The sad love story

By Isoocha_0hj

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Y/n Black is a 17 year old girl who goes on hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry. Her best friend is Pa... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 23
Chapter 23 pt. 2
Chapter 23 pt. 3
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29

Chapter 22

1.3K 19 11
By Isoocha_0hj

I have been here for an week, they're starving me, i get one meal every 2 day, and they like to torture me, i don't know why.

Some of the men have even tried to rape me, they keep saying they will come back when im weaker and can't fight them.

I gotta be honest, i'm scard as fuck. I wish i was dead to be honest.

The most of the time im alone, it makes me slowly go crazy.

Mattheo pov.

It have been a week without Y/n, i keep getting nightmares where i see her dead body infront of me, the other day her father was here,


I sit on the hallway with Draco, Theo and Pansy, none of us are saying anything, we know if we do it will reminds us of Y/n and that shit is just too hard.

"YOU COULD HAVE SAFED HER, SHE SAID HE WAS GONNA KILL HER AND YOU DID NOTHING!" A man yells, i turn my head and see Y/n's father, "HARRY TOLD YOU WHAT SHE SAID THE NIGHT OF THE YULE BALL, YOU COULD HAVE DONE SOMETHING!" He yells at Dumbledore. Harry. Ever since he read his letter he havn't been the same, i wonder what Y/n wrote in it, probably the truth behind their relationship cause Potter have been really angry, it's like theres a dark cloud over him.

I fell bad for Y/n's dad i truely does, Y/n was the last family he had back. It must be hard now that she's dead.

End of Flashback.

For the past days i have been drinking much to forget about the pain for a moment. Theo is drinking with me most of the time while Draco and Pansy is trying to stop us by saying 'If Y/n could see you now she would be sad' They also try to hide our alcohol or steal it.

I know it's bad for me but i just wanna forget about Y/n's death, i wanna forget that she isn't here anymore. But i can't, every night the nightmares come and hunt my dreams.

I like to sit up in the astromony tower looking at the moon, but the moon is split in half, the stars are crumple, falling like fireworks into the sea. My world falled apart that day she became a gohst.

There is nothing worse than finally meeting the love of your life, and really thinking that maybe this could work out and then they die before you even can explore it.

It feels like the world is ending. But it's not cause i wake up to the same each morning, just another day without her. Without her smile, her laugh, her soft hugs. The way her eyes shine when she laughs or smile. It's gone, she's gone. And there's nothing i can do to bring her back.

3 months later.

Y/n Pov.

"Im Y/n Black, 17 years old, Hogwarts student, Slytherin house Sirius and Melinda Black's daugther sister to David and Felix Black" I mumble to myself, i have done that for the past 2 months to keep remebering who i am.

For the past 3 months i have been starved, raped and almost tortured to death. And theres nothing i can do.

The cell door opens,

"You will get some company princess" A male voice sound, i quickly look up with fear in my eyes, three people are standing by the door and then a goblin? Wired. "James will come down later" The man says with a smirk or i can't see his face but i know he's smirking.

(Instand of Malfoy manor, Luna and the others are going to Riddle manor btw hope it makes sence)

He then close the door and leave the two people and the goblin down with me, one of them walk over to my cell,

"Hello there" She says, i know that voice, but from where? "Im Luna Lovegood, who are you?" She asks in her dreamy voice, Luna, the wired Ravenclaw girl, before i can answer the goblin starts yelling,

"GET AWAY FROM THERE!" He yells, Luna take one last look into my cell and go over to the others.


The door opens and light comes in, i already know it's James, he walks over to my cell and unlock it,

"I got you some clean clothes" He says in his deep voice, i fell my body starts to shake from fear, he walks over to me and pull me up, he then starts taking my clothes off and put the new on. Wow he didn't rape me, my lucky day i guess, "I know what your thinking" He says annoyed and slap me hard, i groan in pain and fall down to the floor.

He then walk back out and leave me alone with my new cell mates,

"Are you okay?" Luna asks, i don't answer i just crawl over to my bed and pull my legs up to my cheest, "How long have you been here?" I don't answer.


