Learning Curves || Rise Donni...

Bởi PricklyHedgie

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''Go fuck yourself!'' ''Fuck me yourself you coward!'' | - RotTMNT Donnie x Female Reader - This is a smut... Xem Thêm



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Bởi PricklyHedgie

When you got back to the turtle's lair, your blizzard was completely gone and you were in a much better mood—due in no small part to listening to Donnie ramble about his newest invention. "...It will revolutionize the vacuum industry!" he stated as you two nearly walked into Leo and Mikey. The brothers snickered. Donnie rolled his eyes, his excited smile slipping into a distasteful frown.

"Sometimes I wonder if you'll ever get a girlfriend, Don Tron, but then you reassure me it'll never happen," Leo said, in typical brotherly love fashion. Donnie scoffed, unable to cross his arms due to the pizza in his hands.

"Actually, (Y/n) and Donnie-" Donnie swiped Mikey's legs out from under him with his tech bo, and you gasped in surprise.

"Oops," the genius said boredly. Mikey whined as he sat up.

"But I caught you two-"

"Shushushush!" Donnie pushed the end of the staff into Mikey's lips, silencing him. But Leo wasn't quite that oblivious.

"Oh, now I gotta know." He leaned into his brother's personal space, a smug and curious grin on his lips. "Nothing goes on in my team without my knowing about it...or something leader-like like that."

"It doesn't concern the leader, so you can take your nose back out of the matter," Donnie shot back. Leo looked down at the blizzard in your hands, then he grinned like the pieces were falling into place.

"Did you two just come back from a date?" He wiggled his eyebrows obnoxiously, but it only made you smile. He was charming in everything he did, even when he was annoying your purple turtle.

"No, it was not a date, Nardo." Donnie handed the pizza off to you so he could fold his arms.

"(Y/n), chica, was it a date?" Leo asked, leaning into your personal space. You grinned.

"It totally was." The genius gaped at you.

"That's my girl." Leo threw an arm around your shoulders, pulling you into his side playfully. You smiled at the leader as Donnie huffed. "See Don? You can't hide anything from me." Leo put his other hand on his hip, looking as cocky as he felt.

"And I caught them sleeping together," Mikey added, now on his feet beside his leader. Donnie hid his embarrassment with anger, but you would be lying if you said your face wasn't a little more pinkish than it was before. Leo blinked, torn between being impressed his brother got laid and shocked you chose Donnie.

"Michael means sleeping in the same bed." Donnie was unsure who to pin with his glare, so he switched it between his brothers. Leo's grin was mischievous as he nodded slowly, but Mikey nodded along enthusiastically.

"Yeah. Donnie isn't cool enough for, uh, the other thing." Said turtle's jaw dropped as you hid your snicker with a cough.

"Uh, dudes?" Shelldon whizzed by, slowing just enough to add his input. "They've been sleeping together, too. Like, for real." Then he zipped off as Donnie's shout of "SHELLDON!" followed him. Your cheeks were burning now.

Leo leaned close enough for you to feel the teasing energy radiating off him, and he wiggled his eyebrows. "Really?" But he asked like he already knew the answer. So you looked down, shrugging nervously. "Well if that nerd doesn't treat you right, I'll be here." He patted your shoulder, an almost affectionate glint in his eyes as he looked between you and Donnie. "Practice safe sex!" He called over his shoulder as he walked off, Mikey following after him.

"I swear he lets that leader role go to his head, and he uses it to make my life hell," Donnie grumbled through clenched teeth. His arms were tightly flexed in their crossed state, tapping his bo against the ground irritably with his face more colored than usual. You shrugged, trying to let the awkward tension leave your body as the other turtles left the room.

"He cares about you, tho." You glanced back at Leo's retreating form, then at your turtle. "I mean, he doesn't really seem like the type to back down from a challenge, and we both know he was interested in me. He's letting you keep me without a fight." It was a very subtle brotherly way of showing love, but it was what a good leader would do. His team came first.

"Or he realized that you will never like him and he was trying to salvage his dignity." Donnie kept his arms crossed as he headed to his room. You chose not to comment that you were initially interested in Leo as you followed him.

"Hey Donnie, where are you headed?" Raph was heading in the direction the other brothers left, and he stopped beside Donnie's door. "Oh, hey (Y/n)!"

"Hey Raph!"

"I was gonna have a quiet night with (Y/n)," Donnie said, but it almost sounded nervous. "She's had a long day, and tonight was her last game before the match that determines if she goes to state." It didn't sound very important when he phrased it like that, but with the mounting tension leading up to the championship, each game was more draining than the last. Not to mention your emotional turmoil made everything worse.

