Among Misery (MHA AU)

By New_Hybrid

3.7K 72 51

Izuku Midoriya, who was born without was facing an endless amount of bullying and threats from others at scho... More

Chapter 1- Is This Misery?
Chapter 3- The Deal of Misery
Chapter 4- Seeking Recompense
Chapter 5- Path to a Real Family
Chapter 6- Hope for the Better
Chapter 7- First Step Alone
Chapter 8- New Sense of M̶i̶s̶e̶r̶y̶ Purpose
Chapter 9- The Naive Fool
Chapter 10- To Live is to Suffer
Chapter 11- Reminiscing
Chapter 12- Late Reawakening
Chapter 13- End of Phase One: "I Accept"
Chapter 14- Starting Today
Chapter 15- Things Will Be Different

Chapter 2 - New Bonds Meet an Old One

431 7 4
By New_Hybrid

A few days had finally passed by before Mitsuki was finally on her way to pick up Izuku. While waiting for her to arrive, Izuku had already been through the process of cremating his mother. Ever since that day, any free time Izuku had, he spent it in a dark room holding onto the container of his mother's ashes, never speaking a word to another individual. He never went back to school after that, not like the other students and teachers would notice or care. So in the meantime Izuku was provided shelter till Mitsuki arrived to pick him up.

When Mitsuki had heard of Inko's passing, she immediately left the trip she was on with her husband far from the city. Her husband went along, knowing how urgent this was to her. It's been awhile since he's seen her cry like that.

Mitsuki had finally arrived to the location where she would pick up Izuku. She also dropped off her husband at their house to prepare a room for him. Mitsuki in a hasty manner parked her vehicle. She closed the door to her car and locked it with her car keys as she ran inside the building. She looked for the front desk and after spotting it made her way there.

"Hey, I'm here to pick up a boy called Izuku Midoriya, he has big green hair and-" said Mitsuki in a frantic manner.

"Okay ma'am, don't worry, we have the kid your talking about. But, he hasn't said a word so don't expect him go talk" said the woman as she asked someone to bring Izuku.

After a few minutes, Mitsuki was sitting at a chair, figeting with her hands as she waited. While she waited, she thought on what the lady at the desk said about Izuku, it worried her. Finally, Izuku arrived and once Mitsuki saw him she ran up to him, kneeling infront of him and grabbing his shoulders.

"Izuku! I'm so sorry it took me days to arrive but I'm here now" said Mitsuki looking at him.

Izuku looked up for a few seconds then looked back down at the glass container. Mitsuki looked back down at it, and noticed once he read the name on the vase. It was enough to bring Mitsuki to tears and bring Izuku in for a hug. Izuku would also let some tears trail down her face and onto her shoulders.

The two were now on their way home, with most of the drive being quiet. Izuku was sitting in the passenger seat next to Mitsuki, still holding the container. Mitsuki would try to start conversations with Izuku to try and break the silence but no luck in making Izuku converse with her yet. It didn't help that Izuku himself was also not excited about having to live with his past bully.

"You know Izuku, I've known Inko ever since highschool. We were honestly really close friends and hanged out a lot of the time after school. We did almost everything together. Im honestly surprised she managed to keep up with my troubling attitude back then,but was fun. After we finished Highschool we went to the same college together as well. Like I said,  we were close. But when we entered out adult life,  we got busy with out own things such as jobs and serious relationships. It wasn't like Highschool or college where we would hang out everyday, but we still kept in touch" Said Mitsuki getting nostalgic at reliving the memories.

Izuku was paying close attention to every word she said and looked up at her as she told her stories about her and his mom. He noticed just how close she was with his mother, that he wasn't the only one who cared for his mother. Mitsuki looked at him back and gave him a small smile, happy to see him so invested in her stories with Inko.

"Your mother and I made a promise to eachother, that if anything would ever happen to us, we would always be there to support and help eachother. That included taking care of eachothers children as if they were our own. So Izuku, I will keep my promise to your mother, I'll make sure your mother sees you grow up to be an amazing man" said Mitsuki with some small tears at the corner of her eyes.