Luna, Olivander and the goblin have been here for a month, they have heard me being tortured and raped, they have been tortured as well just not as much at me,

The door opens and two people are being pushed inside, the door then closes again, one of them get some light on, how?

"WHO'S THERE!" The other yells into the dark, i flinch at the loud noice and move my legs up to my chest,

"Harry Potter?" Luna asks,

"Luna?" Harry asks, i try to move further away from the light, i can't face Harry, not after what i did to him,

"Who's in there?" Ron asks pointing at me,

"We don't know, she never talks" Luna answers, Harry grabs the light and walks over to me,

"Hello, im Harry Potter, who are you?" He asks me with a soft voice, should i tell him, maybe he can get me out, i take a deep breath,

"Y/n" I say low, i see him flinch by the mention of my name, "Y/n Black" He drops the light on the floor,

"Who is she?" Ron asks, Harry don't answer he just keeps staring at me but he can't see my face of the dark,

"Y-Y/n?" He asks, i fell tears burn in my eyes,

"I-im so so so sorry" I mumble almost crying,

"It's Y/n" Harry tells the others, i hear Luna gasp loud,

"We need to get her out of here, they have done unthinkable things to her!" She says, just like that a loud pop comes into the room,

"Dobby what are you doing here?" Harry asks the houseelf,

"Saving Harry Potter and his friends ofcourse" Dobby answers, just like that the door opens and Dobby disapers,

Three death eaters enters the room, one of them graps the goblin the two others walks over to my cell puching Harry away, they unlock the door and walks over to me, they grab me by my arms and drag me with them. They take me upstairs, this is the first time i have leaved my cell in four months.

They take me and the goblin into the living room where Bellatrix is laying over a girl, Hermione, Hermione widen her eyes as she sees me,

"Y-Y/n?" She asks, i look around but my eyes stop at a blonde guy, Draco, his eyes widen too like Hermiones, he looks bad, or he looks good in his black suit but the rest of him looks bad, i can't imagine how i must look,

"Come here with the girl" Bellatrix says, i notice blood i dripping down from Hermione's arm as i get push forward Bellatrix, she grabs me and chain me to some chains from the cealing, "Now you're gonna see what real torture is" She says to Hermione and turns to me, before i can blink she hits me hard, i don't do anything, im used to it, "Crusio!" She says pointing her wand at me, i can't help but scream out loud, Bellatrix starts laughing and stops the curse, she then takes her knife she used on Hermione and stab it into my shoulder, i scream again, she don't take the knife out, why?

I look over her shoulder and see Harry and Ron, i don't know what happened next cause i passed out.

"HOW COULD YOU LET THEM DO THAT TO YOUR BEST FRIEND, FOR MONTHS!?" I hear Harry yell at Draco, im laying in Ron's arms.

And just like that we all apperts away, i look confused around, we are at a beach with a house a little away, Ron starts running with me with Harry, Hermione and Dobby behind us.

As he get to the house he storms in,

"WE NEED HELP!" He yells while laying be on the chouch,

"What's going on!?" A red head asks, Bill Weasley,

"Who is that?" A woman asks, Fleur,

"Y/n Black" Harry answers cold, Fleur throw her hand over her mouth in shock,

"We need to tell Sirius!" Bill says,

"Maybe later right now we need to help her!" Hermione says, Fleur walks over to me and slowly pull the knife out of me, she then mumbles some healing spells to heal the cut.

"She needs a shower" She says low, Harry and Hermione walks upstairs to get a bath ready for me while Ron and Luna explains everything,

"Im pretty sure she's pregnant" Luna says out of no where while looking at me,

"What makes you think that?" Bill asks her,

"I can fell the heartbeat, they did rape her without protection in there" She answers,

"They did what!?" Harry asks from the stairs, his voice is not cold anymore it's full of anger and hate,

"They raped her" Luna repets, i fell tears burn in my eyes,

"Y/n is that true!?" Harry asks me, i don't answer, "It is isn't it?"

"Y-yes" I mumble low, Fleur starts crying,

"W-who long was you there?" She asks while holding my hand,

"4 months, i think"

"We need to get her to st. Mungos" Fleur says with a worried look,

"No, death eaters are probably looking for her, it's best if she stay here" Bill says,

"We should tell Sirius!" Fleur says, Bill nods and sends a petrunoms.