Raph looked between the two of you, then nodded. "Raph understands. Feel better, alright?" He set a hand on your shoulder, and you smiled up at him. He had that fatherly kindness in his eyes.

Then he walked past you two, heading out of the lair after his brothers. "Well that's convenient. We're alone," you said, vaguely wondering if Donnie planned this.

"Very," Donnie said, echoing the word you liked to use.

"Well I need to shower cuz I stink. You have some clothes I can borrow again?"

"I'll bring them to you if you want to go start showering up," he offered, and you pushed the pizza into his hands as you placed a kiss on his cheek. His tail started wagging under his hoodie.

"Thanks darling!" You headed off to the shower. After stripping, you made sure the water was warm before stepping into the stream. You figured you should bring some shampoo, conditioner, and shower gel down so you could use your own stuff instead of theirs, but you doubted they cared. Their stuff smelled good, and while it definitely made you smell more manly, you couldn't find it in you to care. It was still soap, it still cleaned you just as well—with the added bonus of making you smell like your turtle.

You heard the door open, and Donnie stepped inside to set your clothes on the bathroom counter. Your head peeked around the shower curtain, and you immediately noticed his face was a little more red than green. You could only imagine what he was thinking about.

"You wanna join me?" you asked. His eyes widened, and he seemed stunned into silence for a moment. "The water's fine, and so is the company," you added, sending him a flirty wink. He scoffed, rolling his eyes to distract you from his flushed appearance. "I think it's about time for another lesson, don't you?"

"Fine," he finally grumbled, stripping out of his gear with forced reluctance. "But only because I might need to know for future writing endeavors."

"Do you really need a reason to see me naked?" you asked, an amused grin curving your lips. You stepped back so he could join you, his arms glued into a crossed position while your back moved into the stream of water.

"So what are you going to teach me today?" he asked, pointedly not answering your question. "How to have sexual intercourse in the shower?"

"Nope." Your grin only widened at his shock. "Your shower is tiny! I'm surprised Raph can fit in here."

"Then why am I here?" He stumbled over his words, the shock only making his flustered state more apparent.

"So I can teach you that most showers make sex awkward, and depending on what you want to do, someone might have to deal with the water getting in their eyes." You were scrubbing yourself with soap as you spoke, and you noticed the way his eyes followed your hands. "It doesn't make it impossible, just harder." He nodded along, his arms slowly dropping out of their crossed state until his hands were perfectly positioned in front of his dick. This ironically drew your attention to it, and his blush only got worse. "What's wrong, darling?"

"How are you so comfortable being naked in front of me?" he asked softly. "I still don't- I don't understand how-" He struggled to find the words, and you gently took his hands in yours as you looked him in the eyes. He hesitantly let you pull his hands away from his body, his gaze flickering away from you.

"Because every time I show you my body, your eyes light up, and you smile without realizing it, and you look downright ecstatic. I might have insecurities and flaws and things I hate about how I look, but you don't see them." You chuckled. "And not just because you're busy staring at my boobs." He smiled back at you, your reassurance getting through to him.

"So...you like what you see?" he asked nervously, holding out his arms to let you see all of him. You took your time dragging your eyes up and down his body, unabashedly licking your lips.

"I love what I see, and I always will." You finally pulled your eyes back up to his. "With a body like yours, I genuinely don't know what you could be insecure about." He opened his mouth and you shushed him with a kiss. "My point is I see no flaws, just like you see no flaws when you look at me." He nodded slowly, the logic checking out.

"Alright." He watched you soap up then rinse yourself off, not even realizing he was staring. As you turned to face the showerhead, you backed up so your ass pressed against his dick. He gasped, seeing you fail to hide your smirk. "You did that on purpose!"

"Where's your proof, genius?" you teased, 'accidentally' pressing into him further as you looked over your shoulder at him. He put his hands on your hips, keeping you against him as he glared at you.

"You're trying to start something you won't finish."

"Who says I won't finish?" You grinned cheekily. He sighed before a small smile cracked his annoyed exterior.

"And how will you do that?"

"Depends on what kind of lesson my student wants." There was a mischievous twinkle in your eyes as you turned to face him, draping your arms around his neck as he pulled you closer by your hips so you were flush against him.

"I'll take anything I can get my hands on." His hands moved to squeeze your ass, and you let out a quiet gasp.

"Then I've got an idea. How do you feel about me sitting on your face?"