Izuku was shocked by how much of that Mitzuki really meant. He could feel that she genuinely meant that, she wasn't like every other adult that would lie to his face to make him feel better. For once other than his mother, another adult truly cared for Izuku. It was ebough to have tears form on Izuku's eyes. It even surprised Mitsuki to see him react like this. Izuku raised his hands to dry off the tears with his sleeves.

"Mrs. Bakugou-" said Izuku speaking out loud finaly.

"No need to be formal, call me Mitsuki" said Mitsuki happy that Izuku is talking to her.

"M-Mitsuki, thank you. For telling me everything and... for taking me in. I'm glad that it's you, who will look after me" said Izuku giving her a small grin.

Mitsuki couldn't help but smile back at him.

"Of course Izuku, I'm glad to have you too, and that you trust me" said Mitsuki.

The two would continue to converse more with eachother as they continued to make their way home, to Izuku, his new home. Izuku would listen to more stories about her and his mother, enjoying every word told. It was an amazing start to their new bond all things considered.

The two had finally arrived home with Mitsuki parking the car nearby. Izuku and Mitsuki got out of the car, grabbing anything else with them. With everything, the two started walking to the house, still talking with each other. Once the two got to the door, Mitsuki looked for the keys in her bag and once grabbing it, she unlocked the door as they rattled with the other things hooked to the key.

"Come on in Izuku" said Mitsuki letting Izuku in first with a smile.

Izuku walked in as he looked inside, surprised at how big their house is. Izuku then placed his mother's container at a nearby table to take off his shoes and place then near the entry door, where Mitsuki would place her's too. Out of the kitchen, suddenly came out Mitsuki's husband. Katsuki bakugou was no where to be found since it was still school hours.

"Oh you must be Izuku Midoriya, nice to meet you kid, I'm Masaru Bakugou" he said introducing himself and putting his hand out.

"Y-Yeah, nice to meet you Mr- I mean Masaru" said Izuku changing his sentence at the end and reaching for his hand shake.

"Ah, good to see you feel comfortable to call my by my given name" said Masaru chuckling at the end as he shook Izuku's hand.

Izuku could how kind and formal the handshake was. It is an out of nowhere thought but Izuku doesn't remember the last time he's had a nice formal handshake, or any formal physical contact in general. After getting the news of not receiving his quirk, Izuku had received nothing but verbal and physical abuse. But in just one day, he's gotten more kindness from others in a whole year.

"And, I'm sorry to hear about your mother. I've met her a few times, mostly in college since since that's when I met Mitzuki. But I could tell she was a kind caring woman, based on how defensive she was for Mitsuki when I first talked to her" said Masaru not trying to bring things down.

"Oh yeah, Mitsuki told me stories how my mom acted around you at first. And thank you" commented Izuku.

"I see my wife has told you stories about then two, an unbreakable duo" said Masaru.

"Yeah, I told him a few, still a lot more good stories left to tell though" said Mitsuki looking back at the container, reading the name and smiling sweetly. "Hey, how about we set up a small altar for your mother?"

"I would love that, thank you" said Izuku with a genuine smile.

"I'll start making some room to set it up" said Masaru.

For the next few minutes, the three of them would spend their time setting up a proper memorial alter for Inko. They even went through the trouble of going out to buy some other supplies to furnish it. As well as getting a proper photo printed from Izuku's phone and to get the right frame. The photo was the last picture Izuku took with his mother, during is fifteenth birthday. His mother in the photo had the most happiest smile Izuku has seen.

After only a few hours, the memorial altar for Inko Midoriya was finally finished. It was placed at a good spot in the living room where it could be seen by everyone. Mitsuki put the last touches in lighting the candles they placed next to it.

All three of them then got on their knees infront of it, and respectfully put their hands together. Closing their eyes as they said Inko's name in their heads, along with some thoughts they'd wish to say to her.