After a short time a loud pop sounds, Sirius and Molly is standing in the middle of the living room,

"WHERE IS SHE!?" Dad yells, Bill point over at me, dad runs over to me, "I-it can't be you died" He say with tears in his eyes,

"I wish i did" I mumble,

"Don't say that dear!" Molly says with her hand over her mouth, i don't answer,

"The bath is ready" Hermione says from the end of the stairs, Fleur and dad slowly helps me up,

"There you go nice and slow" Dad mumbles, as he helps me up the stairs, Molly and Fleur is right behind us. We enter the bathroom it's full of naturl light, a big bathtub is infront of the big window,

"Do you want us to help you dear?" Molly asks, i nod my head in a yes,

"I will be downstairs" Dad says sending me one last look, Molly and Fleur slowly takes my clothes on, when im fully naked they stare at me in shock, i look at my own body in the mirror, it's full of dirt, dry blood, cuts, scars and bruisses, my stomach is kinda big, maybe Luna is right maybe im pregnant, but i don't wanna be.

I turn my back to them and slowly goes into the warm water.


I slowly take the outfit Fleur have found to me on it's just some sweatpants and an hoodie. I then slowly go downstairs, everyone stares at me,

"What?" I ask them annoyed,

"Your a death eater?" Dad asks,

"Oh you wanna take that talk now" I ask even more annoyed,

"Yes" He answers plain,

"I am" I answer, "Remebering the day on st. Mungos? Mother and the dark lord tortured me until i said yes" I say low, no one says anything they just sit and stare at me,

"You wrote in my letter that you didn't want to date me, you made it seem so real that you loved me" Harry says low,

"I didn't want to, but if i didn't do it he would kill me, im sorry i truely am" I mumble looking down at the floor,

"A healer will come looking at you" Molly says, just as she said that a pop and a woman comes into the room,

"Hello miss Black, please lay down on the chouch" She says to me, i do as she says and lay down, she starts touching me and mumbling spells, "Okay i can tell that you are 4 months pregnant" She says, everyone gasps,

"Can you see who the father is?" Molly asks, the healer mumbles some spells again,

"It's Mattheo Riddle" She says low,

"W-what?" I ask confused, Mattheo?

"Did he rape you!?" Dad asks,

"N-no" I whisper, silence, "I-i need to see him, please"

"Y/n you can't he's a death eater!" Dad says,

"So what, so am i!" I say pulling up my sleave so they can see the mark,

"Y/n death eaters have tortured you for months, you need to stay here, where your safe" Molly says,


"Y/n relax" Dad says, i need a wand, where is there a wand, i look around and see one on the table, i quickly sit up and grab it, "Y/N LAY THE WAND DOWN!" Dad yells, by whole body starts shaking from the yelling.

I quickly appert away, i look around, im in Hogsmade, theres pictures of me in the windows, wanted no. 1

The death eaters are looking for me, just like that i get pulled into a house,

"What do you think your doing, they are looking after you!" An old man says, Dumbledore?

"Who the hell are you?" I ask him,

"Aberforth Dumbledore" He answers,

"Oh" I mumble, i look around, this place is wired i don't think i have been here before, i can't stay here i need to find Mattheo, "I need to get to Hogwarts" I tell him, he starts laughing, "It's not funny help me!"

"If you go to Hogwarts you will be dead in seconds" He say and keep laughing,

"Please help me!" I beg him,

"You need some food" He answers and go out to the kitchen, i fell like screaming at him i can't stay here, i need to find Mattheo! "Here you go" He say and place a plate with some bread on the table, by the sight of food i realice how hungry i am, i sit down and starts eating, while the old man keeps looking out of the window, "You can stay here" He mumbles when im done. He then follows me to a room.