His eyes widened. "What?"

"I'm not going to suffocate you," you laughed, patting his arm reassuringly. "I've been told guys love it."

"I'm willing to try it," he said, throwing some false confidence into his tone.

"You don't have to agree, darling." You set a soft hand on his cheek, and he placed his hand over yours.

"Well it's my duty as an author and scientist to see if it's worth the hype." Despite how far the two of you had gone past needing an excuse, he still liked to claim it was all for science. What a dork.

You shrugged. "Suit yourself. But since I know you get tired afterwards, I'll treat you once you're done helping me out." You winked, and he rose a brow.

"Treat me? How so?"

"Shh, spoilers." You rested a finger on his lips, and he rolled his eyes.

"You're intolerable."

"And you're insufferable, darling." You tapped his nose then went up on your toes to kiss him. He kept you pressed against him with his hands on your hips, and your hands cupped his cheeks as you leaned into the kiss. The shower water cascaded down your back, a comforting warmth as you kissed him, before you pulled back just enough to look at him properly.

"Did you want to wash up quick?" You two switched places, and he sighed in delight as he enjoyed the warm water. You were pretty sure he was an aquatic turtle, so no doubt this was his element. He let it pelt his soft shell like rain as he closed his eyes, lost in the feeling before you gently started stroking his dick.

Donnie's eyes flew open in surprise as a scarlet hue coated his cheeks, and you grinned innocently as you kept stroking him. He didn't stop you, and it was clear his attention wasn't on the water anymore.

"I'm ready to take this to the bedroom whenever you are!" you said sweetly.

"Great, let's go." He shut off the water and gestured for you to lead the way. You let out a laugh as you complied, wiping yourself down with a towel. He didn't let you finish before he was pushing you out the bathroom door. You swiped your clothes to change into later, and hurried into Donnie's room.

"Shelldon?" Donnie called into the room, but the drone didn't signal he was there. So Donnie locked the door as you sat down on his bed. "So how does this work?" Always ready to learn, he stood in front of you, an eagerness in his posture.

"Lay down." You patted the bed and he did, scratching his computer-less wrist. You straddled him, then slowly shuffled up on your knees until you were sitting just below his chin on his plastron. "Do you remember what I taught you about head?" He nodded, and you watched the dots connect in his mind.

"Oh, so by sitting on my face, I can give you oral!" he concluded, understanding it now.

"And you can be smothered between my thighs!" you joked, sending him a playful wink. He grinned.

"I'm ok with this. I'll die doing what I love." That could be interpreted multiple ways, so you just shook your head.

"You ready? You can still back out if you want."

"No, I want this." He hooked his arms around your thighs, pulling you closer.

"Alright." You sat up. "Tap my thigh if you need me to move so you can breathe." You shuffled higher up on the bed and gently lowered yourself over his mouth. You felt his tongue run along your folds and gasped, your hands balling on your thighs. He kept his hands on your thighs, keeping you over him as his tongue slowly slid over your clit. You let out a breathy moan as he circled it with his tongue, and you gently squeezed his head with your thighs as his hot breath fanned across you.

You couldn't focus on anything other than him, and your hands covered his on your thighs. "Oh fuck Donnie, just like that!" you said breathily. Evidently he had learned exactly what you liked from the last time he'd put his head between your thighs, almost like he had more experience than he let on. While your thighs started shaking, and your moans became louder, you wondered just how exactly he could be so good at this.

His tongue drew slow circles around your clit, and your thighs shaking only made him smirk. Your eyes were closed as you felt the waves of pleasure, your climax coming faster than you expected. You tried to distract yourself so you could prevent it, but it was impossible. Every little whimper or moan you made he learned from, trying to bring you the most pleasure he could. And damn if he wasn't good at it.

It wasn't long before you were gasping out, "Donnie~" He slowed some as he felt you moan loudly, but continued until you sat up, laughing lightly. "Ouch, heh."

"Did I hurt you?" he asked quickly, sitting up so you fell into his lap. You shook your head.

"Just sensitive." He made an 'O' face then smiled gently, resting his hands on your hips.

"Did I do good?"

"Amazing." You were still a little short of breath because of what he'd done. His smile widened at your praise, and his tail would be wagging if it wasn't stuck under him. He wiped his face from your juices, cataloging that in his mind as proof you finished.

You slid out of his lap so you could lay between his legs, gently pushing him so he was laying back down. His eyes widened, suddenly nervous. "What are you doing?"

