Transformers Prime: The Decep...

By SV9010

25.2K 719 93

After the death of Enigma, the Deceptions have stopped at nothing to get revenge on the Autobot that killed h... More

Chapter 1 Aftermath
Chapter 2 What happened?
Chapter 3 The 'Talk' with the Murders
Chapter 4 United
Chapter 5 Discovery
Chapter 6 Retrieved
Chapter 7 The Fall of a Hero and the Rise of a Legend
Chapter 8 Returning home
Chapter 9 The End of the War
Chapter 10 Wake up Prank... Again!
Chapter 11 The Oath
Chapter 12 The Surprise
Chapter 13 New Bonds
Chapter 14 Reunion
Chapter 15 The Renewal of Sparkmates
Chapter 16 Wreckers
Chapter 17 Dinobots and Autobot reunion
Chapter 18 The End?

IT'S HERE!!!!!!!!!

1.9K 29 3
By SV9010

Creator: Welcome one and all to book 2 of........ Transformers Prime!

*Clapping, shouting/ screaming at Creator*

Xena: Welcome back everyone.

Creator: Xena, why aren't you more excited! People have been asking for the sequel and your so calm!

Xena: Well, my tale isn't over yet and I do wish for more support on another book about my tales and how I slay that good for nothing SON OF A-

Creator: XENA! 

*Creator Force shuts her mouth and pushes her off screen*

Creator: Apologize everyone, but there is a specific rule. NO SWEARING WHILE RECORDING!

Xena: Mphmnmhphs!

Creator: *Smiling sinisterly* Now, will you say that again?

*Xena shakes her head multiple times in fright at the darker side of her Creator*

Creator: Great! Now here you go!

Xena: Mpha! Okay note to self, never swear here unless said so.

Creator: Now, how about we begin our story before the Decepticons burst in and demand questions from me since they have been asking for revenge for the past month for her death. Anyways please enjoy and leave comments on my work. Also sidenote: most of the art I choose isn't mine and all credit goes to the artists, if your art is in here then Great Job and hope your not mad at me. Also Transformers isn't mine and all rights are to creators, but my oc is mine, so DON'T TAKE HER!!

Xena: Now, lets begin the tale, in a-

Creator: Beginning tale now!

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