It have been 2 weeks since i got out of Riddle manor, im slowly recovering, Aberforth and i are eating dinner when the door opens and three people comes inside, i quickly hide under the table,

"Harry Potter?" Aberforth asks, FUCK! "You can come up" He tells me, i take a deep breath and get up from the floor, Harry, Hermione and Ron widen their eyes in shock,

"Surprise" I mumble and continue eating,

"What the fuck are you doing here!?" Harry asks,

"Eating" I answer plain, Harry turns to Aberforth,

"We need to get into Hogwarts" He tells him,

"Like i said to miss Black you will get yourself killed if you go to Hogwarts" Aberforth answers,

"Look your brother send us on a mission we need to go to the school" Harry says. This covastion is really fucking bornig.

(Sorry i really don't wanna write it)

A little while later the woman in the painting comes back but with someone, who is it?

The picture move aside and reveal Neville Longbottom,

"Sup guys!" He says happy, his eyes land on me,

"Alright lets go" Harry says, i get up too no fucking way im staying here,

"Miss Black you stay here!" Aberforth says,

"No fucking way" I answer,

"I have warned you, now it's your own fault when you get killed" He say annoyed,

"I will miss you too" I say and jump up to Harry, Hermione, Ron and Neville, they all keep some distant to me.

We walk sometime until Neville stop,

"Wait here" He tell us, and leave, "I have a surpise for you all!" He says, the fuck, "Come guys!" He whisper yell to us, i keep standing when the others walk up to Neville,

"OMG HARRY!" Someone yells they all burst into applize, maybe this was wrong of me, i should go back, i don't even know if Mattheo is here, how will he react when he sees me, will he be mad?

"Y/n are you coming?" Neville asks me,

"Oh yea sorry" I answer and walk up to him, everyone fell silent as they see me,

"She's alive!" I look around the room and see it's full of beds, are they sleeping here? What about their dorms?

"Y/n what are you doing here?" Ginny asks me,

"Is Mattheo here?" I ask her, she nods her head in a yes, "Do you know where?"

"He's in his dorm" Harry answers behind me, i turn around and look at him wired,

"Thank you?" I answer and run out of the room, theres no one on the hallway, i starts running down to the Slytherin dorms. Just as im about to turn a cornor i hear voices,

"I can't belive you did that!" Pansy's voice sounds, she sounds happy. Maybe she is happy without me. Her and another girl turn the cornor and stop infront of me, their arms are locked like we used to do. Did she replace me? I did tell her to move on but i didn't think she would do it so fast,

"Y-Y/n?" She asks with tears in her eyes,

"Yea sure whatever, forget you saw me" I answer and keep running to find Mattheo,

"Y/N!" Pansy yells after me, i just keep running until i stand infront of the common room,

"Pure-blood" I mumble, nothing, what the fuck could it be, "Dark lord" I mumble, the door opens, suckers.

I go in there's no one in the common room, i run up the stairs to the boy dorms until i stand infront of Mattheo's, what the fuck am i gonna say. Oh hi Mattheo it's me Y/n, yea i didn't die and now im pregnant with your baby.

I can't fucking say that, just as im about to leave the door opens and reveal Mattheo, i widen my eyes in shock,

"What the fuck is going on!?" He asks looking at me,

"Hi" I mumble not looking at him,

"Is it really you?" He asks, i nod my head in a yes,

"Or it depens on who you think i am" I answer with a little laugh,

"Y/n?" He asks,


"But you died, i saw you die"

"I don't know what happened i think i just pased out when i woke up i got throwned into a cell and have been there since" I answer, he looks at my stomach,

"Are you pregnant?" He asks, i look up at him,

"How dare you!" I say loud and throw my hand on my heart,

"Omg im so sorry!" He answer with panic in his voice, i can't help but laugh,

"I messing with you, yes im pregnant"

"W-who is it?" He asks nervous,

"Yours" I answer looking down at the floor again,

"Are you sure!?" He asks with hope in his voice,

"Yea im sure" I answer low, he pull me into a big hug,

"God i have missed you!" He says into my hair,

"I have missed you too" I mumble, he pull away and drag me into his dorm, there is empty bottels everywhere, "Seems like you didn't take my death too well"

"Im sorry, you told me to move on but i coulden't" He answer,

"Don't think about it" I whisper and hug him tight i look up at him and see a tear rolling down his face, "Heeeey don't cry, im alright, im here now" I whisper and hug him even tighter,

"I know" He whispers, "I just can't belive it's you"


3249 words

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