"Giving you your treat!" you said simply, grinning innocently before tilting his dick up with your hand and licking the end of it. He let out a gasp, his hand moving to hold the back of your head. His fingers tangled in your hair but you didn't mind, instead focusing on swirling the tip of his dick in your mouth. He moaned, twitching under your touch.

You smirked and ran your tongue up the side of his dick. Everything you did elicited an excited moan from his throat, but his gaze stayed on you. You met his eyes as you slowly took his entire girthy package into your mouth, nearly gagging as it hit the back of your throat.

"Oh (Y/n)~" Donnie moaned out, his hand in your hair tightening. You stopped, curious if he would encourage you with his hand. He did hesitantly, and you let him bob your head up and down on him. His breathing was mostly quick pants between quiet moans, and he watched you with half-open, darkly lustful eyes.

You moved up and down on his penis, sucking and sliding your tongue along his length. "Just like that~" he breathed, shuddering under your touch. Some pre-cum leaked out and you licked it up. You looked up at him, increasing your speed, and he moaned louder.

"You look so pretty on my dick, ma copine~" Your face went red and your eyes darted away. "Oh (Y/n), you feel so good~" Your pace increased as fast as you could go, wanting to hear his praise.

Donnie lasted as long as you—which is to say, not long at all. You felt his dick twitch then his warm cum shot into your mouth, and you swallowed it up as he rode down his high. With your mouth still around him, you saw him flinch as you slowly pulled away.

"Ouch, sensitive," he whined. You grinned as you sat back, a playful gleam in your eye. It wasn't much, but it was payback for him continuing after you came. "Did I, um, finish too fast?" he asked quietly, secretly thinking you were making fun of him with your grin. You shook your head.

"I'll be honest: I never understood that. If I give some damn good head and you cum fast, that's glowing praise all on its own. Besides, anyone that says they want to be sucking a guy off for an hour is a liar." Your easy-going explanation and honesty seemed to shatter his self-conscious thoughts—or at least soothe him enough for him to relax—and his hand in your hair started playing with the (h/c) strands.

"Why do we become so sensitive to stimulus after the climax?" he wondered aloud, still wanting to learn. Sure you were the teacher in this scenario, but that felt like a fun fact he'd be the one to know. You rose one shoulder in a shrug as you climbed off his bed to dress yourself.

"No idea. But uh, good job on the dirty talk. I kinda have a praise kink," you admitted, trying to keep your tone light despite your mild embarrassment at the confession.

"Oh I'm aware." You didn't like his smirk. Your gaze narrowed at him as you walked over to grab the pizza he set on his desk. Sticking a slice in your mouth, you placed it on the bed as he ran to the bathroom to retrieve his gear.

You got comfy on the bed, knowing both of you were tired and you wanted aftercare cuddles. When Donnie returned, you patted the bed, and he happily curled up next to you, hugging you to his plastron. You fed him a piece of pizza since his hands were busy and used your other hand to pull up something to watch on your phone.

"We don't do this often enough," he mumbled into your shoulder.

"I agree. I can try to teach you more if you want more lessons, I just didn't want to overwhelm you." You'd think for a smut fic, there'd be more smut. But hey, there's a time and a place, and smut for the sake of smut detracted more from a story than it provided. And a part of you wanted every time with him to be special—even though there were only so many lessons you could teach him, and you were starting to run out of ideas for your teaching curriculum.

"My writing suffers because of your inattention," he scolded you, but even now he couldn't pretend to be mad. With his brain buzzing with love chemicals, he was just happy to be in your presence. You shoved pizza into his mouth to shut him up.

"You haven't written much lately anyway. What, you don't love Atomic Lass as much anymore?" you teased, but you were rather curious too.

He chewed his bite then took a hand off you to hold the piece of pizza so he could speak. "While she'll always hold a special place in my heart, another has stolen my love. And she's much more deserving of my time—and not just because she's actually real." He hugged you tighter to him, his tail wagging happily. You aww'd quietly and kissed his cheek.

"You're a precious turtle when you're like this," you commented, pinching his cheek. He scowled at you, but despite his efforts, he still looked adorable.

"And you're an arrogant, prideful, parent-pleaser." Yet those words didn't seem as accurate as they were before.

You grinned. "Aw, you're too cute, D."

He rolled his eyes to high heaven, not taking you seriously, but his cheeks still turned pink. And as the minutes ticked on, he kept his eyes closed, tired enough to pass out holding the woman he loved. And with your stomach full, being held by your favorite pompous jerk, you were close behind him.

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