'Mom, if you can hear me...I'm sorry I couldn't do anything to save you, and that I almost reached a point of ending it all, but... you changed that. I couldn't ask for a better mother in the whole world. I want to say thank you, and that, I'll be in good hands with your friend. Thanks mom, and goodbye' Thought Izuku feeling like he got the chance to get a proper goodbye.

With that, the three of them opened their eyes and stood back up, looking at the image as the candle flames danced. Izuku began to get teareyes but Mitsuki grabbed him into a hug with her left him. The two looked at eachother with a comforting smile. Masaru also placed his hand over Izuku's big hair, like he's saying that everything will be alright.

However, while they were having their moment, the entrance door handle handle rattled. The door was swung open and once the individual stepped in and closing the door behind him with his  foot as he carried his school bag.

"Hey mom, dad! I'm home already" spoke out Katsuki Bakugou as he began to take off his shoes.

Once Bakugou was putting his shoes away, he froze when he saw a pair of red shoes next to his parents' shoes. He gave good confused and startled look at the shoes, taking a few minutes to himself before realizing whose shoes they are.

"Hey mom! Why the hell are these shoes here?" Yelled out Bakugou as he walked to the living room and froze again from what he saw.

Izuku and the parents turned to face Katsuki as he stared back at them. At that time, he dropped his school bag as he stared down at Izuku not entirely believing he was actually at his own house.

"Ah welcome back Katsuki, did you actually close the door with your hands or did you use your feet again?" Questioned Mitsuki knowing his son's habit.

Katsuki didn't reply till a couple seconds later. He hardly payed attention to her as he was still trying to put it together in his head.

"Yeah sure, but...what is he doing here?" Asked Katsuki.

"Oh yeah, Izuku Midoriya will be staying with us from now on-"

"Why the hell's that?" Said Katsuki cutting off his dad wanting an answer, but he didn't sound like he was about to explode with rage.

Izuku was beggining to move to the side as memories of the endless bullying from Bakugou rushed into his head. He was having too much of a good time spending it with his parents that he forgot the worst part about this. Izuku took shaky steps before suddenly bolting  out of the room and into his new room. He stepped in the room closing the door right after, breathing heavily.

Once his breathing was calm, he laid back against the wall, slowly sliding down against it and hitting the ground. He looked up but could only see a dim light from the sun setting outside through his window. Izuku was feeling confused, not know how he should be feeling. He feels glad to have been accepted by Mitsuki and Masaru, more than happy actually. But, he doesn't know hoe to feel knowing he'd have to live with his past tormentor. Izuku brought his legs near him and placed his  arms on top of them, then rested his head.


Izuku had just finished his dinner and was heading back to his room. He won't lie, it was honestly awkward and filled with an odd tension. Funny how quickly the mood changed, Izuku thought still feeling confused over the whole ordeal. When Izuku was heading to his room preparing to go to bed, he was stopped by someone.

"Midoriya, got a minute" said Bakugou walking in the same way.

Izuku didn't turn to face him, but still replied back.

"Depends, what is it?" said Izuku.

Bakugou took a sigh before leaning against the hallway wall. He could easily tell that Izuku was hesitant to talk to him, so he had to make it quick.

"I... I heard about the whole situation and... I'm so-"

"I'll have to cut you off there..." Said Izuku interrupting Bakugou, even catching him off-guard "I don't want to hear it... I can't, not from you"

Izuku didn't look at Bakugou since he leaned his head against his door. He opened it and didn't look back at Bakugou. He closed the door, not wanting to speak to him again, how can he? But all Bakugou was thinking right now, is how he can fix things...for the better.


Well, it took a while but I finally got the second chapter done, hope you all enjoyed. I will like to say that there will be some major difference in the whole story time-line from this story to the canon one. Next chapter or the next few I'll probably go over them, but I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Anyways, please leave a fallow and a star if you did enjoy.

Hope to see you again next time!

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