Yours to take

By bldiehardfan

59.4K 2.5K 1K

"I liked her"........."But did you really like her or..... were you just used to making yourself like her?" ... More

chapter 1
chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
chapter 24
chapter 25
chapter 26
chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33

chapter 2

3K 109 35
By bldiehardfan

*Lunch break*
Andriettes' pov~

I saw an empty by the window so I came and sat here. I was looking out of the window thinking about my parents. Idk how they are without me. I wanted to study here in Japan so I worked my ass off for that and they supported me in my decision though being a bit worried. Huh*sigh* I haven't been able to call them since I came here because I had a lot to do to settle down here. i will call them right after the school.

I was just thinking that when I heard someone's voice saying hello to me. I turned around and was surprised to see three boys standing there. "Umm did you say hello to me?" I was confused so I asked them. "Well yes" the one with the round specs replied. "ohhh Hello to you guys too" i stood up and greeted them with a smile. 'Now what should I say?' i thought to myself. 'Am i going to mess this time too?' i became sad thinking about the times I messed the conversation up. To be true I'm an introvert person and i don't know how to start a conversation with someone.(a/n: my true personality(⁠╥⁠﹏⁠╥⁠)). "Well let us introduce ourselves" the specs guys spoke again "I'm Nobita, this is Suneo and you already must know him" he said pointing to the boy who came to the class with me in the morning. "Welcome to Japan" they said. "Umm yes, Thank you very much (•͈⁠ᴗ⁠•͈⁠)" i thank them. "You looked lonely looking out of the window so I brought my friends with me to greet you" Nobita spoke. "Really?" I asked. "Yes, you did" Suneo replied "Ohh(⁠ ⁠╹⁠▽⁠╹⁠ ⁠)", then i saw Kaito extending his hand. "Will you be our friend?" He asked. My heart was filled with sudden warmth when he asked this. I looked at Nobita and Suneo they both were smiling. "Yes, I would love to" We all shook hands. And then the bell rang.

Nobitas' pov~

We came over to her seat and greeted her but she looked surprised and confused. well she must not be expecting us to come to her. She asked if we were saying hello to her to that I replied in a yes. Then she stood up and greeted us back. She went silent and became sad.'what is she thinking about?', To lighten up her mood i spoke again and introduced ourself and then I, Suneo and Kaito welcomed her here in Japan. I told her that she looked lonely when she was looking out of the window. Suneo also agreed. I looked at Kaito who was standing beside me silently and signaled him. He understood and extended his hand asking her to be our friend. She said that she would love it, we shook ours hands till then the bell rang and we went back to our seats.

*Time skip*
After school~

The bell rang and we started packing up our bag. I looked at Kaito who was also tidying up and asked " Kaito I wanted to introduce my siblings and other friends to you, will you come with us?" He looked hesitant. "Ohh you don't have to meet them if you don't want. I just thought it would be nice to have more friends in our group" i said reassuring him. "N-no it's not that I don't want to but I'm nervous about meeting them" he said. "Ah there's no need to be nervous they are all nice" i said with a smile. "Hey let's take Andriette too" Suneo said. "Yes why not, let's go ask her too" i said and we went to her. She was looking at her phone. I called her to gain her attention and looked at Suneo. "Andriette we wanna introduce to you guys our other friends. Do you wanna come with us?" Suneo asked. "Of course why not?" she answered "but i need to make a phone call so you guys can walk ahead". "Ok but come fast" we replied and went ahead.

Andriettes' pov~

I told them to go ahead and came out of the class into the hallway and called mom. I was talking to mom when I glanced into our classroom through the hallway window and saw two girls kissing. I looked back into the hallway and went ahead letting them enjoy. After the call ended i started looking for those three. I spotted them with a group. They must be the people Nobita and Suneo wanted to introduce. I called Nobita and went over to him. But what's with this atmosphere, "did i intrupt something?"i asked him whispering.

Third person's pov~

Nobita and Suneo brought Kaito with them. He called his brother and everyone looked towards them. "Brother you know i made two new friends today" Nobita told him and he got a pat from his brother. Kaito was right behind Nobita and Suneo so others can't see him."Ohh really?You didn't bring them to introduce to us?" Daiken asked. Then both stepped aside so that they can see him. Daiken was mesmerized. He was staring at Kaito without even blinking and so did Kaito(cliché right?(⁠.⁠ ⁠❛⁠ ⁠ᴗ⁠ ⁠❛⁠.⁠)). But their moment got interrupted by Andriette.

Nobita's pov~

Me and Suneo steped aside so that others could see Kaito as he was hiding behind our backs. But what is this? Why do I feel like love's in the air all of a sudden? I looked at Kaito and brother, they were staring at each other. Why does it seem like time have stopped for them? That's when someone called me and they both stopped their staring contest. I turned around and saw Andriette coming over to me. "Hey did i intrupt something?"she asked me whispering. "Maybe or maybe not" i answered. "Huh?" She got confused. "Well i myself don't know" i replied."ohh". Then i spoke "These are my new friends, This is Kaito and this is Andriette" I introduced them to the other and the others to them.
"Hello" both greeted. "They are new and today was the first day of theirs at our school" I told them. All welcomed them. "Now we will have two more members in our group, yay!" Daiya spoke up excitedly. "Huh? but" Andriette was about to say something but Daiya cut her off. "Won't you guys join us?" asked Daiya giving puppy eyes to them. "But how can we" Kaito replied. "Ohh no need to be nervous you two. If you want you can join our group" Brother said reassuring them. "Ok then, we will be in your care" both replied. "Now we have four girls in our group including me, yay!!" said Daiya. "Yeah we do" Brother said patting her head. "But i see only three including me" Andriette said confused. "We have one more" i replied. "Ohh yea where is shizuka-chan?" i asked others looking for her. "I'm here Nobita-chan" someone said from behind.

Daiken's pov~

We all were waiting for Nobita and Suneo at the school gate when i heard his voice from behind. I turned to him, he & Suneo were walking side by side, he looked excited for some reason. "Brother you know i made two new friends today" he said happily. 'He looks so happy' i thought. "Ohh really?You didn't bring them to introduce to us?" I asked. But he didn't reply and instead they steped aside and there was a boy there. I looked or maybe unknowingly stared at him 'He is beautiful' i thought *lup-dub* *lup-dub* *lup-dub* 'but what's this? Why is my heart beating like this?'. I got out from my daze when someone called for Nobita. I looked at that direction and saw a girl coming over to us. Hmm why does it feel like i have seen her before? She came to Nobita and whispered something to him and he whispered back. What are they whispering? i thought. Then Nobita introduce them to us. Till then Daiya spoke up excitedly "Now we will have two more members in our group, yay!". I looked at both of them they looked nervous? Does they think they are not welcomed in the group? "Ohh no need to be nervous you two. If you want you can join our group" i told them. Daiya looked so happy that we got another girl in our group. "Ohh yea where is shizuka-chan?" Nobita asked. Well we didn't see her too since morning. "I'm here Nobita-chan" said Shizuka while coming over to us.

Andriettes' pov~

Daiya said there are now four girls including herself in the group but I could see only three so I asked them. Nobita said that we have one more girl member and asked about the person named Shizuka. I think that's the other girl's name. Then a voice came from behind. When I looked back, my eyes widened.

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