me fill the room. I close my eyes and sing the words; letting Kaz hear them. Portraying to him how much he matters to me, how important he is.

When the song comes to an end his voice is thick when he says, "I love you Althea. I love you so much and I needed to say that before it was too late. I was going to say it before we left for the Kingdom of Wind but things went sideways after that and it just never happened. So I needed to tell you now. You don't have to say it back, I just wanted to tell you anyways."

I smile at him in the dark. My heart soaring in my chest. It's funny how love can hit you at the funniest times How it appears at the most improbable moments. But here, right now, there's love blooming in my chest. There's love filling this room and I don't want to waste another single second without telling him.

Kaz deserves to know how I feel and like him, I don't know if I'll get another opportunity. Exhaling, I whisper to him through the pressing darkness of the room, "Forever and ever and always, I love you Kazimir Morningsong." 

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